How to fix "No suitable Log implementation" in Quarkus - quarkus

I have a Quarkus application using native compilation, and when I try to log anything I get the error:
Exception message: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No suitable Log implementation
How can I fix this?

You could alternatively use:
It causes it to package httpclient with logging that works with Quarkus.

Based on the discussion here I used the dependency tree generated by ./mvnw dependency:tree | grep -B 4 "commons-logging" to find the classes that imported the Apache logging libraries. It turns out for me it was the HTTP client, so I needed to exclude those with this in the pom.xml file:
This config was provided by this answer.


How to exclude protobuf dependency from monitoring-interceptors dependency in maven

in my project, I am using monitoring-interceptors dependency from io.confluent version 7.2.2. This particular jar is using google protobuf jar but that is some old jar and it is not passing Aqua scan. I am trying to remove this protobuf jar from like below:
But my Aqua scan is still showing older version of protobuf jar coming from monitoring-interceptors-7.2.2 jar.
I tried to put above portion in dependency management tag also but it still not working. Any idea how to make it work?

TinyLog v2 with multimodule maven project spring-boot

Hi I have a multimodule springboot based project and I would like to keep logging separate for each module.
I am using tiny log 2, but the issue I am facing is that, when there is a stack trace thrown, it is not getting captured in my rolling log file.
Here is the tinyLog configuration:
exception = strip: jdk.internal
writer = file
writer.format = {date} [{class}] {level}: {message}
writer.file = log.txt
In this way, when there is no error, I see proper logging. But purposefully I gave wrong mysql connection properties, and then I see whole bunch of error logs on console but on the log file I see only debug, info logs.
This is likely due to one of the following two causes:
1) The Maven Configuration is Incomplete
For using tinylog instead of Logback, which is the default logging back-end of Spring Boot, you have to exclude Spring Boot's logging dependencies and replace them with the corresponding tinylog artifacts:
(Copied from
2) Exception is not Output via a Logger
Have you checked that the exception is logged via a logger (e.g. Logger.error(ex)) and not printed via ex.printStackTrace() directly to the console? tinylog (and any other logging framework) can only write log entries into files, if these log entries are issued via logging API.
If none of both suggestions fix the issue, it would be helpful to know which logging API is being used to log the missing exception.

Can't use hbase-shaded-client jar because of its internal dependency to log4j-1.2.17(CVE-2019-1757)

Is there a way to exclude it.I did give it a try but got ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.log4j.Level
I do see that hbase-shaded-client do have slf4j dependency so there might be a way to exclude log4j and use slf4j but I'm not able to.
Yes, you can exclude log4j, but you must add back in log4j-over-slf4j.
<version>[some version]</version>
<version>[some version]</version>

activemq not compatible with spring 4.3.6

activemq not compatibale with spring 4.3.6. And i cant change spring version. I use following dependencies in pom.xml
<!-- ActiveMQ -->
Where activemq show dependency on 4.3.9 i also tried 5.14.4 which have dependency on 4.1.9.
How can i resolve this issue.
I used client dependency only and now its working.
This does not have spring dependencies. Either we can use exclusion if we are using all jar or can use specific dependencies needed for project. Thanks for help.

dependency mechanism ( overriding transitive version )

I am trying to explicitly override a transitive dependencies version, but doesn't seem to work.
I have this in my projects pom
<!-- use no-commons-logging -->
<!-- no-commons-logging-api, if you need it -->
But, the first one doesn't seem to override the transitive dependencies version. I am not sure why ?
Here is the full POM
Here is the dependency tree
a) This is what I am trying to do
Actually, there is much cleaner method to get rid of commons-logging once and for all:
Based on:
