Proper way to retrieve the result of tasks in asyncio - python-asyncio

I am trying to examine the wait method of the asyncio module. I have this primitive test app to serve as a playground:
import asyncio
async def foo():
return 1 #
async def entry_point():
coros = [foo()]*3
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(coros, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for obj in done:
print(obj._result) # works, but seem dirty
Basically, my goal is to get the result of the first completed task. And here's I am a bit confused in terminology. The docs says that asyncio.wait
Returns two sets of Tasks/Futures: (done, pending).
How do I know whether the object is a task or a future?
And the main question is, how do I extract the result of the successfully ended task ?
One way is to access the protected attribute _result (as is shown in my code snippet). But I am feeling like there's a cleaner way to do that. What is the proper pattern to achieve that?

The doc for asyncio.wait has the following note:
Deprecated since version 3.8, will be removed in version 3.11: Passing
coroutine objects to wait() directly is deprecated.
Therefore you should use asyncio.Task that also has the asyncio.Task.result method:
import asyncio
import random
async def task(i):
t = random.uniform(1, 5)
print(f"START: {i} ({t:.3f}s)")
await asyncio.sleep(t)
print(f"END: {i}")
return i
async def main():
tasks = []
for i in range(5):
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for t in done:
if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python
START: 0 (2.743s)
START: 1 (2.490s)
START: 2 (4.785s)
START: 3 (3.746s)
START: 4 (1.010s)
END: 4
If you want to retrieve all results and get the earliest next result first, use asyncio.as_completed instead:
for t in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
print(await t)
Test 2:
$ python
START: 0 (2.155s)
START: 1 (1.309s)
START: 2 (3.380s)
START: 3 (3.451s)
START: 4 (1.587s)
END: 1
END: 4
END: 0
END: 2
END: 3


Make multiprocessing.Queue accessible from asyncio [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
FastAPI runs api-calls in serial instead of parallel fashion
(2 answers)
Is there a way to use asyncio.Queue in multiple threads?
(4 answers)
Closed 19 days ago.
The community is reviewing whether to reopen this question as of 18 days ago.
Given a multiprocessing.Queue that is filled from different Python threads, created via ThreadPoolExecutor.submit(...).
How to access that Queue with asyncio / Trio / Anyio in a safe manner (context FastAPI) and reliable manner?
I am aware of Janus library, but prefer a custom solution here.
Asked (hopefully) more concisely:
How to implement the
await <something_is_in_my_multiprocessing_queue>
to have it accesible with async/await and to prevent blocking the event loop?
What synchronization mechanism in general would you suggest?
(Attention here: multiprocessing.Queue not asyncio.Queue)
Actually, I figured it out.
Given a method, that reads the mp.Queue:
def read_queue_blocking():
return queue.get()
Comment: And this is the main issue: A call to get is blocking.
We can now either
use `asyncio.loop.run_in_executor' in asyncio EventLoop.
( see ) or
use anyio with await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(...) to execute the blocking retrieval of data from the queue in a separate thread.
For FastAPI
async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket, client_id: str):
await websocket.accept()
while True:
import anyio
queue_result = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(read_queue_blocking)
await websocket.send_text(f"Message text was: {queue_result}")
I remastered the answer to show case when main thread with asyncio loop is feed with data from child processes (ProcessPoolExecutor):
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import asyncio
from random import randint
from functools import partial
def some_heavy_task() -> int:
sum(i * i for i in range(10 ** 8))
return randint(1, 9)
def callback(fut: asyncio.Future, q: asyncio.Queue) -> None:
"""callback is used instead of mp.Queue to get feed from child processes."""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
if not fut.exception() and not fut.cancelled():
loop.call_soon(q.put_nowait, f"name-{}: {fut.result()}")
async def result_picker(q: asyncio.Queue) -> None:
"""Returns results to some outer world."""
while True:
res = await q.get()
# imagine it is websocket
print(f"Result from heavy_work_producer: {res}")
q.task_done() # mark task as done here
async def heavy_work_producer(q: asyncio.Queue) -> None:
"""Wrapper around all multiprocessing work."""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as pool:
heavy_tasks = [loop.run_in_executor(pool, some_heavy_task) for _ in range(12)]
[i.add_done_callback(partial(callback, q=q)) for i in heavy_tasks]
[setattr(t, "name", i) for i, t in enumerate(heavy_tasks)] # just name them
await asyncio.gather(*heavy_tasks)
async def amain():
"""Main entrypoint of async app."""
q = asyncio.Queue()
await heavy_work_producer(q)
# do not let result_picker finish when heavy_work_producer is done
# wait all results to show
await q.join()
print("All done.")
if __name__ == '__main__':

"working" terminal prompt running in parallel Python 3.10

I am trying to show an animated "working" prompt while running some python code. I've been searching for a way to do so but the solutions i've found are not quite what i want (if i recall correctly tqdm and alive-progress require a for loop with a defined number of iterations) and I'd like to find a way to code it myself.
The closest I've gotten to making it is using asyncio as follows:
async def main():
dummy_task = asyncio.create_task(dummy_search())
bar_task = asyncio.create_task(progress())
test = await dummy_task
where dummy task can be any async task and bar_task is:
FLUSH_LINE = "\033[K"
async def progress(mode=""):
def integers():
n = 0
while True:
yield n
n += 1
progress_indicator = ["-", "\\", "|", "/"]
message = "working"
message_len = len(message)
message += "-" * message_len
if not mode:
for i in (n for n in integers()):
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
message = message[1:] + message[0]
print(f"{FLUSH_LINE}{progress_indicator[i % 4]} [{message[:message_len]}]", end="\r")
The only problem with this approach is that asyncio does not actually run tasks in parallel, so if the dummy_task does not use await at any point, the bar_task will not run until the dummy task is complete, and it won't show the working prompt in the terminal.
How should I go about trying to run both tasks in parallel? Do I need to use multiprocessing? If so, would both tasks write to the same terminal by default?
Thanks in advance.

How to create multiprocess with regression function?

I'm trying to build a regression function that call itself in a new process. The new process should not stop the parent process nor wait for it to finish, that is why I don't use join(). Do you have another way to create regression function with multi-process.
I use the following code:
import multiprocessing as mp
import concurrent.futures
import time
def do_something(c, seconds, r_list):
c += 1 # c is a counter that all processes should use
# such that no more than 20 processes are created.
print(f"Sleeping {seconds} second(s)...")
if c < 20:
P_V = mp.Value('d', 0.0, lock=False)
p = mp.Process(group=None, target=do_something, args=(c, 1, r_list,))
if not p.is_alive():
print(f"Done Sleeping...{seconds}")
return f"Done Sleeping...{seconds}"
if __name__ == '__main__':
C = 0 # C is a counter that all processes should use
# such that no more than 20 processes are created.
Result_list = [] # results that come from all processes are saved here
Result_list.append(do_something(C, 1, Result_list))
Notice that results from all processes should be compared at the end.
In fact, this code is working well but the child processes, which are created in the recursive method, do not print anything, the list "Result_list" contains only one item from the first call, and C=0 at the end, any idea why?
Here's a simplified example of what I think you're trying to do (side note: launching processes recursively is a great way to accidentally create a "fork bomb". It is extremely more common to create multiple processes in some sort of loop instead)
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from time import sleep
from os import getpid
def foo(n_procs, return_Q, arg):
if __name__ == "__main__": #don't actually run the body of foo in the "main" process, just start the recursion
Process(target=foo, args=(n_procs, return_Q, arg)).start()
n_procs -= 1
if n_procs > 0:
Process(target=foo, args=(n_procs, return_Q, arg)).start()
print(f"{getpid()} done sleeping {arg} seconds")
return_Q.put(f"{getpid()} done sleeping {arg} seconds") #put the result to a queue so we can get it in the main process
if __name__ == "__main__":
q = Queue()
foo(10, q, 2)
sleep(10) #do something else in the meantime
results = []
#while not q.empty(): #usually better to just know how many results you're expecting as q.empty can be unreliable
for _ in range(10):
print("mp results:")

Python asyncio: awaiting a future you don't have yet

Imagine that I have a main program which starts many async activities which all wait on queues to do jobs, and then on ctrl-C properly closes them all down: it might look something like this:
async def run_act1_forever():
# this is the async queue loop
while True:
job = await inputQueue1.get()
# do something with this incoming job
def run_activity_1(loop):
# run the async queue loop as a task
coro = loop.create_task(run_act1_forever())
return coro
def mainprogram():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
act1 = run_activity_1(loop)
# also start act2, act3, etc here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# also act2.cancel(), act3.cancel(), etc
This all works fine. However, starting up activity 1 is actually more complex than this; it happens in three parts. Part 1 is to wait on the queue until a particular job comes in, one time; part 2 is a synchronous part which has to run in a thread with run_in_executor, one time, and then part 3 is the endless waiting on the queue for jobs as above. How do I structure this? My initial thought was:
async def run_act1_forever():
# this is the async queue loop
while True:
job = await inputQueue1.get()
# do something with this incoming job
async def run_act1_step1():
while True:
job = await inputQueue1.get()
# good, we have handled that first task; we're done
def run_act1_step2():
# note: this is sync, not async, so it's in a thread
# do whatever, here, and then exit when done
def run_activity_1(loop):
# run step 1 as a task
step1 = loop.create_task(run_act1_step1())
# ERROR! See below
# now run the sync step 2 in a thread
self.loop.run_in_executor(None, run_act1_step2())
# finally, run the async queue loop as a task
coro = loop.create_task(run_act1_forever())
return coro
def mainprogram():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
act1 = run_activity_1(loop)
# also start act2, act3, etc here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# also act2.cancel(), act3.cancel(), etc
but this does not work, because at the point where we say "ERROR!", we need to await the step1 task and we never do. We can't await it, because run_activity_1 is not an async function. So... what should I do here?
I thought about getting the Future back from calling run_act1_step1() and then using future.add_done_callback to handle running steps 2 and 3. However, if I do that, then run_activity_1() can't return the future generated by run_act1_forever(), which means that mainprogram() can't cancel that run_act1_forever() task.
I thought of generating an "empty" Future in run_activity_1() and returning that, and then making that empty Future "chain" to the Future returned by run_act1_forever(). But Python asyncio doesn't support chaining Futures.
You say that things are difficult because run_activity_1 is not an async function, but don't really detail why it can't be async.
async def run_activity_1(loop):
await run_act1_step1()
await loop.run_in_executor(None, run_act1_step2)
await run_act1_forever()
The returned coroutine won't be the same as the one returned by run_act1_forever(), but cancellation should propagate if you've got as far as executing that step.
With this change, run_activity_1 is no longer returning a task, so the invocation inside mainprogram would need to change to:
act1 = loop.create_task(run_activity_1(loop))
I think you were on the right track when you said, "I thought about getting the Future back from calling run_act1_step1() and then using future.add_done_callback to handle running steps 2 and 3." That's the logical way to structure this application. You have to manage the various returned objects correctly, but a small class solves this problem.
Here is a program similar to your second code snippet. It runs (tested with Python3.10) and handles Ctrl-C gracefully.
Python3.10 issues a deprecation warning when the function asyncio.get_event_loop() is called without a running loop, so I avoided doing that. creates task1, then attaches a done_callback that starts task2 and the rest of the activities. The Activities object keeps track of task1 and task2 so they can be cancelled. The main program keeps a reference to Activities, and calls cancel_gracefully() to do the right thing, depending on how far the script progressed through the sequence of start-up activities.
Some care needs to be taken to catch the CancelledExceptions; otherwise stuff gets printed on the console when the program terminates.
The important difference between this program and your second code snippet is that this program immediately stores task1 and task2 in variables so they can be accessed later. Therefore they can be cancelled any time after their creation. The done_callback trick is used to launch all the steps in the proper order.
#! python3.10
import asyncio
import time
async def run_act1_forever():
# this is the async queue loop
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
# job = await inputQueue1.get()
# do something with this incoming job
print("Act1 forever")
async def run_act1_step1():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
# job = await inputQueue1.get()
# good, we have handled that first task; we're done
print("act1 step1 finished")
def run_act1_step2():
# note: this is sync, not async, so it's in a thread
# do whatever, here, and then exit when done
print("Step2 finished")
class Activities:
def __init__(self, loop):
self.loop = loop
self.task1: asyncio.Task = None
self.task2: asyncio.Task = None
def run(self):
# run step 1 as a task
self.task1 = self.loop.create_task(run_act1_step1())
# also start act2, act3, etc here
def run2(self, fut):
if fut.exception() is not None: # do nothing if task1 failed
except asyncio.CancelledError: # or if it was cancelled
# now run the sync step 2 in a thread
self.loop.run_in_executor(None, run_act1_step2)
# finally, run the async queue loop as a task
self.task2 = self.loop.create_task(run_act1_forever())
async def cancel_gracefully(self):
if self.task2 is not None:
# in this case, task1 has already finished without error
await self.task2
except asyncio.CancelledError:
elif self.task1 is not None:
await self.task1
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# also act2.cancel(), act3.cancel(), etc
def mainprogram():
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
acts = Activities(loop)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can do this with a combination of threading events and asyncio events. You'll need two events, one to signal the first item has arrived. The thread will wait on this event, so it needs to be a threading Event. You'll also need one to signal the thread is finished. Your run_act1_forever coroutine will await this, so it will need to be an asyncio Event. You can then return the task for run_act1_forever normally and cancel it as you need.
Note that when setting the asyncio event from the separate thread you'll need to use loop.call_soon_threadsafe as asyncio Events are not thread safe.
import asyncio
import time
import threading
import functools
from asyncio import Queue, AbstractEventLoop
async def run_act1_forever(inputQueue1: Queue,
thread_done_event: asyncio.Event):
await thread_done_event.wait()
print('running forever')
while True:
job = await inputQueue1.get()
async def run_act1_step1(inputQueue1: Queue,
first_item_event: threading.Event):
print('Waiting for queue item')
job = await inputQueue1.get()
print('Setting event')
def run_act1_step2(loop: AbstractEventLoop,
first_item_event: threading.Event,
thread_done_event: asyncio.Event):
print('Waiting for event...')
print('Got event, processing...')
def run_activity_1(loop):
inputQueue1 = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop)
first_item_event = threading.Event()
thread_done_event = asyncio.Event(loop=loop)
loop.create_task(run_act1_step1(inputQueue1, first_item_event))
inputQueue1.put_nowait('First item to test the code')
loop.run_in_executor(None, functools.partial(run_act1_step2,
return loop.create_task(run_act1_forever(inputQueue1, thread_done_event))
def mainprogram():
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
act1 = run_activity_1(loop)
# also start act2, act3, etc here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# also act2.cancel(), act3.cancel(), etc

timing the execution of looped commands for

I've put together a command that it takes a decent length of time for discord to execute:
async def repeat_timer(ctx, *lines):
for line in lines:
await ctx.send(line)
time = "5s"
await ctx.send(time)
you could send $repeat_timer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 then it will send each numeral back as a seperate message.
I would like to know the time between the loops begining and the final iteration completing executing. i.e. in the above example the message being 10 being posted to the channel.
The above shows the code i have working so far- but i can't see how you could set the timer to know when the task was complete
There's a ton of ways of doing this, probably the easiest and fastest is using the time.perf_counter function:
import time
async def repeat_timer(ctx, *lines):
start = time.perf_counter()
for line in lines:
await ctx.send(line)
end = time.perf_counter()
total_time = end - start # In seconds
await ctx.send(total_time)
