Replace a key press in write syscall through kernel module - linux-kernel

I am trying to replace a keyboard key press with other key. The terminal crashes as soon as I type 'A'. How do I replace the key press in write syscall.
unsigned long hacked_write_test( struct pt_regs *regs ) {
int r, i;
unsigned int fd = regs->di;
char *buf = (char*) regs->si;
if (fd == 1 || fd == 3 || fd == 4) {
if (buf[0] == 0x61) {
printk("in write: A received");
regs->si = 0x62;
r = original_write(regs);
return r;


Cannot access memory at address using gdb in CLION IDE. How do I setup gdb?

I get the error "Cannot access memory at address 0x100403055" when I try and set a memory value to 0x00 when stopped in the debugger.
Is there a special switch I need to set to enable the set operation?
Here is my complete C code file "main.c"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
separator - consume all non-token characters until next token. This includes:
comments: '#'
nesting: '{'
unnesting: '}'
whitespace: ' ','\t','\n'
*nest is changed according to nesting/unnesting processed
static void separator(int *nest, char **tokens) {
char c, *s;
s = *tokens;
while ((c = *s)) {
/* #->eol = comment */
if (c == '#') {
while ((c = *s)) {
if (c == '\n')
if (c == '{') {
if (c == '}') {
if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t') {
*tokens = s;
token - capture all characters until next separator, then consume separator,
return captured token, leave **tokens pointing to next token.
static char *token(int *nest, char **tokens) {
char c, *s, *t;
char terminator = '\0';
s = t = *tokens;
while ((c = *s)) {
if (c == '#'
|| c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '{' || c == '}')
*tokens = s;
separator(nest, tokens);
/* Breakpoint here to examine and manipulate memory */
*s = '\0';
return t;
struct test_case {
char *input;
int nest;
char *expected_output;
int main() {
int nest = 0;
int TESTSEP = 0;
if (TESTSEP>0) {
char *tokens = "# this is a comment\n{nesting {example} unnesting}\n \t end";
separator(&nest, &tokens);
printf("nest: %d\n", nest);
printf("tokens: %s\n", tokens);
return 0;
} else {
struct test_case test_cases[] = {
{"hello world", 0, "hello"},
{"hello#world", 0, "hello"},
{"hello{world}", 0, "hello"},
{"hello world", 0, "hello"},
{"hello\tworld", 0, "hello"},
{"hello\nworld", 0, "hello"},
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(test_cases) / sizeof(test_cases[0]); i++) {
struct test_case test_case = test_cases[i];
char *tokens = test_case.input;
char *output = token(&test_case.nest, &tokens);
if (strcmp(output, test_case.expected_output) != 0) {
printf("Test case %d failed: expected %s, got %s\n", i, test_case.expected_output, output);
return 0;
In the token function there is a comment line where I place a breakpoint and drop into the gdb debugger. The code is supposed to write a '\0' at the address of the pointer *s to truncate the string.
When I'm in the debugger and I examine the 's' variable I get the following:
(gdb) x s
0x100403055: 0x726f7720
When I try and set the variable I get:
(gdb) [![set *0x0000000100403055 = 0x726f7700][1]][1]
Cannot access memory at address 0x100403055
I'm using the CLION IDE and am a novice. I'm not sure if its an IDE problem, a user problem or some external memory protection mechanism that is preventing this.
Does anyone know how to make this work?
Here is a screenshot of the IDE:
When I run the code (without the debugger) I get this output:
Test case 0 failed: expected hello, got hello world
Test case 1 failed: expected hello, got hello#world
Test case 2 failed: expected hello, got hello{world}
Test case 3 failed: expected hello, got hello world
Test case 4 failed: expected hello, got hello world
Test case 5 failed: expected hello, got hello world
Process finished with exit code 0
I this case I believe I was passing in a pointer to memory in the read only space. The struct test_case is built into the code and is read only. So that when I pass that into the token function it was trying to write to read only.
Here is the code that seems to work.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
separator - consume all non-token characters until next token.
This includes:
comments: '#' ... '\n'
nesting: '{'
unnesting: '}'
whitespace: ' ','\t','\n'
*nest is changed according to nesting/unnesting processed
static void separator(int *nest, char **tokens) {
char c, *s;
s = *tokens;
while ((c = *s)) {
/* #->eol = comment */
if (c == '#') {
while ((c = *s)) {
if (c == '\n')
if (c == '{') {
if (c == '}') {
if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t') {
*tokens = s;
token - capture all characters until next separator, then consume
return captured token, leave **tokens pointing to next token.
static char *token(int *nest, char **tokens) {
char c, *s, *t;
char terminator = '\0';
s = t = *tokens;
while ((c = *s)) {
if (c == '#'
|| c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '{' || c == '}')
*tokens = s;
separator(nest, tokens);
*s = '\0';
return t;
struct test_case {
char *input;
int nest;
char *expected_output;
int main() {
int nest = 0;
int TESTSEP = 0;
char *temp_malloc_string;
if (TESTSEP>0) {
char *tokens = "# this is a comment\n{nesting {example}
unnesting}\n \t end";
temp_malloc_string = malloc(strlen(tokens)*sizeof(char));
strcpy(temp_malloc_string, tokens);
char * t = token(&nest, &temp_malloc_string);
printf("nest: %d\n", nest);
printf("tokens: %s\n", t);
separator(&nest, &temp_malloc_string);
printf("nest: %d\n", nest);
printf("tokens: %s\n", temp_malloc_string);
return 0;
} else {
struct test_case test_cases[] = {
{"hello world", 0, "hello"},
{"hello#world", 0, "hello"},
{"hello{world}", 0, "hello"},
{"hello world", 0, "hello"},
{"hello\tworld", 0, "hello"},
{"hello\nworld", 0, "hello"},
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(test_cases) / sizeof(test_cases[0]); i++) {
struct test_case test_case = test_cases[i];
char *tokens = test_case.input;
printf("len of string is %d\n", strlen(tokens));
temp_malloc_string = malloc((strlen(tokens)+1)*sizeof(char));
char * tt = temp_malloc_string;
if ( temp_malloc_string==NULL ) {
strcpy(temp_malloc_string, tokens);
printf("tm going in: %s\n", temp_malloc_string);
char *output = token(&test_case.nest, &temp_malloc_string);
printf("Test case %d: expected %s, got %s\n\t\ttm is now: %s\n",
i, test_case.expected_output, output, temp_malloc_string);
if (strcmp(output, test_case.expected_output) != 0) {
printf("Test case %d failed: expected %s, got %s\n",
i, test_case.expected_output, output);
temp_malloc_string = NULL;
return 0;
Now when I run the code I get:
len of string is 11
tm going in: hello world
Test case 0: expected hello, got hello
tm is now: world
len of string is 11
tm going in: hello#world
Test case 1: expected hello, got hello
tm is now:
len of string is 12
tm going in: hello{world}
Test case 2: expected hello, got hello
tm is now: world}
len of string is 12
tm going in: hello world
Test case 3: expected hello, got hello
tm is now: world
len of string is 11
tm going in: hello world
Test case 4: expected hello, got hello
tm is now: world
len of string is 11
tm going in: hello
Test case 5: expected hello, got hello
tm is now: world
Process finished with exit code 0
And when I stop at the breakpoint I can write to memory.
In this modified code I malloc a char* object and copy the string from the struct into that then pass that into the token function.
I'm guess that gdb is protecting me from writing to the .text block in code.
Like I said: I'm a newbie :(

Why my program terminates (using pipes)?

I want to make a shell that can use pipes. When I use this code to run a pipe in my shell even though everything is in a WHILE(1) loop my shell terminates. Why? Is there a problem with the use of the dup function?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main(void)
int pfds[2];
char *ar1;
const char sp = ' ';
int temp, temp1, temp2, acc;
int i, j;
int t = 0;
char *line=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *frsarg=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *firstcmd=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *seccmd=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *scmd=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *secondcmd=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *secarg=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *frscmd=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *cmd1=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *cmd=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *cmdf=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *arg1=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *allarg=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *arg2=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
char *arg3=(char *) malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
while (1) {
/* Ektypwse to command prompt */
printf("$ ");
fgets(line, 1024, stdin); //Reads the command.
if(line[i]=='\n') //Deletes the "Enter" from the end of the string.
line[i]='\0'; //Replace "Enter" with \0.
if(line[i] == 'e' && line[i+1] == 'x' && line[i+2] == 'i' && line[i+3] == 't' ) {
seccmd = strchr(line, '|');
acc = 0;
acc = i;
} //Finds the second space.
if(acc != 0 ){
frscmd[j]= line[j];
//printf("FIRST COMMAND %s\n", frscmd);
frsarg = strchr(frscmd, sp);
if(frsarg != NULL){
while(isspace(*frsarg)) ++frsarg;
for (i=0;i<1024;i++){
if (frsarg[i] == ' '){
frsarg[i] = '\0';
acc = 0;
if(frscmd[i]==' '){
acc = i;
if(acc != 0 ){
firstcmd[j]= frscmd[j];
if(firstcmd != NULL){
while(isspace(*firstcmd)) ++firstcmd;
printf("FIRST COMMAND TEST %s TEST\n", firstcmd);
printf("FIRST ARGUMENT TEST %s TEST\n", frsarg);
// firstcmd == "ls" ,frsarg == "-l"
//seccmd = " | ws -l
//SECOND COMMAND WITHOUT "|" secondcmd = _wc_-l
secondcmd = strchr(seccmd, sp);
if(secondcmd != NULL){
while(isspace(*secondcmd)) ++secondcmd;
acc = 0;
if(secondcmd[i]==' '){
acc = i+1;
if(acc != 0 ){
scmd[j]= secondcmd[j];
for (i=0;i<1024;i++){
if (scmd[i] == ' '){
scmd[i] = '\0';
printf("SECOND COMMAND TEST %s TEST\n", scmd);
secarg = strchr(secondcmd, sp);
if(secarg != NULL){
while(isspace(*secarg)) ++secarg;
printf("SECOND ARGUMENT TEST %s TEST\n", secarg);
//FIRST COMMAND = firstcmd____FIRST ARGUMENT = frsarg_____SECOND COMMAND = scmd_____SECOND ARGUMENT = secarg
if (!fork()) {
close(1); /* close normal stdout */
dup(pfds[1]); /* make stdout same as pfds[1] */
close(pfds[0]); /* we don't need this */
execlp(firstcmd, firstcmd, frsarg,(char*) NULL);
} else {
close(0); /* close normal stdin */
dup(pfds[0]); /* make stdin same as pfds[0] */
close(pfds[1]); /* we don't need this */
execlp(scmd, scmd, secarg,(char*) NULL);
return 0;
Well, this is a very long and complex piece of code, and the logic seems
rather ad hoc. It would take me way too long to dissect the whole
I do observe that you fork() only once, and each branch then calls
execlp() to run one of the two processes in your pipeline. That leaves
no process continuing to run the shell. So you really need to fork()
Let's say that the original process is A. After the first call to
fork() we have original process A and child A1. A then calls
wait() to pause until A1 terminates. A1 calls fork() again and
runs the pipelined commands.
Or something like that. Looking at my code bank, I see the last time I
experimented with this stuff was in 2000, and I wasn't doing two
subprocesses as you are. But this should be a step in the right
direction, anyway.

C++ operator overloading causing segmentation fault

below is the code which is giving segmentation fault for I don't know what reason. In an attempt to overload ^ operator, I am getting segmentation fault.
Here is my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class bigint {
char val[1000000];
int msdindex;
bool iszero;
bigint( int i ) {
if( i == 0 )
iszero = true;
else {
iszero = false;
msdindex = -1;
while( i > 0 ) {
val[ msdindex ] = i % 10;
i /= 10;
bigint( const bigint& bi ) {
msdindex = bi.msdindex;
iszero = bi.iszero;
for( int i = 0; i <= msdindex; i++ )
val[i] = bi.val[i];
bigint operator^( bigint k, int n ) {
if( n == 1 )
return bigint(k);
bigint half = k^(n/2);
return half;
int main()
bigint bi = bigint( 999 );
bigint di = bi ^ 4;
return 0;
Segmentation fault is in the overloaded function ^ and I am clueless of the reason. gdb says this.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", line 63, in
from libstdcxx.v6.printers import register_libstdcxx_printers
ImportError: No module named 'libstdcxx'
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000400749 in operator^(bigint, int) ()
Please help.
You are running out of memory, due to which you program crashes everytime. Reducing the status allocation of char in bigint to a smaller value will work fine.
Or use dynamic memory allocation in case you want huge char array, that will solve your problem.
Hope this helps.
class bigint {
char *val;//[1000000];
int msdindex;
bool iszero;
bigint( int i ) {
if( i == 0 )
iszero = true;
else {
iszero = false;
msdindex = -1;
val = new char[1000000];
while( i > 0 ) {
val[ msdindex ] = i % 10;
i /= 10;
bigint( const bigint& bi ) {
msdindex = bi.msdindex;
iszero = bi.iszero;
val = new char[1000000];
for( int i = 0; i <= msdindex; i++ )
val[i] = bi.val[i];
Don't forget to write destructor for this to deallocate this dynamically allocated memory. Cheers.

Converting lower/upper case letters without ctype.h

I just saw that this could technically work, the only mistake I couldn´t resolve was the last ASCII character that gets printed everytime I test it out, I also tested this out without using the name variable, I mean just making a substraction of 32 to any lower case letter in ASCII should give me their upper case one and it does, but I´m curious on why I´m getting an additional char, wich from what I see in screen is apparently Û.
#include <stdio.h>
char name[22];
int i;
fputs("Type your name ",stdout);
for (i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i = i + 1)
printf("%c",(name[i])-32); /*This will convert lower case to upper */
/* using as reference the ASCII table*/
Perhaps there is a line break character at the end of the string.
You can check the chararacter code, so that you only convert characters that actually are lower case letters:
for (i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i = i + 1) {
char c = name[i];
if (c => 97 && c <= 122) {
c -= 32;
printf("%c", c);
void read_chararray(char in_array[], int* Length)
int Indx = 0, Indx2 = 0, Indx3 = 0; // int declarations for indexs of some loops
char cinput = { 0 }, word[255] = { 0 }, word2[255] = { 0 }; // declaration of cinput and first char array before punctiation removed
for (Indx = 0; (cinput = getchar()) != '\n'; Indx++) { // Loop for getting characters from user stop at <enter>
word[Indx] = cinput; // Placing char into array while changing to lowercase
Indx2 = Indx; // Set Indx2 to Indx for loop operation
for (Indx = 0; Indx < Indx2; Indx++) { // Loop to check and replace upper characters with lower
cinput = word[Indx];
if (cinput >= 65 && cinput <= 90) { // If cinput is within the ASCII range 65 and 90, this indicates upper characters
cinput += 32; // Add 32 to cinput to shift to the lower character range within the ASCII table
in_array[Indx] = cinput; // Input new value into array pointer
else if (cinput >= 97 && cinput <= 122) // scans if character are lower ASCII, places them in array irraticating punctuation and whitespce
in_array[Indx] = cinput; // Input remaining lower case into array pointer
*Length = Indx; // final size of array set to Length variable for future use
void upper(char);
void main()
char ch;
printf("\nEnter the character in lower case");
scanf("%c", &ch);
void upper( char c)
printf("\nUpper Case: %c", c-32);

using sscanf(), read string to array of int?

i have this string:
12 4 the quick 99 -1 fox dog \
what i want in my program:
myArray[] = {12, 4, 99, -1};
how i do a multiple number scanning?
See my answer to your other question here. It's a relatively simple matter to replace the strtok section to recognize non-numeric words and neither increment the count (in the first pass) nor load them into the array (in the second pass).
The code has changed as follows:
Using an input file of:
12 3 45 6 7 8
3 5 6 7
7 0 -1 4 5
12 4 the quick 99 -1 fox dog \
it produces output along the lines of:
0x8e42170, size = 6:
12 3 45 6 7 8
0x8e421d0, size = 4:
3 5 6 7
0x8e421e0, size = 5:
7 0 -1 4 5
0x8e42278, size = 4:
12 4 99 -1
Here's the code that produced that output:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
// This is the linked list of integer arrays.
typedef struct _tIntArray {
int size;
int *array;
struct _tIntArray *next;
} tIntArray;
static tIntArray *first = NULL;
static tIntArray *last = NULL;
// Check that argument is numeric, optional minus sign followed by
// zero or more digits (you may want one or more).
static int isAllNumeric (char *word) {
char *s = word;
if (*s == '-')
for (; *s != '\0'; s++)
if ((*s < '0') || (*s > '9'))
return 0;
return 1;
// Add a line of integers as a node.
static int addNode (char *str) {
tIntArray *curr; // pointers for new integer array.
char *word; // word within string.
char *tmpStr; // temp copy of buffer.
int fldCnt; // field count for line.
int i;
// Count number of fields.
if ((tmpStr = strdup (str)) == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot allocate duplicate string (%d).\n", errno);
return 1;
fldCnt = 0;
for (word = strtok (tmpStr, " "); word; word = strtok (NULL, " "))
if (isAllNumeric (word))
free (tmpStr);
// Create new linked list node.
if ((curr = malloc (sizeof (tIntArray))) == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot allocate integer array node (%d).\n", errno);
return 1;
curr->size = fldCnt;
if ((curr->array = malloc (fldCnt * sizeof (int))) == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot allocate integer array (%d).\n", errno);
free (curr);
return 1;
curr->next = NULL;
for (i = 0, word = strtok (str, " "); word; word = strtok (NULL, " "))
if (isAllNumeric (word))
curr->array[i++] = atoi (word);
if (last == NULL)
first = last = curr;
else {
last->next = curr;
last = curr;
return 0;
int main(void) {
int lineSz; // current line size.
char *buff; // buffer to hold line.
FILE *fin; // input file handle.
long offset; // offset for re-allocating line buffer.
tIntArray *curr; // pointers for new integer array.
int i;
// Open file.
if ((fin = fopen ("", "r")) == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot open, errno = %d\n", errno);
return 1;
// Allocate initial line.
lineSz = 2;
if ((buff = malloc (lineSz+1)) == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot allocate initial memory, errno = %d.\n", errno);
return 1;
// Loop forever.
while (1) {
// Save offset in case we need to re-read.
offset = ftell (fin);
// Get line, exit if end of file.
if (fgets (buff, lineSz, fin) == NULL)
// If no newline, assume buffer wasn't big enough.
if (buff[strlen(buff)-1] != '\n') {
// Get bigger buffer and seek back to line start and retry.
free (buff);
lineSz += 3;
if ((buff = malloc (lineSz+1)) == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot allocate extra memory, errno = %d.\n", errno);
return 1;
if (fseek (fin, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
printf ("Cannot seek, errno = %d.\n", errno);
return 1;
// Remove newline and process.
buff[strlen(buff)-1] = '\0';
if (addNode (buff) != 0)
return 1;
// Dump table for debugging.
for (curr = first; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next) {
printf ("%p, size = %d:\n ", curr, curr->size);
for (i = 0; i < curr->size; i++)
printf (" %d", curr->array[i]);
printf ("\n");
// Free resources and exit.
free (buff);
fclose (fin);
return 0;
