WebClient create java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null ExchangeStrategies.withDefaults - spring

I'm trying to play around Spring WebFlux Webclient.
Tried to create a simple webclient in a quartz cron job
this.webClient = WebClient.create(this.queryUrl);
I made sure the queryUrl is valid.
However, I've got an error as following:
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
at org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ExchangeStrategies.withDefaults(ExchangeStrategies.java:67)
at org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.DefaultWebClientBuilder.initExchangeStrategies(DefaultWebClientBuilder.java:302)
at org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.DefaultWebClientBuilder.build(DefaultWebClientBuilder.java:269)
at org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.create(WebClient.java:154)
Tracing into the code, I've found that
DefaultExchangeStrategiesBuilder is null.
Does anyone have any idea what is missing?
It's a simple web client.

Adding these dependencies and making sure the versions are the same.
I only had jackson-core before.
I tried to move the job out of quartz and ran it directly in main.
it still threw an exception, but it's different and I then looked it up
and some one has asked the issue and the solution to make sure both jackson packages need to be included and versions must be same.
I then added them to the pom file. try to run the job and it worked.
Putting the job back to quartz to run and it also worked.


springdoc-openapi doesnt pick up changes in controller classes

I have a 3-module Springboot multi-module maven project with a structure like so:
|- module 1
|- module 2
|- module 3
The maven dependency for spring-openapi is in the parent pom, while the main class is in module 1.
The problem is that when I examine the Swagger api, I only see the documentation for the rest endpoints from module 1, and not those in 2 or 3.
I experimented by putting the openapi dependency in module 3 and re-building but that doesn't make a difference. Is it not possible to get all the rest-endpoints across all modules published all at once?
Some more info: here are some properties from my application.properties:
springdoc.pathsToMatch=/a/**, /d/**
These are my dependencies:
I thought that this Q&A might help (but it didnt): OpenAPI & spring-doc not finding all mappings in a controller class
I've been doing some experimentation:
I added a Test Controller, and it appeared in the docs. Then I deleted the Test Controller from the code base, but it still appears in the docs
I've changed the http response codes to some of the endpoints in the documentation, but those aren't picked up.
It almost seems like once it does the initial generation of documentation for a rest controller, it forgets about looking at it again for any further changes.
Does any one have an idea?

How to configure Swagger with Openapi

I just started using springdoc-openapi. I want to be able to customize the Swagger for things like background color, logo, etc. Is there a way to do that? I see that springdoc-openapi-ui includes webjars/swagger-ui, but I'd hate to just run a customize version. Would prefer to do it as an update so it doesn't interfere with future upgrades
Just to experiment, I've tried copying the entire swagger-ui distribution to my resources directory: resources/swagger-ui. I've also tried resources/webjars/swagger-ui.
In my pom, I have
So it should only use my local version. But I get a 404
GET "/swagger-ui/index.html", parameters={}
Mapped to ResourceHttpRequestHandler [classpath [META-INF/resources/webjars/]]
Resource not found
Completed 404 NOT_FOUND
Not sure why it's not finding it at swagger-ui/index.html
It looks like you need to set some of the variables in the .properties file:
springdoc.swagger-ui.path=/swagger <- sets the url path so you can see localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
springdoc.swagger-ui.enabled=true <- sets the swagger-ui to enabled
springdoc.api-docs.enabled=true <- sets the springdoc openapi enpoint to enabled
I would look here for other property setting you might need - such as turning off swagger in production, etc...
As for customization, you will have to create your own .html page and disable the use of the default one.
I think is the property name for setting your own .html file.

What should I replace WebServiceTemplate with when converting from Spring 3 to Spring 5

I have a project I am converting. Most of it was easy but for some reason I can't find a recent implementation of the org.springframework.ws.client.core.WebServiceTemplate anywhere. Is there a swap out replacement? If not how would I do something similar? It looks to just be serializing. Code looks like...
JAXBElement xmlResponse = (JAXBElement) something.getTemplateSearch().marshalSendAndReceive(...)
Also we are not allowed to use
Due to a security issue

Scheduling using Camel - Quartz2 and Spring boot

I am trying to setup a scheduler using Camel and Quartz2 and my goal is to read messages from queue only in a specific time period.I am getting the following error on start of the server.
org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route
because of Failed to resolve endpoint:
quartz2://simpleTimer?cron=0%2F1+0+13-15+%3F+*+MON-FRI due to: No
component found with scheme: quartz2
This is the pom entry
code snippet in routes
.log("Reading msgs")
.from("some queue")
Also tried with this
I made multiple attempts in fixing the issue but failed, can anyone help me in fixing this?
Can I use simpleTimer along with Cron settings or Is there any other approach?
any suggestions/help in this regards would be highly appreciated.
The error indicates you have not added the dependency in maven to camel-quartz2 component.
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
The problem is that you put 2 from in the same route. Each route has only one from.
When you read from a queue, for example with jms component, you get directly the messages as soon as they arrive. So quarz component is not needed.
Which component are you using for reading from a queue? Probably this component has more options that they can help you!
This got resolved when I created a Bean instance of QuartzComponent in routes file.Also, we can have multiple "from" in the routes definition.

Injecting spring dependencies into Domain objects best practices?

I've scraped all over many resources, and have made this work and it's kinda complex, which turns me into asking for review and other ideas on how to properly inject spring dependencies into DomainObjects ..
My solution so far includes ..
Defining the dependencies needed for loadweaving
And then .. configure it in the spring context file :
<context:spring-configured />
Using #Configurable for my domain classes :
public class MyDomainClass {
And of course, using these VM arguments :
-XX:-UseSplitVerifier -javaagent:C:/Users/albert/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-instrument/3.0.6.RELEASE/spring-instrument-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar
For this current solution, i have the feeling that this seems too much, like the lots of dependencies needed, and also the VM args, which i would dislike when deploying in production server where i have to use specific options, which i fear could be not supported in the future or perhaps have different behaviours between version.
Im thinking of doing domainObjects with prototype scope, but i fear the dependencies issues when fetching the domain objects from the database (not from applicationContext).
Please share your experiences, thank you !
1: When you start injection stuff dynamically into domain objects, they're really not domain objects any more in the sense that the domain should reflect your information model, independent of any business rules and functional logic.
2: Remember KISS (keep it simple...). At some point, someone else might have to take ownership and maintain your code so have some mercy on that person :)
I would call this an anti-pattern, which in my opinion should be avoided.
If you use compile time waving, then you will not need the VM argument.
