Dynamics crm online + Disable autosave in html webresource - dynamics-crm

I have disabled autosave functionality on my crm form using the below code. However it still triggers the save function in my html webresource.
//Javascript on the Form onsave
let eventArgs = context.getEventArgs();
if (eventArgs.getSaveMode() == 70)
I am using Vue.js as backend for the html webresource. below is the code i have written:
//Javascript File behind the html
async created: function ()
window.parent.Xrm.Page.data.entity.addOnSave(async () => { await saveData(this) });
saveData : function()
let results = await window.parent.Xrm.WebApi.online.executeMultiple(modifiedrecords);
for (let resultsub in results)
const result = results[resultsub];
if (result.ok) {}
Any help would be appreciated.

You are accessing the web resource's parent form using the window.parent.Xrm.Page construct. This indeed works, but it is not supported and not reliable. (Besides, in Dynamics CRM 2016 accessing the parent page is not possible anymore.)
Entity forms are pretty complex objects that need some heavy processing before the form onload can be called. Contrary, HTML web resources that are integrated on entity forms in iFrames are often lightweight and therefore load quickly. As a result your web resource attaches itself to the onSave handler before the form is able to do that. But, this may vary, depending on the caching behaviour of the browser and other factors. Anyway, when the web resource attaches itself before the form, it is not affected by the preventDefault() down the event pipeline.
You can solve this by giving the onLoad function on the entity form the initiative to load and/or initialize the web resource.


LightSwitch Tabbed screen in Browse template

I have a screen where we have 4 tabs, each tab should be displayed as per the login priority.
Ex:Department,Role,Employee,Screen are the tabs.
Each tab is having buttons to add,edit,remove the data.
by default when i log with any user its going to the first tab, but not all the users are having the first tab as their requirement.
how can i resolve this to do it dynamically in html client application
As covered towards the end of the following LightSwitch Team blog post, you can programmatically change the tab by using the screen.showTab method:
Creating a wizard-like experience for HTML client (Andy Kung)
However, in order to use this showTab API command when your screen is loading, its use needs to be delayed until the screen has fully displayed. This can be achieved in your screen's created method by using a combination of the jQuery mobile pagechange event (as the LightSwitch HTML Client uses jQuery mobile) and a setTimeout with a zero timeout (to delay the showTab until the loading screen is rendered).
The following shows a brief example of how you can use this approach to dynamically set the initial screen tab:
myapp.BrowseScreen.created = function (screen) {
var initialTabName = localStorage.getItem("Rolename") + "Tab";
$(window).one("pagechange", function (e, data) {
setTimeout(function () {
Based on your earlier post it appears that you're using LocalStorage to track your logged in user and their role.
On this basis, the above example assumes that the user's role will be the factor dictating the tab they are shown when the screen loads (the screen is named BrowseScreen in the above example).
It also assumes that your tabs are named after each employee role (suffixed with the text 'Tab') e.g. a user who is assigned the role 'DepartmentManager' would be directed to a tab called 'DepartmentManagerTab'.
Whilst slightly more involved, if you'd prefer to avoid the pagechange and setTimeout it's possible to customise the LightSwitch library to introduce a new navigationComplete screen event. This new event is ideal for executing any operations dependent upon the screen having fully rendered (such as navigating to a different tab using the showTab function).
If you'd like to introduce this additional event, you'll need to reference the un-minified version of the LightSwitch library by making the following change in your HTML client's default.htm file (to remove the .min from the end of the library script reference):
<!--<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/msls-?.?.?.min.js"></script>-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/msls-?.?.?.js"></script>
The question marks in the line above will relate to the version of LightSwitch you're using.
You'll then need to locate the section of code in your Scripts/msls-?.?.?.js file that declares the completeNavigation function and change it as follows:
function completeNavigation(targetUnit) {
msls_notify(msls_shell_NavigationComplete, { navigationUnit: targetUnit });
var screen = targetUnit.screen;
var intialNavigation = !screen.activeTab;
var selectedTab = targetUnit.__pageName;
if (screen.activeTab !== selectedTab) {
callNavigationUnitScreenFunction(targetUnit, "navigationComplete", [intialNavigation, selectedTab]);
screen.activeTab = selectedTab; // Set at the end of the process to allow the previous selection to be referenced (activeTab)
function callNavigationUnitScreenFunction(navigationUnit, functionName, additionalParameters) {
var screenObject = navigationUnit.screen;
var constructorName = "constructor";
var _ScreenType = screenObject[constructorName];
if (!!_ScreenType) {
var fn = _ScreenType[functionName];
if (!!fn) {
return fn.apply(null, [screenObject, navigationUnit].concat(additionalParameters));
You can then use this new event in your screens as follows:
myapp.BrowseScreen.navigationComplete = function (screen, navigationUnit, intialNavigation, selectedTab) {
if (intialNavigation) {
var initialTabName = localStorage.getItem("Rolename") + "Tab";
This event fires whenever a navigation event completes (including a change of tab) with the initialNavigation parameter being set to true upon the initial load of the screen and the selectedTab parameter reflecting the selected tab.
Although modification to the LightSwitch library aren't uncommon with some of the more seasoned LightSwitch developers, if you decide to go down this path you'll need to thoroughly test the change for any adverse side effects. Also, if you upgrade your version of LightSwitch, you'll need to repeat the library modification in the new version.

Bridge jQuery UI droppable to Lift ajax handler

I'm working on a web application project using Scala / Lift. I would like to make my application support drag and drop to improve the user experience.
But I'm not quite sure how to bridge jQuery part with Lift.
Currently I've a working UI part, an div block has class named listRow is dragable with an HTML5 attribute data-stuffid which has an ID from database.
It can be dragged to an block named nextAction, and I could print out the data-stuffid field correctly in JavaScript.
Here is my JavaScript code block:
<script type="text/javascript">
revert: true
accept: ".listRow",
tolerance: "pointer",
activeClass: "dropActive",
hoverClass: "dropHover",
drop: function(event, ui) {
var stuffID = ui.draggable.data("stuffid")
But I don't know how to call to a Lift AJAX handler, and pass stuffID to Lift in the case.
What I would like to do is have an Scala function likes the following:
def showDialog(stuffID: String): JsCmds
// Do some server side work, ex: querying database
// Return a javascript cmds likes SHtml.ajaxButton...etc.
Alert("SutffID:" + stuffID)
And when user drag a .listRow to "#nextAction", showDialog would be called, and return the javascript to browser and let browser execute it.
You probably looking for one of these two functions. I'd take a look at :
JsCmds.Function and SHtml.ajaxCall
JsCmds.Function will allow you to create a JavaScript function, and SHtml.ajaxCall will allow you to execute code via ajax. You'd create a function in your Lift CSS Selector and then you'd be able to call that functions directly from your jQuery code.
There are a lot of discussions on using both those, some relevant info might be:
When initializing jquery from lift, just send lift ajax callback as parameter

does an onclick function go in model, view or controller?

I am using backbone.js and trying to stay strict to the model-view-controller structure as I learn it. I have an onclick function for a link in one of my views that I am not sure where to put. Is the best place to keep this in the render function of the view?
More specifically, the onclick performs a facebook login and then adds the user to my database if they are not currently in it. Don't know if this changes anything.
Here is what I think I will go with:
var NewUserView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#window'),
render: function(){
// Render
listeners: function(){
// onclick and other listeners
From the Backbone documentation:
In Backbone, the View class can also be thought of as a kind of
controller, dispatching events that originate from the UI, with the
HTML template serving as the true view. We call it a View because it
represents a logical chunk of UI, responsible for the contents of a
single DOM element.
Here's the general way to handle events in Backbone:
var NewUserView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#window'),
render: function() {
// Render
events: {
"click #facebookButton": "loginViaFacebook"
loginViaFacebook: {
// Perform facebook login and add user to database
Where do you want the link to appear? On View page right? So , you should keep it in the same view on which you want the link to appear.
But , if you are building an architecture rather than just a web application, then you should put the onclick function in some different file where you will keep all these function and then import them in the view as required or keeping them in separate files and bundling them for import on view page.
Please make a file and write all the functions in that file and include that file in the your view file and use the onClick in the anchor tag. Please let me know if this make sense.

MVC2 - Submit form with AJAX and non-AJAX

Using MVC2 I have created a form using the Ajax helper in a view. The form posts to a controller which binds to a model object. A PartialViewResult is returned by the controller and the HTML gets updated into a div. So far, so good.
I now need to submit the same form and return the results in a generated file for the user to download. Obviously I don't want the file contents going into my div.
Is there an elegant way to handle this situation without having to hack it to bits? I'm fairly new to MVC / AJAX and it's still a point of confusion for me.
You may not use ajax call to download files. Following links may help you to do what you are trying to do
JQuery Ajax call for PDF file download
OK, so I couldn't find any simple solutions anywhere so I came up with my own. I remove the Ajax event handlers from the form when I want the download, put them back when I want the Ajax. I'm guessing there's a more elegant way to do this, as this feels like a 'clever trick'. I'm open to better suggestions but so far this is my preferred method.
Reference ToggleAjax.js on my page:
var ToggleAjax = function ($, form) {
var onclick = form.onclick,
onsubmit = form.onsubmit;
$('input[class*="ajax-enabled"]').click(function () {
form.onclick = onclick;
form.onsubmit = onsubmit;
$('input[class*="ajax-disabled"]').click(function () {
form.onclick = function () { };
form.onsubmit = function () { };
Then I call ToggleAjax on my page and pass in the form:
$(function () {
ToggleAjax($, $('form')[0]);
And of course I add the class ajax-enabled or ajax-disabled to the input controls.

JSF Status bar / connection status information

I would like to implement a kind of information for my users about the progress status. I have found several components like:
Richfaces status or IceFaces onnection Status
So, I would like to add something like that to my page especially for ajax requests. What's the easiest way to implement it? I would not like to use one of those components, rather programming my own one but I can't imagine how and how much effort it takes :-)
I am thankfull for ideas...
The standard JSF implementation doesn't provide a ready-to-use component for this. The JSF 2.0 specification however outlines the following in chapter Monitoring Events For All Ajax Requests
The JavaScript API provides the jsf.ajax.addOnEvent function that can be used to register a JavaScript function
that will be notified when any Ajax request/response event occurs. Refer to Section 14.4 “Registering Callback
Functions” for more details. The jsf.ajax.addOnEvent function accepts a JavaScript function argument that will be
notified when events occur during any Ajax request/response event cycle. The implementation must
ensure the JavaScript function that is registered must be called in accordance with the events outlined in
Section TABLE 14-3 “Events”.
You can find here a blog of one of the Mojarra developers which contains basic examples. Here's an extract of relevance:
<h3> Status:</h3>
<textarea id="statusArea" cols="40" rows="10" readonly="readonly" />
A simple textarea, not even hooked
into the backend server data model.
Then in our javascript (for the demo,
in a separately loaded file, though it
could just as easily be in page) we
var statusUpdate = function statusUpdate(data) {
var statusArea = document.getElementById("statusArea");
var text = statusArea.value;
text = text + "Name: "+data.source.id;
if (data.type === "event") {
text = text +" Event: "+data.name+"\n";
} else { // otherwise, it's an error
text = text + " Error: "+data.name+"\n";
statusArea.value = text;
// Setup the statusUpdate function to hear all events on the page
