I am getting error message as " [ArmDisarm] invalid level_name or level_values " - google-home

Not able to start my google test suite
strong text

Test Suite works by doing three sets of tests for each trait/attribute on your device:
It sends your fulfillment endpoint an execution request, then waits for a report state to come back to Google (your report state response)
It makes a query to your fulfillment endpoint, then waits for the response for the query (your query response)
It then checks if your report state response matches the query response.
The image you showed contains a failure when starting the test suite. It looks like your
sync response might contain an error. You can always use Google Home Sync Validator
to check if your sync response is valid.


Azure Logic App - Get Response Body with 500 Internal Server Error

Is there any way to get the response body in Azure Logic App even when we get 500 Internal Server Error?
I have made the Logic App in a way that I'm setting the response code to 500 on an issue, and I'm adding some error related information in the response body. I tried returning 504 Gateway timeout as well, in case of a timeout issue I could face, but I'm always receiving a null response body in case of non-200 response codes.
If we are not able to see the response body in case of an error by design, is there a better way to set and fetch error related information from the response object?
Yes you can get the response body in Azure Logic App by adding the response action. According to this Add a Response action section of the Microsoft document.
When you use the Request trigger to handle inbound requests, you can model the response and send the payload results back to the caller by using the built-in Response action.
Following steps would help you to get the response body.
In the Logic App Designer, under the step where you want to add a Response action, select New step.
The under Choose an action, in the search box, enter response as your filter, and select the Response action.
Now add any values that are required for the response message. For the Body, you can select the trigger body output from the dynamic content list.
I would suggest to read the Receive and respond to inbound HTTPS requests in Azure Logic Apps document for more information.
Alternatively you can also create alerts whenever HTTP 500 errors occur in your App and use Application Insights to view it using Azure Monitor. I would also suggest to read this Handle errors and exceptions in Azure Logic Apps Microsoft document for more information.

How to click a button on pop uo URL in jmeter without recording the script so that a data can be saved in the application

i have a web application which has confirmation pop up to save a record . i have used post on the HTTP request sampler and used parameter body , but still the record is not getting saved in the web application using jmeter . i have to click save then yes on the confirmation pop up
JMeter doesn't actually perform "clicks", it sends HTTP Requests, in your case this "popup" seems to be used for populating the USER_COMMENT section:
with regards to "record is not getting saved in the web application" - it indicates that your script fails somewhere somehow, you should inspect response details using View Results Tree listener, it might be the case the application will tell you what's wrong with your request.
The most common reasons are:
Your login request fails hence all subsequent requests are landing at the login page. JMeter automatically treats HTTP status codes below 400 as successful therefore you can see them as "green" or false-positive so check that all previous responses return expected data using the aforementioned View Results Tree listener
The request may fail due to missing or improperly implemented correlation, i.e. you're updating the record which was created during recording instead of adding a new one

Apache Jmeter is not giving any error even we gave wrong credentials

I am new to JMeter. I am using it for load testing for Microstrategy web dossiers. I am loading the users from CSV Config file. I have generated steps using Badboy software and exported as Jmeter file. I have added variables for userID and password. I have enabled "Retrieve all Embedded Resources". When I ran the testing. I observed that its giving same response even if password is wrong. taskProcs are giving connection closed error. I have searched with dossier ID in both the cases , I am able to see the request and response same even if password is wrong. Can you help me how to identify whether the credentials matched or not ? I would like to throw error when password didn't match ? I thought of adding Response Assertions but responses are same.
JMeter automatically treats HTTP Response Status codes below 400 as successful. So if HTTP Request sampler returns status 200 (or any other between 100 and 399) it's treated as success.
JMeter doesn't perform any checks for content, if you need to add explicit pass/fail criteria basing on the response body, presence or absence of certain text, sampler execution time, etc. you need to add a relevant Assertion and put the anticipated success criteria into the assertion.
First JMeter doesn't generate any error codes or error messages itself, what it actually do is working as client and giving back what application sends to JMeter.
I think first you have to make sure application works correctly, then check whether Jmeter scripts work correctly. For that add debug sampler before the API request and check whether variables username, password has evaluated correctly from the csv.

Does Jmeter saves the randomly generated email id (pre-processor-user parameters) in the database

I have used Jmeter's pre-processor 'user parameters'to generate random email ids to test singup api, able to susscefully generate and signin. However not able to see the randomly generated email id in the database (using mongoDB), it is not stored in the DB.
Does jmeter saves the email id in the DB?
By default JMeter doesn't store anything into the database. If your API sign-up process assumes storing email of the signing-up person to the database - something is wrong with your test scenario.
JMeter automatically considers HTTP Status Codes below 400 as successful, it doesn't do any checks of the response body so my expectation is that you are receiving pseudo-successful responses having errors or exceptions inside. Add View Results Tree listener to your Test Plan - it is capable of visualizing request and response details and inspect them carefully. If there are errors - fix them until you will be happy with your script behavior, after that the listener can be disabled.
You can also use JMeter Assertions, i.e. Response Assertion to validate whether response contains message regarding successful sign up.
Don't forget to add HTTP Header Manager to send the relevant Content-Type header as some API servers don't process the requests not having expected MIME type.
See Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter article for more information on APIs load testing.

Jmeter - mark the test as failed based on response data

I have written a jmeter test script which automates booking in of cases by sends http post requests to our web application.
At the moment as long as you get a response back from the server it's successfull.
Is there a way it can pass the test only when the response doesn't contain the message error has occured and contains a booking reference
You can use Response Assertion
To test that response does not contain Error message check the "Not":
See also:
You can use Assertions for this.
With this u can lookup the response body, the response code...
Look at this tutorial: https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/how-use-jmeter-assertions-3-easy-steps
You can stop the test if one assertion fails in the thread group (I think).
