Whats is the difference between CachingConnectionFactory and ConnectionFactory? - spring

Here is the javadocs for CachingConnectionFactory,
I cannot quite understand what they exactly mean, is there any simpler explaination?
link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/docs/current/api/org/springframework/amqp/rabbit/connection/CachingConnectionFactory.html

There are two ConnectionFactory com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory (which is a concrete class) and org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactory.
Spring connection factory implementations (there are several) wrap the com.rabbitmq one to add additional functionality (like caching connections and channels).
See https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/docs/current/reference/html/#choosing-factory


What are the application scenarios of the Aware interface in Spring?

For example, I can implements BeanNameAware and rewrite its set method to change some properties of bean objects.
But when do I need to do this? I want to know the application scenario of this approach or the benefits of this approach.
After a few days of study, I have a new understanding, these Aware are similar to the functions in the bean's life cycle, such as init-method or destroy-method, I can use these hook functions to execute different tasks when the bean is initialized or destroyed. For example, adding a connection to the database in the initialization method or adding an operation to close the connection in the destroy method

"ObjectMessage usage is generally discouraged", what to use instead?

The ActiveMQ docs state:
Although ObjectMessage usage is generally discouraged, as it
introduces coupling of class paths between producers and consumers,
ActiveMQ supports them as part of the JMS specification
Having not had much experience with message busses, I have been approaching them as conceptually similar to SOAP web services, where you specify the service interface contract for consumers, who then construct equivalent class proxies.
What I am trying to achieve is:
Publishers in some way indicate the schema of the message
Subscribers in some way know the schema of the message
ObjectMessage solves this problem, although not in the nicest way given the noted classpath coupling. As far as I can see the other message types provide minimal guidance to the consumer as to the expected message format (e.g. consumers would have to assume that a MapMessage contained certain keys with certain value types).
Is there another reasonable way to accomplish this, or is this not even something I should be pursuing?
Since the idea is for publishers/subscribers to know about the schema. The first step is to definitely have a structure to the payload using JSON/ protobuf. (Not a big fan of XML personally). And then we pass the data as either TextMessage / BytesMessage.
While the idea is for publishers/subscribers to communicate the schema. Couple of ways to achieve this:
Subscriber knows about the schema via publishér's javadoc or sample invocations . (Sounds fine for simple use-cases)
Have a centralized config to publish both the publisher and for the subscriber to pick up from. This config could lie in a database/ application that serves out configurations. An effective implementation would ensure neither publisher/subscriber will break if there are modifications.
Advantages of this approach over the Object message approach:
No tight coupling of payload (i.e jar upgrades/attribute changes etc)
Significant performance improvement - Here's an example where a Java class with string and int takes 3.7x times more than directly storing int and string as bytes.

batched message listener for spring (extending from DefaultMessageListenerContainer)

I have a basic JMS related question in spring.
Rather than having to consume a single message at a time, it would be convenient to batch messages for a short duration (say a few seconds) and process them in bulk (thereby doing things in bulk). I see that java only provides an onMessage call that gives a single message at a time. I came across BatchMessageListenerContainer which seems to do this exactly. The recipe is ported to spring-batch where it is being used.
I wanted to know if there are any fundamental problem in the approach itself? If there are no problems, we can propose to the spring folks to add this in the spring-jms artifact itself (without needing to resort to use spring-batch whatsoever).
If your need is to process the messages in parallel you can use DefaultMessageListenerContainer in your spring project without the necessity for spring batch. You set the attribute concurrent consumers to the number of partitions you want.
public DefaultMessageListenerContainer messageListener() {
DefaultMessageListenerContainer listener = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer();
// listener.setMaxConcurrentConsumers(maxConcurrentConsumers);
listener.setConnectionFactory((ConnectionFactory) queueConnectionFactory().getObject());
listener.setDestination((Destination) jmsQueue().getObject());
return listener;
Otherwise, if you're using spring batch, you can use remote chunking and BatchMessageListenerContainer, you can find an example here https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch/tree/master/spring-batch-samples/src/main/java/org/springframework/batch/sample/remotechunking

Spring bean scoping

I've been googling and I just realized something really odd (at least to me). apparently it's recommended to set spring objects as singletons. I have several questions:
logically, it would affect performance right? if 100 users (total exaggeration) are using the same #service objects, wouldn't that mean the other 99 must queue in line to get that #service? (thus, performance issue)
what if by some diabolical design, those spring objects have states (synchronization problem)? This usually happens with ORM since the BaseDAOImpl usually have protected injected sessionfactory
speaking of injected sessionfactory, I thought annotations are not inherited? could somebody give explanation about this?
apparently it's recommended to set spring objects as singletons.
It's not necessarily recommended, but it is the default.
logically, it would affect performance right? if 100 users (total
exaggeration) are using the same #service objects, wouldn't that mean
the other 99 must queue in line to get that #service? (thus,
performance issue)
First of all, forget about users. Think about objects, threads, and object monitors. A thread will block and wait if it tries to acquire an object monitor that is owned by another thread. This is the basis of Java's synchronization concept. You use synchronization to achieve mutual exclusion from a critical section of code.
If your bean is stateless, which a #Service bean probably should be (just like a #Controller beans), then there is no critical section. No object is shared between threads using the same #Service bean. As such, there are no synchronized blocks involved and no thread waits on any other thread. There wouldn't be any performance degradation.
what if by some diabolical design, those spring objects have states
(synchronization problem)? This usually happens with ORM since the
BaseDAOImpl usually have protected injected sessionfactory
A typical design would have you use SessionFactory#getCurrentSession() which returns a Session bound to thread, using ThreadLocal. So again, these libraries are well written. There's almost always a way with which you can avoid any concurrency issue, either through ThreadLocal design as above or by playing with bean scopes.
If you can't, you should write your code so that the bottleneck is as small as possible, ie. just the critical section.
speaking of injected sessionfactory, I thought annotations are not
inherited? could somebody give explanation about this?
I'm not sure what you mean with this. You are correct that annotations are not inherited (but methods are inherited with their annotations). But that might not apply to the situation you are asking about, so please clarify.
service object being singleton doesnt mean that it has synchronised access. multple users can invoke it simultaneouly. Like a single servlet instance is used by many concurrent users in a webapplication. You only need to ensure that there is no state in your singleton object.
SessionFactory is a threaf safe object as its immutable, session is not thread safe. Ad since session factory is a heavy object, its recommended to share one session factory object per application but to use mutiple sessions.
Not clear about your 3 point, can you please elaborate a little.
Hope it helps

Inject Session object to DAO bean instead of Session Factory?

In our application we are using Spring and Hibernate.
In all the DAO classes we have SessionFactory auto wired and each of the DAO methods are calling getCurrentSession() method.
Question I have is why not we inject Session object instead of SessionFactory object in prototype scope? This will save us the call to getCurrentSession.
I think the first method is correct but looking for concrete scenarios where second method will throw errors or may be have bad performance?
When you define a bean as prototype scope a new instance is created for each place it needs to be injected into. So each DAO will get a different instance of Session, but all invocations of methods on the DAO will end up using the same session. Since session is not thread safe it should not be shared across multiple threads this will be an issue.
For most situations the session should be transaction scope, i.e., a new session is opened when the transaction starts and then is closed automatically once the transaction finishes. In a few cases it might have to be extended to request scope.
If you want to avoid using SessionFactory.currentSession - then you will need to define your own scope implementation to achieve that.
This is something that is already implemented for JPA using proxies. In case of JPA EntityManager is injected instead of EntityManagerFactory. Instead of #Autowired there is a new #PersistenceContext annotation. A proxy is created and injected during initialization. When any method is invoked the proxy will get hold of the actual EntityManager implementation (using something similar to SessionFactory.getCurrentSession) and delegate to it.
Similar thing can be implemented for Hibernate as well, but the additional complexity is not worth it. It is much simpler to define a getSession method in a BaseDAO which internally call SessionFactory.getCurrentSession(). With this the code using the session is identical to injecting session.
Injecting prototype sessions means that each one of your DAO objects will, by definition, get it's own Session... On the other hand SessionFactory gives you power to open and share sessions at will.
In fact getCurrentSession will not open a new Session on every call... Instead, it will reuse sessions binded to the current session context (e.g., Thread, JTA Transacion or Externally Managed context).
So let's think about it; assume that in your business layer there is a operation that needs to read and update several database tables (which means interacting, directly or indirectly, with several DAOs)... Pretty common scenario right? Customarily when this kind of operation fails you will want to rollback everything that happened in the current operation right? So, for this "particular" case, what kind of strategy seems appropriate?
Spanning several sessions, each one managing their own kind of objects and bound to different transactions.
Have a single session managing the objects related to this operation... Demarcate the transactions according to your business needs.
In brief, sharing sessions and demarcating transactions effectively will not only improve your application performance, it is part of the functionality of your application.
I would deeply recommend you to read Chapter 2 and Chapter 13 of the Hibernate Core Reference Manual to better understand the roles that SessionFactory, Session and Transaction plays within the framework. It will also teach will about Units of work as well as popular session patterns and anti-patterns.
