How can one download and run a game uploaded to github? - visual-studio

I have a small game that I created, using c# on visual studio. How can I make one file out of it so people can download it and play on their own computers? (assuming they don't use coding programs (like Visual Studio) i.e. regular people)

Step 1: Publish in Visual Studio (right click project file and click publish). This will package your project and its dependencies into a smaller number of files. There is even an option to create a single file, which may be all you need. If you need an installer, the ClickOnce publish option works great for creating installers.
Step 2: Some versions of .NET do not support ClickOnce, and depending on what your needs are you may not want to create a ClickOnce installer. In that case you will have to create an installer yourself. I recommend Inno Setup for creating installers. There are plenty of tutorials on how to use it. Brackeys has a pretty good tutorial on Youtube for Unity projects.


How to create windows installer for my 3rd party plugin?

I want to create an installer MSI that will unload and move files I need for my plugin into the user's application folder. In my case the application is Cinema 4D, but this detail does not matter. I need to unload a .cyc file and place it in a specific subfolder under the application folder. In addition to that, I need to add a line of code to a .res file another subfolder of the application.
I want my installer to look nice
I have already looked at WIX, NSIS, Advanced Installer and Microsoft Visual Studio as possible options but do not know how to do what I have to do. I've seen installers that do exactly this - so how do I do this?
Most of the tools mentioned above should be able to help you get the job done, except Visual Studio (its support for building setup packages is quite limited).
Here is a step by step article explaining how to do this with Advanced Installer. You can download a trial version of Advanced Installer from the website, during trial you can access all the features.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer.

Is it possible to include a program project and a Wix project both in a Visual Studio Solution?

For example, I use Visual Studio to create a mono game project in the solution, and I add another wix project that
when I hit "build solution", the mono game project being build, and wix project build a installer directly afterward.
In this way, I don't need to separate my project everywhere, because I just want some more additional options with One-Click installer.
If I can use Wix, I can customize the installer, but how?
After search for some time, I found this
But, I would like to put two projects in a same solution folder, rather than two separate solution folder. This way, if I change the path, will the link just broke up?
Yes, you can. Simply add a reference to the project from your WIX project.
Note that with project references, you can use variables in your wxs files. For example if your game project were DavidWong.MyGame:
<File Id="MyGame.exe"
Source="$(var.DavidWong.MyGame.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes" />
See the documentation for more info.
Yes, it can be done ( project reference and $(var.ProjectName.TargetDir) and so on ) but in my experience there are a few reasons not to:
1) When a new version of Visual Studio comes out you might be stuck if a new version of WiX is not yet released to support that version of Visual Studio. I've seen this several times and currently you'd have to run a beta build of WiX v3.10 if you wanted to support Visual Studio 2015.
2) All developers now have to install WiX or get error messages that some projects couldn't be loaded.
3) Some developers will complain that they don't want "setup" code in their .NET solution. I think this is a thin complaint but I kinda get it.
What I like to do is have an application solution and an installer solution. I use postbuild copy commands and MSBuild publish profiles to stage content in a "deploy" folder that models the deployed system and then use that reference that structure in my wix code.

Difference between Wix and Visual Studio installer

I'm developing a Visual Studio application with WPF, but right now is the moment where I have to choose my installer.
I need my project to be able to write on the GAC and on registry, but I'm not sure if I should use Visual Studio installer or Wix... I can't find on Google information that says exactly the differences between both of them.
I found that Wix is more complete, but I can't find any article that specifies real differences between one or another...
Can anyone help me to find more specific information or to choose between both of them?
EDIT: Sorry, I specify:
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 professional.
The end product is the same, a windows installer msi.
It's just different how you get there. With the old vdproj there wasn't much other than setting up files to be copied and registry keys as far as I remember. Anything else and you would have to create a custom action in C++ or VBS, not a particularly easy task if you are .net developer.
However with the advent of Wix there are a lot more in-built custom actions which enable you to create a rich installation experience and if you need to create your own custom action you can use .net. Also it is much easier to create a bootstrapper which can install dependencies along with your msi as well as being able to create a front-end in WPF.
As #nvoigt said the old vdproj type is not supported in VS2012 and it also cannot be built by a build server without doing some nasty setup (you have to install VS).
All in all there really should be no question of what to use, Wix is the way forward.
Caveman_Dick wrote:
"Anything else and you would have to create a custom action".
And that in a nutshell is the difference. Visual Studio Deployment Projects heavily abstracts you from the underlying windows installer and seals away a great deal of it's ability. This goes against the very design of Windows Installer which is supposed to be a declarative, transactional programming model.
Take installing a Windows Service as an example? Windows Installer has the ServiceInstall table. VDPROJ fails to expose this so you are off writing brittle custom actions resulting in a less elegant and less robust installer.
WiX on the other hand is a very thin abstraction. It's all about XML XSD elements and attributes that represent the underlying Windows Installer table data. The build process simply transforms the XML to SQL tables. If MSI can do it, WiX can (99%) do it.
VDPROJ was a horrible mistake and Microsoft has finally owned up to it and killed it. Now WiX doesn't have UI designers ( I've written one on CodePlex though) so you might also want to consider InstallShield Limited Edition (FREE).
Using a combination of ISLE and WiX I can get the best of both worlds.
With Setup projects no longer shipped with current versions of Visual Studio, you might want to use Wix. Otherwise, you will have to write it again once you switch to a current version of Visual Studio.

I need a WIX Bootstrapper Project that installs MY software and prerequisites

I have a solution in VS2010 that defines 3-4 individual applications.
These 3-4 apps are individual (but related) components that I need to have individually installed on our production servers during deployment. I toyed with using WIX mondo to generate a multi-feature WIX installer, but found that it would be more beneficial to allow that these applications be able to be installed individually as well as via a single-source for all of them, preferably configurable to choose which to install during an installation.
I noticed that there is a WIX project type called "Bootstrapper Project" but I cannot find much documentation around it on the web, and do not know if it is a project type that will actually assist me in creating a deployment installation bootstrapper for my projects. (i.e. a setup.exe file that will install, one after the other, each project as either defined in the installer, or optionally selectable via the installer as it runs)...
what is the best method to do this within WIX, using pre-existing WIX installers for individual programs?
In Wix, the support to create a bootstrapper is through a tool called "Burn". Burn has been pushed out to v4.0 (or version 3.6). So that isn't much help.
You can use an open source tool like dotNetInstaller:
Here is an overview on how to create a setup installer that checks for the .NET Framework (which in and of itself is not very useful, but shows you how to work with dotNetInstaller):
Or you can follow the instructions here:
And use the Bootstrapper Manifest Generator here (although there appear to be 64-bit issues):

Visual Studio 2008 Publish Feature in a desktop app. What are the benefits?

Today I tried to use the publishing feature with visual studio, which creates an application manifest, and not a traditional exe.
What are the benefits of this?
I noticed each time the app starts up it does some kind of check before launching in?
When using Publish on a Windows application, you create a ClickOnce installer. You can find a lot of information about that in the official documentation. Basically, this is an alternative to creating a conventional MSI-based setup project (File/New/Project/Other Project Types/Setup and Deployment/Setup Project).
On MSDN you can find a comparison of the two approaches.
