How to use captcha before page load in laravel? - laravel

on my Laravel project, I want to use captcha before a page becomes visible. I am explaining it a little bit more.
imagine, we will go to
we have to solve the captcha to view this page content.
Can anyone help me or give me proper guidelines to do this?


Ajax and Security Pitfalls

Some time ago I start to work with Ajax, and I realy want to learn the right way to use it. My websys load the content with Ajax but I noted that if I change the HTML link code in Chrome or any other Nav the requisition will be done any away. My question is what is the right way to secure and verify the acess of links, and how I can do that with CI Framework and Ajax. My idea is verify with session integrating that with ajax loading the content based on the permission of user, but I don't know where I put that code in MVC Controller structure and how integrated that with the view/Ajax. I appreciate if someone could share some example code because I don't have any clue to solve that puzzle.

One-page AJAX-based WordPress site. How should I do it?

I am trying to create a one-page WordPress website, something like the ones you sometimes see in ThemeForest's WP section: the whole website is a long page that has everything in one place, from about us, to portfolio, to some blog posts, to contacts.
Placing all things on one page is not difficult. But when I started thinking about how to present individual posts and pages, I realised that I probably need a general way of getting posts' data via AJAX, and create new blocks with JS. How should I go about this? I suppose this was done before, but I struggle to find something this specific on Codex or a tutorial with best practices.
Any advice or link will be greatly appreciated.
You could use a plugin such as jQuery Easytabs, download it here, that has a built-in Ajax component.
I've found that the easiest way is to just get all content to load into the divs ahead of time, vs. trying to load all pages through Ajax. However, appending something like '?ajax/ajax' to the end of your urls through the Easytabs plugin is one option that I have successfully used in the past.
If you decide to use the easytabs functionality, there is ample documentation on the page that I linked to.

Is there a quick way of adding captcha in pyrocms contact form?

I am working on a very simple contact form, by modifiying default contact form of pyrocsms standard installation. I have looks at the documentation about adding captcha, but seems to not find any clear way of adding it. Is there a plugin/addons that simplify adding captcha in PyroCMS? Or, I should go deeper into CodeIgniter captcha helper, as shown here : CAPTCHA Helper ?
We had a captcha in there ages ago but the clear opinion of the community was that it was a pain in the ass and more people were against it being there than were for.
Instead we implemented Akismet, so you can just use that instead. That way they check if its spam for you, instead of pestering your users so hard they dont even bother submitting the form.

custom joomla site, layout of a page

I have a quick question about the layout of the page on a custom joomla site. been googling to no avail. On the home page of a site im working on, i have a flash(or soon to be jquery ) banner with some of the products sold from my clients store hard coded onto the page.
looks good and all but, it appears in every page. now i know that modules can be appended to individual pages but, how can i make.....well for example, WordPress has a feature where you can make a template of a page and give that template to a new page.
is there something similar in joomla? my overall goal is to have this banner only appear on the homepage. the rest of the pages will only get the header,menu, middle content, footer etc.
im trying to find a workaround and so i was thinking of maybe creating a "custom html" module, and i guess copy/pasting the content there and praying that it works...i suppose if it did, then id be able to dictate what page that banner comes in at but this method seems too messy.
any ides on how to better achive this? im a noob to joomla so sorry if i seem a bit turned around.
Thanks in advanced.
Here is a good explanation about assigning modules:
If your scenario gets too complicated you can use an extension like this one to manage where (even when) your modules will be displayed:
If you want banner on home page only but not on other pages then just set the Banner module to show on home page only. You will get Menu option under Module configuration page.
For banner you can either use any third party Joomla modules or you can write your code inside custom HTML. I hope this will help :)

What's the most efficient / fast way to display website within another website?

I am developing my portfolio website and I thought that it would be nice to show websites I've created within my portfolio website.
So say I will have header with navigation of my portfolio website and beneath it a or with another website from my portfolio list.
I mentioned and as I've heard that they can do such job, but I have no idea of how to use them.
So could anyone please suggest the way that is efficient, browser friendly, wouldn't take a lot of my server resources to display different websites (and will do the job).
Additionally: the way that I was planning to do this is by having links to different websites like so when user clicks it the website shown in the (or something else) would be . Also if possible could someone suggest "AJAX" method that will not require page refresh and will show different webpage in (or something else ;D ) instantly after user clicks on different links
Thank You )))
Use javascript and iframe
My page
<iframe id="iframe"></iframe>
I would say that the iframe is your best bet.
You would want to have a page with your toolbar and all your navigational elements and then an iframe that can change its source when you click a link.
You've probably heard that iframes don't always play nice with every browser but there are some ways you can eliminate the problems that come up.
Sometimes they really are the best way to do things!
Check out some tips here and here
