deepin-terminal: The drop-down menu does not disappear when I click with the left mouse button - ubuntu-20.04

In the deepin terminal the drop-down menu appears when I click with the right mouse button but it does not disappear when I click with the left mouse button but only by pressing the "Esc" key, why?
I'm using Ubuntu Desktop 20.04.3 LTS 64-bit.
If I use Deepin desktop instead of other desktop environments (Gnome Desktop, Cinnamon), the problem doesn't arise.
How to solve the problem regardless of the Desktop environment used?


How to move windows10 window control button to the right?

After last update of Vscode the window control button are hiding the Vscode menu. See top left (in white border) in the image below.
I am running Windows10 Pro.
Is there a way to move those buttons to the top-right corner?
Following the suggested link by #Mark, the issue is of Vscode integration into Windows 10.
I spent some time looking how to perform the change.
Open (hidden) File menu using ATL-F
Select Preferences-> setting
Serach for window.experimental.windowControlsOverlay.enabled
Option should not be checked
See the screenshot below: (note: vscode will request & should restart)

Intellij Maven Sidebar invisible when minimized on Mac OS

I am new to running IntelliJ on a Mac. On Windows, it's possible to "minimize" the Maven "toolbar" to the right edge of the screen:
On my Mac, minimizing this makes the bar disappear. Why is that? How can I change this?
Probably you've toggled tool windows view (this could be done by hitting Alt twice, or by clicking most-left bottom icon):
If you click this button, tool window bars and buttons are shown. At the same time the button, appearance toggles to show hide tool window bars. If you click the button again, the tool window bars and buttons are hidden again.
More info in Working with Tool Windows

Select and open selected Finder window using keyboard

Press CMD+TAB to see all applications opened.
Using left-right arrows select Finder.
Using up-down arrors open Finder windows selection.
Using arrows select (get blue border) Finder window.
And now how can I open selected finder window?
Just hit the ENTER/RETURN key.
Tested locally on Yosemite 10.10.5. It may matter that I release the command key after up/down on Finder, before left/right selecting the window and hitting ENTER.

el capitan or macOS sierra: move window to right hand desktop

With osascript/applescript or bash, how can one move the currently focussed/foregrounded window to the desktop on the right?
When doing this manually by hand, I first click and hold mouse on the title bar of a window, then press Control-2 (2 means second desktop)
But I want to automate this.

Teamviewer - Send Control Key to Mac from Windows

I'm TV'ing from a remote location to my mac to play around with XCode (on a windows pc). Within the interface builder, I'm trying to perform the control drag action. I tried pressing the ctrl button and dragging a view controller but nothing happens. If it's of any significant, I have send key combinations checked.
As a workaround, instead of control dragging try control clicking on the object you wanted to drag from. The black pop up box that lists the object's outlets etc will appear, and from there you can left-click drag from the circles to wherever you want.
Try the windows key, it will function similar to OSX Command key
Can confirm on Mac using TeamViewer 10.0.52680, right-click or control-click on an object on a story board and simply left-click dragging to the view controller will create the proper referencing outlet.
If you have issues with the right click, go to TeamViewer preferences on the machine you are removing from, go to Advanced > General and select "Use control and mouse click as right mouse-click". This will enable you to send the control button and left click combination to your remote machine as a right click.
