Deterministic OpenSimplexNoise across Godot versions - random

For a given version of Godot, you can deterministically generate OpenSimplexNoise using seed (documentation).
However, in the documentation for RandomNumberGenerator there is the following:
Note: The underlying algorithm is an implementation detail. As a
result, it should not be depended upon for reproducible random streams
across Godot versions.
Some workarounds for the above issue are described here, the short answer is to write a custom portable RNG.
Is there any way to insert a custom RNG for OpenSimplexNoise to manage determinism? Is there another solution?

The Godot developers are warning you that they might decide to change RandomNumberGenerator for a future version (also and some changes happened already).
And no, you can't insert a custom random number generator for OpenSimplexNoise.
Anyway, OpenSimplexNoise does not use RandomNumberGenerator or rand. Instead it takes this library as a git module: smcameron/open-simplex-noise-in-c.
Does OpenSimplexNoise change? Rarely. However, there is a breaking change in OpenSimplexNoise for Godot 4 and 3.4: the axis has been swaped (this is a fix).
So that leads us to add a custom noise solution. Which could be a port of OpenSimplex noise to C# or GDScript.
See open-simplex-noise.c from Godot source and digitalshadow/OpenSimplexNoise.cs (which is a port to C#, there are some other ports linked in the comments there too).
And for the texture, there are a couple options:
You can create a script that draws the image (I suggest using lockbits) and set it.
Or you can extend Viewport (which entains adding a Viewport to the scene and attaching a script). Then you take advantage of ViewportTexture, and you can take advantage of shaders to create the texture you want. Take BastiaanOlij/godot-noise-texture-asset for reference.


Pitch Shift in p5.js

I've been racking my brain on how to do a pitch shift in p5.js, and I've found documentation for a rate change (pitch and speed together), as well as a speed change without changing pitch. I was trying to experiment with having those run simultaneously, but it appears rate() is only available for p5.SoundFile and speed is only available for p5.MediaElement.
I was wondering if anyone had run across a way to extend functionality from one object to another, or if there was a way to manually extend the functionality somewhere in custom code.
Option 1. Switch to ToneJS
ToneJS is another library that wraps the browser's Audio API and it has a built in PitchShift effect. There's nothing special about p5.sound that makes it better or worse for use with p5.js except maybe that it follows some of the same conventions.
Option 2. Write a Custom Effect
p5.Sound provides a base class p5.Effect which could be used to implement a pitch shift effect however, this would be a pretty challenging project unless you have experience with digital signal processing and the underlying browser Audio API. Here's a Wikipedia page on the algorithm in question.

Recreating bugs in cocos2d iphone

I guess someone must have asked a similar question before, but here goes.
It would be useful to be able to record games so that if a bug happened during the game, the recorded play can be reused later with a fixed build to confirm if the bug is fixed or not. I am using box2d as well and from what I remember it seems as if box2d is not really deterministic, but at least being able to recreate most of the state from the first time would be OK in many cases. Recreating the same randomized values would take reinstating the same time etc I assume. Any insight?
I have been fiddling with calabash-ios with various success. I know it's possible to record plays, and playback them there later. I just assume it wouldn't recreate random values.
A quick look at box2d faq and I think box2d is deterministic enough
For the same input, and same binary, Box2D will reproduce any
simulation. Box2D does not use any random numbers nor base any
computation on random events (such as timers, etc).
However, people often want more stringent determinism. People often
want to know if Box2D can produce identical results on different
binaries and on different platforms. The answer is no. The reason for
this answer has to do with how floating point math is implemented in
many compilers and processors. I recommend reading this article if you
are curious:
If you encapsulate the input state the player gives to the world each time step (eg. in a POD struct) then it's pretty straightforward to write that to a file. For example, suppose you have input state like:
struct inputStruct {
bool someButtonPressed;
bool someOtherKeyPressed;
float accelerometerZ;
... etc
Then you can do something like this each time step:
inputStruct currentState;
currentState.someButtonPressed = ...; // set contents from live user input
if ( recording )
fwrite( &currentState, sizeof(inputStruct), 1, file );
else if ( replaying ) {
inputStruct tmpState;
int readCount = fread( &tmpState, sizeof(inputStruct), 1, file );
if ( readCount == 1 )
currentState = tmpState; //overwrite live input
applyState( currentState ); // apply forces, game logic from input
world->Step( ... ); // step the Box2D world
Please excuse the C++ centric code :~) No doubt there are equivalent ways to do it with Objective-C.
This method lets you regain live control when the input from the file runs out. 'file' is a FILE* that you would have to open in the appropriate mode (rb or wb) when the level was loaded. If the bug you're chasing causes a crash, you might need to fflush after writing to make sure the input state actually gets written before crashing.
As you have noted, this is highly unlikely to work across different platforms. You should not assume that the replay file will reproduce the same result on anything other than the device that recorded it (which should be fine for debugging purposes).
As for random values, you'll need to ensure that anything using random values that may affect the Box2D world go through a deterministic random generator which is not shared with other code, and you'll need to record the seed that was used for each replay. You might like to use one of the many implementations of Mersenne Twister found at
When I say 'not shared', suppose you also use the MT algorithm to generate random directions for particles, purely for rendering purposes - you would not want to use the same generator instance for that as you do for physics-related randomizations.

How did Turbo Pascal overlays work?

I'm implementing an assemblinker for the 16-bit DCPU from the game 0x10c.
One technique that somebody suggested to me was using "overlays, like in Turbo Pascal back in the day" in order to swap code around at run time.
I get the basic idea (link overlayed symbols to same memory, swap before ref), but what was their implementation?
Was it a function that the compiler inserted before references? Was it a trap? Was the data for the overlay stored at the location of the overlay, or in a big table somewhere? Did it work well, or did it break often? Was there an interface for assembly to link with overlayed Pascal (and vice versa), or was it incompatible?
Google is giving me basically no information (other than it being a no-on on modern Pascal compilers). And, I'm just, like, five years too young to have ever needed them when they were current.
A jump table per unit whose elements point to a trap (int 3F) when not loaded. But that is for older Turbo Pascal/Borland Pascal versions (5/6), newer ones also support (286) protected mode, and they might employ yet another scheme.
This scheme means that when an overlay is loaded, no trap overhead happens anymore.
I found this link in my references: The Slithy Tove. There are other nice details there, like how call chains are handled that span multiple overlays.

What makes a JavaFx 1.2 Scene Graph Refresh?

My first question =). I'm writing a video game with a user interface written in JavaFx. The behavior is correct, but I'm having performance problems. I'm trying to figure out how to figure out what is queuing up the refreshes which are slowing down the app.
I've got a relatively complex Scene Graph that represents a hexagonal map. It scales so that you could have 100 or a 1000 hexagons in the map. As the number of hexagons grow the responsiveness of the gui decreases. I've used YourKit (a Java Profiler) to trace these delays to major redraw operations.
I've spent most of the night trying to figure out how to do two things and understand one thing:
1) Cause a CustomNode to print something to the console whenever it is painted. This would help me identify exactly when these paints are being queued.
2) Identify when a CustomNode is put on the repaint queued.
If I answered 1 and 2, I might be able to figure out what it is that is binding all these different nodes together. Is it possible that JavaFX only works through global refreshes (doubtful)?
JavaFX script is a powerful UI language but certain practices will kill performance. Best performance generally boils down to:
keeping the Scene Graph small
keeping use of bind to a minimum (you can look at using triggers instead which are more performant)
This blog post by Jim Weaver expands these points.
I'm not sure as to the specific answers to your questions. If you examine the 1.2.1 docs you might be able to find a point in the Node documentation that you can override and add println statements but I'm not sure it can be done. You could try posting on
This is a partial post. I expect to expand it after I've done some more work. I wanted to put in what I've done to date so I don't forget.
I realized that I'd need to get my IDE running with a full compliment of the JavaFx 1.2 source. This would allow me to put break points into the core code to figure out what is going on. I decided to do this configuration on Eclipse for remote debugging. I'm developing my FX in Netbeans but am more comfortable with Eclipse so that's what I want to debug in if I can.
To get this info into Eclipse, I first made a project with the Java source that my code uses. I then added external Jars to the project. On my Mac, the Jars I linked to were in /Library/Frameworks/JavaFX.framework/Versions/1.2
Then I went searching for the Source to link to these Jars. Unfortunately, it's not available. I could find some of it in /Library/Frameworks/JavaFX.framework/Versions/1.2/
I did some research and found that the only available option left was to install a Java Decompilier. I used this one because it was easy to install into Eclipse 3.4: http colon_ //java dot decompiler _dot (<-- Please forgive the psudo link, I'm limited because I'm new)
This is where I am now. I can navigate into the Core FX classes and believe I'll be able to set break points and begin real analysis. I'll update this post as I progress.
I found a helpful benchmarking tool:
If you run with the JVM arg:
And you've put the following args into the file referenced by that arg:
handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = ALL
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
com.sun.scenario.animation.fps.level = ALL
You'll get console output that includes your frame count per second. For FX 1.2 it wasn't working for me, but it appears to be working for 1.2.1 (which was released Sept. 9, 2009.) I don't have a Netbeans that runs 1.2.1 yet.
You may want to read this article.
Basically, insertions in to the scenegraph are slow and benefits can be seen by batching up inserts

easy, programmable data plotting

I spend most of my time plotting data, but unfortunately I haven't found a decent solution for my plotting needs. At the moment, the most powerful and pleasant library I found that performs plotting is matplotlib. The results are stunning, but I mostly spend my time fighting with the library when trying to do simple things like having an arrow as I want. SImilar programs like R and gnuplot produce visually less appealing results, and they are not GUI based.
On the other hand, programs like xmgrace (or better) allow direct manipulation of the plotted objects and direct feedback, but they fail on two important points:
if my dataset (normally stored in csv files) changes for some reason, I have to reimport it and perform the manipulations again, by hand
once I obtain a nice plot setup, the only way I have to recreate the plot is to use a graphical, interactive program. I would like to have the possibility to run a command line utility on my csv files and get the .pdf as a result, with no human intervention.
I still have to find something that provides me both worlds, and it has an affordable price. Ideally, I would need an interactive GUI program (a la Origin) to generate matplotlib-based python scripts.
Does anyone have any hints on software that could address my needs on OSX (preferably) or Linux ?
You may want to check out Igor Pro. It's quite old, and quirky but it provides the most advanced plotting system I've found yet on the Mac. You can modify anything graphically, at a command line or in script files. The most powerful feature (IMO) is the ability to automatically generate a script to recreate a figure or to use a figure to create a script that generates figures like (in style etc.) a particular figure. I use Igor for all publication figures I produce.
Data is stored in "waves" (translation: vectors) which encapsulate data and information about the delta between data points (e.g. time step). Figures reference waves as their data source. When you update a wave (e.g. by re-importing a CSV file and specifying that the data overwrite specific waves), all figures that reference that wave are automatically updated.
You can create "layouts" which are page-layouts containing multiple graphs. These layouts are also automatically updated whenever any of the figures in the layout are updated (see above). You can add drawing/text/annotations to either graphs or layout.s
Be warned: Igor Pro's scripting language is something like the bastard child of VB and Matlab. It makes my eyes bleed. It makes me pray to whatever God that the pain just end. But the entire system is so powerful that it's worth it.
I have always used Matlab or R for this sort of thing. While you may not like how the generic plots look, I find that once I familiarize myself with the libraries I can make them as fancy as I want them to be.
R being free, I would try to stick it out with that. It is extremely powerful and perfectly suited to what you need (generate charts on the fly directly from datafiles). I bet that the more you get comfortable with it, you'll find yourself using R for a wide range of tasks outside of plotting data.
MathGL is cross-platform GPL library which meet all yours criteria. It can produce nice graphics, it can read csv files, it have window for displaying graphics (you don't need to know widget libraries), and it can plot in console (don't need a window or X at all). At this you can use C/C++/Fortran/Python/... for yours own code or MGL scripts for simplicity (see UDAV front-end in the last case).
Finally it can produce bitmaps (PNG/JPEG/GIF/...) or vector (EPS/SVG) output. Later it can be converted to PDF easily. Or you can create a PDF with U3D directly -- you'll need HPDF and U3D libraries in this case.
