CSW extension for geoserver version 2.19.2 - geoserver

We have upgraded our geoserver application to version 2.19.2. Also followed the instructions for installing Catalog Services for Web (CSW). I can see that the CSW is listed as one of the Services but not listed in the Modules tab (as it is supposed to?):
I have enabled CSW and direct download:
Then I followed the instruction for Direct Download. But in the layers page, under Publishing tab, I don’t see DirectDownload Settings section.
Also to make sure our customized geoserver didn’t impose any conflict or issue, I have downloaded the geoserver web archive version 2.19.2 and added the csw plugin jar files into the WEB-INF/lib. I see the same behavior (Missing CSW from Modules and missing direct download settings from the layers publishing tab)
I would be appreciated if anyone can help me understand and fix this issue.

That means I missed that class when I was updating the module listing code. So your module (and any others that are missing, mostly community modules) will continue to work as expected.
Please submit an issue at https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/GEOS/issues and we'll make sure it gets fixed the next time we look at that code.


OSGI plugin development with Domino Designer 10

Up to date I was using IBM Domino Designer V9.0.1 FP8 to develop an OSGI plugin. With this version everything was working as intended. I've created a plugin project, a feature project and an update site project. Selecting "Build all" in the update site project created all the the corresponding jar files.
Today I've installed IBM (HCL) Domino Desinger V10 FP2 (fresh install i.e. I've deinstalled V9.0.1 and deleted the old "workspace" directory in NotesData, but I kept the NotesData itself).
Now if I open my plugin projects, I can edit the plugin, save the Java classes without any errors. Up to this point everything is working as usual. But now, if I use "Build all" in the update site project I see a screen with "generating ant script" and then the build process is finished, but no jar files are generated.
Any ideas why this is happening? Am I missing some files? Am I missing some configurations?
BTW: if I use standard eclipse to build the plugin all jar files are generated.
Domino Designer is a customised version of Eclipse. 9.0.1 FP9 and lower is a very old version of Eclipse, 9.0.1 FP10+ is a much newer version, so not comparable to what was happening before. It's possible there are differences in the customisation of Eclipse that are affecting it. But every Domino OSGi plugin developer I'm aware of uses standard Eclipse.
Follow the steps for setting up your environment here https://github.com/OpenNTF/XPagesExtensionLibrary/wiki/Development-Environment. In the documentation there I've tried to document why steps are done and what they achieve, as well as just the steps themselves. The intention is to pass on understanding to a broader set of developers, for future proofing.

The spring boot edit starters context menu option does not show up under rightclicking pom.xml

The spring boot edit starters context menu for downloading content to pom.xml automatically is not visible in my eclipse, although Spring Tool Suite is properly installed. Also. the Boot Dashboard for Development Tools will not show up.
Error: java.io.IOException: Unable to resolve plugin
What could this be, how do I solve this?
This is usually a hard-to-debug issue and probably caused by some incompatibilities among installed plugins. You can try to start up Eclipse/STS with the -clean option, this causes the runtime to re-evaluate bundle resolution (among other things), and in some rare cases that helps. But it doesn't help if there is a real underlying incompatibility. And that is hard to identify from the outside, we would need a lot more details to debug this.
I would recommend to download a ready-to-use STS distribution and go from there. It contains a full Eclipse JEE package plus the Spring IDE plugins pre-installed. I know that starting from a fresh install might cause additional work if you need additional third-party plugins being installed again, but it would at least give you a good starting point. And if the problem arises again after installing certain plugins, we would at least have a potentially reproducible path towards the issue that we could use to track down the issue on our end.
You may follow these steps -
Right click "pom.xml"
Select "Spring" item
Click "Add Starters"
For your reference,

Problems with Osgi plugins in Domino Designer after 9.01. FP4

We have our own OSGI plugin with a set of custom code and some java libraries that we use cross projects. It is installed on servers via an update site and imported on developers Domino Designer.
It is working fine up to FP4, but in Domino Designer it is not added to bundles after FP4. For servers and Notes clients it works fine up to FP6 for which we have tested so far.
Tested now with FP7 on my Domino Designer, and the plugin installs fine both via update site and via manual import. However each time I open a database using this library I get build errors. It solves by going to the code, on the error select correct project configuration and adding our plugin to the required bundles. When I close the database and open again, I have to do the same process and we have the same problem with all databases using this plugin.
I have tested starting Notes with the osgi console, but all reports as it is installed normal there.
When viewing in package explorer before fixing the bundle I can see that the plugin is missing from Plugin dependecies and gets added there when doing the fix.
I just installed a fresh Domino Designer for a new user now and upgraded him directly to FP7. He got exactly the same problem. Downgrading him to FP4 solves the problem.
Anyone having the same problem or have ideas to how it can be solved?

Plugins folder during sonar upgrade

What is a good way for extension/plugins during sonar upgrade? I am upgrading sonar from 4.0 to 4.5.1 second time.In first time, I copied the old extension/plugins folder into new sonar version.It so happened that during first time, there was a C# plugins and during database upgrade step, we got the message of "Impossible to upgrade Database". On removing this plugin, the database upgrade didn't happen and we were taken directly to the login page. As a results projects were missing on sonar dashboard though the LDAP users got imported.So I would like to know what is the right way out of below ?
1. Copy the old plugins folder from sonar 4.0 (old) folder to sonar 4.5.1 (new) folder.
2. Don't copy the old plugin folder. Just download the new plugins which are required post sonar upgrade.
Don't do #2! It will screw up your rule profiles.
You started out correctly by copying the plugins folder. But you have to go a little farther.
You need to read the upgrade notes for each intervening version. They're all children of this general guide to upgrading. They should mention all plugin incompatibilities & you'll have to deal with those manually. You may be able to do some of the upgrades via the update center in the old version before you shut it down. The rest you have to handle by deleting/replacing the old plugin jars.

Classpath entry org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER will not be exported or published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result

I created a web project inspired by jsf-blank.zip from JSF 2 with Facelets, Ajax, and PrimeFaces. After a few days of progress (and solving numerous issues, thanks to the SO community, mainly) with my site I'm stuck at:
HTTP 404 - The requested resource is not available in Eclipse's internal browser and FF.
Eclipse's console shows:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
That's only fair and I had that before (one of the numerous issues mentioned above) but I can't convince it to leave this time.
mostar's answer did the trick. BUT, this setting is removed with every new Maven → Update Project...
Furthermore, there are the following warnings and errors I couldn't get rid off (permanently) no matter how many SO and other web pages I consulted:
Classpath entry org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER will not be exported or published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result.
I found how to get rid of this (see above) but with every Maven → Update Project... it's there again.
Implementation of project facet jboss.m2 could not be found. Functionality will be limited.
Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.0.
One or more constraints have not been satisfied. [Which one? The one immediately above?]
Who's the culprit for all this?
