How to execute single class or file from CLion? - clion

In CLion, we can only execute all files of the project. how to execute the single file from project?


Setup Sonar properties files for multiple projects

I want to analyze multiple projects,and I would like to separate the two reports so i have one for the CA_Report package and one for the CallCenter package.I had tried the solutions from Setup sonar-runner for multiple java projects
and Sonar properties files
I tried to using to solve the following error,but it doesn't work with my following cmd.
CD /D D:\trunk
SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"myProject" /n:"myProject" /v:"1.0"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" /t:Rebuild
MSBUILD : error MSB1003:Specify a project or solution file. The current working directory does not contain a project or solution file.
I have a project that has the following package structure
-trunk(folder with
-CA_Report(folder with source files)
-CallCenter(folder with source files)
My file looks as follows

How to override all project properties for Visual Studio 2010 in msbuild through Powershell

I am trying to write a script where automatically build in 30+ Visual Studio 2010 (.sln) through PowerShell script using Msbuild command line.
I am able to build the build the modules, but I have some dependency and specific project setting for all 30+ modules. Project properties for all 30+ modules are same. So I want to pass all the project properties once in the script to set for all modules for building automatically.
I am not able to pass all the project setting where as only 3 parameters I am able to pass such /t:build /p:configuration:Debug /p:TargetPaltform=x86.
Issue: I want to pass all project properties as arguments for msbuild in my pwoershell script.
Could you please provide some syntax or idea how can I pass more project properties parameters as command line?
Example Parameters List:
Output Directory
Intermediate Directory
Include Directories
Library Directories
Output File and sub sections. etc.

How to publish a single file using msbuild from command line

Does anybody know how to write a command line for msbuild that would publish one single file to the file system providing that i have that file? So i do not want to deploy on build or any of that. Just as if i would right click on the file and select publish from within Visual Studio.

How to run vbs file in pos-build or pre-build event in vs2005?

I have some projects inside a solution, but because the needs of x64 and win32 i have diferent releases and some diferent files for a setup project. I need to unpack a zipfile before build the setup project. I have a vbs file that woks well to unzip the file, but the point is that i dont know the code that execute a vbs file in pre-build.
You can execute any executable in the pre and post build steps so you can add
wscript.exe path_to_vbsfile.vbs
to call your script.

Post build event to include a file to the project

I'd like to copy a file and include the file in the web project and would like to do this as a part of the Pre/Post build events.
My understanding is that these events support DOS commands and I can use xcopy for copying a file, but I am not sure how I would update the csproj file to include the file in the project.
Do you need the file to be in the output directory or actually be part of the .csproj file ?
If you really want to update the csproj file then try customising the AfterBuild target in the csproj file of the startup project in your solution. All csproj files are msbuild files and you can use the full power or msbuild including callling any task. Right click on the project in the solution explorer, select unload project and then edit project. Then customise the AfterBuild target to change the particular csproj file you want. Use built in tasks or the excellent extension pack for changing the file. Finally reload the project.
