how to use a custom Function in Oracle Statement on each value of one column using Scala - oracle

I have a Scala Function. I need to read records that their last two characters of ID column are equal to the result of func. So, I must use func in Oracle query which is in following:
def func(id:String): Int = {
val two_char = id.takeRight(2).toInt
val group_id = two_char % 4
return group_id
val query = """ SELECT * FROM table where """+func("ID") + """==="""+group_id
When Scala run the query, I receive this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "ID"
func pass name of column not its values. Would you please guide me how to use the function in Oracle Query to operate on each value of the column?
Any help is really appreciated.


Passing a range table to an ABAP class/method causes a commit

I want to pass a range table for OBJNR, e.g.
call method ME->ME_GET_STATUS
importing ...
In the PUBLIC section of the super class I have:
RT_OBJNR type range of JSTO-OBJNR . (this is inherited by the calling class)
which is used by both calling & called methods.
The method ME_GET_STATUS has a parameter:
IT_OBJNR Importing Type RT_OBJNR Range table for OBJNR
and code
,WA_OBJNR like line of IT_OBJNR
The range table is only used to buffer an itab - LT_JCDS.
from JCDS as S
join JSTO as O
into table #IT_JCDS
where S~OBJNR in #LR_OBJNR
loop at IT_JCDS into data(LT_JCDS)
GS = group size GI = group index )
reference into data(OBJNR_REF)
It all works perfectly if there is just 1 record in the range table.
The issue is that if I pass more than 1 record it still works fine but seems to cause a commit (?) which closes the cursor causing a dump in MCEX_BW_LO_API. This occurs when calling the macro "sel" for the 2nd data package.
The idea is to pass multiple records of 'EQ' and 'BT' selections resulting in fewer records being returned from the database.
I've tried changing to a standard table and using = LR_OBJNR[]

Eloquent : Creating additional row with alias to the result set

Suppose I have a user table with columns id, name, age
With a normal get query User::get(), I get all results with those column's value.
But instead of just getting the id, name, age columns, is it possible if I add another column, perhaps a column with an alias of future_age with a value of age + 1.
The above result could be achieved in SQL like so:
SELECT res.*, (SELECT sum(res.age+1) from users where id = as future_age from users as res
I've thought about looping through the result and creating new key. but I think this would make the query execution time slow when the data is lengthy.
Is it possible to create the future_age key/column (I don't know the term hehe) directly on the query?
Currently, this is my query:
$user = User::get();
$new_res = []
if($user->count() > 0) {
foreach ($user as $u) {
$u['future_age'] = $u->age + 1
$new_res[] = $u;
The query works tho, but I don't think this is good if I have a large set of data.

Search sqlite3 table for an integer using C++

I have an sqliteCpp wrapper for my sqlite3 and was wondering if there is a query to search for integer in 'Symcod' columns as shown below:
sym = 100;
SQLite::Statement query(db, "SELECT Symcod FROM RawData WHERE EXISTS Symcod = sym");
but this gives me an Syntax error. Is there a way I can search the table for a integer using a variable name?
The sqlitecpp documentation suggests
// Compile a SQL query, containing one parameter (index 1)
SQLite::Statement query(db, "SELECT * FROM test WHERE size > ?");
// Bind the integer value 6 to the first parameter of the SQL query
query.bind(1, 6);
// Loop to execute the query step by step, to get rows of result
while (query.executeStep())
//.... do stuff with e.g. query.getColumn()
So you would construct your query using a ? for the variable, then do query.bind(1,sym)

Postgres datatype conversion differ on Ubuntu and windows

I am getting following exception on windows while running the below
ERROR: operator does not exist: numeric = character varying Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts." while executing with query parameter
I am passing the Numeric String for parameter using function as a named parameter to the query
getUIDCount(String id) {
select count(UID) as icrd FROM UID_tbl WHERE id = ?
where id is numeric(5,0)" in table
Everything works well on Ubuntu but getting Error while running the same code on windows. I have to do the explicit casting just for windows. I am using PostgreSQL 9.4.3. I am using "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialec" and grails 2.3.11 with runtime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.3-1100-jdbc41'
updated with how it is getting called
def Integer getUIDSetSize(String _id)
Integer i = 0;
Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource);
String sqlt = """select count(UID) as icrd FROM UID_tbl WHERE _id = ?""";
sql.eachRow(sqlt, [_id], { row -> i = row.icrd; });
return i;
This how it get called def _id1 = params._id1; count1 = HelperService.getUIDSetSize(_id1)
The workaround for casting from varchar to numeric is
This is not the best solution and would suggest selective casting from the code.

LINQ return records where string[] values match Comma Delimited String Field

I am trying to select some records using LINQ for Entities (EF4 Code First).
I have a table called Monitoring with a field called AnimalType which has values such as
"Mountain Lion"
I want to pass in some values in a string array (animalValues) and have the rows returned from the Monitorings table where one or more values in the field AnimalType match the one or more values from the animalValues. The following code ALMOST works as I wanted but I've discovered a major flaw with the approach I've taken.
public IQueryable<Monitoring> GetMonitoringList(string[] animalValues)
var result = from m in db.Monitorings
where animalValues.Any(c => m.AnimalType.Contains(c))
select m;
return result;
To explain the problem, if I pass in animalValues = { "Lion", "Tiger" } I find that three rows are selected due to the fact that the 4th record "Mountain Lion" contains the word "Lion" which it regards as a match.
This isn't what I wanted to happen. I need "Lion" to only match "Lion" and not "Mountain Lion".
Another example is if I pass in "Snake" I get rows which include "Rattlesnake". I'm hoping somebody has a better bit of LINQ code that will allow for matches that match the exact comma delimited value and not just a part of it as in "Snake" matching "Rattlesnake".
This is a kind of hack that will do the work:
public IQueryable<Monitoring> GetMonitoringList(string[] animalValues)
var values = animalValues.Select(x => "," + x + ",");
var result = from m in db.Monitorings
where values.Any(c => ("," + m.AnimalType + ",").Contains(c))
select m;
return result;
This way, you will have
",Mountain Lion,"
And check for ",Lion," and "Mountain Lion" won't match.
It's dirty, I know.
Because the data in your field is comma delimited you really need to break those entries up individually. Since SQL doesn't really support a way to split strings, the option that I've come up with is to execute two queries.
The first query uses the code you started with to at least get you in the ballpark and minimize the amount of data you're retrieving. It converts it to a List<> to actually execute the query and bring the results into memory which will allow access to more extension methods like Split().
The second query uses the subset of data in memory and joins it with your database table to then pull out the exact matches:
public IQueryable<Monitoring> GetMonitoringList(string[] animalValues)
// execute a query that is greedy in its matches, but at least
// it's still only a subset of data. The ToList()
// brings the data into memory, so to speak
var subsetData = (from m in db.Monitorings
where animalValues.Any(c => m.AnimalType.Contains(c))
select m).ToList();
// given that subset of data in the List<>, join it against the DB again
// and get the exact matches this time
var result = from data in subsetData
join m in db.Monitorings on data.ID equals m.ID
where data.AnimalType.Split(',').Intersect(animalValues).Any ()
select m;
return result;
