Angular CLI throw error when a library has routing lazy loading syntax and try to build it. Any help on this is appreciated - angular-ui-router

Compiling with Angular sources in Ivy partial compilation mode.(node:28784) [DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./" in the "exports" field module resolution of the package at C:\src\spaexample\axcess-spa-mainapp\node_modules\tslib\package.json. Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "./*".
✔ Compiling with Angular sources in Ivy partial compilation mode.
✖ Bundling to FESM2015
Invalid value for option "output.file" - when building multiple chunks, the "output.dir" option must be used, not "output.file". To inline dynamic imports, set the "inlineDynamicImports" option.

Check this answer :
Build error while doing lazy loading of modules
You need to export the lazy loaded modules in the public-api.ts.


{N} 6.0 migration: partial .scss files are now compiled separately

I’m upgrading my project to {N} 6.0 and had been using the nativescript-dev-sass plug-in. I realize the .scss files are now handled by WebPack, but I have a partial file (i.e., begins with an underscore since it’s #imported by other, platform-specific files), but I’m getting a build error stating that the variables referenced in the file are not defined, which suggests the file is being processed by the scss transpiler as a stand-alone file.
WARNING in ./views/_app-config-page.common.scss
Module build failed (from ../node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js):
font-size: $apphdr-font-size;
Undefined variable: "$apphdr-font-size".
in /Users/david/Documents/NativeScriptProjects/cflclt/app/views/_app-config-page.common.scss (line 36, column 14)
# \b_[\w-]*\.)scss)$ (. sync (?<!\bApp_Resources\b.*)\.(xml|css|js|(?<!\.d\.)ts|(?<!\b_[\w-]*\.)scss)$) ./views/_app-config-page.common.scss
# ./app.js
Is there something extra or different I need to do for partial .scss files in {N} 6.0?
The file name was the problem, or at least the cause of the error. When I changed the file name from
the build error went away. It appears this is a difference between WebPack's sass-loader and the previously used, now deprecated, nativescript-dev-sass plug-in.

How to get rid of V677: custom declaration of a standard type warning

We are using a PVS Studio (free variant for opensource projects) in conjunction with travis-ci and it for some reason spawns errors for files located in /usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include:
/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stddef.h:58:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'size_t' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.
/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stddef.h:86:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'wchar_t' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.
/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stdarg.h:30:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'va_list' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.
/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stddef.h:47:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'ptrdiff_t' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.
This location looks like an example of “system” headers for non-standard compiler and is far away from the project root (which AFAIR is somewhere in /home: standard travis location). Script run uses latest version from, latest run at “Mon Jul 3 20:13:42 UTC 2017” (unfortunately, used version is not saved).
If the compiler is located in some unusual place, it is recommended to add a new path to the analyzer exceptions, so that you can see in the report only the warnings for the code of your own projects.
pvs-studio-analyzer analyze ... -e /path/to/exclude-path ...
pvs-studio ... --exclude-path /path/to/exclude-path ...
It appears that PVS does not detect the error if clang is updated to clang-4.0.

Swift app: “Missing required module” when importing framework that imports static library

Here’s my setup:
Static library of Objective C code called Stat.
A Swift framework that uses code from Stat in its own classes (this framework is called Dyn). The static library and this framework are in the same Xcode project.
A Mac app / project that has the above project as a subproject and which links to Dyn.
In my app I have code like:
import Cocoa
import Dyn
However, when I try to compile I get an error when I import Dyn. The error is
error: missing required module ‘Stat'
It appears my app can find my framework just fine, but it somehow needs to find a module for my static library, too?
Stat has a module file that’s pretty basic:
module Stat {
header "Stat.h"
export *
I think I need to point my Mac app’s framework search paths at Stat but I don’t know why and I don’t know how. How do I solve this?
Select your Target, then go into Build Settings and set the Import Paths within the Swift Compiler - Search Paths section:
Normally the module would be named the same as the library, however, I'm not sure how you've setup the directory with the (it could be named Dyn perhaps, in which case the Import Path would reflect that name.
Build Settings > Swift Compiler > Search Paths:
${SRCROOT}/(directory with should resolve itself once
you press enter or tab..
I got the same error when in my unit tests project which involves SQLite3 package. After I add the package, unit tests always throw out error saying "missing required module SQLiteObjc"
I had it fixed by toggle "Force Package Info Generation" on and off in my Unit Tests Target's build setting

Lint warning with ButterKnife usage

We're started using ButterKnife and I found two new lint warning in Jenkins CI:
Invalid package reference in library; not included in Android: javax.lang.model.util. Referenced from butterknife.internal.Listener
Are there way to disable lint checks for dependency classes? Is this good practice to check dependencies as well?

Problem in compiling in release mode --VC++

I am compiling my project in the release mode in VC++.
I have a .def file where i have declared the setLog and now i
am getting following error
Creating library Release/HKL.lib and object Release/HKL.exp
HKL_libinterface.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _SCTP_setLog#8
Please help me on the above to fix the problem.
It sounds to me like you have a lib file configured in your debug build that is not in the release build. Your setLog() function does not seem to be the function the linker is complaining about - it sounds like it's not finding a function called SCTP_setLog().
Look in the list of libraries you have configured in your project's debug configuration and make sure they are also configured in the release configuration.
If this compiles in Debug mode the most possible reason is that somehow the code where this function is implemented is not included into build - for example, the cpp file where it is implemented has "Excluded from build" set.
As sharptooth mentioned, you most likely are not compiling the above function in your release build. In addition to looking for 'Excluded from build', check if you have any defines set (or not set) that would exclude the missing function from your release build.
