Change textsize and generell size according to windows scaling | Flutter - windows

Good Morning,
in the following to pictures you can see my problem.
The first one is a screenshot of my flutter website with a windows scale of 100%. (display settings of windows).
The second one is a screenshot of my flutter website with a windows scale of 125%.
Well, as you might know I want to adjust my textsize and the generell size of e.g. container to the windows screen scaling.
For my fonts I'm using following code:
scaffoldBackgroundColor: bgColor,
textTheme: GoogleFonts.poppinsTextTheme(Theme.of(context).textTheme).apply(bodyColor: Colors.white),
canvasColor: secondaryColor,
For all other values I use fixed numbers.
Thanks for any kind of help.


Why same font size show different actual size in different editors?

Environment: Mac OS El Capitan; MBP 2012-Mid 15'.
Same problem on both built-in LCD and external LCDs. I have tried with 3 external monitors. Also same problem on another MBP with Retina internal LCD. Also, same problem occurs no matter the resolution is scaled, not scaled, or HiDPI.
As the screenshot shows, same font name + same font size + same text + same screen has different visual width in different text editors. I have tried to tune one of the font size to be like 14.1/13.9/etc, but not works, the text is either too small/narrow or too big/wide; what's more, some editors cannot use fraction font size.
Q1: How to show exactly same visual size for same font size?
Q2: Looks like there are two font rendering engines in the OS? If yes, how to specify which one to use for specified app or for all apps?
Thanks a lot.

Reduce size of a .png image without losing transparency

Basically, I'd like to resize or resample a .png image (in order to reduce its file size) and yet retain it's transparency.
Anybody got an idea how best to go about this?
You can use, it is a free tool. Although it is pretty basic, it does the job.
Go to Image > Resize
Stumbled upon this thread and found the following site that does exactly what is requested:
What graphics program are you using?
Photoshop does this by simply going thru IMAGE > IMAGE SIZE and resizing. Transparency is not affected.
I'm sure Paint Shop Pro does the same
I know this is an old question, but the answer that worked for me was to use Inkscape.
Start Inkscape (free on
File -> Import... (Ctrl+I) the PNG file you want to resize (defaults on import dialog are ok).
With the image you just imported selected, select File -> Export PNG image... (Shift+Ctrl+E)
In the Export PNG Image tool pane, click the Export As... button to set the output filename and location.
In this same tool pane, set the image size using width/height or pixels.
In this same tool pane, click the Export button to create the output file.
This worked for me, hope it helps someone else.
Providing the image you have created / have been working on is transparent in the first place, using the "Resize" or "Resample" tools in any major image editing package (e.g. PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro and so on) should not affect (or lose) the transparency at all.
I use PaintShop Pro (X6, 64 Bit) myself and typically find that the "PNG Optimizer" option offers more options along these lines (than the default "Save As > .png" route).
Hope that this helps (specific to PaintShop Pro Users) in relation to the source question.
While I was waiting for the downloads of other image editing softwares, I tried Microsoft Power Point and succeeded in preserving the transparency.
Drag the image inside any slide, crop or resize, then save as a new picture as .png.
You can drag the image back in ppt to confirm the transparency is maintained
The complete Autodesk Sketchbook is now out for free including all the previous premium features such as resizing an image.
You do it as you would in paint by clicking on Image > Image Size... and then you can save as a .png without losing transparency.
Image size can be reduced by reducing number of colors and there are online tools to do this .
Try these..Hope they solve your problem‎ and --It provides more output images with different number of colors. However, smoothness will be effected, take care.

App Icon appearing small in Xcode Deployment Info

I'm running out of hair to pull. I created two icons:
icon#2x.png (114x114)
icon.png (57x57)
For some reason they appear half sized, however. See this screenshot:
I'm 100% confident my icon sizes are as described. Any ideas why this might happen?
Some side notes that may or may not be relevant:
- I'm using PhoneGap + JQueryMobile, not that that should mapper
- I dragged a reference to the two icons into the Resources/icons folder, replacing the original icon.png and icon#2x.png files.
I had this problem as well. I experimented and discovered that it is related to the pixels/inch resolution. icon#2x seems to want 150 pixels/inch for full size, 300 pixels/inch gives half size, and 600 pixels/inch (which is what I was using) gives quarter size. As near as I can tell, image resolution didn't really have that much of an impact on the quality of the image when placed on an iPhone. My icon is very sensitive to rendering, so any degradation of image quality would have been readily noticeable.
Changing all the icons to 72dpi from 300dpi solved my problem.
Check the icon, as this is png image there was transparent background so crop the png file that starts with postion where blue color starts in the image. This solves your problem
I just had the same issue. My solution was to just open them in Xee (probably lots of other programs will do the trick) and resave them as png. My icons were originally created in gimp and this may something to do with they way that gimp saved them.
Exactly same thing happened to my defaults files - the same solution fixed it.
I had this issue when creating assets with Gimp. To solve it I unchecked "Save resolution" in the export dialog.

WP7 - Splash Screen doesn't display correctly on launch

What I'm trying to do:
I've added a splash screen to an application I'm creating for Windows Phone 7. I did this simply by replacing the pre-existing splash screen file with my own.
What goes wrong:
The splash screen is not displayed like it should be - it is being down sampled to an 8 bit image or something weird:
The image I'm using
The image that gets displayed
It's a bit hard to see depending on your monitor, but on a phone it's reasonably obvious. There are fuzzy greenish lines that appear - basically like the image is being down sampled or the quality worsened.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or what might be happening?
Try forcing the app to display images at 32 bits per pixel (instead of the default of 16)
Add an attribute of BitsPerPixel="32" to the app element in WMAppManifest.xml
The problem is that the gradient on your splash screen is causing banding, which you can solve by dithering. Robby Ingebretsen has an action for PhotoShop that you can use:
I suspect the emulator. Run the emulator at full size or run the app on an actual device.
Windows Phone is currently only supporting a color depth of 16bit, causing especially some gradients displaying downsampled for 24bit images. Some first generation firmwares by HTC had a "bug" that also allowed 24bit. Theoretically it is just a registry key, but you cannot commonly change it. Microsoft has limited the color depth to 16bit for the benefit of performance, but as far as I knnow there are some second-generation models without this limitation now.
You may try to downsample the image in Photoshop to 16bit and optimize it for this color depth.

Setting Image Sizes In Windows Phone

Windows phone asks for specific image sizes when submitting an application. When I take the image I wanna use and resize it to the dimensiond they want it distorts the image. If I keep it proportional Ill never get the exact sizes they need. What do you guys do to resolve this?
I used Photoshop. Open the image, choose "Image" > "Canvas Size". That will adjust the size of the image without distorting it. I am sure you can also use any of the free image applications like gimp
