Deploy Application iOS not starting in Xamarin - xamarin

I'm trying to create an app in Xamarin. On the Android side everything works fine. However when I deploy ios the app doesn't launch. It doesn't give an error or anything, I just get a response like this. I'm a bit confused about it.
Application it automatically stops. I don't know how to solve it. Ask for help. Thanks


deploy to firebase hosting with problems

My app is an Ionic capacitor angular project. It is very simple, just to read QR codes. Testing on android studio works without problem, the app open the camera, read the QR and present the correct results. When I deployed to Firebase, the process finish without any problem and the app is on the screen of my device (tablet), when i tried to begin to scan, the camera is not open, no error messages..nothing, what could be the error? this also happened in other device(my phone), exactly the same behavoir, camera is not open. I would appreciate your comments.
Tried in different devices and same problem. Why in android studio it works and not after deploy in firebase?

javaFxPorts When I Going back from google map to my app. it start from the beginning. WHY?

In javaFxPorts
When I run anther app from my gluon app and go back to my app it start from the beginning and I lose all data that I got it from SQLite
what is the problem?

Where to save app info to survive reinstallation after building?

I currently use App.Current.Properties dictionary to save some basic data needed for the app to connect to a database.
Unfortunately, when building and reinstalling the app on the Android simulator (didn't tried on the iOS one), app data seems to be wiped, so every time I test the app I've to re-enter connection info.
How can I avoid that?
Does it work if you start the app without redeploying it? If you just click the app icon on the emulator. If it does not you have propbarly forgot to call the save method.

Electron app not working on Windows

I have an electron app I develop on MacOS and build for Windows. I can properly install the .exe that's generated from electron-builder on to Windows.
When I run the app on Windows, I get a spinning loader for 1-2 sec. and then nothing happens. The app, when running properly, shows an icon in the task bar and opens a browser window for the user to login.
I'm using electron-log, but nothing is printed to the logs. It seems like the app is dying before it can start. I'm looking through Event Viewer and don't see anything obvious. I feel like I'm missing something and don't have a great way to understand what's happening.
Any suggestions on where to look on Windows 10 to understand why an electron app isn't doing anything?

(Xamarin) WinPhone app won't start

I'm working on a project using Xamarin to build an app for WinPhone and Android.
On the Android device, it works fine.
When I try to run the app on the WinPhone device, the app starts opening and then it closes. On the console I see "TaskHost.exe has exited with code 0."
I don't see any error.
A guy that was working on it before, was using the WinPhone device without problems.
When I started working on it, the only thing I needed to change was the SQLite.WP80 version. He was using and my VS only provided
Has anyone faced a similar problem?
Or how can I see what is wrong? In the console output there is no errors.
I've added a breakpoint in the begining of WinPhone, but it doesnt't arrive there.
Thanks in advance!
Have you changed your namespace? Check if the startup object in the project setup is set accordingly.
Finally I found the problem.
By returning the code revision, I found one where the WinPhone project was working on phone.
Then, I started looking for differences.
Someone renamed AppWP.xaml to AppWinPhone.xaml.
Then, on project properties > startup object, it was blank.
I just set the object back and it worked.
(Why not an error message saying what is wrong...)
