Error: no source files when using command substitution [duplicate] - bash

This question already has answers here:
Escaping in makefile
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have the following code:
all: ./source/ ./source/ ./source/
javac -d target $(find ./source/* | grep .java)
When I run Make, I get this output
javac -d target
error: no source files
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
When I run the javac command in bash, it compiles fine. Furthermore, when I run the 'find' section, i get a list of files like I wanted. Additionally, the file paths in line 1 are all accurate.
Any tips?
(I have to use the find function because there are a lot of files in use, and it increases over time. I trimmed it down to 3, but the bug is still there anyway)

As RenaudPacalet said, I had to put an extra $ infront of the second line.

If you want to execute shell commands in a Makefile, use this syntax : $(shell ...)
Warnings :
The default shell is sh (use SHELL macro definion to change it)
Example : SHELL=/bin/bash
The dollar ($) symbol is special into Makefile and into bash script (if you want use it in shell script espace it with double dollar : $$).
Example: $(shell X=a_value; echo $$a_value)
If you want the current process of sub-shell : $(shell echo $$$$) ... ugly, no ?
Do you want really call shell? It's not portable. Assume it.
If you search your sources files or what ever, use wildcard internal make function.
all: x.class y.class z.class
x.class: dir_b/ dir_c/
#echo "$$^=$^="
#echo "not portable command ..." $(shell find . -name "*.java")
# Better with deps in target definition
SRCS=$(shell find . -name "*.java")
y.class: $(SRCS)
#echo x_my_command $^
# Really better (portable)
SRCS=$(wildcard */*.java *.java)
z.class: $(SRCS)
#echo y_my_command $^
$^ dir_b/ dir_c/
not portable command ... ./dir_b/ ./dir_c/ ./
x_my_command dir_b/ dir_c/
y_my_command dir_b/ dir_c/


execute shell commands inside a target in makefile

I'm new to makefile. I'm trying to perform some shell operation inside a makefile under a target. I made a new_target without modifying the working code. The code looks like this:
all: new_target existing_target
TEST_FILES:=$(wildcard $(HOME)/Test/*.cpp)
for f in $(TEST_FILES); do \
$(shell ls) $$f; \
TEST_FILES:=/docker_home/myhome/Test/b.cpp /docker_home/myhome/Test/file.cpp /docker_home/myhome/Test/a.cpp
/bin/sh: 1: TEST_FILES:=/docker_home/myhome/Test/b.cpp: not found
Makefile:6: recipe for target 'new_target' failed
make: *** [new_target] Error 127
The idea is to perform a shell operation(similar to ls) on all the .cpp files in a particular directory
This ...
TEST_FILES:=$(wildcard $(HOME)/Test/*.cpp)
... is (GNU) make syntax that assigns a value to a make variable. Your recipe instructs the shell to execute it as if it were a shell command. Obviously, that doesn't work.
Additionally, $(shell ls) doesn't do what you intend. It will run the ls command without arguments in make's working directory, at the time the makefile is parsed, and insert the results into the command to be run. If you want to run a shell command in your recipe then just put the command in the recipe.
The easiest solution would probably be to move that line outside the recipe (and dedent it):
TEST_FILES:=$(wildcard $(HOME)/Test/*.cpp)
for f in $(TEST_FILES); do \
ls $$f; \
Note that the $(wildcard) function will be evaluated and the results assigned to TEST_FILES at the time that the makefile is parsed, not when the new_target target is built, but that appears unlikely to be an issue in this case.
Of course, unless you need TEST_FILES for something else, too, a much cleaner way would be to merge it together and get rid of wildcard:
for f in $(HOME)/Test/*.cpp; do \
ls $$f; \
Or, best of all for this particular case:
ls $(HOME)/Test/*.cpp
You need to run it in below way as TEST_FILES is a make variable and you should not mix make and shell:
TEST_FILES:=$(wildcard $(HOME)/Test/*.cpp)
for f in $(TEST_FILES); do \
ls $$f; \
Note :
When it is time to execute recipes to update a target by make , they are executed by invoking a new sub-shell for each line of the recipe, unless the .ONESHELL special target is in effect. So you dont require a $(shell) explicitly.

Why does make copy a file onto another file? (Target depends on an entire folder.)

I have a directory with test inputs and outputs. I wanted make to automatically test my program against this directory after build, for convenience. Thus I needed to somehow force the test target of Makefile to depend on the entire testing directory (it's called good, because it contains valid inputs and outputs for the program)
I read this question and the accepted answer and the comments about deleted files under this answer: Makefile rule that depends on all files under a directory (including within subdirectories) And, incorporating advice from this answer & comments, I came out with this:
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ cat Makefile
test : $(shell find good)
For the sake of MCVE, is very rudimentary:
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ cat
echo "blah"
However, I noticed, this behaves in a rather unexpected way:
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ ls good
test1 test1.out
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ make
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ touch good/test1
my#comp:~/wtfdir$ make
cp good/test1 good/test1.out
Why (expletive redacted) does modifying test1 cause make to overwrite test1.out with test1??? I'm not a big fan of data losses, you know.
What's going on here?
Your Make appears to be GNU Make. Here's why this happens. Your recipe:
test : $(shell find good)
adds to the prerequisites of test every file and directory that is listed
by find good in the current directory, which happen to be:
So to make target test, Make begins by determining if any of the specified
or built-in recipes require it to rebuild any of the prerequsities: good good/test1 good/test1.out
Among its built-in recipes it finds:
%.out: %
# recipe to execute (built-in):
#rm -f $#
cp $< $#
as you can verify by running:
$ make --print-data-base | grep -A4 '%.out'
The rule for this recipe is matched by:
good/test1.out: good/test1
and by doing:
$ touch good/test1
you have made good/test1.out out of date with respect to good/test1.
So make executes the recipe:
#rm -f good/test1.out
cp good/test1 good/test1.out
the visible output of which is what you observed:
cp good/test1 good/test1.out
Then it proceeds with the recipe for test:
There is always a risk of such booby-traps if you write a makefile that blindly
generates at runtime some set of preqrequisites or targets you don't know beforehand.
You could avoid this one in particular by explicitly deleting the offending
implicit pattern rule in your makefile by writing:
%.out: %
with no recipe. And you can avoid all possible booby-traps of this sort by disabling all
built-in recipes, with:
$ make --no-builtin-rules ...
but that will require you to write for yourself any builtin-recipes that your
makefile relies on.
The best solution for you is probably to amend your makefile as follows:
PREREQS := $(shell find good)
test : $(PREREQS)
Then the last line explicitly specifies an empty recipe
for each of the $(PREREQS), and Make will not consult any pattern rules for targets
that have explicit recipes.
You should additionally make test a phony target:
.PHONY: test
for the avoidance of the booby-trap where something creates a file called test in the build directory.

Defining SHELL: why some targets fail with error "invalid syntax" while another doesn't fail?

I have a Makefile as follows (excerpt):
# be a POSIX guy!
SHELL = /bin/dash
# avoid accursed tabs
PROJECT = my_project
# before-commit stuff
CHANGED_FILES = $(shell git ls-files --modified)
files ?= $(CHANGED_FILES)
pyflakes $(files)
pyflakes $(PROJECT)
ssh -fNL$(STAGING_DB_PORT):localhost:$(STAGING_DB_PORT) staging-db
ss -tlpn sport eq :$(STAGING_DB_PORT)
ssh -O check staging-db
ssh -O stop staging-db
ss -tlpn sport eq :$(STAGING_DB_PORT)
ss -tlpn sport eq :$(STAGING_DB_PORT)
ssh -O check staging-db
.PHONY: lint, lint-all, staging-db-start, staging-db-stop, staging-db-check
When I run target, say staging-db-check it works just fine. Although, when I run target lint, it fails with error:
Makefile:2:9: invalid syntax
SHELL = /bin/dash
For me, it is very strange. I read docs, they say that you always must set SHELL variable, so I decided to do so. But I can not figure out where there is an error?
I have GNU make, version 4.2.1.
GNU Make never generates diagnostics of form of:
Makefile:2:9: invalid syntax
SHELL = /bin/dash
But pyflakes does, which is the program run by your lint target's recipe:
pyflakes $(files)
As you know, pyflakes lints Python source files. Your $(files), as assigned
# before-commit stuff
CHANGED_FILES = $(shell git ls-files --modified)
files ?= $(CHANGED_FILES)
expands to a list of files that includes Makefile. Your Makefile is not
a Python source file and the first line in Makefile that is not syntactically
valid Python is:
SHELL = /bin/dash
Here's a shorter makefile:
# be a POSIX guy!
SHELL = /bin/dash
.PHONY: all
echo "Hello World"
with which to reproduce your error:
$ pyflakes Makefile
Makefile:2:9: invalid syntax
SHELL = /bin/dash
Is there a way to exclude non-python files from $files variable?
Yes. Assuming that Python files are files with the extension .py, change:
CHANGED_FILES = $(shell git ls-files --modified)
CHANGED_FILES = $(filter,$(shell git ls-files --modified))
See functions:
$(filter pattern...,text)
$(filter-out pattern...,text)
in 8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
in the GNU Make manual
And if you do that, maybe better change CHANGED_FILES to CHANGED_PYTHON_FILES.

GNU Make (running program on multiple files)

I'm stuck trying to figure out how to run a program, on a set of files, using GNU Make:
I have a variable that loads some filenames alike this:
FILES=$(shell ls *.pdf)
Now I'm wanting to run a program 'p' on each of the files in 'FILES', however I can't seem to figure how to do exactly that.
An example of the 'FILES' variable would be:
"a.pdf k.pdf omg.pdf"
I've tried the $(foreach,,) without any luck, and #!bin/bash like loops seem to fail.
You can do a shell loop within the command:
for x in $(FILES) ; do \
p $$x ; \
(Note that only the first line of the command must start with a tab, the others can have any old whitespace.)
Here's a more Make-style approach:
TARGETS = $(FILES:=_target)
all: $(TARGETS)
#echo done
$(TARGETS): %_target : %
p $*

How to source a script in a Makefile?

Is there a better way to source a script, which sets env vars, from within a makefile?
FLAG ?= 0
ifeq ($(FLAG),0)
export FLAG=1
/bin/myshell -c '<source scripts here> ; $(MAKE) $#'
Makefile default shell is /bin/sh which does not implement source.
Changing shell to /bin/bash makes it possible:
# Makefile
SHELL := /bin/bash
source && YourCommand
To answer the question as asked: you can't.
The basic issue is that a child process can not alter the parent's environment. The shell gets around this by not forking a new process when source'ing, but just running those commands in the current incarnation of the shell. That works fine, but make is not /bin/sh (or whatever shell your script is for) and does not understand that language (aside from the bits they have in common).
Chris Dodd and Foo Bah have addressed one possible workaround, so I'll suggest another (assuming you are running GNU make): post-process the shell script into make compatible text and include the result:
shell-variable-setter.make: #^
# ...
include shell-variable-setter.make
messy details left as an exercise.
If your goal is to merely set environment variables for Make, why not keep it in Makefile syntax and use the include command?
include other_makefile
If you have to invoke the shell script, capture the result in a shell command:
JUST_DO_IT=$(shell source_script)
the shell command should run before the targets. However this won't set the environment variables.
If you want to set environment variables in the build, write a separate shell script that sources your environment variables and calls make. Then, in the makefile, have the targets call the new shell script.
For example, if your original makefile has target a, then you want to do something like this:
. <script to source>
export FLAG=1
make "$#"
# Makefile
export FLAG=1
./ a
.. do it
Using GNU Make 3.81 I can source a shell script from make using:
<tab>source && "gets" the environment variables exported by
Note that using:
will not work. Each line is ran in its own subshell.
This works for me. Substitute with the name of the file you want to source. It works by sourcing the file in bash and outputting the modified environment, after formatting it, to a file called makeenv which is then sourced by the makefile.
IGNORE := $(shell bash -c "source; env | sed 's/=/:=/' | sed 's/^/export /' > makeenv")
include makeenv
Some constructs are the same in the shell and in GNU Make.
text="Some text"
You can alter your shell script to source the defines. They must all be simple name=value types.
. ./
Then the shell script and the Makefile can share the same 'source' of information. I found this question because I was looking for a manifest of common syntax that can be used in Gnu Make and shell scripts (I don't care which shell).
Edit: Shells and make understand ${var}. This means you can concatenate, etc,
var="One string"
var=${var} "Second string"
I really like Foo Bah's answer where make calls the script, and the script calls back to make. To expand on that answer I did this:
# Makefile
ifndef SOME_DIR
<tab>. ./ $(MAKE) $#
export SOME_DIR=$PWD/path/to/some/dir
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# The first argument is set, call back into make.
$1 $2
This has the added advantage of using $(MAKE) in case anyone is using a unique make program, and will also handle any rule specified on the command line, without having to duplicate the name of each rule in the case when SOME_DIR is not defined.
If you want to get the variables into the environment, so that they are passed to child processes, then you can use bash's set -a and set +a. The former means, "When I set a variable, set the corresponding environment variable too." So this works for me:
bash -c "set -a && source .env.test && set +a && cargo test"
That will pass everything in .env.test on to cargo test as environment variables.
Note that this will let you pass an environment on to sub-commands, but it won't let you set Makefile variables (which are different things anyway). If you need the latter, you should try one of the other suggestions here.
My solution to this: (assuming you're have bash, the syntax for $# is different for tcsh for instance)
Have a script, as such:
Then, in your makefile, preface your targets with bash, for instance:
bash gcc ExampleTarget.C
You can of course put something like STE=bash at the top of your makefile and shorten this:
$(STE) gcc ExampleTarget.C
All of this works because opens a subshell, but then the commands are run in the same subshell.
The downside of this method is that the file gets sourced for each target, which may be undesirable.
Depending on your version of Make and enclosing shell, you can implement a nice solution via eval, cat, and chaining calls with &&:
#echo "FOO: $${FOO}"
#eval `cat $(ENVFILE)` && echo "FOO: $${FOO}"
And a quick test:
> make source-via-eval
An elegant solution found here:
ifneq (,$(wildcard ./.env))
include .env
If you need only a few known variables exporting in makefile can be an option, here is an example of what I am using.
$ grep ID /etc/os-release
$ cat Makefile
default: help rule/setup/lsb
-${MAKE} --version | head -n1
echo ID=${#F}
rule/setup/lsb: /etc/os-release
${source} $< && export ID && ${MAKE} rule/setup/$${ID}
$ make
make --version | head -n1
GNU Make 3.81
. /etc/os-release && export ID && make rule/setup/${ID}
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp'
echo ID=ubuntu
Assuming GNU make, can be done using a submake. Assuming that the shell script that exports the variables is in the current directory, move your Makefile to Create a new Makefile:
#. ./; \
+#. ./; \
Pay attention to the ./ preceding
Another possible way would be to create a sh script, for example, source the required scripts and call make inside the script.
source script1
source script2 and so on
target: output_source
try this it will work, the script is inside the current directory.
