PYsimpleGUI create a listbox of folders - user-interface

I am trying to modify the demoprogram from PYsimpleGUI ( to:
manually select a main folder
list all the subfolders in that folder (but not the files inside them)
make it possible to select a few of those folders, and list them as an output.
I thought I'd do so by editting the code for getting the file list dic, but everything I tried, just makes it
Any ideas? I attached it:
'''def get_file_list_dict():
Returns dictionary of files
Key is short filename
Value is the full filename and path
:return: Dictionary of demo files
:rtype: Dict[str:str]
demo_path = get_demo_path()
demo_files_dict = {}
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(demo_path):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.py') or filename.endswith('.pyw'):
fname_full = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if filename not in demo_files_dict.keys():
demo_files_dict[filename] = fname_full
# Allow up to 100 dupicated names. After that, give up
for i in range(1, 100):
new_filename = f'{filename}_{i}'
if new_filename not in demo_files_dict:
demo_files_dict[new_filename] = fname_full
return demo_files_dict'''

It's much difficult for me to modify code of to my requirements.
Assume the target is
Select a main directory by a button to call function sg.popup_get_folder
List all subdirectories under main directory in one sg.Listbox
Subdirectories selected shown in another sg.Listbox as output when click Add button
Example Code
from pathlib import Path
import PySimpleGUI as sg
font = ("Courier New", 11)
subfolders = []
selected = []
frame_subholders = [[sg.Listbox(subfolders, size=(80, 10), key='Subfolders',
select_mode=sg.LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED, enable_events=True,
highlight_background_color='blue', highlight_text_color='white')]]
frame_selected = [[sg.Listbox(selected, size=(80, 10), key='Selected')]]
layout = [
[sg.Input(readonly=True, expand_x=True, key='Main',
sg.Button("Main Folder")],
[sg.Frame("Subholder", frame_subholders)],
[sg.Frame("Selected subholder", frame_selected)],
window = sg.Window('Title', layout, finalize=True)
entry = window['Main'].Widget
input_size = entry.winfo_width()//sg.Text.char_width_in_pixels(font)
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
elif event == 'Main Folder':
main_folder = sg.popup_get_folder("", no_window=True)
if main_folder and Path(main_folder).is_dir():
main_folder = main_folder.replace("/", '\\') # For Windows
half = input_size//2
text = main_folder if len(main_folder) <= input_size else main_folder[:half-3]+"..."+main_folder[-half:]
subfolders = sorted([str(f) for f in Path(main_folder).iterdir() if f.is_dir()])
selected = []
elif event == 'Add':
selected = sorted([path for path in values['Subfolders']])


Open csv from subdirectories with partially unknown name and save all csv in one big file

I have a bunch of files in different subfolders of the root folder. I want to open all the files with the name 'NBack' AND '.csv' extension but not containing the letter 'X'. Then I want to add two columns in each files and merge/concatenate all concerned files into one big file.
I created so far this code, but for some reason it runs an eternity and seems to process the same files again and again (but not sure on this point). At the end I don't have a concatenated file but only one single file
for root, folders, files in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
filteredResults = [f for f in files if not "X" in f] #exlude files with the letter 'X'
for ff in filteredResults:
dd = [ff for ff in filteredResults if ff.endswith('.csv')] #among remaining files, keep the .csv files
for g in dd:
r = [g for g in dd if 'NBack' in g] #among those, keep those containing 'NBack'
a = pd.DataFrame() #empty dataset for the new big dataset
for i in r:
o = [i for i in r if not '.pdf' in i] #exclude .pdf's (for some reason including only .csv didn't work well enough).
appended = [] #necessary to append files before concatenating them????
for ii in o: #for the final set of files
p = os.path.join(root, ii)
data = pd.read_csv(p) #open .csv with specified characteristics in each subdirectory
split = ii.split("_") #split file name to get additional information
data['Run']=split[3] #add this information as a new column
data['IDcheck']=split[0] #add this information as a new column
appended.append(data) #necessary to apprend? creates a list of files
a = pd.concat([data]) #should create one big file but the variable a just contains one file
I would be happy for any comment or suggestion what to try.... where is the error...
This code works for me, sharing it if ever someone has a similar question:
rootdir = os.getcwd()
paths = []
df = pd.DataFrame()
for root, _, files in os.walk(rootdir):
for f in files:
path = root + "\\" + f
if ".csv" and "NBack" in path and not("X" in path):
splitt = f.split('_')
r = pd.read_csv(path)
r['Run'] = splitt[2]
r['IDcheck'] = splitt[0]
df = pd.concat([df, r])
Thanks Yasir for the help!

wxPython ListBox event not firing

I have a wx.Dialog that contains a button and 2 ListBoxes, the button findAppBtn searches through a list of directories and then displays the result in actListBox. Selecting the directory of your choice from actListBox should then fire the event EVT_LISTBOX which calls actListBoxList. This function does an ls on the directory and should list the files it finds in the lower list box binListBox using Append. Upon selecting an item from the lower ListBox, the window closes.
The problem is that the self.Bind(EVT_LISTBOX, self.actListBoxList) does not seem to be firing when an item is selected.
(also please excuse the bad coding, I am trying to get it working before minifying)
self.findAppBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Find app")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.startConf, self.findAppBtn)
hBox2.Add(self.findAppBtn, 0, flag=wx.LEFT, border=5)
vBox.Add(hBox2, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, border=3)
self.actListBox = wx.ListBox(panel, choices=[])
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.actListBoxList)
vBox.Add(self.actListBox, 2, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, border=3)
self.binListBox = wx.ListBox(panel, choices=[])
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.binListBoxList)
vBox.Add(self.binListBox, 2, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, border=3)
self.closeBtn = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK)
hBox4.Add(self.closeBtn, 0, flag=wx.LEFT, border=5)
vBox.Add(hBox4, 0, flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM, border=5)
def startConf(self,e):
val = self.cmdTxt.GetValue().replace(" ","\ ")
path = "/private/"
aCmd = "find " + path + " -iname '*"+val+"*.app'"
s = pxssh.pxssh()
s.login(sshIP, "root", sshPort, sshPass)
AP = s.before
for m in AP.split('\n'):
if path in m:
return path
except pxssh.ExceptionPxssh as e:
def actListBoxList(self,e):
#get string from top box selection e.g xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-/
selName = self.actListBox.GetStringSelection()
path = "/private/"
#list all the files in the dir from top box selection
aCmd = "ls " + path + selName
s = pxssh.pxssh()
s.login(sshIP, "root", sshPort, sshPass)
ls = s.before
for file in ls.split('\n'):
if not file.endswith("/"):
reg = r"\..*"
matchObj =, file)
if not matchObj:
except pxssh.ExceptionPxssh as e:
def binListBoxList(self,e):
binaryName = self.binListBox.GetStringSelection()
EDIT: self.actListBox.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.actListBoxList) fixed the issue.
calling self.Bind(... binds the event to the parent window which is why you're not seeing the event being called. Bind to the listbox instead:
self.actListBox.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.actListBoxList)

A pythonic way of finding folder

What's the most pythonic way of finding the child folder from a supplied path?
import os
def get_folder(f, h):
pathList = f.split(os.sep)
sourceList = h.split(os.sep)
src = set(sourceList)
folderList = [x for x in pathList if x not in src]
return folderList[0]
print get_folder("C:\\temp\\folder1\\folder2\\file.txt", "C:\\temp") # "folder1" correct
print get_folder("C:\\temp\\folder1\\file.txt", "C:\\temp") # "folder1" correct
print get_folder("C:\\temp\\file.txt", "C:\\temp") # "file.txt" fail should be "temp"
In the example above I have a file.txt in "folder 2". The path "C:\temp" is supplied as the start point to look from.
I want to return the child folder from it; in the event that the file in question is in the source folder it should return the source folder.
Try this. I wasn't sure why you said folder1 is correct for the first example, isn't it folder2? I am also on a Mac so os.sep didn't work for me but you can adapt this.
import os
def get_folder(f, h):
pathList = f.split("\\")
previous = None
for index, obj in enumerate(pathList):
if obj == h:
if index > 0:
previous = pathList[index - 1]
return previous
print get_folder("C:\\temp\\folder1\\folder2\\file.txt", "file.txt") # "folder2" correct
print get_folder("C:\\temp\\folder1\\file.txt", "file.txt") # "folder1" correct
print get_folder("C:\\temp\\file.txt", "file.txt") # "file.txt" fail should be "temp"

How to automatically turn BibTex citation into something parseable by Zotero?

I have a citation system which publishes users notes to a wiki (Researchr). Programmatically, I have access to the full BibTeX record of each entry, and I also display this on the individual pages (for example - click on BibTeX). This is in the interest of making it easy for users of other citation manager to automatically import the citation of a paper that interests them. I would also like other citation managers, especially Zotero, to be able to automatically detect and import a citation.
Zotero lists a number of ways of exposing metadata that it will understand, including meta tags with RDF, COiNS, Dublin Core and unAPI. Is there a Ruby library for converting BibTeX to any of these standards automatically - or a Javascript library? I could probably create something, but if something existed, it would be far more robust (BibTeX has so many publication types and fields etc).
There's a BibTeX2RDF convertor available here, might be what you're after.
unAPI is not a data standard - it's a way to serve data (to Zotero and other programs). Zotero imports Bibtex, so serving Bibtex via unAPI works just fine. Inspire is an example of a site that does that:
By now one can simply import bibtex files of type .bib directly in Zotero. However, I noticed my bibtex files were often less complete than Zotero (in particular they often missed a DOI), and I did not find an "auto-complete" function (based on the data in the bibtex entries) in Zotero.
So I import the .bib file with Zotero, to ensure they are all in there. Then I run a python script that gets all the missing DOI's it can find for the entries in that .bib file, and exports them to a space separated .txt file.:
# pip install habanero
from habanero import Crossref
import re
def titletodoi(keyword):
cr = Crossref()
result =
items = result["message"]["items"]
item_title = items[0]["title"]
tmp = ""
for it in item_title:
tmp += it
title = keyword.replace(" ", "").lower()
title = re.sub(r"\W", "", title)
# print('title: ' + title)
tmp = tmp.replace(" ", "").lower()
tmp = re.sub(r"\W", "", tmp)
# print('tmp: ' + tmp)
if title == tmp:
doi = items[0]["DOI"]
return doi
return None
def get_dois(titles):
dois = []
for title in titles:
doi = titletodoi(title)
print(f"doi={doi}, title={title}")
if not doi is None:
# print("An exception occurred")
return dois
def read_titles_from_file(filepath):
with open(filepath) as f:
lines =
split_lines = splits_lines(lines)
return split_lines
def splits_lines(lines):
split_lines = []
for line in lines:
new_lines = line.split(";")
for new_line in new_lines:
return split_lines
def write_dois_to_file(dois, filename, separation_char):
textfile = open(filename, "w")
for doi in dois:
textfile.write(doi + separation_char)
filepath = "list_of_titles.txt"
titles = read_titles_from_file(filepath)
dois = get_dois(titles)
write_dois_to_file(dois, "dois_space.txt", " ")
write_dois_to_file(dois, "dois_per_line.txt", "\n")
The DOIs of the .txt are fed into magic wand of Zotero. Next, I (manually) remove the duplicates by choosing the latest added entry (because that comes from the magic wand with the most data).
After that, I run another script to update all the reference id's in my .tex and .bib files to those generated by Zotero:
# Importing library
import bibtexparser
from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
from bibtexparser.customization import *
import os, fnmatch
import Levenshtein as lev
# Let's define a function to customize our entries.
# It takes a record and return this record.
def customizations(record):
"""Use some functions delivered by the library
:param record: a record
:returns: -- customized record
record = type(record)
record = author(record)
record = editor(record)
record = journal(record)
record = keyword(record)
record = link(record)
record = page_double_hyphen(record)
record = doi(record)
return record
def get_references(filepath):
with open(filepath) as bibtex_file:
parser = BibTexParser()
parser.customization = customizations
bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file, parser=parser)
# print(bib_database.entries)
return bib_database
def get_reference_mapping(main_filepath, sub_filepath):
found_sub = []
found_main = []
main_into_sub = []
main_references = get_references(main_filepath)
sub_references = get_references(sub_filepath)
for main_entry in main_references.entries:
for sub_entry in sub_references.entries:
# Match the reference ID if 85% similair titles are detected
lev_ratio = lev.ratio(
if lev_ratio > 0.85:
if main_entry["ID"] != sub_entry["ID"]:
print(f'replace: {sub_entry["ID"]} with: {main_entry["ID"]}')
main_into_sub.append([main_entry, sub_entry])
# Keep track of which entries have been found
return (
def remove_curly_braces(string):
left = string.replace("{", "")
right = left.replace("{", "")
return right
def replace_references(main_into_sub, directory):
for pair in main_into_sub:
main = pair[0]["ID"]
sub = pair[1]["ID"]
print(f"replace: {sub} with: {main}")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.tex")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.bib")
def findReplace(directory, find, replace, filePattern):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(directory)):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, filePattern):
filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
with open(filepath) as f:
s =
s = s.replace(find, replace)
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
def list_missing(main_references, sub_references):
for sub in sub_references:
if not sub["ID"] in list(map(lambda x: x["ID"], main_references)):
print(f'the following reference has a changed title:{sub["ID"]}')
latex_root_dir = "some_path/"
main_filepath = f"{latex_root_dir}latex/Literature_study/zotero.bib"
sub_filepath = f"{latex_root_dir}latex/Literature_study/references.bib"
) = get_reference_mapping(main_filepath, sub_filepath)
replace_references(main_into_sub, latex_root_dir)
list_missing(main_references, sub_references)
# For those references which have levenshtein ratio below 85 you can specify a manual swap:
manual_swap = [] # main into sub
# manual_swap.append(["cantley_impact_2021","cantley2021impact"])
# manual_swap.append(["widemann_envision_2021","widemann2020envision"])
for pair in manual_swap:
main = pair[0]
sub = pair[1]
print(f"replace: {sub} with: {main}")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.tex")
# findReplace(latex_root_dir, sub, main, "*.bib")

Using uigetfile instead of uigetdir to get directories in Matlab

So I have a question about MATLAB directory selection gui. I need to use a GUI to select a directory, but the problem is that the uigetdir interface is awful. If I call like this:
blah = uigetfile('C:\...\T2 Measurements');
This is what it shows me:
As you can see, this is awful. There's a ton of extraneous information about the location of the file in the filesystem and the relevant information is all below the fold. Ideally, I'd like to specify that the uigetdir function use the uigetfile GUI, or just pass an argument to uigetfile telling it that I'm looking for a directory, not a single file, since this is what the uigetfile GUI looks like:
But of course, this requires that I select a file, not a directory. Obviously the directories are not open, so I suppose I could just have the user select any random file in the folder and I can get the pathname, but is there a better way to do this? In another application, I could imagine that my "select a file in the folder" workaround wouldn't work.
I made some very minor adjustments to Andrew Janke's code to make it take the same arguments as uigetdir(). Here's what I came up with:
function [pathname] = uigetdir2(start_path, dialog_title)
% Pick a directory with the Java widgets instead of uigetdir
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
if nargin == 0 || start_path == '' || start_path == 0 % Allow a null argument.
start_path = pwd;
jchooser = javaObjectEDT('javax.swing.JFileChooser', start_path);
if nargin > 1
status = jchooser.showOpenDialog([]);
if status == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION
jFile = jchooser.getSelectedFile();
pathname = char(jFile.getPath());
elseif status == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION
pathname = [];
error('Error occured while picking file.');
You can bypass uigetdir() and write your own little file chooser function by directly calling Java Swing objects, including the JFileChooser. Which is probably what uigetfile() is doing under the hood.
function [file] = pickDirUsingJFileChooser
%PICKDIRUSINGJFILECHOOSER Pick a dir with Java widgets instead of uigetdir
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
jchooser = javaObjectEDT('javax.swing.JFileChooser');
status = jchooser.showOpenDialog([]);
if status == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION
jFile = jchooser.getSelectedFile();
file = char(jFile.getPath());
elseif status == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION
file = [];
error('Error occurred while picking file');
I have changed this function to be able to select multiple files AND folders at the same time
function [pathname] = uigetdir2(start_path, dialog_title)
% Pick a directory with the Java widgets instead of uigetdir
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
if nargin == 0 || start_path == '' || start_path == 0 % Allow a null argument.
start_path = pwd;
jchooser = javaObjectEDT('javax.swing.JFileChooser', start_path);
if nargin > 1
status = jchooser.showOpenDialog([]);
if status == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION
jFile = jchooser.getSelectedFiles();
pathname{size(jFile, 1)}=[];
for i=1:size(jFile, 1)
pathname{i} = char(jFile(i).getAbsolutePath);
elseif status == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION
pathname = [];
error('Error occured while picking file.');
Based on Andrew Janke's answer I created a piece of code which uses the MATLAB dialog and enables multi select for directories:
function [files] = uigetdirMultiSelect()
import com.mathworks.mwswing.MJFileChooserPerPlatform;
jchooser = javaObjectEDT('com.mathworks.mwswing.MJFileChooserPerPlatform');
if jchooser.getState() == javax.swing.JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION
jFiles = jchooser.getSelectedFiles();
files = arrayfun(#(x) char(x.getPath()), jFiles, 'UniformOutput', false);
elseif jchooser.getState() == javax.swing.JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION
files = [];
error('Error occurred while picking file');
