Laravel 8.x Tailwind Prefix - laravel

Tailwind allows prefix to be set in tailwind.config.js.
Reference here.
I'm working on a Laravel project that uses Bootstrap and Tailwind simultaneously, managed by npm. I've set a prefix "tw-" for Tailwind to prevent classes colliding.
However, Laravel 8.x uses Tailwind by default unless set to use Bootstrap. Reference here.
Is there any way to let Laravel know about the Tailwind prefix that I set so that it uses the correct Tailwind class names?
Thanks in advance!

I wonder if it's truly necessary to use both tools for css.
Anyways I'm not entirely sure how you're loading the pagination, but you also have the ability to create your own (custom) pagination view.
By running the following code:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination
This command will place the views in your application's resources/views/vendor/pagination directory. The tailwind.blade.php file within this directory corresponds to the default pagination view. You may edit this file to modify the pagination HTML.
It might suite your needs a lot more to be able to have the pagination view file customized. Because with this you can recreate the pagination using Tailwind (or Bootstrap) classes.


How can I use authentication without Bootstrap?

In Laravel, I know running composer require laravel/ui and then php artisan ui vue --auth creates authentication scaffolding but it uses Bootstrap. Is there a way to create this scaffolding without Bootstrap?
Unfortunately and as I know, there is no alternative for the bootstrap UI in laravel authentication scaffolding, as I know there is a tailwind but the last update on the repo was 2 years ago so not sure if it is supported now
also, you can change it or create a new one, all view files in this path
if you want use TailWindCss And Compatibility with Laravel V9
You Can Use this package :
Github Repo
It's very simple and I've been using it for a few minutes

Laravel wire-elements package - How to use this with bootstrap theme?

There is this package
i have followed the steps to configure to implement the modal however i use a different CSS framework. My question is where is says :
The base modal is made with TailwindCSS. If you use a different CSS framework I recommend that you publish the modal template and change the markup to include the required classes for your CSS framework.
How do i get to do that because my modals are not showing though i have done exactly what is on the documentation i have done the following commands
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-ui-modal-views
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-ui-modal-config
set the config/livewire-ui-modal (include CSS) to true

How to modify Laravel Spark sidebar view?

I'm using Spark for the subscription in Laravel for the first time and now I want to modify some changes on the Spark left sidebar.
I have published the Spark View file using the below command but don't know how to place some HTML on the left sidebar.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=spark-lang
You can't easily change the HTML, but you can modify the billing portal text in the resources/lang/spark/en.json file. That file is intended to be used for translations, but in a pinch you can use it to change the default text.
If you need to change the HTML, you can find it in this Vue file: vendor/laravel/spark-stripe/resources/js/Pages/BillingPortal.vue (assuming that you're using Stripe).
However, any changes to that file will be overwritten when you update the package, so the best practice is to copy/fork the package. See these answers for more details.

Clean Laravel To Bake New Project

I just did a fresh install of Laravel v5.5.25. I want to create a brand new project so I want to clear out some files in Laravel. For example, I want to delete all readymade templates (welcome page too), delete bootstrap from Laravel, etc. I just want to do ultimate start. So, will you please guide me what else should I delete too to make it a skeleton? And please tell me how can I remove bootstrap completely and replace it with Bulma.
You can run:
php artisan preset none
to remove default preset.
There is no Bulma preset of of the box, available options are:
You can use Laravel Presets for that. If you want a “skeleton” as you said you should use php artisan preset none. There is also one for Bulma: composer require laravel-frontend-presets/bulma and then php artisan preset bulma.

Load css/js files in Laravel 4 with Composer?

I'm working on creating a new project in Laravel 4. I have a tiny bit of experience in Laravel 3, in which I got used to the assets system. I'm now having a lot of trouble figuring out how to load CSS and JS files in the new system.
I believe I should be using Composer PHP, but I'm not sure how. Where do I put the actual .css and .js files? And then how do I load them with Composer to be utilized in the Laravel project?
I know there are outside plugins like Best Asset, etc. that are written to replicate the Assets system of Laravel 3, but I was hoping to understand the new system and not have to use an outside plugin.
Any help? Thanks.
You don't need Composer for your css/js assets. You can use assets pretty much the same as with Laravel 3
You can just place them in your public folder and reference them in your views. You can use plain html, or use the HtmlBuilder: HTML::style('style.css') and HTML::script('script.js')
You must take care of case sensitive.
This class must write with uppercase.
Laravel stylesheets and javascript don't load for non-base routes
