How to rectify class not found in psy shell in laravel tinker? - laravel

I am very new to the laravel tinker part, I have one model based on that model I am trying to update some column value but it's throwing an error please help me to resolve the issue.
User::update(["status"=>"active"])->where ('id',1);
Error I am getting is
PHP FATAL error: class 'User' not found in psy shell code on line1

Try User::update(["status"=>"active"])->where ('id',1)->first();
or better still:
$user = User::find(1);
Where 'plans' comes from must be a mistake in your User model. Did you add private $with(['plans']); or something similar in the model? Maybe you should post your User.php model in the question.


Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\RelationNotFoundException Call to undefined relationship [user] on model [App\Event]

I'm creating a view list for M-M relationship for Admin view. I want to display every user that has been registered for that particular events. And I'm pretty sure I called it wrong thats the reason why I getting this error. I'm not quite sure on how to fix it. I tried googling and I still don't find any solution yet. So how can I fix this?
The relation name is users not user. Please check using below code
use DB;
use App\Event;
use App\User;
public function show()
$events = Event::with('users')->get();
return view('admin.event.user')->with('events', $events);

Scope left Join Sub doesn't work - Laravel

I'm new to Laravel I'm making a clone of Twitter. I'm making a scope to get all the likes from the DB, but I get an error from Tinker
I know some basic SQL Queries, but this one is quite complicated, so I've got no idea what to do now.
Tweet model
public function scopeWithLikes(Builder $query)
'select tweet_id, sum(liked) likes, sum(!liked) dislikes from likes group by tweet_id',
Tinker command
Tinker error
TypeError: Argument 1 passed to App/Tweet::scopeWithLikes() must be an
instance of Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder, instance of
Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder given, called in
on line 1164
I hope I explained it well, but if you need more information please ask me.
Thanks for your answer!
i think that you are using the wrong class for your scope, scope use
as a parameter while you pass
in your Twit model file, on the top ...
use Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder;
and paste:
use Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder;
Did this solve the problem? Because I run into exactly the same issue.
When I change Eloquent to Query, the error message is still the same.
Also the source that is given on Git uses use

Laravel hasMany Relationship error Undefined property

I am trying to return all media that I have linked to a device via the database. I had this working in an older version of laravel but now on the most recent verion I have copied and pasted the code over and I am getting an error.
I run a schedule and each schedule has media linked to it.
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Schedule extends Model
public function scheduled_media(){
return $this->hasMany('App\ScheduledMedia');
#foreach($schedule->scheduled_media as $m))
Undefined property: stdClass::$scheduled_media (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\displaycontroller\resources\views\sites\showdisplay.blade.php)
I am lost as I don't understand why it's saying that it is an undefined property when I have it written in the Model as you can see above.
I found the issue. It was the way I was getting my data in the controller using raw. By changing to Schedule::all() it worked.

Laravel about Requests

i am new in programing laravel. so here I will not ask about my problems but I am here just want to ask how to use laravel. here I would like to ask how to use:
Determining If an Input Value Is Present in laravel. and what it does?
thanks ^^
Laravel is really a good MVC Framework.
I can suggest you some source from where you can get better understanding of Laravel Framework.
For simple example - How to use Laravel after installation
Go to path using terminal ex. /var/www/laravel/project
Go to - /var/www/laravel/project/resources/views
Create a directory test and create a file index.php
Create a controller - php artisan make:controller TestController
Create a function testGet() and return view - return view('test.index'); //test is directory and index is file
Create a function testPost(Request $request) and to get data use $data = $request->all(); and then print this data.
Create a model with migration file - php artisan make:model Test --migration
Go to route file - /var/www/laravel/project/app/Http/routes.php
Add line Route::get('/test', 'TestController#testGet');
Add line Route::post('/test', 'TestController#testPost');
Now check GET request to your project http://project/test it will call testGet function.
POST request http://project/test?name=Adam will call testPost function and will print your name.
as said in the comments you better check laracasts! its the laravel school
anyway to anwser your question, its simple
<input type="text" name="fname">
public function doingstuff (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
if ($request->has('fname')) {
// a man gotta do what a man gotta do here
smooth huh? :3

Joomla 2.5 Load custom field in components layout fatal error

Im trying to load custom field in my backend component default view (default.php):
JFormHelper::addFieldPath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/models/fields');
$productType = JFormHelper::loadFieldType('ProductType',false);
$productTypeOptions = $productType->getOptions();
But I get a fatal error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in xxx\libraries\joomla\form\fields\list.php on line 89
When I load this custom field into the form, everything works perfectly.
Any ideas?
Make sure you are adding the correct path to the fields
In your $productType->getOptions() function,
Try removing:
$options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
Well, I tried to expand my fellow above idea but it seemed an inappropiate edit, I put it here then:
This worked for me. In your getOptions, if you have something like the getOptions found here (, you´ll have this line:
$options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
This is the one that makes the error. Why? Well, I´m not sure. If you see the related file, you´ll find this:
foreach ($this->element->children() as $option)
So the problem is that you are calling children() on the model parent that it seems is not initialized. Why the array_merge is needed? Is discussed here (
My explanation is more like a dirty blind patch, but hope it helps to move forward.
