Golang: Getting the response-redirect URL from an HTTP response - go

I'm trying to make a HTTP request using http.Get(url) in Go and I want to open the response in a browser. I'm using browser.OpenURL() to launch the system browser, but I cannot figure out how to obtain the response url.
In Python, using the requests library, it is an attribute of the response object.
I can obtain and open it in a browser (using the browser library) like so:
response = requests.get(endpoint)
How can I accomplish this using http/net library in Go? The response object is a struct that doesn't contain that attribute.
I am trying to call the Spotify API to authenticate an app, and this requires opening a browser window for user input. So far I've got this:
func getAuth(endpoint *url.Url) {
request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", endpoint.string(), nil)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(request)
if err != nil {
headers := resp.Header
page, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
Where can I obtain the response URL or how can I handle the response so that it opens it in a browser?

Go will update the Request struct on the response if there is a redirect.
resp.Request.URL is what you are looking for.
// Request is the request that was sent to obtain this Response.
// Request's Body is nil (having already been consumed).
// This is only populated for Client requests.
Request *Request

Just get the redirect URL from response header.
redirectURL := resp.Header.Get("Location")


How to create HTTP Session in Go

I am currently using fasthttp for sending my requests my question is, is there a way to have a persistent session? I need the cookies and data to stick.
c := fasthttp.Client{ Name: "Add To Cart",}
store, err := session.Start() // ?????
args := fasthttp.AcquireArgs()
defer fasthttp.ReleaseArgs(args)
args.Add("pid", sizepid)
args.Add("options", "[]")
args.Add("quantity", "1")
statusCode, body, err := c.Post(nil, "URL", args)
if err != nil {
Based on your question I think this is already clear to you, but just in case:
Sessions aren't started on the client, they are started on the server. The server checks to see if a specific cookie exists; if it does it resumes the session that the cookie identifies; if it doesn't it creates a new session and sends the identifier back to the client as a cookie. All the client needs to do is send the correct cookie to the server.
So, you need to read and write cookies. The fasthttp.Client.Post() interface doesn't allow you to do that. So instead of that nice interface, things become rather ugly.
You need to ask fasthttp for both a Request and Response object before you do the request. Once you've done the initial request, you need to either look all cookies, or read out a specific cookie. You can now use those values for your next request.
I've written a short example of how you would do this.
func main() {
c := fasthttp.Client{}
// Create a request
req := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
defer fasthttp.ReleaseRequest(req)
// Create a response
resp := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
defer fasthttp.ReleaseResponse(resp)
// Execute the request, writing to the response object
err := c.Do(req, resp)
if err != nil {
// Loop over all cookies; usefull if you want to just send everything back on consecutive requests
resp.Header.VisitAllCookie(func(key, value []byte) {
log.Printf("Cookie %s: %s\n", key, value)
// Read a specific cookie
nid := fasthttp.AcquireCookie()
defer fasthttp.ReleaseCookie(nid)
if resp.Header.Cookie(nid) {
log.Println("Value for NID Cookie: " + string(nid.Value()))
// Create a second request and set the cookie from the first
req2 := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
defer fasthttp.ReleaseRequest(req2)
req2.Header.SetCookie(`NID`, string(nid.Value()))
// Now you can execute this request again using c.Do() - don't forget to acquire a new Response!
Note: you can chose to skip the fasthttp.AcquireXXX() and defer fasthttp.ReleaseXXX(yyy) steps - but that would negate much (maybe most) of the performance benefits over using standard net/http, so if you go that route maybe just ditch fasthttp all together.

307 redirect with Authorization header

In looking at the Go docs for http it looks like the Authorization header is removed when a response is a 307. Obviously it makes sense for almost every case but is there a way not to remove the Authorization header?
You can modify your http.Client to add the header again after it has been removed using CheckRedirect:
CheckRedirect func(req *Request, via []*Request) error
Since req is the upcoming request, it can be modified before it is sent. After making the changes, return nil to indicate that the request should still be sent.
Since this is a change to the http client instead of the request, you should check that this redirect is only used for the one URL where you need it (in case you use that client to do other requests).
You client definition could look like this:
CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
// you can check old responses for a status code
if len(via) != 0 && via[0].Response.StatusCode == http.StatusTemporaryRedirect {
req.Header.Add("Authorization", "some-value")
return nil

Making POST request in Go with formdata and authentication

I'm currently trying to interface with an OAuth api with the example curl command curl -u {client_id}:{client_secret} -d grant_type=client_credentials https://us.battle.net/oauth/token. My current go file is:
package main
import (
func checkErr(err error) bool {
if err != nil {
return true
func authcode(id string, secret string, cli http.Client) string {
var form bytes.Buffer
w := multipart.NewWriter(&form)
_, err := w.CreateFormField("grant_type=client_credentials")
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "https://us.battle.net/oauth/token", &form)
req.SetBasicAuth(id, secret)
resp, err := cli.Do(req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
json := make([]byte, 1024)
_, err = resp.Body.Read(json)
return string(json)
func main() {
const apiID string = "user"
const apiSecret string = "password"
apiClient := &http.Client{}
auth := authcode(apiID, apiSecret, *apiClient)
fmt.Printf("%s", auth)
When I run this I get a response of {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Missing grant type"}
For reference, the api flow states:
"To request access tokens, an application must make a POST request with the following multipart form data to the token URI: grant_type=client_credentials
The application must pass basic HTTP auth credentials using the client_id as the user and client_secret as the password."
and the expected response is a json string containing an access token, token type, expiration in seconds, and the scope of functions available with said token
From curl manual we have:
-d, --data <data>
(HTTP) Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server, in the same way that a browser does when a user has filled in an HTML form and
presses the submit button. This will cause curl to pass the data to the server using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Compare to
-F, --form.
Note the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded part.
as opposed to:
-F, --form <name=content>
(HTTP SMTP IMAP) For HTTP protocol family, this lets curl emulate a filled-in form in which a user has pressed the submit button. This causes curl to
POST data using the Content-Type multipart/form-data according to RFC 2388.
Therefore based on your curl, mime/multipart is probably not what you're looking for and you should be using Client.PostForm, from the manual of which we have:
The Content-Type header is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. To set other headers, use NewRequest and Client.Do.

how to proxy GET request in golang with URL manipulation

I want to build a golang service which will listen for GET request, do some URL manipulation and then proxy a new request (to the manipulated URL) back to the browser:
(from browser -> server) GET http://www.example.com/7fbsjfhfh93hdkwhfbf398fhkef93..
(server manipulates URL - decrypts "7fbsjfhfh93hdkwhfbf398fhkef93.." -> "my-super-resource")
(server -> URL resource) GET http://www.somewhereelse.com/my-super-resource
(server -> browser) Response from http://www.somewhereelse.com/my-super-resource passed on to browser (using cors)
The whole chain will need to be synchronous which is ok. Is there a decent proxy library which allows for this sort of thing?
You can do something like this in less than 10 lines of code with the Sling package:
type Foo struct {
Bar string `json:"bar"`
func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get the URL and decrypt it
url := getUrl(r)
decryptedUrl := decryptUrl(url)
// Use the decrypted URL to make a request to another service
var data *Foo
req, err := sling.New().Get(decryptedUrl).Receive(data)
if err != nil {
// Handle error...
// Respond to the original request using the data from the other service
respond(w, http.StatusOK, data)

Not able to pass Bearer token in headers of a GET request in Golang

I am using oauth2 to access a third party API. I can get the access token alright, but when I try to call the API by passing the bearer token in the request headers it gives me 401 (Unauthorized) error. Although it works well when I try to do it via POSTMAN by passing headers as (Authorization: Bearer ). But it does not work using go.
Here is the code sample.
url := "http://api.kounta.com/v1/companies/me.json"
var bearer = "Bearer " + <ACCESS TOKEN HERE>
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
req.Header.Add("authorization", bearer)
client := urlfetch.Client(context)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
writer.Write([]byte(body)) // Gives 401 Unauthorized error, though same works using POSTMAN
I was able to solve the problem. Actually the problem was two way.
1) The API end point was doing a redirect (302), which was causing a 302 response and then the other API was being called.
2) GO by default does not forward the headers, thus my bearer token was being lost in the middle.
I had to override the client's CheckRedirect function and manually pass the headers to the new request.
client.CheckRedirect = checkRedirectFunc
Here is how I forwarded the headers manually.
func checkRedirectFunc(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
req.Header.Add("Authorization", via[0].Header.Get("Authorization"))
return nil
