Bean is created regardless of #ConditionalOnProperty matchIfMissing's value - spring-boot

I am trying to create a bean for cacheManager only when a specific cachemanager is not configured.
#ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cache.type", matchIfMissing = true)
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
ConcurrentMapCacheManager cacheManager = new ConcurrentMapCacheManager() {
protected Cache createConcurrentMapCache(final String name) {
return new ConcurrentMapCache(name,
CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build().asMap(), false);
return cacheManager;
This bean is created even when I have the property
is configured. Did try different combinations with prefix with no luck. This bean is injected regardless of whether the cache type is specified or not in the

The issue seems to be that the default value of having attribute does not work as you expect it to. Reading the reference documentation you will find the following for having:
The string representation of the expected value for the properties. If not specified, the property must not be equal to false.
This means, that in your case (because you are not specifying the value), the condition will always match unless you have spring.cache.type=false. This is also shown in the reference documentation in the following table (the property value "foo" will actually match the condition if havingValue="" which is actually the default if you do not specify it):
Having said all that I would say that your best option would be to create your own Condition just like #ray suggested.

Your issue is quite straightforward. You need to understand what is actually happening here.
As you already knows #ConditionalOnProperty creates a bean when the propert specify in your annotation is available in your yml. In your case it is spring.cache.type.
So if you annotate like this #ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cache.type"), bean will not created when property not is not available. In other words "condition is false because condition is absent".
When you annotate like this #ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cache.type", matchIfMissing = true), bean will created when the property not available because we explicitly mention that by matchIfMissing = true. In other words "assume condition is true when property is absent". So obviously condition is true when the property is available.
So to fix your issue what you can do something like this, define a havingValue that will never put as the value for that property. What happens then, bean will not created even when property is available because value of that property does matches your havingValue.
Something like this,
#ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cache.type", matchIfMissing = true, havingValue = "none")
Method 2
You can create custom Condition class. Like follows,
public class ConditionalOnMisssing implements Condition {
public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
Environment env = context.getEnvironment();
return env.getProperty("spring.cache.type") == null;
Then change your CacheManager bean as follows.
public CacheManager cacheManager() {}


How to configure #ConditionalOnProperty with multiple string matching conditions?

I want to load a bean based on two String property value matching conditions.
Bean Config:
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "foo.test", name = "alpha", havingValue = "sodium")
public DefaultErrorHandler defaultErrorHandler(final DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer deadLetterPublishRecoverer) {
// do something
In the above bean config am able to check only value of foo.test.aplpha=sodium, but how to add foo.test.beta=chlorine matching in the above config ?

Evaluate property from properties file in Spring's #EventListener(condition = "...")

I would like to make the execution of an event handler dependent on whether or not a property is set to true in a properties file.
#EventListener(ContextRefreshedEvent.class, condition = "${service.enabled}")
public void onStartup() { }
However, this does not seem to work. I am getting the following error on startup:
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelParseException: EL1043E:(pos 1): Unexpected token. Expected 'identifier' but was 'lcurly({)'
Is it possible to use a property from a properties file as a condition here?
The issue is condition argument is expecting a SPEL.
This works try it out.
In your bean where you have this #EventListener, add these lines
public boolean isServiceEnabled() {
return serviceEnabled;
public boolean serviceEnabled;
change your declaration of evnt listener like this
#EventListener(classes = ContextRefreshedEvent.class, condition = "#yourbeanname.isServiceEnabled()")
public void onStartup() { }
change yourbeanname with the correct bean name .
I had the same annoying experience (with Spring Boot 2.4.2 on Java11).
In my case I had the boolean property in a #ConfigurationProperties class anyways in the same java file and still struggled a bit. First the #ConfigurationProperties need to be annotated as #Component to actually be a valid Bean and can be used in SpEL.
And I had to use the same long attributeName for the ConfigurationProperties in the Service itself and the EventListener Annotation for the Bean resolution to work fine. I needed some the ConfigurationProperties values also in another place of the Service, that's why they needed to be (Constructor) Autowired as well...
So this worked for me:
#Component //Important to make this a proper Spring Bean
#Data //Lombok magic for getters/setters etc.
class MyCustomConfigurationProperties {
boolean refreshAfterStartup = true;
#RequiredArgsConstructor //Lombok for the constructor
public class MyCustomService {
private final MyCustomConfigurationProperties myCustomConfigurationProperties;
#EventListener(value = ApplicationReadyEvent.class, condition = "#myCustomConfigurationProperties.refreshAfterStartup")
public void refresh() {
//the actual code I want to execute on startup conditionally

Override Property value in PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

I need to override a property value given in my property file while loading my JBOSS Application server.
I tried out with below code overriding processProperties() method in PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.
My property file has this entry
public class CustomPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer extends PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer {
protected String convertPropertyValue(String originalValue) {
return (originalValue != null) ? originalValue.trim() : originalValue;
protected void processProperties(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, Properties props)
throws BeansException {
super.processProperties(beanFactory, props);
for (Enumeration names = props.propertyNames(); names.hasMoreElements();) {
String key = (String) names.nextElement();
props.put("base.url", getUpdatedUrl());
I am injecting base.url value in a placeholder ${base.url} in application context.
How should I update the value of given property in run time. The above code always take the value in the property file not the updated value.
Blowing the dust off from this question. This can be done using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and adding a new property file (at the end of the list), where you put the properties you want to override. (The name/file path of the property file can contain an environment variable you pass at build time). Here's the javadoc of PropertiesLoaderSupport#setLocations:
Note: Properties defined in later files will override properties
defined earlier files, in case of overlapping keys. Hence, make sure
that the most specific files are the last ones in the given list of
As of Spring 5.2 this was deprecated in favor of PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer:
Specialization of PlaceholderConfigurerSupport that resolves ${...}
placeholders within bean definition property values and #Value
annotations against the current Spring Environment and its set of
Some examples here

Spring Boot - Detect and terminate if property not set?

Is there any way for a Spring Boot web application to abort at startup if a required property is not set anywhere (neither in the file nor the other property sources)? Right now, if the property is included in another property, it seem that Spring Boot simply avoids substitution.
For example, in my file, I have the line:
Right now, if "my.home" is not set elsewhere, Spring Boot is setting the url literally to "jdbc:hsqldb:${my.home}/database/my-jobstore" (no substitution).
I would like to have the application fail to start if the property my.home were not set anywhere else.
To throw a friendly exceptions just put a default null value in property, check and throw a exception in afterProperty method.
public static class ConfigurationGuard implements InitializingBean {
private String myHomeValue;
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (this.myHomeValue == null or this.myHomeValue.equals("${my.home}") {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${my.home} must be configured");
Create a bean with a simple #Value(${my.home}) annotated field. - Then Spring will try to inject that value and will fail and therefore stop when the value is not there.
Just #Value(${my.home}) private String myHomeValue; is enough for normal (not Boot) Spring applications for sure! But I do not know whether Boot has some other configuration to handle missing values: If there is an other failure management than you could check that value in an PostCreation method.
public static class ConfigurationGuard implements InitializingBean {
private String myHomeValue;
* ONLY needed if there is some crude default handling for missing values!!!!
* So try it first without this method (and without implements InitializingBean)
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (this.myHomeValue == null or this.myHomeValue.equals("${my.home}") {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${my.home} must be configured");
The default behaviour in current versions of Spring Boot (1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x) is to throw an exception if a placeholder can not be resolved.
There will a be an exception like this one :
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder '' in value "${}"
It works because a bean of type PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer (from spring-context) is automatically registered in Spring Boot, in this class : PropertyPlaceholderAutoConfiguration. And by default, the property ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders in PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer is set to false, which means an exception must be thrown if a placeholder is unresolved (be it nested or not).
Although they work, I think the approach in the foremost answer is somewhat brittle, as it only works for the predefined name(s), and will silently stop checking the when someone changes quartz.datasource.url in the configs to use a different expansion.
Ideally, I want this value of ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders to be false to get wholesale expansion checking when parsing my configs such as or its YAML variants, but it's hard-coded to true for these cases. This unfortunately leaves strings such as ${FOO} in its unexpanded form if FOO cannot be found, making troubleshooting extremely painful. This is especially the case for fields that don't readily appear in the logs such as passwords.
While I couldn't find a way of changing ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders short of modifying Spring Boot's classes, I did find an alternative of using a custom PropertySource implementation and defining a new syntax such as "${!FOO}" to indicate FOO must exist as an environment variable or die. (The OP didn't mention whether my.home is an environment variable but the code below is for environment variables.)
First, an EnvironmentPostProcessor implementation is required for registering the custom PropertySource. This does this as well as holds the implementation of the custom PropertySource:
package some.package;
class StrictSystemEnvironmentProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor {
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) {
if (environment.getPropertySources().contains(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME)) {
SystemEnvironmentPropertySource delegate = (SystemEnvironmentPropertySource)environment.getPropertySources()
environment.getPropertySources().addLast(new StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource(delegate));
private static class StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource extends SystemEnvironmentPropertySource {
public StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource(SystemEnvironmentPropertySource delegate) {
super(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, delegate.getSource());
public Object getProperty(String name) {
if (name.startsWith("!")) {
String variableName = name.substring(1);
Object property = super.getProperty(variableName);
if (property != null) {
return property;
throw new IllegalStateException("Environment variable '" + variableName + "' is not set");
return null;
Instead of returning null, an exception is thrown for names that start with !.
This META-INF/spring.factories is also required so that Spring initializes our EnvironmentPostProcessor:
Then henceforth, I can write all environment variables substitutions in my configs as ${!FOO} to get strict existance checking.
You can also create a #ConfigurationProperties bean, and decorate it with #Validated and #NotNull. This will throw an exception during startup when the value is not present (or null), e.g.
public class MyProperties {
private String home;
// getter/setter, or constructor. See #ConstructorBinding.
For reference: Spring Boot 2.6 - #ConfigurationProperties Validation.
Note that you may need to add spring-boot-starter-validation, or another validator, depending on your project.
Then, you can just supply it as a dependency when needed, e.g.
public class AnotherBean {
private final MyProperties myProps;
public AnotherBean(MyProperties myProps) {
this.myProps = myProps;
// some code that uses myProps.getHome()

What is purpose of #ConditionalOnProperty annotation?

I just modified spring boot configuration, and encountered
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "", value = "auto-connection-views")
#Bean(name = { "connect/twitterConnect", "connect/twitterConnected" })
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "", value = "auto-connection-views")
public View twitterConnectView() {
return new GenericConnectionStatusView("twitter", "Twitter");
I don't understand purpose of this annotation. I guess this might be enable to use bean only if property value exist(e.g. "", "auto-connection-views").
The annotation is used to conditionally create a Spring bean depending on the configuration of a property. In the usage you've shown in the question the bean will only be created if the property exists and it has a value other than false. This means that, for this View bean to be created, you need to set the property and it has to have a value other than false.
You can find numerous other uses of this annotation throughout the Spring Boot code base. Another example is:
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "spring.rabbitmq", name = "dynamic", matchIfMissing = true)
public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin(CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
return new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory);
Note the use of matchIfMissing. In this case the AmqpAdmin bean will be created if the spring.rabbitmq.dynamic property exists and has a value other than false or the property doesn't exist at all. This makes the creation of the bean opt-out rather than the example in the question which is opt-in.
In case you are using this property on TYPE-level, i.e. on one of your #Configuration classes... Keep in mind that in such case the annotation is evaluated/checked against the default properties file, i.e.
#ConditionalOnProperty on TYPE level w/ #Configuration
Rather, it is the opposite. A precondition for implementing the method, if the property is set in the environment (development, approval, production) and is true value with the method can be executed.
If the property is not set in the environment annotation not prevented the execution of the method.
