I'm trying to write some text from an AppleScript as .json to a file on desktop. However I can't figure out how to make sure it writes as UTF-8.
My current code looks like this:
set fileContent to "This is some text content with æøå letters"
set this_data to fileContent
set target_file to (((path to desktop folder) as string) & (time string of (current date)) & "_myfile.json")
set append_data to true
set the target_file to the target_file as string
set appleScriptfilePath to target_file as string
set the open_target_file to open for access file target_file with write permission
if append_data is false then set eof of the open_target_file to 0
write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof
close access the open_target_file
on error
close access file target_file
end try
end try
I see people referencing "as «class utf8»", but I can't figure out how to integrate it into my code.
What's the best way of making sure it gets saved as UTF-8?
The people are right, just add as «class utf8»
write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof as «class utf8»
Of course you have to append as «class utf8» as well when you read the file and the file is UTF8 encoded.
And you can delete these two redundant lines
set the target_file to the target_file as string
set appleScriptfilePath to target_file as string
I would like to scan thru my Photo library (macOS 10.15.6, Photos App 5.0) and export selected photos' original file name to a text file. I have a simple script below as a starting point that doesn't properly convert the filename to readable text. I expect I need to execute some kind of 'convert to string' operation on the filename but I'm coming up empty on answers...
Any suggestions would be appreciated
code I'm currently using:
set myFile to open for access "/Users/ed/Desktop/testFile.txt" with write permission
write "file start\n" to myFile
tell application "Photos"
set imageSel to (get selection)
if imageSel is {} then
error "Please select an image."
repeat with im in imageSel
write filename of im to myFile
write "\nnext photo\n" to myFile
end repeat
end if
end tell
write "file end\n" to myFile
close access myFile
My suggestion is to build the list of file names, then convert the list to paragraphs with text item delimiters and write the text to disk.
Further it's highly recommended to add reliable error handling to the write part.
tell application "Photos"
set imageSel to selection
if imageSel is {} then
error "Please select an image."
set theNames to {"file start"}
repeat with im in imageSel
set end of theNames to filename of im
end repeat
set end of theNames to "file end"
end if
end tell
set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, linefeed}
set theNames to theNames as text
set text item delimiters to TID
set testFile to POSIX path of (path to desktop) & "testFile.txt"
set fileDescriptor to open for access testFile with write permission
write theNames to fileDescriptor
close access fileDescriptor
on error
close testFile
end try
end try
I have a repeat which have
repeat with myrecordID in rtetr
set refpdf to field "File Attachments" of record myrecordID
if refpdf is "" then
set noref to noref + 1
set refpdf2 to POSIX path of (docs & "/PDF" & refpdf1)
set thePath to refpdf2
set thePath1 to my convertPathToAlias(thePath)
set thePath1 to thePath1 as text
end if
end repeat
variable is path to some files
I want to write this variable to a text file & add each path to a line.
but when I try
set myFile to open for access addtemp with write permission
write namesText to myFile
close access myFile
It only write the last variable, not all of them from repeat.
I also tried this
set fileDescriptor to open for access addtemp with write permission
write thePath1 & return to fileDescriptor
close access fileDescriptor
on error e number n
close access file addtemp
end try
display dialog "Error: " & e & " - number: " & n buttons {"Cancel"} default button "Cancel"
end try
but no chance
Ok it seems you are working with in a tell block for some application you haven't mentioned — set refpdf to field "File Attachments" of record myrecordID is not standard AppleScript, and won't compile on its own — but using a generic application name, I think you want something that looks like this (please remember to replace "Generic Name" with the name of the app in question):
set myFile to open for access addtemp with write permission
on error
close access addtemp
set myFile to open for access addtemp with write permission
end try
tell application "Generic Name"
repeat with myrecordID in rtetr
set refpdf to field "File Attachments" of record myrecordID
if refpdf is "" then
set noref to noref + 1
-- write out a notice that there was no data, with a line break after
write "No Reference" & return to myFile
set refpdf2 to POSIX path of (docs & "/PDF" & refpdf1)
set thePath to refpdf2
set thePath1 to my convertPathToAlias(thePath)
set thePath1 to thePath1 as text
-- write out the data, with a line break after
write thePath1 & return to myFile
end if
end repeat
end tell
close access myFile
In short, you open the write-out file at the start of the script, write the data sequentially inside the repeat loop, and then close the file at the end.
The try block at the beginning handles a frequent problem: if your script errors out before the close statement, the file handle is left open and can error if you try to open it again; this try block detects an error, and tries to close and reopen the file handle.
You may need to put the keyword my before the write statements if the app in question defines its own write command.
There is a method to write data in the file:
to output:someThing toFile:someFile
tell application "System Events" to set myname to get name of (path to me)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to myname
set pathToFolder to text item 1 of ((path to me) as text)
set outputFileWithPath to (((pathToFolder) as text) & someFile)
set fileRef to (open for access outputFileWithPath with write permission)
write (someThing) to fileRef starting at 0
close access fileRef
on error errmess
log errmess
try -- make sure file is closed on any error
close access fileRef
end try
end try
end output:toFile:
set outputFile to "test1"
(my output:"first second third" toFile:outputFile)
(my output:"forth" toFile:outputFile)
The issue in this example is: in the end, I will have a file with:
forth second third
The goal is to have only last record. In this example:
The write (someThing) to fileRef starting at [...] construction is meant to insert new data into a file: it overwrites data at that point in the file without changing anything else. If you want to delete the contents of the file after some certain point, use set eof fileRef to [some integer]. 'eof' here stands for 'end of file'. Your code would be:
set fileRef to (open for access outputFileWithPath with write permission)
set eof fileRef to 0
write (someThing) to fileRef
close access fileRef
I am trying to write a simple logger with Applescript. I have a couple of questions
Firstly I am testing if a file exists, if it does not I want to create a file with that name and set the first line to a string "Counter:0".
So far I have this but my syntax is wrong. Appreciate any help as the info on the web is a bit slender.
tell application "Finder"
set thePath to "/Data/GameLog/"
set theFile to thePath & (do shell script "date '+%Y.%m.%d'" & ".log")
if exists POSIX file thePath then
--display dialog "Found"
do shell script "Counter:0" > echo thePath
end if
end tell
secondly I would like to read the first line of the file (ie Counter:0) and increment the integer after the : by 1.
Help v.much appreciated
Based on vadian's answer:
set logFolder to (POSIX path of (path to home folder)) & "Desktop/" -- the trailing slash is crucial
set timeStamp to do shell script "date '+%Y.%m.%d'"
set logFile to logFolder & timeStamp & ".log"
if ((do shell script "test -d " & quoted form of logFolder & "&& echo true||echo false") as boolean) then
close access logFile
end try
set fileReference to open for access logFile with write permission
on error
display alert "File already open"
return -1
end try
set counter to (get eof of fileReference)
if counter is not 0 then
set counter to (read fileReference from 9) as integer
on error
close access logFile
display alert "Read error"
return -1
end try
set counter to counter + 1
set eof of fileReference to 0
end if
write ("Counter:" & counter) to fileReference as «class utf8»
close access logFile
display alert "Folder does not exist"
end if
The advantage is that this will not ignore errors. It will also be able to find your home directory without needing you to manually enter it in code. This is safe since we check for the logFolder first. The rest of the code can't fail if that folder exists. I am aware that AppleScript has a method for checking whether or not a file exists, but I have found that functionality to be fairly difficult to use when dealing with POSIX paths, so I'm using a do shell script instead, which naturally deals with POSIX paths.
Please try this, change the file path in the first line (consider the trailing slash)
set logFolder to "/Users/myUser/Desktop/" -- the trailing slash is crucial
set timeStamp to do shell script "date '+%Y.%m.%d'"
set logFile to logFolder & timeStamp & ".log"
set fileReference to open for access logFile with write permission
set counter to (get eof of fileReference)
if counter is not 0 then
set counter to read fileReference from 9
set counter to counter + 1
set eof of fileReference to 0
end if
write ("Counter:" & counter) to fileReference as «class utf8»
close access fileReference
on error
close access logFile
end try
end try
I wanted to make a small app in applescript that polled the clipboard for changes and upon detecting any, dumped the contents of the clipboard into a text file. here is the code i came up with, it creates the file but nothing gets written into it. what am i doing wrong?
property oldvalue : missing value
on idle
local newValue
set newValue to the clipboard
if oldvalue is not equal to newValue then
tell application "Finder"
set the_file to "/Users/xxx/Documents/dump2.txt" as POSIX file as alias
on error
set the_file to (make new document file at ("/Users/xxx/Documents/" as POSIX file as alias) with properties {name:"dump2", text:""})
end try
end tell
open for access the_file with write permission
write newValue to file the_file starting at eof
close access the_file
on error
close access the_file
end try
end try
end try
set oldvalue to newValue
end if
return 1
end idle
open for access also accepts a POSIX path as text as an argument, and the path specified as an argument does not have to exist. Your script didn't work because make new document file returns a Finder file object, and the as POSIX file as alias part always resulted in an error.
property old : ""
on idle
set new to the clipboard
if new is not old then
set old to new
if new does not end with linefeed then set new to new & linefeed
set b to open for access "/tmp/clipboard.txt" with write permission
write new to b as «class utf8» starting at eof
close access b
end if
return 1
end idle
as «class utf8» is needed because write still uses the primary encoding (like MacRoman or MacJapanese) by default. as Unicode text would be UTF-16.