Managing profile members dataset in wix, to add when text being clicked email in an other category - velo

i was trying to create once logged in the website a function onClick() in the member area. When text clicked would let add the user email in another role and enable user to other functions. I've tried with the code below, but it's not adding user email to the other role(ideas to fix it?). However, what's your opinion? maybe it could be better to let two different types of log in/register when in registration phase? (If answer is yes, how could i do that?)
`import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import {roles} from 'wix-users-backend';
export function text67_click(event) {
/* This function was added from the Properties & Events panel. To learn
more, visit */
// Add your code for this event here:
function getUser(loginEmail){this}
function assignRole(consulente, loginEmail) {
return roles.assignRole(consulente, loginEmail, { suppressAuth: false })
.then( () => {
console.log("Role assigned to member");
.catch((error) => {
Thanks in advance, for your opinions

you are trying to run backend function on frontedn. wix isnt allow it: "Member roles help you manage which site members can access certain pages. The Roles APIs allow you to manage the members assigned as holders of each role from your site's backend code." see here
to learn how to call backend function from frontend see here


Laravel Nova show Dashboard based on Role

Within my users Table I have different roles. I have two different Dashboards and want to show the Dashboard based on thier roles. But I dont understand how the canSeeWhen method from laravel works?
Lets say I have the roles Admin and editor and trader.
I have the Admin Dashboard, this should be available for the admins and editors and I have the trader dashboard, this should be available for the traders.
You have multiple options, you can use the canSee method and the canSeeWhen method.
The canSee method accepts a callback and based on the return true or false it will show the dashboard.
public function dashboards()
return [
ExampleDashboard::make()->canSee(function ($request) {
return $request->user()->role == 'admin'
In the above example, when the user role property is equal to 'admin' they see the dashboard.
When using the canSeeWhen it actually uses the policy system from laravel, maybe you are making a dashboard based on all user data then you want to know that the user that is viewing the data is also authorized to viewany user.
Then you could do something like this:
public function dashboards()
return [
ExampleDashboard::make()->canSeeWhen('viewAny', \App\Models\User::class),
Read more about the policies

AWS Cognito SignUP with custom Attributes in node js causing error

I am trying to build Signup through a lambda function with AWS user pool where I added a custom attribute called type.
When I am sending a type value with signup, an error "A client attempted to write unauthorized attribute" is populating.
I am using 'amazon-cognito-identity-js' package to save data.
Here is my code snippet
const attributeList = [];
attributeList.push(new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserAttribute({Name:"name",Value:user.username}));
attributeList.push(new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserAttribute({Name:"custom:type",Value:'asd'}));
attributeList.push(new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserAttribute({Name:"gender",Value:user.gender}));
attributeList.push(new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserAttribute({Name:"email",}));
userPool.signUp(, user.password, attributeList, null, function(err, result){
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(result);
});**strong text**
After that you added a new attribute, you should select the user attributes this app client can read and write.
Go to your Cognito User Pool page
Click on the "App Client" from the left side menu
Click on the "Set attribute read and write permissions"
Make sure you added the necessary(read/write) permissions for the needed attribute
In addition to the above answer, sometimes custom attributes may take time to reflect under clients. Because I noticed it around 15 mins but after 1 hour it was there.

Vue undefined property Id when using Laravel Echo

I'm learning Vue2 and currently, I have a simple boilerplate using Laravel, Vue2, Laravel Echo, Sanctum, and the Websockets package, all using the Laravel default Echo setup. Everything works nicely there.
Now I'm trying to decouple things, so I've created the same boilerplate but as a Vue SPA and using Laravel Passport (I have my reasons for decoupling things and for using Passport). Everything works fine there as well, including a timeline I've added, but not the real-time stuff.
I need to pass the user id with the Echo event in a few places, so I created a global user object in main.js, like this (I'm using namespaced modules):
let User = store.state.auth.user
Vue.prototype.$user = User
But every time I try passing the user id to an event, the id is undefined, so Pusher cannot authenticate the channel. Though if I console log the user from within any component, I can see the user object with the id. I can also see the event in the Websockets dashboard. So everything works as normal, except passing the id. If I do this:
.listen('.PostWasCreated', (e) => {
The results is this:
I've also tried other syntax, such as:
.listen('.PostWasCreated', (e) => {
I'm having a difficult time trying to determine what I'm missing to be able to pass the id.
Try to use a function to defer, instead of an assignment. It is not defined during the assignment.
Vue.prototype.$getUser = ()=>store.state.auth.user
.listen('.PostWasCreated', (e) => {
or access the store directly.
.listen('.PostWasCreated', (e) => {
Or even better, use a getter in your store. (I will leave it to you to add the getter...)
.listen('.PostWasCreated', (e) => {

laravel 4.2. user permissions and hiding link source

I am a total newbie with Laravel and learning it now for a week. I have some basic questions that I can't find an answer to. Next week I will start with developing CRM system and I need some info from experienced developers who could tell me is the approach I am attending to make a good one.
I will need some authentication system, like 4 groups of users (Admin, Basic, Manager, Office) where Manager and Admin will add the Basic users. There will be few view and features and every groups will have defined access to each view and feature. Since few days I am searching for packages, watching the tutorials and learning. I found an interesting package for which I think it could help me with this user-group-permission things.The package is Sentry. Could this help me with my requirements?
What is the case when for example I have a user in group Basic and he deletes for example some comment with the button. On the left side down in the browser the user can see the link to this comment when he hovers the link. For example where the id is 345. What if user types that with another id, that means he can delete another comment. I found some suggestions on how to solve this, to make it with jQuery and javascript so the link wouldn't be shown and POST would be made with for example with AJAX. But since I am a newbie, I am thinking how much time would this take and is this a good approach at all? Could package Sentry from 1. question help me with the permission on what route each group can access?
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Sentry does what you want, yes. Here's a question with some answers explaining the permissions part.
The visible link part can be avoided by doing a POST request instead of a GET request.
When you open your form, you add a method attribute.
Form::open(array('url' => 'foo/bar', 'method' => 'post'))
A GET request will put the parameters in the URL, hence the visible ID. Using a POST request will put the parameters in the headers, thus hiding it from the URL.
An example could be deleting a comment. A GET request could look like this:
And the parameters would be defined in your method signature:
public function getDelete ($id) {
Where the POST equivalent would be
And the parameters would be defined in your Input class, you would get them using the get method
public function postDelete() {
1) The best package to help you with that is Sentry indeed.
2) To make sure an user can delete only his comments you can do something like this (but there are more solutions either you do it with Ajax or not):
public function destroy($id) {
$user = Sentry::getUser();
$comment = Comment::find($id);
if($comment) {
if($comment->user_id != $user->id) {
return Response::back(); // optional message: Permission denied!
return Response::back(); // optional with message: Deleted!
return Response::back(); // optional message: Comment not found!
You can use Sentry in this case to get the logged in user and check for user id. I think you should let user delete their own comments always but if you need special roles (Admins for example) to be able to delete any comment, or special permission comments.delete (For some Managers) - you can use Sentry as well:
public function destroy($id) {
$user = Sentry::getUser();
$comment = Comment::find($id);
if($comment) {
if($comment->user_id != $user->id && !$user->hasRole('Admin') && !$user->hasPermission('comments.delete'))) {
return Response::back(); // optional message: Permission denied!
return Response::back(); // optional with message: Deleted!
return Response::back(); // optional message: Comment not found!
A nicer way of making the DELETE thru a Form request check this:
Laravel RESTfull deleting

Maintaining Session through Angular.js

I am working a project using the AngularJS framework. I am pretty new to using this framework; in the past I have only worked with pure JavaScript and jQuery. The project is a kind of web designer application for a niche market.
As the user moves between pages while designing I want to maintain a session of all the changes they are making.
Now if the user signs in we load the session using data from the database. When the user clicks on save button we update the database with the session data. Someone told me that I can maintain session in Angular similar to backbone. Is this possible? If yes, can you please direct me to a tutorial that does not focus on directives or UI? If this is not possible are there other viable options?
Here is a kind of snippet for you:
app.factory('Session', function($http) {
var Session = {
data: {},
saveSession: function() { /* save session data to db */ },
updateSession: function() {
/* load data from db */
$http.get('session.json').then(function(r) { return =;});
return Session;
Here is Plunker example how you can use that:
Because the answer is no longer valid with a more stable version of angular, I am posting a newer solution.
PHP Page: session.php
if (!isset($_SESSION))
$_SESSION['variable'] = "hello world";
$sessions = array();
$sessions['variable'] = $_SESSION['variable'];
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($sessions);
Send back only the session variables you want in Angular not all of them don't want to expose more than what is needed.
JS All Together
var app = angular.module('StarterApp', []);
app.controller("AppCtrl", ['$rootScope', 'Session', function($rootScope, Session) {
$rootScope.session = response;
app.factory('Session', function($http) {
return $http.get('/session.php').then(function(result) {
Do a simple get to get sessions using a factory.
If you want to make it post to make the page not visible when you just go to it in the browser you can, I'm just simplifying it
Add the factory to the controller
I use rootScope because it is a session variable that I use throughout all my code.
Inside your html you can reference your session
<html ng-app="StarterApp">
<body ng-controller="AppCtrl">
{{ session.variable }}
You can also try to make service based on window.sessionStorage or window.localStorage to keep state information between page reloads. I use it in the web app which is partially made in AngularJS and page URL is changed in "the old way" for some parts of workflow. Web storage is supported even by IE8. Here is angular-webstorage for convenience.
You would use a service for that in Angular. A service is a function you register with Angular, and that functions job is to return an object which will live until the browser is closed/refreshed. So it's a good place to store state in, and to synchronize that state with the server asynchronously as that state changes.
Typically for a use case which involves a sequence of pages and in the final stage or page we post the data to the server. In this scenario we need to maintain the state. In the below snippet we maintain the state on the client side
As mentioned in the above post. The session is created using the factory recipe.
Client side session can be maintained using the value provider recipe as well.
Please refer to my post for the complete details.
Let's take an example of a shopping cart which we need to maintain across various pages / angularjs controller.
In typical shopping cart we buy products on various product / category pages and keep updating the cart. Here are the steps.
Here we create the custom injectable service having a cart inside using the "value provider recipe".
'use strict';
function Cart() {
return {
'cartId': '',
'cartItem': []
// custom service maintains the cart along with its behavior to clear itself , create new , delete Item or update cart
app.value('sessionService', {
cart: new Cart(),
clear: function () {
this.cart = new Cart();
// mechanism to create the cart id
this.cart.cartId = 1;
save: function (session) {
this.cart = session.cart;
updateCart: function (productId, productQty) {
'productId': productId,
'productQty': productQty
//deleteItem and other cart operations function goes here...
