Best way to start multiple dependent spring boot microservices locally? - spring-boot

Currently my team maintains many spring boot microservices. When running them locally, our workflow is to open a new IntelliJ IDEA window and pressing the "run" button for each microservice. This does the same thing as typing gradle bootRun. At a minimum each service depends on a config server (from which they get their config settings) and a eureka server. Their dependencies are specified in a bootstrap.yml file. I was wondering if there is a way to just launch one microservice (or some script or run configuration), and it would programatically know which dependencies to start along with the service I am testing? It seems cumbersome to start them the way we do now.

If you're using docker then you could use docker compose to launch services in a specific order using the depends_on option. Take a look here and see if that will solve your problem.


Can you use Testcontainers to manage service dependencies, like a database, during local development?

Testcontainers can manage dockerized service dependencies, like a database, Kafka, Elasticsearch, and so on for integration testing.
Can I configure my Spring Boot application to manage these service dependencies during local development?
For example, my Spring Boot application needs a MySQL database.
I would like to integrate it with Testcontainers to provide a Docker container with MySQL not only during the tests execution, but at application startup during local development too.
Testcontainers provides an API to manage applications and services in Docker containers. It's incredibly useful for integration testing, where having a programmatically configured, isolated, repeatable environments is an essential requirement for trustworthy tests.
Because of that Testcontainers has integrations with the frameworks like Spring and Quarkus, and tes frameworks like JUnit, Spock, etc to automatically tie the lifecycle of your containerized dependencies to the lifecycle of the tests.
However, Testcontainers API is generic and doesn't have to run during the tests. For example, Quarkus has a feature called Dev Services which automatically creates a container for your database (or other service dependencies, for example Kafka, Redis, etc) when your application tries to access the database, but the configuration is not present.
You can think about it like this, if you have the data access repository classes initialized and wired, but no datasource.url in the config -- it'll spin up the database using testcontainers and configure the app to use it (just like it would happen during tests, but instead used for local development).
Spring Boot doesn't have an automated feature like that currently, there's an open issue to investigate these local development setups with Testcontainers.
If you're open to manually add a feature for your particular application, you can look at the prototype linked from that issue here:
It's a bit more involved because it integrates with the Spring DevTools, but here are the essential parts that need to be taken care of:
Check that you need to use the database (in your application it can be a given).
Verify the configuration to use the database is absent (if the database is already configured you don't need to spin up a new one)
Create a container using Testcontainers API, either using an appropriate module or the GenericContainer with any Docker image.
Provide the configuration back to the application. For the database that would be the jdbcUrl, username, password, database name, r2dbcUrl and any other relevant properties.
You can take a look at the video with Josh Long where this concept was tried:
It would also work in the production environments, but the usefulness of the ephemeral Databases, might be limited.

how to create a pipeline in jenkins for spring boot microservices

I have a spring boot project with 4 microservices (Eureka service registry, Config server, a Zuul gateway and a userservice) in one repository with a parent project where I have a docker-compose.yml which reads the Dockerfiles in the microservices project and uses the "application-docker.yml" and "bootstrap-docker.yml"
What I'd like to do is to trigger a jenkins pipeline after a commit in git so that it will compile and deploy the microservices in Docker. Eventually I'd like to have a production configuration that deploys the images in Kubernetes maybe AWS.
Now, in order to work, the microservices need to start in order:
eureka service registry
gateway , etc..
What is the best practise?
If I have separate repositories per microservice, I think I can figure it out. It should be easy to deploy a single microservice assuming that configserver and eureka service registry are already up and running, in reality they should never change.
If I have a single repository, and I keep developing new microservices, do I need to have separate jenkins file per microservices or can I have a jenkinsfile in the parent project and use docker-compose?
How does it work? Any articles online that can help (couldn't find any). Does it make sense?
Or do I need to look at Jenkins X ?
I would recommend using separate repositories for each microservice. You use microservices to prevent monoliths and have small well-defined services; it only seems appropriate to also separate them by space i.e. store them in separate repositories (making it for example easier to reuse one).
You would then have to provide a Jenkinsfile in each repo. These would be mostly identical.
If you want fast release cycles you could automatically deploy a single service upon release.
Alternatively you could use an additional release train module that handles the full deployment.
In both cases I would use a docker-compose file that handles the interconnection between the services.
You can enforce the right order by using 'depends_on, links, volumes_from, and network_mode: "service:..."'. For a full reference see the docker documentation.
If you want to keep your single repository your Jenkinsfile(s) would have to be quite hacky, I suppose... After each commit you would either
build all modules --> monolithic behaviour
somehow determine which modules have changed (e.g. looking at the git log) --> same behaviour as with multiple modules but very hackily
The Docker-Compose File
If you want to release all modules at a specific point of time you could use a Release Train module where the docker-compose.yml resides next to a Jenkinsfile. Then when you want to ship your application you can start this Jenkins-job.
If you want to ship each service as soon as it is released, independently from the others, you would need to access the docker-compose.yml from each module. You could do this manually (since the files won't change too often) or create a docker module that you use as a git-submodule in all your services.
We use a generic docker-compose.yml for this, where every version is replaced by a variable:
image: example.service:${EXAMPLE_SERVICE_VERSION}
Then to start that specific service in jenkins we use the command
docker-compose -p example-project -f docker-compose.yml up -d example-service

How to configure Eclipse-RCP with Spring-Boot

I have an Eclipse RCP(E4) application, which I can start without any problem. Now I decide to connect it to my Spring-Boot embedded Tomcat-server. The Spring-Boot-container runs an H2 as an in memory DB. Running Spring-Boot as "Java Application", I access the data in the DB via a rest-service over the browser.
The problem is, I actually want to embed the Spring-Boot part in my RCP-application. So once I start the application it will start my embedded Sring-Boot tomcat and I can run my CRUD-operations directly from the RCP-UI.
Has anyone got experience dealing with Eclipse-RCP running with Spring-Boot?
P.S: I chose explicitly to not put any code hier, because I don't have any code problem yet. The applications run separately well. I just haven't no clue how to relate them.

Update for JavaEE application

Our application are built on Spring boot, the app will be packaged to a war file and ran with java -jar xx.war -Dspring.profile=xxx. Generally the latest war package will served by a static web server like nginx.
Now we want to know if we can add auto-update for the application.
I have googled, and people suggested to use the Application server which support hot deployment, however we use spring boot as shown above.
I have thought to start a new thread once my application started, then check update and download the latest package. But I have to terminate the current application to start the new one since they use the same port, and if close the current app, the update thread will be terminated too.
So how to you handle this problem?
In my opinion that should be managed by some higher order dev-ops level orchestration system not by either the app nor its container. The decision to replace an app should not be at the dev-ops level and not the app level
One major advantage of spring-boot is the inversion of the traditional application-web-container to web-app model. As such the web container is usually (and best practice with Spring boot) built within the app itself. Hence it is fully self contained and crucially immutable. It therefore should not be the role of the app-web-container/web-app to replace either part-of or all-of itself.
Of course you can do whatever you like but you might find that the solution is not easy because it is not convention to do it in this way.

Best way to load configurations to microservice docker container

I have build a springboot application and containerized it. I have two ways to inject configurations to the service.
As part of the code(hard coded) in file with
multple profiles and my Dockerfile only accepts one variable for${environment} as part of CMD to start the app container
exp -
profiles: dev
profiles: prod
Load properties file to the host machine running app and inject to
container while start.
exp: docker run -d --env-file=environment(dev).properties myapp:latest
I would like to know what is the best way industry does to inject properties in an microservice app with advantages and disadvantages.
Do you keep configurations close to app?
OR You prefer to inject it as a dependency while app starts?
My understanding: I prefer configurations closer to container as I can have minimal dependency however a small change will warrant a new build and deploy
The second option has advantage as the app code(image) do not require a change and you can inject the updated configuration with a container restart.
In my company we go to the first solution, however, I am not sure if it is an industry standard or not. The main reason is that it is very unlikely for us to change the configuration after building the docker container.
Also, if you build different containers for different environments, passing${environment} parameter to the container run command is not very smart (it is always Prod for the production container). Instead, in dockerFile, you can just copy the appropriate
