What is the difference between .txt and .text files - windows

in windows normal text file can be saved as .txt extension.
at the same time people are using .text format also to save normal text files. what is the difference between normal text file with .txt extension and .text extension

A file extension is not a file format, it is just part of the name used by convention to indicate what is in the file, and what tool and options should be used to interact with it.
Some old systems - notably MS-DOS, and Windows before Windows 95 - had a fixed format for filenames allowing up to eight characters, a dot, then up to three characters. So there are many conventions for indicating file types in three characters. That restriction is now rarely relevant, so more recent conventions will often use longer extensions to be more obvious and less ambiguous.
".txt" is simply the conventional way to indicate "this is intended to be read as plain text" in three letters. ".text" indicates the same thing, but less abbreviated when not restricted to "8.3" filenames.
Neither name tells you any more about the file. For instance, to actually read the text you need to know what character encoding was intended. ASCII is a common baseline, sufficient for English text with simple punctuation, but there are a number of encodings which extend it (e.g. the ISO 8859 series, UTF-8), and also a number which are incompatible with it (e.g. UTF-16, many Chinese and Japanese encodings).


How to create filename with characters that are not part of UTF-8 on Windows?

[Edit/Disclaimer]: Comments pointed out that I have to clarify the encoding the user uses. Will update accordingly
I have a customer from China who recently reported an issue with their filenames on Windows. The software works with most Chinese characters, but it seems he has found one file that fails.
Unfortunately, they are not able to send me over the filename as neither zipping nor transmitting the file through other mediums seem to preserve the filename.
What is the easiest way (e.g. through Python) to generate a filename on Windows that is covered by the NTFS file system encoding but not UTF8?
Unicode strings are encoded as a series of bytes. The rules of what a series of bytes visually looks like to you in an operating system, is what operating systems use to turn bytes into characters.
Given that Windows uses a (variation of-) Unicode, and you say you have a character that's not in unicode, it also means that there is simply no way to represent that character.
Imagine if unicode only contained the numbers 0-9, and you ask someone how to encode the letter A. There's no answer to this, because only 0-9 are defined.
You could make up a new unicode codepoint for your character, but then operating systems won't know what to do with that unless you also make your own font files.
I somehow doubt that that's what you want to do though, but it's an option. Could your customer rename the file before sending it to you?

Can I add a character of UTF-8 on a file encoded in ANSI?

I have a file of character encoding set to ANSI, however I can still copy a character of character set UTF-8. Are character sets defined on the file forced on the entire file? I am trying to understand how character sets works. Thanks
Files are bytes. They are long sequences of numbers. In most operating systems, that's all they are. There is no "encoding" attached to the file. The file is bytes.
It is up to software to interpret those bytes as having some meaning. For example, there is nothing fundamentally different between an "picture file" and a "text file." Both are just long sequences of numbers. But software interprets the "picture file" using some encoding rules to create a picture. Similarly, software interprets the "text file" using some encoding rules.
Most text file formats do not include their encoding anywhere the format. It's up to the software to know or infer what it is. Sometimes the operating system assists here and provides additional metadata that's not in the file, like filename extensions. This generally doesn't help for text files, since in most systems text files do not have different extensions based on their encoding.
There are many character encodings in ANSI that exactly match UTF-8 encodings. So just looking at a file, it may be impossible to tell which encoding it was written with, since it could be identical in both. There are byte sequences that are illegal in UTF-8, so it is possible to determine that file is not valid UTF-8, but all byte sequences are valid ANSI (though there are byte sequences that are very rare, and so can be used to guess that it's not ANSI).
(I assume you mean Windows-1252; there isn't really such a thing as "ANSI" encoding.)

Windows encoding clarification

I would like to translate a game, this game loads the strings from a text file.
The destination language uses non-ascii characters, so I naïvely saved my file in utf8, but it does not work as letters with diacritics are not shown correctly.
Studying better in the configuration file where the string text filename is stored, I found a CHARSET option that can assume any of those values:
That as far as I understood are fairly standard values in WinAPIs and charset and character encoding are synonymous.
So my question is, is there a correspondence between this names and standard names like utf8 or iso-8859-2? If it is the case what is it?
ISO 8859-2 is mostly equivalent to Windows-1250. According to this MSDN article, the 1250 code page is accessed using EASTEUROPE_CHARSET.
Note that you will need to save your text file in the 1250 code page as ISO 8859-2 is not exactly equivalent. From Wikipedia:
Windows-1250 is similar to ISO-8859-2 and has all the printable characters it has and more. However a few of them are rearranged (unlike Windows-1252, which keeps all printable characters from ISO-8859-1 in the same place). Most of the rearrangements seem to have been done to keep characters shared with Windows-1252 in the same place as in Windows-1252 but three of the characters moved (Ą,Ľ,ź) cannot be explained this way.
The names are symbolic identifiers for Windows code pages, which are character encodings (= charsets) defined or adopted by Microsoft. Many of them are registered at IANA with the prefix windows-. For example, EASTEUROPE_CHARSET stands for code page 1250, which has been registered as windows-1250 and is often called Windows Latin 2.
UTF-8 is something different. You need special routines to read and write UTF-8 encoded data. UTF-8 or UTF-16 is generally the only sensible choice for character encoding when you want to be truly global (support different languages and writing systems). For a single specific language, some of the code pages might be more practical in some cases.
You can get the the standard encoding names (as registered by IANA) using the table under the remarks section of this MSDN page.
Just find the Character set row and read the Code page number, the standard name is windows-[code page number].

Unicode filenames on FAT-32?

As far as I understand - NTFS supports Unicode filenames (UTF-16 as Micorsoft claims?).
But official MSDN documentation is very vague regarding what codepage(s) is used to store filenames (filepaths) on FAT-32.
Here it says that OEM code page (CP437 I assume) is used to store filenames: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317748.aspx
But here it turns out that there can be different OEM codepages with CP437 being one of them: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317752.aspx
And we all now that utilities like mount support many more different codepages for FAT, more than just OEM codepages set.
So what is the actual cdepage for FAT-32 filenames? It depends on the system codepage at the time when FAT volume was created? Can FAT support true Double Byte Character Set codepages like UTF-16? Or Multi Byte Character Set codepages like UTF-8 is the limit?
And more specific question:
What happens when I use CreateFileW function (which, as MSDN states, use UTF-16 as filename codepage) to create a file on FAT-32 volume?
You might have to experiment here. This is a great question, and I'm not 100% confident, but:
So what is the actual codepage for FAT-32 filenames? It depends on the system codepage at the time when FAT volume was created?
The "OEM codepage", whatever that is for the system.
Can FAT support true Double Byte Character Set codepages like UTF-16? Or Multi Byte Character Set codepages like UTF-8 is the limit?
No, I don't believe FAT is directly capable of either UTF-16 or UTF-8. That said, Microsoft stores the Unicode filename in an out of band method. A file thus has two filenames. (This is how you can have longer than 8.3 character filenames, as well.)
And more specific question: What happens when I use CreateFileW function (which, as MSDN states, use UTF-16 as filename codepage) to create a file on FAT-32 volume?
The Unicode filename, as passed to CreateFileW is stored directly in the out of band filename. It is re-encoded into the OEM codepage (whatever that happens to be on the system) and is put there. If it cannot be converted into the OEM codepage, or exceeds 8.3 characters, Windows will call the file something like, FILENA~1.TXT.
Some citations for these answers:
First, this page tells us that the OEM code page != the Windows code page:
Non-Unicode applications that create FAT files sometimes have to use the standard C runtime library conversion functions to translate between the Windows code page character set and the OEM code page character set. With Unicode implementations of the file system functions, it is not necessary to perform such translations.
On a typical American system, the OEM code page is "CP437", but the Windows code page is Windows-1252 (The FooA calls, I believe, use the Windows code page, typically Windows-1252 on an American machine, but depends on locale).
If you have a FAT volume available, you can see this in action. The character "Σ" (U+03a3) is not present in Windows-1252, however, it is in CP437. You can see both the short and long filenames with dir /X. With a file named asdfΣ.txt, you'll see:
ASDFΣ.TXT asdfΣ.txt
However, with a file named "asdfΛ.txt" (Λ is not present in either CP437 or Windows-1252), you'll see:
ASDF~1.TXT asdf?.txt
(You'll likely see ?, because cmd.exe's font cannot display a Λ.)
For information about long filenames, see this Wikipedia article.
Also, interestingly, if you name a file "asdf©.txt", you might get:
ASDFC.TXT asdfc.txt
… I'm not 100% sure here, but I think Windows cleverly decided to substitute "c" for ©, and did likewise for displaying it. If you change the font to something not raster based, like Consolas, you'll see:
ASDFC.TXT asdf©.txt
And this is why you should use the FooW functions.
The basic FAT or FAT32 directory entries support only short names (the old DOS 8.3 format) in the current OEM codepage. However, VFAT (FAT with long filename support) which is used while under Windows, can store an additional, so-called long filename for each file, in UTF-16.

Extended charachter code pages

I was trying to Validate characters (the extended ones) and i see that in various PC's they have in deferent places the extended characters. I meane we are not see the same ASCII code number for a certain character (not in Latins).
Now My issue is what i have to do when my program starts to use always a certain ASCII code table?
For extended character of course.
This issue generally relates (since .NET strings are UTF-16) only to reading and writing text files. In which case, just use Encoding.GetEncoding(codePage) to choose the appropriate encoding, and use this when access any text files. All standard inbuilt text/file utility operations will take an encoding, for example:
string contents = File.ReadAllText("foo.txt", encoding);
