How to use PersistentUnorderedMap on NEAR contract using AssemblyScript? PersistentUnorderedMap does not appear in Contract Storage after init - nearprotocol

In my contract I am attempting to use PersistentMap and PersistentUnorderedMap.
In my class I'm doing the following:
import { PersistentMap, PersistentUnorderedMap } from "near-sdk-core";
public vehicleOwners: PersistentMap<AccountId, VehicleOwner>;
public vehicleOwnersPmap: PersistentUnorderedMap<AccountId, VehicleOwner>;
constructor(public vehicle:string = 'Mini') {
this.vehicleOwners = new PersistentMap<AccountId, VehicleOwner>("vo"),
this.vehicleOwnersPmap = new PersistentUnorderedMap<AccountId,VehicleOwner>("pma")
// Model
class VehicleOwner {
constructor(public vehicleOwner: AccountId, public dateAcquired: string) {}
After running the init method near call $CONTRACT init --accountId $CONTRACT
If I check the contract's storage I see vehicleOwners but I do not see vehicleOwnersPmap.
state: {
"vehicle": "Mini",
"vehicleOwners": {
"_elementPrefix": "vo::"

I figured out that after running one transaction and then seeing storage I can now see in state the PersistentUnorderedMap instance variable being set to null. I am still not sure why it won't show after init. This is different from PersistentMap where you can see it on state after init.
state: {
"vehicle": "Mini",
"vehicleOwnersPmap": null,
"vehicleOwners": {
"_elementPrefix": "vo::"


Why my object instance's variable were not be able to be accessed correctly in cypress/ it block?

In my class object, I have a variable named category, which would be initialed in constructor.
export class Page {
constructor(category) {
this.category = category;
categorySession = `[data-cy="${this.category}-form"]`
When I run the test,
In cypress, it throws me a error [data-cy="undefined-form"], but never found it.
import {Page} from "./pages/valuePage"
const LiquidityPage = new Page('Liquidity')
console.log(LiquidityPage.category) <--- it show Liquidity
describe('E2E_case', () => {
describe('Portfolio Value', () => {
it('Input Portfolio Value', () => {
LiquidityPage.enterValue(123) // this gives me this error - Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: [data-cy="undefined-form"], but never found it.
Why is that [data-cy="undefined-form"] but not as my expected value [data-cy="Liquidity-form"]
You would also need to set sessionCategory in the constructor.
That way you will avoid the undefined value in the selector string.
export class Page {
constructor(category) {
this.category = category;
this.categorySession = `[data-cy="${this.category}-form"]`
But that seems quite obvious, you must have tried it already?

ngxs: Store not initialized when injected

I am using ngxs 3.7.5 with Angular 14
// single slice
name: 'environment',
defaults: {
productionBuild: environment.production,
internalPlatform: detectInternalPlatform(window.location.hostname, window.location.port),
platform: detectPlattform(),
appVersion: environment.appVersion
export class EnvironmentState {
I am injecting the store into a HttpInterceptor
export class MessageHeaderInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
constructor(private userService: UserService, private store: Store) {
console.log('constructor', AppState) => appState));
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
console.log('intercept', AppState) => appState));
The console statement in the constructor shows {}, also the console statement in the first call to intercept. However consecutive calls to intercept show { environment: ... } that is with the environment slice properly initialized. I expect the store to be properly initialized when using it the first time. What am I doing wrong?
When you include the NgxsModule in the import, the EnvironmentState should be passed to the NgxsModule's .forRoot() function (if it's a root store), or .forFeature() function (if it's a lazy-loaded store).
You can find more details here:

How to start GraphQL server when running .net5 integration tests?

I believe I am missing/misunderstanding something fundamental about the way .net5 works. In setting up an integration test environment for my GraphQL API, I am missing the step on how to start the GraphQL server from said test environment.
When I run the main project, the server is started properly and I can navigate to localhost in the browser and successfully execute GraphQL queries/mutations. My goal here is to set up some automated integration tests.
I'm using NUnit as my test runner and am using WebApplicationFactory<Startup> to "start the server" as I understand it.
In my test project, I'm under the impression that WebApplicationFactory<Startup> is supposed to basically use the Startup.cs class from my main project in my test project so that I don't have to duplicate all the settings, configurations, and injected services. Please correct me if that assumption is not correct.
I've pasted the code I think is relevant.
public class ApiWebApplicationFactory<TStartup> : WebApplicationFactory<Startup> where TStartup : class
public static IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; set; }
public ApiWebApplicationFactory()
var configBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true);
Configuration = configBuilder.Build();
protected override void ConfigureClient(HttpClient client)
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost");
client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0);
// Based on my assumption this class reuses everything in the Startup.cs class
// I don't actually think this is necessary, but thought it was worth trying
// the test with and without this code.
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
public void OneTimeSetUp()
_factory = new ApiWebApplicationFactory<Startup>();
_client = _factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddScoped<ICacheRepository, MockCache>();
var connString = ApiWebApplicationFactory<Startup>.Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<CmsContext>()
.UseMySql(connString, ServerVersion.AutoDetect(connString))
_dbContext = new CmsContext(options);
public async Task Test()
// If I set a breakpoint here, I can't navigate to the URL like I'm expecting to
var graphQLHttpClient =
new GraphQLHttpClient(
new GraphQLHttpClientOptions { EndPoint = new Uri("https://localhost/graphql") },
new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(),
var request = new GraphQLRequest
Query = #"
query GetCurrentSession() {
getCurrentSession() {
OperationName = "GetCurrentSession"
// Error is thrown here with "Bad Request"
var response = await graphQLHttpClient.SendQueryAsync<Session>(request);
// Further code is omitted
Please let me know if you see what I am missing. Thanks in advance~

Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.ts(2554) core.d.ts(8054, 47): An argument for 'opts' was not provided

This is a part of my code that I get this error:
Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.ts(2554)
core.d.ts(8054, 47): An argument for 'opts' was not provided.
from here:
import {ViewChild, ChangeDetectorRef, AfterViewInit} from "#angular/core";
import {RadSideDrawerComponent, SideDrawerType} from "nativescript-telerik-ui/sidedrawer/angular";
export class DrawerPage implements AfterViewInit {
#ViewChild(RadSideDrawerComponent) protected drawerComponent: RadSideDrawerComponent;
protected drawer: SideDrawerType;
constructor(private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef) { }
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.drawer = this.drawerComponent.sideDrawer;
protected openDrawer() {
protected closeDrawer() {
I can't understand what is the problem? I am new learner who follows a tutorial video to learn NativeScript!
In Angular 8 , ViewChild takes 2 parameters:
Try like this:
#ViewChild('nameInput', { static: false }) nameInputRef: ElementRef;
{ static: false }
If you set static false, the component ALWAYS gets initialized after the view initialization in time for the ngAfterViewInit/ngAfterContentInit callback functions.
{ static: true}
If you set static true, the initialization will take place at the view initialization at ngOnInit
By default you can use { static: false }. If you are creating a dynamic view and want to use the template reference variable, then you should use { static: true}
For more info, you can read this here
Thank you.
You are using nativescript-telerik-ui/sidedrawer and that is not supported by latest version of Nativscript.This package has been deprecated.
For side drawer, use nativescript-ui-sidedrawer.

How/where do I register the IDbPerTenantConnectionStringResolver

Trying to run core api host. i have this in the EntityFrameworkModule
public override void PreInitialize()
Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled = true;`
Configuration.ReplaceService<IConnectionStringResolver, DbPerTenantConnectionStringResolver>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
Configuration.DefaultNameOrConnectionString = MyConsts.DefaultConnectionStringName;
if (!SkipDbContextRegistration)
Configuration.Modules.AbpEfCore().AddDbContext<MyContext>(options =>
if (options.ExistingConnection != null)
MyContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ExistingConnection);
MyContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ConnectionString);
Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - Can't create component 'Ccre.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpZeroDbMigrator' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.
'Ccre.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpZeroDbMigrator' is waiting for the following dependencies:
- Service 'Abp.MultiTenancy.IDbPerTenantConnectionStringResolver' which was not registered.
How/where do I register the IDbPerTenantConnectionStringResolver?
I have this line in the PreInitialize of the Migrator.MigratorModule
Configuration.ReplaceService<IConnectionStringResolver, DbPerTenantConnectionStringResolver>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
as well as in the EntityFrameworkModule
