WebBrowser option greyed out in toolbox (Visual Studio 2019) - visual-studio

I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and I am trying to add a web browser to my form but it won't let me. I'm new to VS and I'm not sure how to fix this.

Are you using .NET Core or .NET Framework?
I think some of the controls do not work with Core yet. See https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-net-core-windows-forms-designer-preview-1/
When creating the project, select Windows Form (.NET Framework) instead of just Windows Form.
If this is not the issue try the following:
Right click on the Toolbox windows and choose Reset Toolbox, restart the VisualStudio.
Right click on the Toolbox windows and choose Choose Items…, under .NET Framework Components tab and make sure the WebBrowser option is checked.
Re-run the VisualStudio 2019 installer as administrator, click the icon beside Launch and choose Repair.


Visual Studio Code 2022 Community: get and enable all windows elements (controls) from toolbox

I am using Visual Studio Code 2022 Community IDE. When I am working on a web form designer and opening the toolbox not all windows forms elements (controls) are available. I do right-click on toolbox - show all and when I click on all windows forms dropdown list all elements from list "all windows forms" are blocked and I can't drag none of those to web form designer.
I also do right-click on toolbox - choose items - reset all configuration and I've got same problem. And go start - visual studio 2022 - visual studio installer and clicking by repair option and there is no solution.
How can I do to get all windows forms elements (controls) available and enabled and unlocked to drag any control to web form designer?

Can't find server explorer Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

I'm trying to make a C# application and I need the server explorer but I can't find it when I click on View menu. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2015. Is it disabled or did I do something wrong?
If it is missing you can modify your View menu using the following instructions:
Open Visual Studio
Go to Tools > Customize...
Click the Commands tab
Select View from the Menu Bar dropdown (make sure the Menu Bar radio button is selected)
Scroll down the menu window until you see Solution Explorer and select it.
Click the Add Command... button
Scroll down the Categories list and select View
Scroll down the resulting Commands list and select Server Explorer
Click the OK button
The Bad
If you double click on the solution (SLN) file, the result is this.
If you close the solution, the result is this.
The Good
If you close Visual Studio 2015, and then just run it without opening any solution, the result is this.
The Ugly
Click on File,
Browse to your solution's folder,
Select the solution file,
Click the Open button.
There you go! You will now find it under the View menu. I have a screenshot to prove it.
Just a little something for posterity.
Microsoft Blend for Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01
Update 3 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.02046
Installed Version: Blend
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2012.2 4.1.41102.0
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013 5.2.40314.0
NuGet Package Manager 3.5.0
Running on Windows 10.0.15063 (64-bit).

Telerik Controls inclusion in Visual Studio 2013 for windows desktop

Now only i installed visual studio 2013 for windows desktop to create some applications. i don't know how to include the third party control (Telerik Controls) into it. So help me to fix this.
Follow the below steps to add the control in the toolbox
Using the Visual Studio menus
Run Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013.
Open any windows forms project/solution.
Expand the Toolbox.
Right-click the Toolbox in the empty area underneath and choose Add Tab to create a new tab. Name the tab " Telerik UI for WinForms ".
Open a Windows Explorer and locate the Telerik assemblies folder.
Select the following assemblies and drag-drop them to the empty space in the newly created tab in Visual Studio:
Note for point 5:
If you have installed the controls with the default settings then it
would be this directory: "C:\Program Files\Telerik\UI for
WinForms\Version\Bin" for most the .NET2.0 version of our assemblies
and "C:\Program Files\Telerik\UI for WinForms\Version\Bin40" for the
.NET4.0 version of the assemblies (note that currently RadRichTextBox
and RadSpellChecker are only available in the .NET4.0 version).
References -
Adding RadControls to Visual Studio Toolbox
Manually add RadControls for WinForms to the VS Toolbox
All Rad controls gone from Toolbox!

I don't see silverlight tab (and controls) after I've installed Silverlight 4 tools for visual studio 2010

I've just successfully installed Silverlight 4 tools for visual studio 2010. But I can't see any Silverlight tab in the tools box. Is there any configuration I need to proceed to.
Thanks for helping.
Try creating a new project in C# or VB. you should see an option to create a silverlight project and you will then be able to see the new controls in the toolbox.
It looks like you go about it in a different way. Try creating a Silverlight application then select type as ASP.NET-MVC

How do I install the Visual Web Developer feature for Visual Studio 2010

I have Visual Studio 2010 Premium installed, and I want to install the Silverlight 4 SDK.
The SDK says that it requires the Visual Web Developer feature for Visual Studio 2010. Any idea as to how to install, or activate this feature?
Run the Visual Studio installer and double check the installed components. Make sure Web Developer is enabled (Web Developer should be part of the standard installation for VS 2010 Premium) and then hit OK.
Once the installation has completed try installing the Silverlight SDK again.
Rerun visual studio setup
Select modify
Choose option "Microsoft web Developer Tools"
With Windows Azure, this is not as straightforward, because there is no separate VS installer. After launching VS2010SP1AzurePack.2E2.2E1.exe, you will eventually get this message. Once you do, click OK. Then on the next screen, where it has all the software products listed and the "I Accept" button is grayed out, scroll down to the "Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (Dependency)" line, and click on the "Direct Download" link underneath it. Run the "vwd_web.exe" file that it downloaded, and it will install Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. Once that completes, click on the "I Decline" button back on the list of products. That returns you to the first screen. Now click the "Install" button - the message will not appear, and the "I Accept" button on the next screen will now be enabled.
In my case, I had already chosen the Web Dev feature, and performed the following
New Project
Cloud Project
Get Azure SDK
Click the Download Azure button
WebPI kicked off
Closed VS
Clicked Accept
Azure SDK (2.9.1) installed.
