Putting memory limits with .NET core - performance

I am building a ML application for binary classification using ML.NET. It will have multiple ML models of varying sizes (built using different training data) which will be stored in SQL server database as Blob. Clients will send items for classification to this app in random order and based on client ID, corresponding model is to be used for classification. To classify item, model needs be read from database and then loaded into memory. Loading model in memory is taking considerable time depending on size and I don't see any way to optimize it. Hence I am planning to cache models in memory. If I cache many heavy models, it may put pressure on memory hampering performance of other processes running on server. So there is no straightforward way to limit caching. So looking for suggestions to handle this.

Spawn a new process
In my opinion this is the only viable option to accomplish what you're trying to do. Spawn a complete new process that communicates (via IPC?) with your "main application". You could set a memory limit using this property https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.gcmemoryinfo.totalavailablememorybytes?view=net-5.0 or maybe even use a 3rd-party-library (e.g. https://github.com/lowleveldesign/process-governor), that kills your process if it reaches a specific amount of RAM. Both of these approaches are quite rough and will basically kill your process.
If you have control over your side car application running, it might make sense to really monitor the RAM usage with something like this Getting a process's ram usage and gracefully stop the process.
Do it yourself solution (not recommended)
Basically there is no built in way of limiting memory usage by thread or similar.
What counts towards the memory limit?
Shared resources
Since you have a running process, you need to define what exactly counts towards the memory limit. For example if you have some static Dictionary that is manipulated by the running thread - what did it occupy? Only the diff between the old value and the new value? The whole new value? The key and the value?
There are many more cases like this you'll have to take into consideration.
The actual measuring
You need some kind of way to count the actual memory usage. This will probably be hard/near impossible to "implement":
Reference counting needed?
If you have a hostile thread, it might spawn an infinite amount of references to one object, no new keyword used. For each reference you'd have to count 32/64 bits.
What about built in types?
It might be "easy" to measure a byte[] included in your own type definition, but what about built in classes? If someone initializes a string with 100MB this might be an amount you need to keep track of.
... and many more ...
As you maybe noticed with previous samples, there is no easy definition of "RAM used by a thread". This is the reason there also is no easy to get the value of it.
In my opinion it's insanely complex to do such a thing and needs a lot of definition work to do on your side. It might be feasable with lots of effort but I'm not sure if that really is what you want. Even if you manage to - what will do you about it? Only killing the thread might not clean up the ressources.
Therefore I'd really think about having a OS managed, independent, process, that you can kill whenever you feel like it.

How big are your models? Even large models 100meg+ load pretty quickly off of fast/SSD storage. I would consider caching them on fast drives/SSDs, because pulling off of SQL Server is going to be much slower than raw disk. See if this helps your performance.


Would threading be beneficial for this situation?

I have a CSV file with over 1 million rows. I also have a database that contains such data in a formatted way.
I want to check and verify the data in the CSV file and the data in the database.
Is it beneficial/reduces time to thread reading from the CSV file and use a connection pool to the database?
How well does Ruby handle threading?
I am using MongoDB, also.
It's hard to say without knowing some more details about the specifics of what you want the app to feel like when someone initiates this comparison. So, to answer, some general advice that should apply fairly well regardless of the problem you might want to thread.
Threading does NOT make something computationally less costly
Threading doesn't make things less costly in terms of computation time. It just lets two things happen in parallel. So, beware that you're not falling into the common misconception that, "Threading makes my app faster because the user doesn't wait for things." - this isn't true, and threading actually adds quite a bit of complexity.
So, if you kick off this DB vs. CSV comparison task, threading isn't going to make that comparison take any less time. What it might do is allow you to tell the user, "Ok, I'm going to check that for you," right away, while doing the comparison in a separate thread of execution. You still have to figure out how to get back to the user when the comparison is done.
Think about WHY you want to thread, rather than simply approaching it as whether threading is a good solution for long tasks
Like I said above, threading doesn't make things faster. At best, it uses computing resources in a way that is either more efficient, or gives a better user experience, or both.
If the user of the app (maybe it's just you) doesn't mind waiting for the comparison to run, then don't add threading because you're just going to add complexity and it won't be any faster. If this comparison takes a long time and you'd rather "do it in the background" then threading might be an answer for you. Just be aware that if you do this you're then adding another concern, which is, how do you update the user when the background job is done?
Threading involves extra overhead and app complexity, which you will then have to manage within your app - tread lightly
There are other concerns as well, such as, how do I schedule that worker thread to make sure it doesn't hog the computing resources? Are the setting of thread priorities an option in my environment, and if so, how will adjusting them affect the use of computing resources?
Threading and the extra overhead involved will almost definitely make your comparison take LONGER (in terms of absolute time it takes to do the comparison). The real advantage is if you don't care about completion time (the time between when the comparison starts and when it is done) but instead the responsiveness of the app to the user, and/or the total throughput that can be achieved (e.g. the number of simultaneous comparisons you can be running, and as a result the total number of comparisons you can complete within a given time span).
Threading doesn't guarantee that your available CPU cores are used efficiently
See Green Threads vs. native threads - some languages (depending on their threading implementation) can schedule threads across CPUs.
Threading doesn't necessarily mean your threads wind up getting run in multiple physical CPU cores - in fact in many cases they definitely won't. If all your app's threads run on the same physical core, then they aren't truly running in parallel - they are just splitting CPU time in a way that may make them look like they are running in parallel.
For these reasons, depending on the structure of your app, it's often less complicated to send background tasks to a separate worker process (process, not thread), which can easily be scheduled onto available CPU cores at the OS level. Separate processes (as opposed to separate threads) also remove a lot of the scheduling concerns within your app, because you essentially offload the decision about how to schedule things onto the OS itself.
This last point is pretty important. OS schedulers are extremely likely to be smarter and more efficiently designed than whatever algorithm you might come up with in your app.

Clojure Time Series Analysis

I have a large data set (200GB uncompressed, 9GB compressed in bz2 -9 ) of stock tick data.
I want to run some basic time series analysis on them.
My machine has 16GB of RAM.
I would prefer to:
keep all data, compressed, in memory
decompress that data on the fly, and stream it [so nothing ever hits disk]
do all analysis in memory
Now, I think there's nice interactions here with Clojure's laziness, and future objects (i.e. I can define objects s.t. when I try to access them, I'll decompress them on the fly.)
Question: what are the things I should keep in mind when doing high performance time series analysis in Clojure?
I'm particular interested in tricks involving:
efficiently storing tick data in memory
efficiently doing computation
weird convolutions to reduce # of passes over the data
Books / articles / research paper suggestions welcome. (I'm a CS PhD student).
Some ideas:
In terms of storing the compressed data, I don't think you will be able to do much better than your OS's own file system caching. Just make sure it s configured to use 11GB+ of RAM for file system caching and it should pull your whole compressed data set into memory as it is read the first time.
You should then be able to define your Clojure code to pull into the data lazily via a ZipInputStream, which will perform the decompression for you.
If you need to perform a second pass on the data, just create a new ZipInputStream on the same file. OS level caching should ensure that you don't hit the disk again.
I have heard of systems like that implemented in Java. It is possible. You'll certainly want to understand how to create your own lazy sequences in order to accomplish this. I also wouldn't hesitate to drop down into Java if you need to make sure that you're dealing with the primitive types that you want to deal with. e.g. Clojure won't generate code to do math on 32-bit ints, it will only generate code to work with longs, and if you don't want that it could be a pain.
It would also be worth some effort to make your in-memory format compatible with a disk format. That would give you the option of memory mapping files, or (at the very least) make your startup easy if your program were to crash. e.g. It could just read the files on disk to recover its previous state.

What to avoid for performance reasons in multithreaded code?

I'm currently reviewing/refactoring a multithreaded application which is supposed to be multithreaded in order to be able to use all the available cores and theoretically deliver a better / superior performance (superior is the commercial term for better :P)
What are the things I should be aware when programming multithreaded applications?
I mean things that will greatly impact performance, maybe even to the point where you don't gain anything with multithreading at all but lose a lot by design complexity. What are the big red flags for multithreading applications?
Should I start questioning the locks and looking to a lock-free strategy or are there other points more important that should light a warning light?
Edit: The kind of answers I'd like are similar to the answer by Janusz, I want red warnings to look up in code, I know the application doesn't perform as well as it should, I need to know where to start looking, what should worry me and where should I put my efforts. I know it's kind of a general question but I can't post the entire program and if I could choose one section of code then I wouldn't be needing to ask in the first place.
I'm using Delphi 7, although the application will be ported / remake in .NET (c#) for the next year so I'd rather hear comments that are applicable as a general practice, and if they must be specific to either one of those languages
One thing to definitely avoid is lots of write access to the same cache lines from threads.
For example: If you use a counter variable to count the number of items processed by all threads, this will really hurt performance because the CPU cache lines have to synchronize whenever the other CPU writes to the variable.
One thing that decreases performance is having two threads with much hard drive access. The hard drive would jump from providing data for one thread to the other and both threads would wait for the disk all the time.
Something to keep in mind when locking: lock for as short a time as possible. For example, instead of this:
bool value = askSomeSharedResourceForSomeValue();
if (value)
Do this (if possible):
bool value = false;
value = askSomeSharedResourceForSomeValue();
if (value)
Of course, this example only works if DoSomethingIfTrue() and DoSomethingIfFalse() don't require synchronization, but it illustrates this point: locking for as short a time as possible, while maybe not always improving your performance, will improve the safety of your code in that it reduces surface area for synchronization problems.
And in certain cases, it will improve performance. Staying locked for long lengths of time means that other threads waiting for access to some resource are going to be waiting longer.
More threads then there are cores, typically means that the program is not performing optimally.
So a program which spawns loads of threads usually is not designed in the best fashion. A good example of this practice are the classic Socket examples where every incoming connection got it's own thread to handle of the connection. It is a very non scalable way to do things. The more threads there are, the more time the OS will have to use for context switching between threads.
You should first be familiar with Amdahl's law.
If you are using Java, I recommend the book Java Concurrency in Practice; however, most of its help is specific to the Java language (Java 5 or later).
In general, reducing the amount of shared memory increases the amount of parallelism possible, and for performance that should be a major consideration.
Threading with GUI's is another thing to be aware of, but it looks like it is not relevant for this particular problem.
What kills performance is when two or more threads share the same resources. This could be an object that both use, or a file that both use, a network both use or a processor that both use. You cannot avoid these dependencies on shared resources but if possible, try to avoid sharing resources.
Run-time profilers may not work well with a multi-threaded application. Still, anything that makes a single-threaded application slow will also make a multi-threaded application slow. It may be an idea to run your application as a single-threaded application, and use a profiler, to find out where its performance hotspots (bottlenecks) are.
When it's running as a multi-threaded aplication, you can use the system's performance-monitoring tool to see whether locks are a problem. Assuming that your threads would lock instead of busy-wait, then having 100% CPU for several threads is a sign that locking isn't a problem. Conversely, something that looks like 50% total CPU utilitization on a dual-processor machine is a sign that only one thread is running, and so maybe your locking is a problem that's preventing more than one concurrent thread (when counting the number of CPUs in your machine, beware multi-core and hyperthreading).
Locks aren't only in your code but also in the APIs you use: e.g. the heap manager (whenever you allocate and delete memory), maybe in your logger implementation, maybe in some of the O/S APIs, etc.
Should I start questioning the locks and looking to a lock-free strategy
I always question the locks, but have never used a lock-free strategy; instead my ambition is to use locks where necessary, so that it's always threadsafe but will never deadlock, and to ensure that locks are acquired for a tiny amount of time (e.g. for no more than the amount of time it takes to push or pop a pointer on a thread-safe queue), so that the maximum amount of time that a thread may be blocked is insignificant compared to the time it spends doing useful work.
You don't mention the language you're using, so I'll make a general statement on locking. Locking is fairly expensive, especially the naive locking that is native to many languages. In many cases you are reading a shared variable (as opposed to writing). Reading is threadsafe as long as it is not taking place simultaneously with a write. However, you still have to lock it down. The most naive form of this locking is to treat the read and the write as the same type of operation, restricting access to the shared variable from other reads as well as writes. A read/writer lock can dramatically improve performance. One writer, infinite readers. On an app I've worked on, I saw a 35% performance improvement when switching to this construct. If you are working in .NET, the correct lock is the ReaderWriterLockSlim.
I recommend looking into running multiple processes rather than multiple threads within the same process, if it is a server application.
The benefit of dividing the work between several processes on one machine is that it is easy to increase the number of servers when more performance is needed than a single server can deliver.
You also reduce the risks involved with complex multithreaded applications where deadlocks, bottlenecks etc reduce the total performance.
There are commercial frameworks that simplifies server software development when it comes to load balancing and distributed queue processing, but developing your own load sharing infrastructure is not that complicated compared with what you will encounter in general in a multi-threaded application.
I'm using Delphi 7
You might be using COM objects, then, explicitly or implicitly; if you are, COM objects have their own complications and restrictions on threading: Processes, Threads, and Apartments.
You should first get a tool to monitor threads specific to your language, framework and IDE. Your own logger might do fine too (Resume Time, Sleep Time + Duration). From there you can check for bad performing threads that don't execute much or are waiting too long for something to happen, you might want to make the event they are waiting for to occur as early as possible.
As you want to use both cores you should check the usage of the cores with a tool that can graph the processor usage on both cores for your application only, or just make sure your computer is as idle as possible.
Besides that you should profile your application just to make sure that the things performed within the threads are efficient, but watch out for premature optimization. No sense to optimize your multiprocessing if the threads themselves are performing bad.
Looking for a lock-free strategy can help a lot, but it is not always possible to get your application to perform in a lock-free way.
Threads don't equal performance, always.
Things are a lot better in certain operating systems as opposed to others, but if you can have something sleep or relinquish its time until it's signaled...or not start a new process for virtually everything, you're saving yourself from bogging the application down in context switching.

On-demand paging to allow analysis of large amounts of data

I am working on an analysis tool that reads output from a process and continuously converts this to an internal format. After the "logging phase" is complete, analysis is done on the data. The data is all held in memory.
However, due to the fact that all logged information is held in memory, there is a limit on the duration of the logging. For most use cases this is ok, but it should be possible to run for longer, even if this will hurt performance.
Ideally, the program should be able to start using hard drive space in addition to RAM once the RAM usage reaches a certain limit.
This leads to my question:
Are there any existing solutions for doing this? It has to work on both Unix and Windows.
To use the disk after memory is full, we use Cache technologies such as EhCache. They can be configured with the amount of memory to use, and to overflow to disk.
But they also have smarter algorithms you can configure as needed, such as sending to disk data not used in the last 10 minutes etc... This could be a plus for you.
Without knowing more about your application it is not possible to provide a perfect answer. However it does sound a bit like you are re-inventing the wheel. Have you considered using an in-process database library like sqlite?
If you used that or similar it will take care of moving the data to and from the disk and memory and give you powerful SQL query capabilities at the same time. Even if your logging data is in a custom format if each item has a key or index of some kind a small light database may be a good fit.
This might seem too obvious, but what about memory mapped files? This does what you want and even allows a 32 bit application to use much more than 4GB of memory. The principle is simple, you allocate the memory you need (on disk) and then map just a portion of that into system memory. You could, for example, map something like 75% of the available physical memory size. Then work on it, and when you need another portion of the data, just re-map. The downside to this is that you have to do the mapping manually, but that's not necessarily bad. The good thing is that you can use more data than what fits into physical memory and into the per-process memory limit. It works really great if you actually use only part of the data at any given time.
There may be libraries that do this automatically, like the one KLE suggested (though I do not know that one). Doing it manually means you'll learn a lot about it and have more control, though I'd prefer a library if it does exactly what you want with regard to how and when the disk is being used.
This works similar on both Windows on Unix. For Windows, here is an article by Raymond Chen that shows a simple example.

Do static classes cause performance issues on multi-core systems?

the other day a colleague of mine stated that using static classes can cause performance issues on multi-core systems, because the static instance cannot be shared between the processor caches. Is that right? Are there some benchmarks around proofing this statement? This statement was made in the context of .Net development (with C#) related discussion, but it sounds to me like a language and environment independent problem.
Thx for your comments.
I would push your colleague for data or at least references.
The thing is, if you've got shared data, you've got shared data. Whether that's exposed through static classes, a singleton, whatever, isn't terribly important. If you don't need the shared data in the first place, I expect you wouldn't have a static class anyway.
Besides all of this, in any given application there's likely to be a much bigger bottleneck than processor caches for shared data in static classes.
As ever, write the most sensible, readable, maintainable code first - then work out if you have a performance bottleneck and act accordingly.
"[a] static instance cannot be shared between the processor caches. Is that right?"
That statement doesn't make much sense to me. The point of each processor's dedicated cache is that it contains a private copy of a small patch of memory, so that if the processor is doing some algorithm that only needs to access that particular memory region then it doesn't have to go to keep going back to access the external memory. If we're talking about the static fields inside a static class, the memory for those fields may all fit into a contiguous chunk of memory that will in turn fit into a single processor's (or core's) dedicated cache. But they each have their own cached copy - it's not "shared". That's the point of caches.
If an algorithm's working set is bigger than a cache then it will defeat that cache. Meaning that as the algorithm runs, it repeatedly causes the processor to pull data from external memory, because all the necessary pieces won't fit in the cache at once. But this is a general problem that doesn't apply specifically to static classes.
I wonder if your colleague was actually talking not about performance but about the need to apply correct locking if multiple threads are reading/writing the same data?
If multiple threads are writing to that data, you'll have cache thrashing (the write on one CPU's cache invalidates the caches of the other CPUs). Your friend is technically correct, but there's a good chance it's not your primary bottleneck, so it doesn't matter.
If multiple threads are reading the data, your friend is flat-out wrong.
If you don't use any kind of locks or synchronization then static-vs.-non-static won't have any influence on your performance.
If you're using synchronization then you could run into a problem if all threads need to acquire the same lock, but that's only a side-effect of the static-ness and not a direct result of the methods being static.
In any "virtual machine" controlled language (.NET, Java, etc) this control is likely delegated to the underlying OS and likely further down to the BIOS and other scheduling controls. That being said, in the two biggies, .NET and Java, static vs. non-static is a memory issue, not a CPU issue.
Re-iterating saua's point, the impact on the CPU comes from the synchronization and thread control, not the access to the static information.
The problem with CPU cache management is not limited to only static methods. Only one CPU can update any memory address at a time. An object in your virtual machine, and specifically a field in your object, is a pointer to said memory address. Thus, even if I have a mutable object Foo, calling setBar(true) on Foo will only be allowed on a single CPU at a time.
All that being said, the point of .NET and Java is that you shouldn't be spending your time sweating these problems until you can prove that you have a problem and I doubt you will.
if you share mutable data between threads, you need either a lock or a lock-free algorithm (seldom available, and sometimes hard to use, unfortunately).
having few, widely used, lock-arbitrated resources can get you to bottlenecks.
static data is similar to a single-instance resource.
if many threads access static data, and you use a lock to arbitrate, your threads are going to fight for access.
when designing a highly multithreaded app, try to use many fine-grained locks. split your data so that a thread can grab one piece and run with it, hopefully no other thread will need to wait for it because they're busy with their own pieces of data.
x86 architecture implements cache-snooping to keep data caches in sync on writes should they happen to cache the same thing... Not all architectures do that in hardware, some depend on software to make sure that the case never occurs.
Even if it were true, I suspect you have plenty of better ways to improve performance. When it gets down to changing static to instance, for processor caching, you'll know you are really pushing the envelope.
