Infinite Looping between IdP and SP servers in SAML Spring Application - spring

We have encountered an issue where the application is going into an infinite looping state between the IdP server and the SP server, which are both hosted by different servers. From the logs, we could observe that the authentication was successful and we were able to get the assertion data as well. But at the browser level, we could see that the application was redirecting to IdP server. There were no errors logged in either browser console or in application/tomcat console. Could anyone please help me find a solution to stop this behavior.
Our Environment - Spring Framework application with open saml2 hosted on tomcat server.
Thanks in advance!

it could be tough to point out your problem quickly. Nevertheless, I wanted to write my comments maybe you can find a way worth to look.
IdP, SP, and your application are crucial players in such integration. The proper configuration between IdP and SP is the most important step. The user logins on the identity provider then redirect to SP with SAML assertion with desired attributes inside of a contract which IdP and SP have been agreed on. My suggestion would be, "it might be worthy of having a look at configuration once again."
Sorry, I don't have a concrete solution at this point to help you in resolving your problem. It might be hard for you also to give detailed information about integration between ends. But if you can provide a piece of more details like the name of the products (IdP, SP, SAML configuration details, i.e., which attributes have been mapped) that you are using, I can try to find sth.


Is there any build-in way to take advantage of "tomcat-users.xml" from external server?

I am trying to find out if there is any build-in option on Tomcat to use it's authentication credentials from remote server?
We build some application based on Spring Boot and that application should use authentication based on the credentials configured on another Tomcat server. Ideally I think about some kind of Web Service for the authentication which Tomcat may provide, but as far as I remember there is nothing like that available. Any thoughts on that?
Please don't advise LDAP or dedicated solutions - I can't use them on that particular case.
The components in Tomcat that authenticate users are called Realm, and there's quite a lot of them already implemented. You can find an overview of them, what they do and how to configure them on the Realm documentation page.
Check if any of the other existing ones (some access a database, which might qualify as an external server in your usecase - you judge that for yourself) will suit your needs.
You can even find a realm for LDAP in there if that will ever become an option ;)

How to support consuming application configurable authentication providers using spring-security-oauth2

While prototyping out an API & SDK, I've run into this question with several plausible solutions. I'm looking for help with some of the high level architecture. In short, it is guaranteed that some consuming applications of the API are going to want to configure their own authentication providers.
Options that I've been munching on:
Keep resource server and authorization coupled but figure out some way to delegate authentication in one of the authentication providers in my auth manager to the client application.
This sounds promising until I realized that in the particular use case, it's actually necessary that even my providing application not know the user's credentials.
Separate the resource server and make each consuming application responsible for providing an authorization server, and set those endpoints as part of the configuration when registering the consuming app with the resource provider.
This feels like an uncomfortable inversion of what is often desired when using authorization_code grant types. It also would require any "default" authorization providers to be implemented by each consuming application.
Some kind of delegating authorization server that falls back to a default if a client hasn't provided endpoints for their own authorization server.
This would probably be a good solution, but I'm not sure how to do it the "spring-security-oauth2" way or if I'd have to implement a bunch of my own stuff.
Create a default auth server, and optionally allow consuming applications to point to whichever auth server they want.
This seems viable approach in that it offers lots of customization. My concern is, how do I enforce some kind of registry with the resource server? If the auth server is the server that approves consuming applications, but I don't want to let any consuming application implement its own auth server, just some of them. Otherwise non-trusted clients could end up approving themselves!?
In case this influences any guidance, my resource provider will need a fully inflated OAuth2Authentication object (which contains user details and client details).
This image mostly explains what I'm talking about, except I want multiple authorization servers and want to leave it to the consuming application to decide which authorization server to point at. How could I check on the resource-server side of things that the authorization server proxying the requests is an approved authorization server?
I took a look at the existing implementation that's being used for this custom authentication case and I guess we're just reading a token off their session that gets set by their own login service and building their user each time off of that. This sort of customization is a problem in that we're removing customizations from the provider side of things in favor of handling that in the consuming applications. So, I'm looking for solutions so consuming apps can define their own authentication means, to the point of even providing users that the providing application doesn't persist (which leads me to think it may need to be an entire auth server).
That being said, this seems like a potentially unsustainable inverted model (IMHO, the provider should be the maintainer of users and authorization, not the consuming apps). So, I'll probably recommend a more business oriented change.
I believe I have finally come up with a secure and maintainable way of solving this.
Let consuming applications optionally register an authentication callback with the authorization server.
Require incoming authorization requests from that application to the authorization server on behalf of a user to include a token, that token should be stored by the consuming application as a means of referencing whichever user is actively causing the API call.
When an authorization code request is received by the authorization server from an application that has registered one of these callbacks, then POST to that application's registered authentication callback and include the token that was provided by the consuming application in the request.
The consuming application should take the token that was POSTed to it's registered authentication callback and look up the corresponding user, and return a response containing the full user object on whose behalf the providing application should operate (or some kind of error code if the token is invalid).
The authorization server should then generate an authorization code and return to the callback uri submitted with the authorization code request. This means we're back on track according to step 4 in the diagram in the original question. The remaining steps can be carried out as-is.
There is a remaining question of how this might be implemented to take advantage of as much of the spring-security-oauth2 framework as possible while still achieving this extension.

Need suggestions on security design for a web application

i'm designing a security module for a web application using spring security . There are 3 separate wars(3 Apps)using separate login, deployed in a JBOSS Server.
The requirement is , If the user is authenticated in one app then he should be able to access other applications without login . Is it possible to share the security context between the web application( different wars not in a single EAR ).
We discussed about the SSO , but we are trying to achieve this with spring security and with support of the App server . Is there any way ? Please provide your valuable suggestions and inputs.
If you need more information, please let me know.
The easiest way is to employ usual Spring Security authentication (e.g. form-based with username/password) and enable the remember-me feature.
As long as all three applications are deployed on the same domain (and can therefore share their cookies), the remember-me feature will work seamlessly for all of them, i.e. once user authenticates at any of the applications she will be able to access the others without need for re-authentication.
This of course doesn't address issues like single logout, but that doesn't seem to be your aim anyway.
You can set this up in a short time and don't need and third party SSO components. Although relaying on standard SSO protocols and dedicated technologies tends to be a more secure option.
I've done this recently with SSO and Spring Security however I wrote our own security filter to be used which grabs the HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser() value provided by the SPNEGO filter. One thing with SSO: most mechanisms use Kerberos which only really works in local desktop environments. It is possible to write a fallback mechanism which will redirect the user to a login page but then you still have your issue at hand.
Another option would be to repackage your applications as an EAR (see here).

Ofbiz framework repeatedly prompts for login credentials

I am using ofbiz for an e-commerce site and I have recently migrated from EC2 type amazon servers to VPC type servers provided by Amazon.
After migrating I often see ofbiz asking for login credentials again and again before performing any task. In other words, I have to provide my credentials again and again to accomplish any single task.
Google couldn't help me with this neither the ofbiz forums, any hint if not the exact solution would also help.
This sort of problem often requires some research and testing, but I'd start with looking at session related issues like cookies (for plain HTTP) and HTTPS sessions, and also that the jsessionid is included in the URL when switching between HTTP and HTTPS.
It may be that something in the network is different between the plain EC2 and the private cloud and that is causing issues with maintaining the session. I don't know a lot about VPC on AWS, so can't comment on more detailed things to look into there.

Legacy application with JDBC and JNDI REALM authentication

My application currently relies on JDBC realm authentication. Recent needs have forced us to think about having LDAP authentication as well. We are thinking about using Active Directory for both authentication as well as authorization (roles). As a standalone test, I was able to authenticate my application with AD. But here is the confusion I have going forward.
If the user chooses LDAP authentication when he logs in, I authenticate the user with AD, get the user's roles and do I replicate(create a new) windows user in my database?. I have to have the user in the database, because many parts of the application is designed to retrieve the user from database
If the users chooses local login, I still should have JDBCRealm somewhere that I should use to authenticate the user. Is it possible to have multiple realms in tomcat? (I sort of know it is possible, but havent seen much documentation around it)
Any thoughts, comments, suggestions would immensely help me
If you can run your app on Tomcat 6, there is a realm called CombinedRealm that will let you do what you are trying to do: It is possible to do what you want in older versions but it's a real pain. You basically will have to implement your own custom Realm. I've not yet used this new CombinedRealm, but if it works as advertised it will save you a lot of effort and pain. Trust me.
