How to know which function has complexity of log n [duplicate] - data-structures

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What does O(log n) mean exactly?
(32 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I was learning about the time complexities and was stuck at Big O(log n) bcoz I was unable to identify which function has the complexity of log n as compared to other complexities such as O(n), O(n2) or O(n3) which can be easily identified by counting the number of for loops in the fucntion

You want to look at two things:
How many times does the loop iterate? (depth)
How much of the array does it access during each iteration? (breadth)
For the depth:
If each iteration divides the number of remaining iterations by some amount (often 2), there are probably log(n) iterations, so the depth is O(log(n)). The exact value it's divided by doesn't matter for big O, since log_2(n), log_e(n), log_10(n), etc. are all constant multiples of each other.
If it iterates a fixed number of times, it's O(1).
If it iterates n times (or a constant multiple of that), it's O(n)
For the breadth, ask how many elements of the original array it needs to look at each iteration.
If that number doesn't depend on the size at all, breadth is O(1) (e.g. in a binary search, we only look at a single element each iteration, regardless of the array size).
If you look at the entire array, or some constant fraction of it, e.g. n/2, the breadth is O(n). This is often the case for the good sorting algorithms. (These generally work by recursion rather than looping, which means the depth is depth of recursion rather than number of iterations. For these, you ask how much of the array is accessed collectively by all recursive calls at the same layer. If you haven't learned recursion yet, feel free to ignore this parenthetical for now.)
Once you have the big O estimates of breadth and depth, just multiply them together.
Binary search of a sorted array has depth log(n) and breadth O(1), so it's O(log(n))
Merge sort has depth O(log(n)) and breadth O(n), so it's O(n log(n))
Adding all the numbers in an array has depth O(n) and breadth O(1), so it's O(n).
Adding two numbers has depth O(1) and breadth O(1), so it's O(1).
There are complications in practice, of course (usually for the recursive cases), but these heuristics will get you started. A technique that might be useful for the more complicated cases is sketching out the elements that are accessed by each iteration/recursive call. Depth vertically, breadth horizontally. As long as you don't have multiple function calls accessing the same memory in the same row, you can usually see what's happening well enough to add things up.


K Closest with unsorted array

I am prepping for interview leet-code type problems and I came across the k closest problem, but given a sorted array. This problem requires finding the k closest elements by value to an input value from the array. The answer to this problem was fairly straight forward and I did not have any issues determining a linear-time algorithm to solve it.
However, working on this problem got me thinking. Is it possible to solve this problem given an unsorted array in linear time? My first thought was to use a heap and that would give an O(nlogk) time complexity solution, but I am trying to determine if its possible to come up with an O(n) solution? I was thinking about possibly using something like quickselect, but the issue is that this has an expected time of O(n), not a worst case time of O(n).
Is this even possible?
The median-of-medians algorithm makes Quickselect take O(n) time in the worst case.
It is used to select a pivot:
Divide the array into groups of 5 (O(n))
Find the median of each group (O(n))
Use Quickselect to find the median of the n/5 medians (O(n))
The resulting pivot is guaranteed to be greater and less than 30% of the elements, so it guarantees linear time Quickselect.
After selecting the pivot, of course, you have to continue on with the rest of Quickselect, which includes a recursive call like the one we made to select the pivot.
The worst case total time is T(n) = O(n) + T(0.7n) + T(n/5), which is still linear. Compared to the expected time of normal Quickselect, though, it's pretty slow, which is why we don't often use this in practice.
Your heap solution would be very welcome at an interview, I'm sure.
If you really want to get rid of the logk, which in practical applications should seldom be a problem, then yes, using Quickselect would be another option. Something like this:
Partition your array in values smaller and larger than x. <- O(n).
For the lower half, run Quickselect to find the kth largest number, then take the right-side partition which are your k largest numbers. <- O(n)
Repeat step 2 for the higher half, but for the k smallest numbers. <- O(n)
Merge your k smallest and k largest numbers and extract the k closest numbers. <- O(k)
This gives you a total time complexity of O(n), as you said.
However, a few points about your worry about expected time vs worst-case time. I understand that if an interview question explicitly insists on worst-case O(n), then this solution might not be accepted, but otherwise, this can well be considered O(n) in practice.
The key here being that for randomized quickselect and random or well-behaved input, the probability that the time complexity goes beyond O(n) decreases exponentially as the input grows. Meaning that already at largeish inputs, the probability is as small as guessing at a specific atom in the known universe. The assumption on well-behaved input concerns being somewhat random in nature and not adversarial. See this discussion on a similar (not identical) problem.

Sorting Algorithms with time complexity Log(n)

Is there any sorting algorithm with an average time complexity log(n)??
example [8,2,7,5,0,1]
sort given array with time complexity log(n)
No; this is, in fact, impossible for an arbitrary list! We can prove this fairly simply: the absolute minimum thing we must do for a sort is look at each element in the list at least once. After all, an element may belong anywhere in the sorted list; if we don't even look at an element, it's impossible for us to sort the array. This means that any sorting algorithm has a lower bound of n, and since n > log(n), a log(n) sort is impossible.
Although n is the lower bound, most sorts (like merge sort, quick sort) are n*log(n) time. In fact, while we can sort purely numerical lists in n time in some cases with radix sort, we actually have no way to, say, sort arbitrary objects like strings in less than n*log(n).
That said, there may be times when the list is not arbitrary; ex. we have a list that is entirely sorted except for one element, and we need to put that element in the list. In that case, methods like binary search tree can let you insert in log(n), but this is only possible because we are operating on a single element. Building up a tree (ie. performing n inserts) is n*log(n) time.
As #dominicm00 also mentioned the answer is no.
In general when you see an algorithm with time complexity of Log N with base 2 that means that, you are dividing the input list into 2 sets, and getting rid of one of them repeatedly. In sorting algorithm we need to put all the elements in their appropriate place, if we get rid of half of the list in each iteration, that does not correlate with sorting functionality.
The most efficient sorting algorithms have the time complexity of O(n), but with some limitations. Three most famous algorithm with complexity of O(n) are :
Counting sort with time complexity of O(n+k), while k is the maximum number in given list. Assuming n>>k, you can consider its time complexity as O(n)
Radix sort with time complexity of O(d*(n+k)), where k is maximum number of input list and d is maximum number of digits you may have in input list. Similar to counting sort assuming n>>k && n>>d => time complexity will be O(n)
Bucket sort with time complexity of O(n)
But in general due to limitation of each of these algorithms most implementation relies on O(n* log n) algorithms, such as merge sort, quick sort, and heap sort.
Also there are some sorting algorithms with time complexity of O(n^2) which are recommended for list with smaller sizes such as insertion sort, selection sort, and bubble sort.
Using a PLA it might be possible to implement counting sort for a few elements with a low range of values.
count each amount in parallel and sum using lg2(N) steps
find the offset of each element in lg2(N) steps
write the array in O(1)
Only massive parallel computation would be able to do this, general purpose CPU's would not do here unless they implement it in silicon as part of their SIMD.

Intuitive explanation for why QuickSort is n log n?

Is anybody able to give a 'plain english' intuitive, yet formal, explanation of what makes QuickSort n log n? From my understanding it has to make a pass over n items, and it does this log n times...Im not sure how to put it into words why it does this log n times.
A Quicksort starts by partitioning the input into two chunks: it chooses a "pivot" value, and partitions the input into those less than the pivot value and those larger than the pivot value (and, of course, any equal to the pivot value have go into one or the other, of course, but for a basic description, it doesn't matter a lot which those end up in).
Since the input (by definition) isn't sorted, to partition it like that, it has to look at every item in the input, so that's an O(N) operation. After it's partitioned the input the first time, it recursively sorts each of those "chunks". Each of those recursive calls looks at every one of its inputs, so between the two calls it ends up visiting every input value (again). So, at the first "level" of partitioning, we have one call that looks at every input item. At the second level, we have two partitioning steps, but between the two, they (again) look at every input item. Each successive level has more individual partitioning steps, but in total the calls at each level look at all the input items.
It continues partitioning the input into smaller and smaller pieces until it reaches some lower limit on the size of a partition. The smallest that could possibly be would be a single item in each partition.
Ideal Case
In the ideal case we hope each partitioning step breaks the input in half. The "halves" probably won't be precisely equal, but if we choose the pivot well, they should be pretty close. To keep the math simple, let's assume perfect partitioning, so we get exact halves every time.
In this case, the number of times we can break it in half will be the base-2 logarithm of the number of inputs. For example, given 128 inputs, we get partition sizes of 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1. That's 7 levels of partitioning (and yes log2(128) = 7).
So, we have log(N) partitioning "levels", and each level has to visit all N inputs. So, log(N) levels times N operations per level gives us O(N log N) overall complexity.
Worst Case
Now let's revisit that assumption that each partitioning level will "break" the input precisely in half. Depending on how good a choice of partitioning element we make, we might not get precisely equal halves. So what's the worst that could happen? The worst case is a pivot that's actually the smallest or largest element in the input. In this case, we do an O(N) partitioning level, but instead of getting two halves of equal size, we've ended up with one partition of one element, and one partition of N-1 elements. If that happens for every level of partitioning, we obviously end up doing O(N) partitioning levels before even partition is down to one element.
This gives the technically correct big-O complexity for Quicksort (big-O officially refers to the upper bound on complexity). Since we have O(N) levels of partitioning, and each level requires O(N) steps, we end up with O(N * N) (i.e., O(N2)) complexity.
Practical implementations
As a practical matter, a real implementation will typically stop partitioning before it actually reaches partitions of a single element. In a typical case, when a partition contains, say, 10 elements or fewer, you'll stop partitioning and and use something like an insertion sort (since it's typically faster for a small number of elements).
Modified Algorithms
More recently other modifications to Quicksort have been invented (e.g., Introsort, PDQ Sort) which prevent that O(N2) worst case. Introsort does so by keeping track of the current partitioning "level", and when/if it goes too deep, it'll switch to a heap sort, which is slower than Quicksort for typical inputs, but guarantees O(N log N) complexity for any inputs.
PDQ sort adds another twist to that: since Heap sort is slower, it tries to avoid switching to heap sort if possible To to that, if it looks like it's getting poor pivot values, it'll randomly shuffle some of the inputs before choosing a pivot. Then, if (and only if) that fails to produce sufficiently better pivot values, it'll switch to using a Heap sort instead.
Each partitioning operation takes O(n) operations (one pass on the array).
In average, each partitioning divides the array to two parts (which sums up to log n operations). In total we have O(n * log n) operations.
I.e. in average log n partitioning operations and each partitioning takes O(n) operations.
There's a key intuition behind logarithms:
The number of times you can divide a number n by a constant before reaching 1 is O(log n).
In other words, if you see a runtime that has an O(log n) term, there's a good chance that you'll find something that repeatedly shrinks by a constant factor.
In quicksort, what's shrinking by a constant factor is the size of the largest recursive call at each level. Quicksort works by picking a pivot, splitting the array into two subarrays of elements smaller than the pivot and elements bigger than the pivot, then recursively sorting each subarray.
If you pick the pivot randomly, then there's a 50% chance that the chosen pivot will be in the middle 50% of the elements, which means that there's a 50% chance that the larger of the two subarrays will be at most 75% the size of the original. (Do you see why?)
Therefore, a good intuition for why quicksort runs in time O(n log n) is the following: each layer in the recursion tree does O(n) work, and since each recursive call has a good chance of reducing the size of the array by at least 25%, we'd expect there to be O(log n) layers before you run out of elements to throw away out of the array.
This assumes, of course, that you're choosing pivots randomly. Many implementations of quicksort use heuristics to try to get a nice pivot without too much work, and those implementations can, unfortunately, lead to poor overall runtimes in the worst case. #Jerry Coffin's excellent answer to this question talks about some variations on quicksort that guarantee O(n log n) worst-case behavior by switching which sorting algorithms are used, and that's a great place to look for more information about this.
Well, it's not always n(log n). It is the performance time when the pivot chosen is approximately in the middle. In worst case if you choose the smallest or the largest element as the pivot then the time will be O(n^2).
To visualize 'n log n', you can assume the pivot to be element closest to the average of all the elements in the array to be sorted.
This would partition the array into 2 parts of roughly same length.
On both of these you apply the quicksort procedure.
As in each step you go on halving the length of the array, you will do this for log n(base 2) times till you reach length = 1 i.e a sorted array of 1 element.
Break the sorting algorithm in two parts. First is the partitioning and second recursive call. Complexity of partioning is O(N) and complexity of recursive call for ideal case is O(logN). For example, if you have 4 inputs then there will be 2(log4) recursive call. Multiplying both you get O(NlogN). It is a very basic explanation.
In-fact you need to find the position of all the N elements(pivot),but the maximum number of comparisons is logN for each element (the first is N,second pivot N/2,3rd N/4..assuming pivot is the median element)
In the case of the ideal scenario, the first level call, places 1 element in its proper position. there are 2 calls at the second level taking O(n) time combined but it puts 2 elements in their proper position. in the same way. there will be 4 calls at the 3rd level which would take O(n) combined time but will place 4 elements into their proper position. so the depth of the recursive tree will be log(n) and at each depth, O(n) time is needed for all recursive calls. So time complexity is O(nlogn).

Can you sort n integers in O(n) amortized complexity?

Is it theoretically possible to sort an array of n integers in an amortized complexity of O(n)?
What about trying to create a worst case of O(n) complexity?
Most of the algorithms today are built on O(nlogn) average + O(n^2) worst case.
Some, while using more memory are O(nlogn) worst.
Can you with no limitation on memory usage create such an algorithm?
What if your memory is limited? how will this hurt your algorithm?
Any page on the intertubes that deals with comparison-based sorts will tell you that you cannot sort faster than O(n lg n) with comparison sorts. That is, if your sorting algorithm decides the order by comparing 2 elements against each other, you cannot do better than that. Examples include quicksort, bubblesort, mergesort.
Some algorithms, like count sort or bucket sort or radix sort do not use comparisons. Instead, they rely on the properties of the data itself, like the range of values in the data or the size of the data value.
Those algorithms might have faster complexities. Here is an example scenario:
You are sorting 10^6 integers, and each integer is between 0 and 10. Then you can just count the number of zeros, ones, twos, etc. and spit them back out in sorted order. That is how countsort works, in O(n + m) where m is the number of values your datum can take (in this case, m=11).
You are sorting 10^6 binary strings that are all at most 5 characters in length. You can use the radix sort for that: first split them into 2 buckets depending on their first character, then radix-sort them for the second character, third, fourth and fifth. As long as each step is a stable sort, you should end up with a perfectly sorted list in O(nm), where m is the number of digits or bits in your datum (in this case, m=5).
But in the general case, you cannot sort faster than O(n lg n) reliably (using a comparison sort).
I'm not quite happy with the accepted answer so far. So I'm retrying an answer:
Is it theoretically possible to sort an array of n integers in an amortized complexity of O(n)?
The answer to this question depends on the machine that would execute the sorting algorithm. If you have a random access machine, which can operate on exactly 1 bit, you can do radix sort for integers with at most k bits, which was already suggested. So you end up with complexity O(kn).
But if you are operating on a fixed size word machine with a word size of at least k bits (which all consumer computers are), the best you can achieve is O(n log n). This is because either log n < k or you could do a count sort first and then sort with a O (n log n) algorithm, which would yield the first case also.
What about trying to create a worst case of O(n) complexity?
That is not possible. A link was already given. The idea of the proof is that in order to be able to sort, you have to decide for every element to be sorted if it is larger or smaller to any other element to be sorted. By using transitivity this can be represented as a decision tree, which has n nodes and log n depth at best. So if you want to have performance better than Ω(n log n) this means removing edges from that decision tree. But if the decision tree is not complete, than how can you make sure that you have made a correct decision about some elements a and b?
Can you with no limitation on memory usage create such an algorithm?
So as from above that is not possible. And the remaining questions are therefore of no relevance.
If the integers are in a limited range then an O(n) "sort" of them would involve having a bit vector of "n" bits ... looping over the integers in question and setting the n%8 bit of offset n//8 in that byte array to true. That is an "O(n)" operation. Another loop over that bit array to list/enumerate/return/print all the set bits is, likewise, an O(n) operation. (Naturally O(2n) is reduced to O(n)).
This is a special case where n is small enough to fit within memory or in a file (with seek()) operations). It is not a general solution; but it is described in Bentley's "Programming Pearls" --- and was allegedly a practical solution to a real-world problem (involving something like a "freelist" of telephone numbers ... something like: find the first available phone number that could be issued to a new subscriber).
(Note: log(10*10) is ~24 bits to represent every possible integer up to 10 digits in length ... so there's plenty of room in 2*31 bits of a typical Unix/Linux maximum sized memory mapping).
I believe you are looking for radix sort.

How to compute the algorithmic space complexity

I am reviewing my data structures and algorithm analysis lesson, and I get a question that how to determine to the space complexity of merge sort and quick sort
algorithms ?
The depth of recursion is only O(log n) for linked list merge-sort
The amount of extra storage space needed for contiguous quick sort is O(n).
My thoughts:
Both use divide-and-conquer strategy, so I guess the space complexity of linked list merge sort should be same as the contiguous quick sort. Actually I opt for O(log n) because before every iteration or recursion call the list is divided in half.
Thanks for any pointers.
The worst case depth of recursion for quicksort is not (necessarily) O(log n), because quicksort doesn't divide the data "in half", it splits it around a pivot which may or may not be the median. It's possible to implement quicksort to address this[*], but presumably the O(n) analysis was of a basic recursive quicksort implementation, not an improved version. That would account for the discrepancy between what you say in the blockquote, and what you say under "my thoughts".
Other than that I think your analysis is sound - neither algorithm uses any extra memory other than a fixed amount per level of recursion, so depth of recursion dictates the answer.
Another possible way to account for the discrepancy, I suppose, is that the O(n) analysis is just wrong. Or, "contiguous quicksort" isn't a term I've heard before, so if it doesn't mean what I think it does ("quicksorting an array"), it might imply a quicksort that's necessarily space-inefficient in some sense, such as returning an allocated array instead of sorting in-place. But it would be silly to compare quicksort and mergesort on the basis of the depth of recursion of the mergesort vs. the size of a copy of the input for the quicksort.
[*] Specifically, instead of calling the function recursively on both parts, you put it in a loop. Make a recursive call on the smaller part, and loop around to do the bigger part, or equivalently push (pointers to) the larger part onto a stack of work to do later, and loop around to do the smaller part. Either way, you ensure that the depth of the stack never exceeds log n, because each chunk of work not put on the stack is at most half the size of the chunk before it, down to a fixed minimum (1 or 2 if you're sorting purely with quicksort).
I'm not really familiar with the term "contiguous quicksort". But quicksort can have either O(n) or O(log n) space complexity depending on how it is implemented.
If it is implemented as follows:
quicksort(start,stop) {
Then the space complexity is O(n), not O(log n) as is commonly believed.
This is because you are pushing onto the stack twice at each level, so the space complexity is determined from the recurrance:
T(n) = 2*T(n/2)
Assuming the partitioning divides the array into 2 equal parts (best case). The solution to this according to the Master Theorem is T(n) = O(n).
If we replace the second quicksort call with tail recursion in the code snippet above, then you get T(n) = T(n/2) and therefore T(n) = O(log n) (by case 2 of the Master theorem).
Perhaps the "contiguous quicksort" refers to the first implementation because the two quicksort calls are next to each other, in which case the space complexity is O(n).
