Spring Boot Application using Oracle - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded while using Spring Jdbctemplate - spring-boot

I know there are lot of solution for this in internet but nothing seems to work for me.
I have following entries for in the pom.xml file for my jdk11 app
I am using connection pool with config as follows
platform: oracle
url: jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:TEST
connectionFactoryClassName: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
fastConnectionFailoverEnabled: true
username: test
password: test
initialPoolSize: 3
minPoolSize: 0
maxPoolSize: 12
inactivityTimeout: 300
queryTimeout: 600
validateConnectionOnBorrow: true
I am only querying for table no add or update to oracle record, something like this
PoolDataSource dataSource = PoolDataSourceFactory.getPoolDataSource();
public DaoSpringJdbcImpl listenerDAO(final DataSource dataSource ) {
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate template = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource );
DaoSpringJdbcImpl listenerDAO = new DaoSpringJdbcImpl(template);
return listenerDAO;
public class DaoSpringJdbcImpl {
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public DaoSpringJdbcImpl(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
public void method() {
List<String> results = jdbcTemplate.query(SQL_QUERY, params,
new RowMapper<String>()
public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException
{ return rs.getString(0)}
so everytime my application queries it opens up new cursor and never close it ultimately resulting to open cursor exception
PS I tried adding env property spring.jdbc.getParameterType.ignore = true which didnt work


Micrometer with Prometheus Pushgateway - Add TLS Support

I have a Spring boot application with Prometheus Pushgateway using Micrometer, mainly based on this tutorial:
pom.xml has following related dependencies:
And application.properties file has:
It is working fine locally in Dev environment while connecting to Pushgateway without any TLS. In our CI environment, Prometheus Pushgateway has TLS enabled. How do I configure TLS support and configure certs in this Spring boot application?
Due to the usage of TLS, you will need to customize a few Spring classes:
HttpConnectionFactory -> PushGateway -> PrometheusPushGatewayManager
A HttpConnectionFactory, is used by prometheus' PushGateway to create a secure connection, and then, create a PrometheusPushGatewayManager which uses the previous pushgateway.
You will need to implement the prometheus’ interface HttpConnectionFactory, I’m assuming you are able to create a valid javax.net.ssl.SSLContext object (if not, more details in the end¹).
HttpConnectionFactory example:
public class MyTlsConnectionFactory implements io.prometheus.client.exporter.HttpConnectionFactory {
public HttpURLConnection create(String hostUrl) {
// considering you can get javax.net.ssl.SSLContext or javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
URL url = new URL(hostUrl);
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
return connection;
PushGateway and PrometheusPushGatewayManager:
public HttpConnectionFactory tlsConnectionFactory() {
return new MyTlsConnectionFactory();
public PushGateway pushGateway(HttpConnectionFactory connectionFactory) throws MalformedURLException {
String url = "https://localhost:9091"; // replace by your props
PushGateway pushGateway = new PushGateway(new URL(url));
return pushGateway;
public PrometheusPushGatewayManager tlsPrometheusPushGatewayManager(PushGateway pushGateway,
CollectorRegistry registry) {
// fill the others params accordingly (the important is pushGateway!)
return new PrometheusPushGatewayManager(
Duration.of(15, ChronoUnit.SECONDS),
¹If you face difficulty retrieving the SSLContext from java code, I recommend studying the library https://github.com/Hakky54/sslcontext-kickstart and https://github.com/Hakky54/mutual-tls-ssl (which shows how to apply it with different client libs).
Then, will be possible to generate SSLContext in java code in a clean way, e.g.:
String keyStorePath = "client.jks";
char[] keyStorePassword = "password".toCharArray();
SSLFactory sslFactory = SSLFactory.builder()
.withIdentityMaterial(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword)
javax.net.ssl.SSLContext sslContext = sslFactory.getSslContext();
Finally, if you need setup a local Prometheus + TLS environment for testing purposes, I recommend following the post:

Querydsl fetchCount() & fetch() NullPointerException, Connection is closed

My goal is to implement dao method within pagination, sorting and filtering. For pagination I need get firstly count and then set offset & limit and get result (so get just one "page" from database):
public class UserJdbcRepository {
private final SQLQueryFactory queryFactory;
public UserJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(new OracleTemplates());
configuration.setExceptionTranslator(new SpringExceptionTranslator());
this.queryFactory = new SQLQueryFactory(configuration, dataSource);
public Page<User> findAll(BooleanExpression predicate, Pageable pageable) {
QUser u = new QUser("u");
SQLQuery<Tuple> sql = queryFactory
.select(u.userId, // omitted)
long count = sql.fetchCount();
List<Tuple> results = sql.fetch();
// Conversion List<Tuple> to List<User> omitted
return new PageImpl<>(users, pageable, count);
fetchCount() is executed correctly, but fetch() is throwing NullPointerException:
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.querydsl.sql.AbstractSQLQuery.fetch(AbstractSQLQuery.java:502) ~[querydsl-sql-4.4.0.jar:na]
From debug I found that root cause is in com.querydsl.sql.AbstractSQLQuery:
java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed
If I create second (the same as first one) query sql2, then it is working (of course):
SQLQuery<Tuple> sql2 = queryFactory
.select(... // same as first one)
long count = sql.fetchCount();
List<Tuple> results = sql2.fetch();
My question is if connection should be really closed after fetchCount() is called? Or do I have some misconfiguration?
I have SpringBoot 2.4.5; spring-data-commons 2.5.0; Oracle driver ojdbc8; QueryDSL 4.4.0
// omitted
Issue is caused by missconfiguration. QueryDSL doc contains Spring integration section, where is mentioned that SpringConnectionProvider must be used. So I changed my constructor and it is working now as expected:
public UserJdbcRepository(DataSource dataSource) {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(new OracleTemplates());
configuration.setExceptionTranslator(new SpringExceptionTranslator());
// wrong: this.queryFactory = new SQLQueryFactory(configuration, dataSource);
Provider<Connection> provider = new SpringConnectionProvider(dataSource);
this.queryFactory = new SQLQueryFactory(configuration, provider);
I also found there is useful method fetchResults() containing count for pagination purpose (so not needed to explicitly call fetchCount()):
public Page<User> findAll(BooleanExpression predicate, Pageable pageable) {
QUser u = new QUser("u");
SQLQuery<Tuple> sql = queryFactory
.select(u.userId, // omitted)
QueryResults<Tuple> queryResults = sql.fetchResults();
long count = queryResults.getTotal();
List<Tuple> results = queryResults.getResults();
// Conversion List<Tuple> to List<User> omitted
return new PageImpl<>(users, pageable, count);

Hikari + Hibernate + Postgres: can't connect

I have an application that uses C3p0 with Hibernate 5 and Hibernate. I would like to try out Hikari, but I'm unable to get the application to run.
Hibernate version is: 5.2.17.Final
Spring configuration
public LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory()
throws Exception
LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory = new LocalSessionFactoryBean();
sessionFactory.setDataSource( dataSource() );
private DataSource dataSource()
String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/demo";
String user = "john";
String pw = "pwd123";
String url = String.format( "%s?user=%s&password=%s", jdbcUrl, user, pw);
final HikariDataSource ds = new HikariDataSource();
ds.setMaximumPoolSize( 10 );
ds.setDataSourceClassName( "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource" );
ds.addDataSourceProperty( "url", url );
return ds;
I have tried different permutations of the above approach, including passing username and password in to the Datasource directly:
ds.addDataSourceProperty( "user", "john" );
ds.addDataSourceProperty( "password", "pw123" );
But I always end up with this error:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
at com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource.getConnection(HikariDataSource.java:135)
which is caused by this Hikari function:
public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException
throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();
Look at this issue. It tells you have to either use jdbcUrl or dataSourceClassName but not both. I see you are using both, so just use one as mentioned in that issue and check if that helps.
Apart from that, I just checked when that getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException gets called, looks like if you have:
hibernate.connection.username and/or hibernate.connection.password
set, thats when it gets called. Make sure you don't have those two properties set somewhere.

Mock only selected properties in Spring Environment

I want to be able to use a test properties files and only override a few properties. Having to override every single property will get ugly fast.
This is the code I am using to test my ability to mock properties and use existing properties in a test case
#SpringBootTest(classes = MyApp.class)
locations = { "classpath:myapp-test.properties" },
properties = { "test.key = testValue" })
public class EnvironmentMockedPropertiesTest {
#Autowired private Environment env;
// #MockBean private Environment env;
#Test public void testExistingProperty() {
// some.property=someValue
final String keyActual = "some.property";
final String expected = "someValue";
final String actual = env.getProperty(keyActual);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
#Test public void testMockedProperty() {
final String keyMocked = "mocked.test.key";
final String expected = "mockedTestValue";
final String actual = env.getProperty(keyMocked);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
#Test public void testOverriddenProperty() {
final String expected = "testValue";
final String actual = env.getProperty("test.key");
assertEquals(expected, actual);
What I find is:
#Autowired private Environment env;
testExistingProperty() and testOverriddenProperty() pass
testMockedProperty() fails
#MockBean private Environment env;
testMockedProperty() passes
testExistingProperty() and testOverriddenProperty() fail
Is there a way to achieve what I am aiming for?
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Starter for testing Spring Boot applications with libraries including JUnit,
Hamcrest and Mockito -->
Ok i have made this work, you need to use Mockito to accompish what you are looking for:
Maven Dependency
Test Class Set up
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.springframework.test.util.AopTestUtils.getTargetObject;
#SpringBootTest(classes = MyApp.class)
locations = { "classpath:myapp-test.properties" },
properties = { "test.key = testValue" })
public class AnswerTest {
// This will be only for injecting, we will not be using this object in tests.
private Environment env;
// This is the reference that will be used in tests.
private Environment envSpied;
// Map of properties that you intend to mock
private Map<String, String> mockedProperties;
public void postConstruct(){
mockedProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
mockedProperties.put("mocked.test.key_1", "mocked.test.value_1");
mockedProperties.put("mocked.test.key_2", "mocked.test.value_2");
mockedProperties.put("mocked.test.key_3", "mocked.test.value_3");
// We use the Spy feature of mockito which enabled partial mocking
envSpied = Mockito.spy((Environment) getTargetObject(env));
// We mock certain retrieval of certain properties
// based on the logic contained in the implementation of Answer class
doAnswer(new CustomAnswer()).when(envSpied).getProperty(Mockito.anyString());
Test case
// Testing for both mocked and real properties in same test method
#Test public void shouldReturnAdequateProperty() {
String mockedValue = envSpied.getProperty("mocked.test.key_3");
String realValue = envSpied.getProperty("test.key");
assertEquals(mockedValue, "mocked.test.value_3");
assertEquals(realValue, "testValue");
Implementation of Mockito's Answer interface
// Here we define what should mockito do:
// a) return mocked property if the key is a mock
// b) invoke real method on Environment otherwise
private class CustomAnswer implements Answer<String>{
public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
Object[] arguments = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
String parameterKey = (String) arguments[0];
String mockedValue = mockedProperties.get(parameterKey);
if(mockedValue != null){
return mockedValue;
return (String) invocationOnMock.callRealMethod();
Try it out, and let me know if all is clear here.

Spring Social ProviderSignInUtils.getConnection is returning "error: cannot find symbol"

I'm creating a controller to register an user that has logged in using oauth2 but whenever I try to get the connection using ProviderSignInUtils.getConnection(request) it says the function does not exist.
This is my controller:
import org.springframework.social.connect.web.ProviderSignInUtils;
#RequestMapping(value = "/register", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showRegistrationForm(WebRequest request, Model model) {
Connection<?> connection = ProviderSignInUtils.getConnection(request);
RegistrationForm registration = createRegistrationDTO(connection);
model.addAttribute("user", registration);
return "user/registrationForm";
Those are the maven dependencies:
ProviderSignInUtils.getConnection was removed in Spring Social 1.1.2, however the documentation wasn't updated to reflect this. The example code at github shows this instead
public SignupController(AccountRepository accountRepository,
ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator,
UsersConnectionRepository connectionRepository) {
this.accountRepository = accountRepository;
this.providerSignInUtils = new ProviderSignInUtils(connectionFactoryLocator, connectionRepository);
#RequestMapping(value="/signup", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public SignupForm signupForm(WebRequest request) {
Connection<?> connection = providerSignInUtils.getConnectionFromSession(request);
if (connection != null) {
request.setAttribute("message", new Message(MessageType.INFO, "Your " + StringUtils.capitalize(connection.getKey().getProviderId()) + " account is not associated with a Spring Social Showcase account. If you're new, please sign up."), WebRequest.SCOPE_REQUEST);
return SignupForm.fromProviderUser(connection.fetchUserProfile());
} else {
return new SignupForm();
You need to create your own local providerSignInUtils so it has access to the connectionFactoryLocator and connectionRepository.
