How To Convert Vec<u8> to &str or String in substrate runtime - substrate

let container_returned_data = container::Module::<T>::check_for_app_name(&app_id,&instruction_name); //container_returned_data is tuple contains (bool,Vec<(Vec<u8>,Vec<u8>)>)
if container_returned_data.0{
let d = container_returned_data.1[0].1.clone();
let data_str:&str = from_utf8(&d).unwrap();
let data_str2 = data_str.to_string();
// debug::error!(target:"norm","{:?}",&data_str2);
//now implement the ail_v2 function inside this.
I have used core::str::from_utf8 but it is not converting the bytes to array
I have to perform the following steps
let querys_ = query_.replace("\n","").trim().trim_end().to_string();
let l_data_querys:Vec<&str> = querys_.trim().trim_end().split("<<-").collect();


What should I put into FindAppointmentsAsync's &self parameter?

I'm new to rust and am trying to make use of the windows cargo. But I don't understand what I should set the &self parameter in the FindAppointmentsAsync function.
This is Cargo.toml:
name = "rust-test"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
version = "0.43.0"
features = [
This is
use std::time::Duration;
use windows::{
core::*, ApplicationModel::Appointments::*, Foundation::{DateTime, TimeSpan},
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let rangestart = DateTime::default();
let rangelength = TimeSpan::from(Duration::new(60 * 60 * 24 * 30, 0));
unsafe {
let store = AppointmentStore();
let result = AppointmentStore::FindAppointmentsAsync(&store, rangestart, rangelength);
If let store = AppointmentStore::new(); the error is no function or associated item named 'new' found
If let store = AppointmentStore();, the error is expected 1 argument, found 0
If let store = AppointmentStore(""); the error is cannot initialize a tuple struct which contains private fields
You cannot create an AppointmentStore directly, as it has private fields and does not expose a constructor function.
Looking at the docs, there are two ways to get an AppointmentStore:
By calling clone on an existing one.
By calling RequestStoreAsync on an AppointmentManager or AppointmentManagerForUser.
AppointmentManager is a struct with no fields, so you can create one by simply doing:
let foo = AppointmentManager;
let bar = foo.RequestStoreAsync(/* insert params here */);
AppointmentManagerForUser also cannot be constructed directly, and is obtained by calling GetForUser on an AppointmentManager.

Insert into hashmap in a loop

I'm opening a CSV file and reading it using BufReader and splitting each line into a vector. Then I try to insert or update the count in a HashMap using a specific column as key.
let mut map: HashMap<&str, i32> = HashMap::new();
let reader = BufReader::new(input_file);
for line in reader.lines() {
let s = line.unwrap().to_string();
let tokens: Vec<&str> = s.split(&d).collect(); // <-- `s` does not live long enough
if tokens.len() > c {
println!("{}", tokens[c]);
let count = map.entry(tokens[c].to_string()).or_insert(0);
*count += 1;
The compiler kindly tells me s is shortlived. Storing from inside a loop a borrowed value to container in outer scope? suggests "owning" the string, so I tried to change
let count = map.entry(tokens[c]).or_insert(0);
let count = map.entry(tokens[c].to_string()).or_insert(0);
but I get the error
expected `&str`, found struct `std::string::String`
help: consider borrowing here: `&tokens[c].to_string()`
When I prepend ampersand (&) the error is
creates a temporary which is freed while still in use
note: consider using a `let` binding to create a longer lived
There is some deficiency in my Rust knowledge about borrowing. How can I make the hashmap own the string passed as key?
The easiest way for this to work is for your map to own the keys. This means that you must change its type from HasMap<&str, i32> (which borrows the keys) to HashMap<String, i32>. At which point you can call to_string to convert your tokens into owned strings:
let mut map: HashMap<String, i32> = HashMap::new();
let reader = BufReader::new(input_file);
for line in reader.lines() {
let s = line.unwrap().to_string();
let tokens:Vec<&str> = s.split(&d).collect();
if tokens.len() > c {
println!("{}", tokens[c]);
let count = map.entry(tokens[c].to_string()).or_insert(0);
*count += 1;
Note however that this means that tokens[c] will be duplicated even if it was already present in the map. You can avoid the extra duplication by trying to modify the counter with get_mut first, but this requires two lookups when the key is missing:
let mut map: HashMap<String, i32> = HashMap::new();
let reader = BufReader::new(input_file);
for line in reader.lines() {
let s = line.unwrap().to_string();
let tokens:Vec<&str> = s.split(&d).collect();
if tokens.len() > c {
println!("{}", tokens[c]);
if let Some (count) = map.get_mut (tokens[c]) {
*count += 1;
} else {
map.insert (tokens[c].to_string(), 1);
I don't know of a solution that would only copy the key when there was no previous entry but still do a single lookup.

Changing/Creating Windows registry.pol using Rust

I'm trying to edit registry.pol file.
, but I do not know how to save changes.
I used crate registry-pol ( to read content of the current file.
let mut f = File::open("c:\\windows\\System32\\GroupPolicy\\machine\\registry.pol").unwrap();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
f.read_to_end(&mut buffer).unwrap();
let mut x = registry_pol::v1::parse(&buffer).unwrap();
let value: u32 = 1;
let bytes = value.to_le_bytes();
x.push(registry_pol::v1::RegistryValue {
key: "any key".to_string(),
value: Some("any value".to_string()),
data_type: Some(registry_pol::v1::RegistryValueType::REG_DWORD),
data: Some(bytes.to_vec()),
But if I add anything to Vec I do not have a clue how to save it as new registry.pol file.

xcode: need to convert strings to double and back to string

this is my line of code.
budgetLabel.text = String((budgetLabel.text)!.toInt()! - (budgetItemTextBox.text)!.toInt()!)
the code works, but when I try to input a floating value into the textbox the program crashes. I am assuming the strings need to be converted to a float/double data type. I keep getting errors when i try to do that.
In Swift 2 there are new failable initializers that allow you to do this in more safe way, the Double("") returns an optional in cases like passing in "abc" string the failable initializer will return nil, so then you can use optional-binding to handle it like in the following way:
let s1 = "4.55"
let s2 = "3.15"
if let n1 = Double(s1), let n2 = Double(s2) {
let newString = String( n1 - n2)
else {
print("Some string is not a double value")
If you're using a version of Swift < 2, then old way was:
var n1 = ("9.99" as NSString).doubleValue // invalid returns 0, not an optional. (not recommended)
// invalid returns an optional value (recommended)
var pi = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString("3.14")?.doubleValue
Fixed: Added Proper Handling for Optionals
let budgetLabel:UILabel = UILabel()
let budgetItemTextBox:UITextField = UITextField()
budgetLabel.text = ({
var value = ""
if let budgetString = budgetLabel.text, let budgetItemString = budgetItemTextBox.text
if let budgetValue = Float(budgetString), let budgetItemValue = Float(budgetItemString)
value = String(budgetValue - budgetItemValue)
return value
You need to be using if let. In swift 2.0 it would look something like this:
if let
budgetString:String = budgetLabel.text,
budgetItemString:String = budgetItemTextBox.text,
budget:Double = Double(budgetString),
budgetItem:Double = Double(budgetItemString) {
budgetLabel.text = String(budget - budgetItem)
} else {
// If a number was not found, what should it do here?

How can I concatenate strings only if they have passed a logical statement in Swift?

My challenge is twofold:
To pick individual strings from an array of similar strings, but only if a boolean test has been passed first.
"Finally" I need to concatenate any/all of the strings generated into one complete text and the entire code must be in Swift.
Illustration: A back of the envelope code for illustration of logic:
generatedText.text =
case Int1 <= 50 && Int2 == 50
return generatedParagraph1 = pick one string at RANDOM from a an array1 of strings
case Int3 =< 100
return generatedParagraph2 = pick one string at RANDOM from a an array2 of strings
case Int4 == 100
return generatedParagraph3 = pick one string at RANDOM from a an array3 of strings
return "Nothing to report"
and concatenate the individual generatedParagraphs
Attempt: Code picks a random element within stringArray1, 2 and 3.
Example of what the code returns:
---> "Sentence1_c.Sentence2_a.Sentence3_b."
PROBLEM: I need the code to ONLY pick an element if it has first passed a boolean. It means that the final concatenated string (concastString) could be empty, just contain one element, or several depending on how many of the bools were True. Does anyone know how to do this?
import Foundation
var stringArray1 = ["","Sentence1_a.", "Sentence1_b.", "Sentence1_c."]
var stringArray2 = ["","Sentence2_a.", "Sentence2_b.", "Sentence2_c."]
var stringArray3 = ["","Sentence3_a.", "Sentence3_b.", "Sentence3_c."]
let count1 = UInt32(stringArray1.count)-1
let count2 = UInt32(stringArray2.count)-1
let count3 = UInt32(stringArray3.count)-1
var randomNumberOne = Int(arc4random_uniform(count1))+1
var randomNumberTwo = Int(arc4random_uniform(count2))+1
var randomNumberThree = Int(arc4random_uniform(count3))+1
let concatString = stringArray1[randomNumberOne] + stringArray2[randomNumberTwo] + stringArray3[randomNumberThree]
Okay, I didn't pass a Bool, but I show concatenating three random strings from a [String]. I ran this in a playground.
import Foundation
var stringArray = [String]()
for var i = 0; i < 100; i++ {
stringArray.append("text" + "\(i)")
func concat (array: [String]) -> String {
let count = UInt32(stringArray.count)
let randomNumberOne = Int(arc4random_uniform(count))
let randomNumberTwo = Int(arc4random_uniform(count))
let randomNumberThree = Int(arc4random_uniform(count))
let concatString = array[randomNumberOne] + array[randomNumberTwo] + array[randomNumberThree]
return concatString
let finalString = concat(stringArray)
