Shortest path with time constraint - algorithm

Few cities (<=50) are given along with two (N * N) matrices denoting travel time between cities and toll between cities. Now given a time t (<10000), we have to choose a path to reach from city 0 to city N-1 such that toll cost is minimum and we complete travel within given time t.
I am thinking of using A star algorithm to solve the above question. How to I satisfy both requirement by combining them into a heuristic function ?

I think you can use a simple distance score calculation for the heuristic, and use both the tolls and time for cost calculation, as c0der mentioned.
Your A* search should compare all the current paths dynamically though. Remove any loops as usual, and remove the more costly path if two paths reach the same point with a better cost. After each iteration, as the paths list gets reordered by their heuristic scores, better-doing paths will get brought up in that list.


least cost path, destination unknown

How would one going about finding a least cost path when the destination is unknown, but the number of edges traversed is a fixed value? Is there a specific name for this problem, or for an algorithm to solve it?
Note that maybe the term "walk" is more appropriate than "path", I'm not sure.
Say you have a weighted graph, and you start at vertex V1. The goal is to find a path of length N (where N is the number of edges traversed, can cross the same edge multiple times, can revisit vertices) that has the smallest cost. This process would need to be repeated for all possible starting vertices.
As an additional heuristic, consider a turn-based game where there are rooms connected by corridors. Each corridor has a cost associated with it, and your final score is lowered by an amount equal to each cost 'paid'. It takes 1 turn to traverse a corridor, and the game lasts 10 turns. You can stay in a room (self-loop), but staying put has a cost associated with it too. If you know the cost of all corridors (and for staying put in each room; i.e., you know the weighted graph), what is the optimal (highest-scoring) path to take for a 10-turn (or N-turn) game? You can revisit rooms and corridors.
Possible Approach (likely to fail)
I was originally thinking of using Dijkstra's algorithm to find least cost path between all pairs of vertices, and then for each starting vertex subset the LCP's of length N. However, I realized that this might not give the LCP of length N for a given starting vertex. For example, Dijkstra's LCP between V1 and V2 might have length < N, and Dijkstra's might have excluded an unnecessary but low-cost edge, which, if included, would have made the path length equal N.
It's an interesting fact that if A is the adjacency matrix and you compute Ak using addition and min in place of the usual multiply and sum used in normal matrix multiplication, then Ak[i,j] is the length of the shortest path from node i to node j with exactly k edges. Now the trick is to use repeated squaring so that Ak needs only log k matrix multiply ops.
If you need the path in addition to the minimum length, you must track where the result of each min operation came from.
For your purposes, you want the location of the min of each row of the result matrix and corresponding path.
This is a good algorithm if the graph is dense. If it's sparse, then doing one bread-first search per node to depth k will be faster.

efficient algorithm to find the minimum cost path

There is a given set of cities lets say.. A,B,C,D,E,F,G. The problem is to find the minimum cost path that covers the cities A,B,C,F. It is essential that the path covers the cities A,B,C,F. The path can, (but does not have to) go through any of the other given cities (D,E,G). Repeating a path is allowed. The path should start and end at A.
How should i go about tackling a problem along similar lines?
That's a variant of Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) in disguise.
You can see that, if you mark every city as "needed to be covered" (I'll call those "interesting" henceforth). The variant of TSP, where you are allowed to visit a node more than once, is still NP-complete.
So, knowing that the complexity of every exact solution to your problem would be exponential in the number of interesting cities, you can procede as follows:
First, precompute the shortest paths between interesting cities. This can be done with Dijkstra's algorithm run from every interesting city or Floyd-Warshall algorithm. Then either try every permutation of the order of visiting interesting cities; or use some existing TSP solver or heuristic algorithm.
So the simplest implementation goes like this:
Apply Floyd-Warshall to the city graph. It's much simpler to implement than Dijkstra's. I've found a nice PDF with their comparison. It gets you the matrix with all the shortest paths for AB, AC, AF, BC, BF and CF. If you need to get the actual path as in sequence of cities, look at Path reconstruction section in Wikipedia.
Try every permutation of the order of visiting interesting cities except A (i.e., only B, C and F). If you use C++, Python or Ruby, they have permutation function in the standard library. For other languages you may want to use a third-party library or search Stack Overflow for an algorithm.
Find the permutation with the lowest total cost of a path. E.g., for permutation C-F-B, the total cost is AC+CF+FB+BA. You already have all those values from Floyd-Warshall, so you can simply sum them.
If you have V total cities and N interesting cities, the runtime of this implementation will be about O(V3 + N!·N)

A* - Graph Traversal Heuristic

I have a graph that represents a city. I know the location of places of interest (nodes, which have a Importance value), the location of the hotel I'm staying in, how the nodes are connected, the traversal time between them and have acess to latitude and longitude. There are no issues converting from time to distance and vice-versa.
The objective is to tour the city, maximizing the importance per day but limiting one day of travel to 10 hours. A day begins and ends at the hotel. I have a working A* algorithm that chooses the lowest value but with no heuristic yet, which I guess makes it a BB for now. With that in mind:
Since I have access to Lat/Long, my first stab at an heuristic, while
only dealing with times, would be the distance as the crow flies
between a node and the hotel. Would this be an admissible heuristic?
It gives me the shortest possible distance and time, so it wouldn't
Now let's say the Importance of a node is between 1-4. In order to factor it in, one idea could be g(neighbor) = g(current) + (edge_cost / Importance^2). Assuming this would be valid (if not, why?):
But now the heuristic values would be in a different unit. Could a solution to this simply be give the Hotel Importance = 1? If the value is the same, will it still be admissible? EDIT: I think this will end up giving me problems because of the difference in scale.
I still have to restrict the total amount of time. Should each node keep track of the total time spent, in order to compare to the limit, plus the g() and h() values, because of the different units?
And finally:
Since I have to start and end in the same node, what comes to mind is to explore a node and should I find the hotel see if I still have time to explore the neighbors instead of going back. However, if I still have time to expand to one more node, but time runs out and I can't get to the hotel from there, I'm assuming I'll have to backtrack to the parent.
I can't help but see similarities to the knapsack problem. Even though I have to use A*, is there any lesson I can take from it?
Must my heuristic be consistent in this case? If so, why?
By the way, the purpose here is pathfinding first, optimizations second.
This actually looks like a combination of the travelling salesman problem (TSP) and knapsack problem (KP). It's KP in this respect: the knapsack capacity is 10 (for total hours available in a day) and the locations are the items. The item value equals the location value. The item weight is equal to the time it takes to travel to the location (plus the location's portion of the trip back to the hotel). The challenge arises from the fact that an item's weight is unknown until you solve the optimal tour through the selected locations--enter the TSP and Pathfinding.
One approach might be to use a pathfinding algorithm (e.g. A*, Bellman–Ford, or Dijkstra's algorithm) primarily to compute a distance matrix between each node. The distance matrix can then be leveraged while solving the TSP portion of the problem: finding a tour through the locations and using the total time as the weight.
The next step is up to you. If you are looking for an approximate solution, many heuristics exist for both TSP and KP: See Christofides TSP Heuristic, or the Minimum TSP and Maximum Knapsack entries at the Compendium of NP Optimization problems.
If on the other hand you seek an optimal solution, you may be out of luck. Still I recommend you find a copy of Graph Theory. An Algorithmic Approach by Nicos Christofides (ISBN-13: 978-0121743505). It provides heuristics for early backtracking in a Depth-First-Search that expedite the search for optimal solutions to several NP-Complete problems.

Shortest Path Algorithm with some Restrictions

I want to solve a variation of shortest path algorithm. I can't figure out how to deal with additional constraints.
Few cities (<=50) are given along with two (N * N) matrices
denoting travel time between cities and toll between cities. Now given
a time t (<10000), we have to choose a path to reach from city 0
to city N-1 such that toll cost is minimum and we complete travel
within given time t.
I know that with only one parameter such as only time, we can use shortest path algorithm such as Bellman–Ford algorithm or Dijkstra's algorithm. But how to modify it so to include two constraints? How can we formulate Dynamic Programming solution for the problem?
I am trying to solve it with DP + complete search. Am I in right direction, or are there better algorithms than these approach?
It is possible to use Dijkstra for this problem, first you need to create a graph of state, with each state
represents the city and time left. So between each state (city A, time t ) and state (city B , time t1), there can only be an edge if you can move from city A to city B with the given time is (t1 - t). And the value for each edges will be the toll. Solving this using standard Dijkstra is simple.

Find path with minimum cost and maximum length given a maximum cost

I'm searching for an algorithm to find a path between two nodes with minimum cost and maximum length given a maximum cost in an undirected weighted complete graph. Weights are non negative.
As I stand now I'm using DFS, and it's pretty slow (high number of nodes and maximum length too). I already discard all the impossible nodes in every iteration of the DFS.
Could someone point me to a known algorithm for better handling of this problem?
To clarify: ideally the algorithm should search for the path of minimum cost, but is allowed to add cost if this means visiting more nodes. It should end when it concludes that it's impossible to reach more than n nodes without crossing the cost limit and it's impossible to reach n nodes with less cost.
Example of a graph. We have to go from A to B. Cost limit is set to 5:
This path (in red) is ok, but the algorithm should continue searching for better solutions
This is better because although the cost is increased to 4, it contains 1 more node
Here the path contains 3 nodes so it's a lot better than before and the cost is an acceptable 5
Finally this solution is even better because the path also contains 3 nodes but with cost 4, with is less than before.
Hope images explain better than text
Idea 1:
In my opinion your problem is a variation of the pareto optimal shortest path search problem. Because you refer to 2 different optimality metrics:
Longest Path by edge count
Shortest Path by edge weight
Of course some side constraints just make the problem more easy to calculate.
You have to implement a multi criteria dijkstra for pareto optimal results. I found two promising paper in english for this problem:
A multicriteria Pareto-optimal path algorithm
On a multicriteria shortest path problem
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the pdf files for those papers and the papers I read before where in german :(
Nevertheless this should be your entry point and will lead you to an algorithm to solve your problem nice and smoothly.
Idea 2:
Another way to solve this problem could lie in the calculation of hamilton path, because the longest path in a complete graph is indeed the hamilton path. After calculation of all such path you still have to find the one with the smallest total edge weight cost. This scenario is useful if the length of the path is in every case more relevant than the cost.
Idea 3:
If the cost of the edges is the more important fact you should calculate all paths between those two nodes of a given maximum length and search for the one with the most used edges.
I think the best results will be obtained by using idea 1. But I didn't know your scenario to well, therefore the other ideas might be an option two.
This problem can formulated as Multi-objective Constraint Satisfaction Problem with priority:
First, solution must satisfy the constraint about maximum cost.
Next, solution must has maximum number of nodes (1st objective).
Finally, solution must has minimum cost (2st objective).
This problem is NP-hard. So, there isn't exact polynomial time algorithm for this problem. But a simple local search algorithm may help you:
First, use Dijkstra algorithm to find minimum cost path, called P. If the cost is bigger than maximum cost, there isn't solution satisfy constraint.
Next, try add more nodes to P by using 2 move operators:
Insert: select a node outside P and insert in best position in P.
Replace: select a node outside P and replace a node inside P (when can't use insert operator).
Finally, try reduce cost by using replace operator.
