All my dropdown menus (in applications and right click) work, but are invisible in AwesomeWM - drop-down-menu

The title is self explanatory... I was configuring AwesomeWM and suddenly realised that none of my dropdown menus were working (they were working fine before). Actually, I noticed that they were working, but are completely invisible. This happens in application menus (like the top menu on pcmanfm) and in desktop, when I right click. For example, in Notepadqq, if click on the Search menu on the top, nothing appears, but I can move down the mouse, left click, and the search tool appears; the same occurs in desktop, where I can can right click and nothing will show up, but moving the mouse to where the apps would appear and left clicking, the selected app opens. The menu is there, I can click stuff, but I don't know what I'm clicking. The only one that is normal is Vivaldi's menu. I really don't know what I did to cause that, and would appreciate any help.
I don't think there's something wrong with my rc.lua file, but here is a part of it:
-- {{{ Required libraries
-- If LuaRocks is installed, make sure that packages installed through it are
-- found (e.g. lgi). If LuaRocks is not installed, do nothing.
pcall(require, "luarocks.loader")
local gears = require("gears")
local awful = require("awful")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local naughty = require("naughty")
local lain = require("lain")
local vicious = require("vicious")
--local menubar = require("menubar")
local freedesktop = require("freedesktop")
local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup")
local mytable = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility
-- }}}
-- {{{ Error handling
-- Check if awesome encountered an error during startup and fell back to
-- another config (This code will only ever execute for the fallback config)
if awesome.startup_errors then
naughty.notify {
preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
title = "Oops, there were errors during startup!",
text = awesome.startup_errors
-- Handle runtime errors after startup
local in_error = false
awesome.connect_signal("debug::error", function (err)
if in_error then return end
in_error = true
naughty.notify {
preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
title = "Oops, an error happened!",
text = tostring(err)
in_error = false
-- }}}
-- {{{ Autostart windowless processes
-- This function will run once every time Awesome is started
local function run_once(cmd_arr)
for _, cmd in ipairs(cmd_arr) do
awful.spawn.with_shell(string.format("pgrep -u $USER -fx '%s' > /dev/null || (%s)", cmd, cmd))
run_once({ "urxvtd", "unclutter -root" }) -- comma-separated entries
-- This function implements the XDG autostart specification
'if (xrdb -query | grep -q "^awesome\\.started:\\s*true$"); then exit; fi;' ..
'xrdb -merge <<< "awesome.started:true";' ..
-- list each of your autostart commands, followed by ; inside single quotes, followed by ..
'dex --environment Awesome --autostart --search-paths "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart"' --
-- }}}
-- {{{ Variable definitions
local themes = {
"blackburn", -- 1
"copland", -- 2
"dremora", -- 3
"holo", -- 4
"multicolor", -- 5
"powerarrow", -- 6
"powerarrow-dark", -- 7
"rainbow", -- 8
"steamburn", -- 9
"vertex" -- 10
local chosen_theme = themes[7]
local modkey = "Mod4"
local altkey = "Mod1"
local terminal = "/home/daniel/.local/"
local vi_focus = false -- vi-like client focus
local cycle_prev = true -- cycle with only the previously focused client or all
local editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") or "vim"
local browser = "vivaldi"
local brightness_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.brightness-widget.brightness")
awful.util.terminal = terminal
awful.util.tagnames = { "main", "www", "files", "dev", "other" }
awful.layout.layouts = {
lain.layout.termfair.nmaster = 3
lain.layout.termfair.ncol = 1 = 3 = 1
lain.layout.cascade.tile.offset_x = 2
lain.layout.cascade.tile.offset_y = 32
lain.layout.cascade.tile.extra_padding = 5
lain.layout.cascade.tile.nmaster = 5
lain.layout.cascade.tile.ncol = 2
awful.util.taglist_buttons = mytable.join(
awful.button({ }, 1, function(t) t:view_only() end),
awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function(t)
if client.focus then client.focus:move_to_tag(t) end
awful.button({ }, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle),
awful.button({ modkey }, 3, function(t)
if client.focus then client.focus:toggle_tag(t) end
awful.button({ }, 4, function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(t.screen) end),
awful.button({ }, 5, function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(t.screen) end)
awful.util.tasklist_buttons = mytable.join(
awful.button({ }, 1, function(c)
if c == client.focus then
c.minimized = true
c:emit_signal("request::activate", "tasklist", { raise = true })
awful.button({ }, 3, function(){ theme = { width = 250 } })
awful.button({ }, 4, function() awful.client.focus.byidx(1) end),
awful.button({ }, 5, function() awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end)
beautiful.init(string.format("%s/.config/awesome/themes/%s/theme.lua", os.getenv("HOME"), chosen_theme))
-- }}}
-- Net widget creation
local net_speed_widget = require("")
-- To-do widget
local todo_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.todo-widget.todo")
local spotify_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.spotify-widget.spotify")
-- {{{ Menu
-- Create a launcher and a main menu
local myawesomemenu = {
{ "Hotkeys", function() hotkeys_popup.show_help(nil, awful.screen.focused()) end },
{ "Manual", string.format("%s -e man awesome", terminal) },
{ "Edit config", string.format("%s -e %s %s", terminal, editor, awesome.conffile) },
{ "Restart", awesome.restart },
{ "Quit", function() awesome.quit() end },
awful.util.mymainmenu = {
before = {
{ "Awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
-- other triads can be put here
after = {
{ "Open terminal", terminal },
-- other triads can be put here
-- Hide the menu when the mouse leaves it
awful.util.mymainmenu.wibox:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
if not awful.util.mymainmenu.active_child or
(awful.util.mymainmenu.wibox ~= mouse.current_wibox and
awful.util.mymainmenu.active_child.wibox ~= mouse.current_wibox) then
if awful.util.mymainmenu.wibox ~= mouse.current_wibox then
-- Set the Menubar terminal for applications that require it
--menubar.utils.terminal = terminal
-- }}}
-- {{{ Screen
-- Re-set wallpaper when a screen's geometry changes (e.g. different resolution)
screen.connect_signal("property::geometry", function(s)
-- Wallpaper
if beautiful.wallpaper then
local wallpaper = beautiful.wallpaper
-- If wallpaper is a function, call it with the screen
if type(wallpaper) == "function" then
wallpaper = wallpaper(s)
gears.wallpaper.maximized(wallpaper, s, true)
-- No borders when rearranging only 1 non-floating or maximized client
screen.connect_signal("arrange", function (s)
local only_one = #s.tiled_clients == 1
for _, c in pairs(s.clients) do
if only_one and not c.floating or c.maximized or c.fullscreen then
c.border_width = 0
c.border_width = beautiful.border_width
-- Create a wibox for each screen and add it
awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(s) beautiful.at_screen_connect(s) end)
-- }}}
-- {{{ Mouse bindings
awful.button({ }, 3, function () awful.util.mymainmenu:toggle() end),
awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
-- }}}
-- Set keys
-- }}}
-- {{{ Rules
-- Rules to apply to new clients (through the "manage" signal).
awful.rules.rules = {
-- All clients will match this rule.
{ rule = { },
properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,
border_color = beautiful.border_normal,
focus = awful.client.focus.filter,
raise = true,
keys = clientkeys,
buttons = clientbuttons,
screen = awful.screen.preferred,
placement = awful.placement.no_overlap+awful.placement.no_offscreen,
size_hints_honor = false
{ rule = { class = "x-terminal-emulator" },
properties = { opacity = 0.9 } },
-- Floating clients.
{ rule_any = {
instance = {
"DTA", -- Firefox addon DownThemAll.
"copyq", -- Includes session name in class.
class = {
"MessageWin", -- kalarm.
"Tor Browser", -- Needs a fixed window size to avoid fingerprinting by screen size.
-- Note that the name property shown in xprop might be set slightly after creation of the client
-- and the name shown there might not match defined rules here.
name = {
"Event Tester", -- xev.
role = {
"AlarmWindow", -- Thunderbird's calendar.
"ConfigManager", -- Thunderbird's about:config.
"pop-up", -- e.g. Google Chrome's (detached) Developer Tools.
}, properties = { floating = true }},
-- Add titlebars to normal clients and dialogs
{ rule_any = {type = { "normal", "dialog" }
}, properties = { titlebars_enabled = true }
-- Set Firefox to always map on the tag named "2" on screen 1.
{ rule = { class = "Vivaldi" },
properties = { screen = 1, tag = "www" } },
-- }}}
-- {{{ Signals
-- Signal function to execute when a new client appears.
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c)
-- Set the windows at the slave,
-- i.e. put it at the end of others instead of setting it master.
-- if not awesome.startup then awful.client.setslave(c) end
if awesome.startup
and not c.size_hints.user_position
and not c.size_hints.program_position then
-- Prevent clients from being unreachable after screen count changes.
-- Add a titlebar if titlebars_enabled is set to true in the rules.
client.connect_signal("request::titlebars", function(c)
-- Custom
if beautiful.titlebar_fun then
-- Default
-- buttons for the titlebar
local buttons = mytable.join(
awful.button({ }, 1, function()
c:emit_signal("request::activate", "titlebar", {raise = true})
awful.button({ }, 3, function()
c:emit_signal("request::activate", "titlebar", {raise = true})
awful.titlebar(c, { size = 16 }) : setup {
{ -- Left
buttons = buttons,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
{ -- Middle
{ -- Title
align = "center",
widget = awful.titlebar.widget.titlewidget(c)
buttons = buttons,
layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal
{ -- Right
awful.titlebar.widget.floatingbutton (c),
awful.titlebar.widget.stickybutton (c),
awful.titlebar.widget.ontopbutton (c),
awful.titlebar.widget.closebutton (c),
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal
end) ]]--
-- Enable sloppy focus, so that focus follows mouse.
client.connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c)
c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_enter", {raise = vi_focus})
client.connect_signal("focus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end)
client.connect_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end)
-- }}}
-- Autostart Applications
awful.spawn.with_shell("nitrogen --restore")
-- Add gaps between tiles
beautiful.useless_gap = 2

This is probably due to using a compositing manager like compton or picom. You can either try another compositing manager, update your graphics driver.
You can also try to start Awesome with --no-argb. This will disable some features like true transparency in the titlebars, but is closer to what other window manager use, so tends to trigger less bugs in the graphics driver or compositing managers.


Why does the looping in Google Sheet App Script stop in middle of the looping process and the rest of the codes do not run?

I tried the "for loop" and "do ... while ...", both of them stopped in the middle of the looping process, and the rest of the codes, which come after the loop, did not run. This becomes an issue when I loop through hundreds of rows.
I know that the use of array is a better solution as the code execution is faster, but I have a difficulty in setting the borders in batch as there is no ".setBorders(Array)" function in Google Sheets.
The sheet provided here has been simplified only to show the looping issues. The actual sheet is written to automatically create hundreds of tables with different values, font weights and horizontal alignments.
What I want to do:
Choose the option "Yes" to start the looping (the current row of looping is also tracked and recorded in "CURRENT ROW" and the "STATUS" shows "Processing ...")
The program will check the "SCORE" column, if "SCORE" is empty (""), than the font weight for that row is set to "bold", else, the font weight is set to "normal"
If the looping is done until the last row, the "STATUS" shows "Done".
The following is the copy of the Google App Script:
let app = SpreadsheetApp;
let ss = app.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let activeSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
let sheetName = activeSheet.getName();
let sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
let loopOptionRange = sheet1.getRange(4, 4);
let loopOption = loopOptionRange.getValue();
let loopStatusRange = sheet1.getRange(4, 7);
function onEdit(e) {
function onOpen() {
sheet1.getRange(4, 5).setValue(5);
function loopTest() {
const startRow = 4; //table head
const lastRow = sheet1.getLastRow();
sheet1.getRange(4, 6).setValue(lastRow);
const startRowLoop = startRow + 1; //first row of looping
try {
for (i = startRowLoop; i <= lastRow; i++) {
const testStatus = sheet1.getRange(i, 3).getValue();
sheet1.getRange(4, 5).setValue(i);
if (testStatus == "") {
sheet1.getRange(i, 1, 1, 2).setFontWeight("bold");
} else {
sheet1.getRange(i, 1, 1, 3).setFontWeight("normal");
} catch (error) {
app.getUi().alert(`An error occured.`);
if (sheetName === "Sheet1"){
if (loopOption == "Yes") {
loopStatusRange.setValue("Processing ...");
} else if (loopOption === "Cancel") {
LOOP TEST - Google Sheets file
When I saw your script, getValue, setValue and setFontWeight are used in a loop. In this case, the process cost will become high. I thought that this might be the reason for your issue. In order to reduce the process cost of your script, how about the following modification?
for (i = startRowLoop; i <= lastRow; i++) {
const testStatus = sheet1.getRange(i, 3).getValue();
sheet1.getRange(4, 5).setValue(i);
if (testStatus == "") {
sheet1.getRange(i, 1, 1, 2).setFontWeight("bold");
} else {
sheet1.getRange(i, 1, 1, 3).setFontWeight("normal");
const range = sheet1.getRange(startRow, 3, lastRow - startRowLoop);
const values = range.getDisplayValues().map(([c]) => [c ? null : "bold"]);
range.offset(0, -1).setFontWeights(values);
About Is it really because of "the high process cost" you mentioned in your answer?, when I saw your script for the 1st time, I thought that the reason for your issue might be due to the process cost. Because, when the script is run by OnEdit trigger, the maximum execution time is 30 seconds. And, when I tested your script and your Spreadsheet, when I saw the log after the script was stopped, an error related to the over of the maximum execution time. By this, I resulted that the reason for your issue is due to the process cost of the script.

Pandoc: Separate table of contents for each section

I am converting Markdown to HTML with Pandoc. With --toc, Pandoc generates a table of contents and inserts it under the first H1 heading (of which there is only one).
I would like it to have a separate, additional table of contents for each subheading. More specifically, I would like a small local table of contents under each H3.
Can Pandoc do that, and if yes, how?
I received an answer on the pandoc-discuss mailing list in the form of a Lua filter.
Quoting from the author of the solution:
Warning: Assumes that all chapters are heading level 2 — change the chapter_level and toc_level variables to match!
Warning: Assumes that each section/chapter has a unique identifier!
local chapter_level = 2
local toc_level = 3
local headings = {}
local current_chapter = nil
local function collect_headings (head)
if head.level == chapter_level then
local id = head.identifier
current_chapter = {
chapter = id,
toc = {},
headings[id] = current_chapter
elseif head.level == toc_level then
if current_chapter then
local toc = current_chapter.toc
toc[#toc+1] = head
return nil
local function build_toc (heads)
local toc = {}
for _,head in ipairs(heads) do
local entry = {
head.content:clone(), -- text
'#' .. head.identifier, -- target
"", -- empty title
"", -- empty identifier
{'local-toc-link'} -- class
toc[#toc+1] = entry
return pandoc.Div(
{ pandoc.BulletList(toc) },
pandoc.Attr( "", {'local-toc'} )
local function insert_toc (head)
if head.level == chapter_level then
local id = head.identifier
if headings[id] then
local toc = build_toc(
return {head,toc}
return nil
return {
{ Header = collect_headings },
{ Header = insert_toc },

Scrolling and dragging in Corona --> BUG?

I have a event listener assigned to an object. This then triggers the startDrag function. I'm moving my character in the game with dragging. But as soon as I scroll or move the display, my dragging function gets all messed up. It doesn't react as it should and the object( can't be controlled at all.
Did anyone else had this experience?
Is this a corona bug?
How can I solve this?
Can I temporarily disable the startDrag event listener for the time of scrolling? Or maybe restart it?
All help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code...
local physics = require( "physics" )
physics.setContinuous( false )
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
physics.setScale( 60 )
physics.setDrawMode( "hybrid" )
local height = display.contentHeight
local width = display.contentWidth
local allElements = display.newGroup()
local texsGroup = display.newGroup()
local backGround = display.newRect(0,0-height,width,2*height)
local wallBottom = display.newRect(texsGroup, 0,height-20,width,20)
physics.addBody(wallBottom, "static", { density=5, friction=0.5, bounce=0.3 } )
local tex = {}
local numberRips = 60
local texSize = {
-- w: texwidth, h: texheight, s: strength required
{w=30, h=20, s=1},
{w=20, h=10, s=1.5},
{w=10, h=10, s=2},
local r
local lim = display.newGroup()
local function createRips()
local originX = 0
local originY = height -75
for i=0,numberRips do
r = math.random(3)
local x = originX + math.random(width)
local y = originY - math.random(2*height)
tex[i] = display.newRect(lim, x, y, texSize[r].w, texSize[r].h)
tex[i].status = "active"
tex[i].size = texSize[r].s
if (r == 1) then
elseif (r == 2) then
elseif (r == 3) then
local w, h, r = width/2, height - 265, 12
local L = display.newCircle(w-115,h+29,r)
local buttonRadius = 35
local button3 = display.newCircle((L.x),(L.y),buttonRadius)
button3.myName = "L"
local d, f, b = 15, 1, 0.15
physics.addBody(L, "dynamic", { density=d, friction=f, bounce=b, radius=r } )
button3.isVisible = false
button3.isHitTestable = true
physics.addBody( button3, "static", { density=1, radius=buttonRadius } )
local function addFrictionJoint(a, b, posX, posY, lowerAngle, upperAngle, mT)
local j = physics.newJoint ( "pivot", a, b, posX, posY, rFrom, rTo)
j.isLimitEnabled = true
j:setRotationLimits (lowerAngle, upperAngle)
return j
addFrictionJoint( button3, L, L.x, L.y, 0, 0 )
local function startDrag( event, params )
local body =
local phase = event.phase
local stage = display.getCurrentStage()
local direction = event.direction
if "began" == phase then
stage:setFocus( body, )
body.isFocus = true = "dynamic"
-- Create a temporary touch joint and store it in the object for later reference
if params and then
-- drag the body from its center point
body.tempJoint = physics.newJoint( "touch", body, body.x, body.y )
-- drag the body from the point where it was touched
body.tempJoint = physics.newJoint( "touch", body, event.x, event.y )
--body.tempJoint.maxForce = 0.25*body.tempJoint.maxForce
-- Apply optional joint parameters
if params then
local maxForce, frequency, dampingRatio
if params.maxForce then
-- Internal default is (1000 * mass), so set this fairly high if setting manually
body.tempJoint.maxForce = params.maxForce
if params.frequency then
-- This is the response speed of the elastic joint: higher numbers = less lag/bounce
body.tempJoint.frequency = params.frequency
if params.dampingRatio then
-- Possible values: 0 (no damping) to 1.0 (critical damping)
body.tempJoint.dampingRatio = params.dampingRatio
elseif body.isFocus then
if "moved" == phase then
-- Update the joint to track the touch
body.tempJoint:setTarget( event.x, event.y )
elseif "ended" == phase or "cancelled" == phase then
stage:setFocus( body, nil )
body.isFocus = false
-- Remove the joint when the touch ends
body.bodyType = "static"
-- Stop further propagation of touch event
return true
function moveCamera(e)
if button3.y < -lim.y + 300 then
allElements.y = -(button3.y - 300)
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", moveCamera)
button3:addEventListener( "touch", startDrag )
When you scroll the screen the touch event and the physics object are in different coordinate systems. See localToContent/globalToContent

R: Change icon of Tcltk window in Mac and Linux

I have created a progress bar to keep tabs on the execution of some R scripts. And I want to insert a custom icon in the bar instead of the default 'Tk' one. I am able to do this on Windows using a .ico file and the following command
tcl('wm', 'iconbitmap', .win, 'Icon.ico')
But I am a loss about how to do the same in Mac OSX and Linux. Obviously, the .ico format doesn't work but neither does .png, .jpg, .bmp, .xbm or .xpm. Any suggestion on how I could proceed? Sample image and progress bar code attached below:-
Sample image -
tkProgressBar2 <- function (title = 'Test progress bar', label = '', min = 0, max = 100, initial = 0, width = 300, userfn='helvetica', backg='white') {
useText <- FALSE
have_ttk <- as.character(tcl('info', 'tclversion')) >= '8.5'
if (!have_ttk && as.character(tclRequire('PBar')) == 'FALSE') useText <- TRUE
.win <<- tktoplevel(background=backg)
tcl('wm', 'geometry', .win, '500x100+450+350')
tcl('wm', 'iconbitmap', .win, '#Icon.xbm')
.val <- initial
.killed <- FALSE
tkwm.geometry(.win, sprintf('%dx80', width + 40))
tkwm.title(.win, title)
fn <- tkfont.create(family = userfn, size = 12)
if (useText) {
.lab <- tklabel(.win, text = label, font = fn, padx = 0, background=backg)
tkpack(.lab, side = 'left')
fn2 <- tkfont.create(family = userfn, size = 16)
.vlab <- tklabel(.win, text = '0%', font = fn2, padx = 20, background=backg)
tkpack(.vlab, side = 'right')
up <- function(value) {
if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max) return()
.val <<- value
tkconfigure(.vlab, text = sprintf('%d%%', round(100 * (value - min)/(max - min))))
} else {
.lab <- tklabel(.win, text = label, font = fn, pady = 0, background=backg)
.tkval <- tclVar(0)
tkpack(.lab, side = 'top')
tkpack(tklabel(.win, text = '', font = fn, background=backg), side = 'bottom')
pBar <- if (have_ttk)
ttkprogressbar(.win, length = width, variable = .tkval) else
tkwidget(.win, 'ProgressBar', width = width, variable = .tkval)
tkpack(pBar, side = 'bottom')
up <- function(value) {
if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max) return()
.val <<- value
tclvalue(.tkval) <<- 100 * (value - min)/(max - min)
getVal <- function() .val
kill <- function() if (!.killed) {
.killed <<- TRUE
title <- function(title) tkwm.title(.win, title)
lab <- function(label) tkconfigure(.lab, text = label)
tkbind(.win, '<Destroy>', function() stop())
structure(list(getVal = getVal, up = up, title = title, label = lab, kill = kill), class = 'tkProgressBar')
pb <- tkProgressBar2(title='Performing k-Means clustering', label='Some information in %', min=0, max=100, initial=0, width=400, userfn='verdana', backg='white')
On Linux you set the icon with wm iconphoto; wm iconbitmap does something else entirely. To do that, you'll need to create a photo image with the image data in it.
I'm guessing that you write this in R as:
tcl('wm', 'iconphoto', .win, tcl('image', 'create', 'photo', '-file', 'Icon.gif'))
I'm not quite sure which image formats are supported by the version of Tk you're using, including any image format support packages it has available. The minimal set is GIF and PPM unless you're (bravely) using 8.6, when PNG is also available by default.
(You can also create the content of a photo image programatically, but that's slow for various reasons.)
OSX doesn't have window icons in the same sense; it's normal for each minimized window to just show a snapshot of itself when it is minimized to the dock.

X11/Xlib: Window always on top

A window should stay on top of all other windows. Is this somehow possible with plain x11/xlib? Googling for "Always on top" and "x11" / "xlib" didn't return anything useful.
I'd avoid toolkits like GTK+, if somehow possible.
I'm using Ubuntu with gnome desktop. In the window menu, there's an option "Always On Top". Is this provided by the X server or the window manager? If the second is the case, is there a general function that can be called for nearly any wm? Or how to do this in an "X11-generic" way?
Edit: I implemented fizzer's answer, now having following code:
XSelectInput(this->display, this->window,
ButtonPressMask |
StructureNotifyMask |
ExposureMask |
KeyPressMask |
PropertyChangeMask |
VisibilityChangeMask );
// ...
// In a loop:
if (XPending(this->display) >= 0)
XNextEvent(this->display, &ev);
switch(ev.type) {
// ...
case VisibilityNotify:
XRaiseWindow(this->display, this->window);
// ...
But the eventhandling and raising nearly never gets executed even my mask is correct?!
#define _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE 0 // remove/unset property
#define _NET_WM_STATE_ADD 1 // add/set property
#define _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE 2 // toggle property
Bool MakeAlwaysOnTop(Display* display, Window root, Window mywin)
Atom wmStateAbove = XInternAtom( display, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", 1 );
if( wmStateAbove != None ) {
printf( "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE has atom of %ld\n", (long)wmStateAbove );
} else {
printf( "ERROR: cannot find atom for _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE !\n" );
return False;
Atom wmNetWmState = XInternAtom( display, "_NET_WM_STATE", 1 );
if( wmNetWmState != None ) {
printf( "_NET_WM_STATE has atom of %ld\n", (long)wmNetWmState );
} else {
printf( "ERROR: cannot find atom for _NET_WM_STATE !\n" );
return False;
// set window always on top hint
if( wmStateAbove != None )
XClientMessageEvent xclient;
memset( &xclient, 0, sizeof (xclient) );
//window = the respective client window
//message_type = _NET_WM_STATE
//format = 32
//data.l[0] = the action, as listed below
//data.l[1] = first property to alter
//data.l[2] = second property to alter
//data.l[3] = source indication (0-unk,1-normal app,2-pager)
//other data.l[] elements = 0
xclient.type = ClientMessage;
xclient.window = mywin; // GDK_WINDOW_XID(window);
xclient.message_type = wmNetWmState; //gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display( display, "_NET_WM_STATE" );
xclient.format = 32;[0] = _NET_WM_STATE_ADD; // add ? _NET_WM_STATE_ADD : _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE;[1] = wmStateAbove; //gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display, state1);[2] = 0; //gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display, state2);[3] = 0;[4] = 0;
//gdk_wmspec_change_state( FALSE, window,
// gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW"),
// GDK_NONE );
XSendEvent( display,
//mywin - wrong, not app window, send to root window!
root, // <-- DefaultRootWindow( display )
SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask,
(XEvent *)&xclient );
return True;
return False;
You don't want to use XRaiseWindow() to try to stay on top. Some window managers will ignore it entirely. For those that don't, consider what happens if more than one app tries to do this. Boom! That's why the window manager is in charge of stacking windows, not the app.
The way you do this is to use the protocols defined in the Extended Window Manager Hints (EWMH), see:
Specifically here you want _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE which is how the "Always on Top" menu item works.
If you aren't using a toolkit you'll want to get used to scavenging in toolkit source code to figure out how to do things. In this case you could look at the function gdk_window_set_keep_above() in GTK+'s X11 backend. That will show how to use the _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE hint.
I wrote something like this in Xlib many years ago. It's a few lines of code. When your window is partially obscured you get a VisibilityNotify event, then call XRaiseWindow. Watch out for the case where two of your 'always on top' windows overlap.
Use Actual Title Buttons ( for example. It allows to stay any windows always on top , roll up, make transparency and etc..
