Whats the maximum throughput per instance can be achieved in IBM MQ Advanced for Developers? - websphere

I am currently using a IBM MQ Advanced for Developers server for testing our client and was able to achieve around 1000 messages per second using the sample consumer written in jms, which seems to be pretty slow. Is this a limit for dev server, and if yes that what throughput can be achieved using a licensed production IBM MQ server.

There is no artificial limit associated with IBM MQ Advanced for Developers. It is the same as the licensed production version of IBM MQ.
You don't say what type of machine you were using, what persistence your messages were, what size they were, or any other qualifying criteria.
You say client, but I don't know whether you mean "network attached application" or "driving application". Clearly if your program is running "client-attached" (MQ parlance for network attached), then the network performance will also come into this.
On my Windows laptop, I get 4500 non-persistent msgs/sec, or 2000 persistent msgs/sec using a simple C-language locally bound program. Over client connection (just using localhost, not actually going out over a real network connection) I get 2700 non-persistent msgs/sec, or 1500 persistent msgs/sec.
You should read the MQ Performance Reports for details of the expected rates you can get.

As an ex MQ performance person I would say - it depends.
At one level you can ask - what can one application in isolation process.
For persistent messages this will come down to the rate at which you can write to the log files.
If you have 10 applications in parallel each putting and getting from their own queue, then you will not get 10 times the throughput - you might get 8 or 9 times the throughput.
If they are all processing the same queue, then the throughput may drop a bit more as the queue usage is serialised.
If only one application is writing to the log, the application may see 1 millisecond response time. If you have 10 applications running concurrently, they may see a 3 milliseconds response time - so individual throughput goes down, but with more threads, the overall throughput goes up.
If you have requests coming in over the network, you need to add network time, but you can run more clients and so get improved throughput.
If your application has a delay built in - it may only process a low message rate. You can have lots (1000s) of these and get a high >overall< throughput.
If your application is putting and getting as fast as possible, you may find that you can run 10-100 instances before the throughput plateaus.
Let's say you want to run you box so it is using 75% of the CPU, and the logging is 50% busy.
If you have just MQ on the box, then this can run more messages than if you had DB2 on the box (with DB2 using 50% of the CPU)
If you have an application (DB2) hammering the disk, then the MQ throughput will go down.
If you have lots of applications putting to a server queue - and one server program, you will find the throughput is limited by the rate at which the server can process work. If it is doing DB2 work, it will be slower than no DB2 work. If you find the server queue depth is over 5 then you need more server instances.
As Morag said, see the performance reports, but they are not the clearest reports to understand.


Web Server Performance Degradation

The web application is running on Springboot and deployed on WebLogic.
We have assigned 400 as max threads and JDBC to be 100 connections.
When we perform load testing on the web application, the performance is optimal when the load is low (the response time is less than 200ms for most of the http request that we called).
When we increase the load, we can see that the thread count increases and jdbc count also increases gradually but no where near to max. However, the response time is getting much longer and it could take more than 5 seconds to response.
CPU usage, thread count, memory, JDBC connection seems to be normal during these period.
Another observation is that during testing and we saw that the performance is degrading, we used another machine to make a http call to the server that is only retrieving text without any DB or logic, and even this simple http call will take 10s to respond. (And the server resources is still not MAX!)
So, we are wondering what keep them waiting ?
Any other possible bottleneck?
If the server doesn't lack resources like CPU/RAM/etc. only a profiler can tell you where your application spends the most time which might be in:
Waiting in a queue for next thread/db connection from the pool to be available
Slow database query
Inefficient functions/algorithms which a subject to optimization
WebLogic configuration not suitable for high loads
JVM configuration not suitable for high loads (i.e. system is doing garbage collection to often/too long)
So I would recommend re-running your test with profiler tool telemetry enabled and at the same time monitoring essential JVM metrics using i.e. JMXMon Sample Collector which can be used for monitoring your application-specific metrics as well. It's a plugin which can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
For a detailed approach on how ago about identifying poor thread performance I suggest you take look at the TSA Method by Brendan Gregg.

Testing 10.000 VU in JMeter in 10 seconds

I need to test 200.000 VU hitting an app in 10 seconds, so I started to make a test of 10.000 VU, running Jmeter in Non-GUI mode, to see the response of my computer, my internet connection and the site response, but I got 83.50% of Errors.
95% of the errors were these:
Non HTTP response code: java.net.ConnectException/Non HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect
This means that the internet connection was not enough for the short time of the test?
Running 200K users
Generally speaking in traditional HTTP running 200.000 users from one machine is impossible: there isn't that many ports. I.e. if you maximize your port usage (and it's likely you need to change OS settings to do that, since usually OS will limit number of open ports to somehwere between 1000 and 10000), JMeter will have about 64500 ports to run requests on. Each JMeter HTTP sampler needs a separate port, so you need 200K ports. Thus you need to have at least 4 machines to run 200K requests concurrently.
But that may not be enough: if you have more than one request sequentially (like most performance tests do), you will be able to run even less concurrent requests, since ports are usually not closed right away after request is done, so next request has to use a different port.
Don't forget that server also must be able to receive similar load.
But even that may not be enough: JMeter needs to have enough memory to accommodate 10-30K threads. Size of thread in memory will depend on a few things, and how your script is designed among them.
Bottom line: with all the tweaking, realistically, port availability limits number of concurrent requests JMeter can run from one machine to 10-30K concurrent users. Thus to test 200K users, you need about 7-20 JMeter machines.
Running 10K users
If you were testing in a designated environment (where clients and servers are next to each other with optimized network between them), you should be able to run 10K users from one machine, if other limits, e.g. memory and max ports were properly tweaked. But sounds like you are trying to test them over the internet connection?
Well, 2 problems here:
Performance testing over internet connection is absolutely pointless. You don't know what is between you and servers, and how those things in between are changing the shape of the load. You won't know if it was 10K concurrent requests, or 10K sequential requests. And results will only tell you how fast your internet is.
Any ISP will have a limit on number of connections from one IP, and it will be well below 10K. Not to mention that some ISPs may flag / temporary ban your IP for such flood.
Bottom line: whoever asked you to test 10K or 200K concurrent users, should also provide a set of JMeter machines to run this test from. Those machines should be close to tested servers, preferably without any extra routing in between (or with well known and well configured routing)
I don't think that stressing your application by kicking off 200k users at once is a good idea (same applies to 10k users) as the results, even in case of success, won't tell the full story. Moreover, in case of error you will be able to state only that 10k users in 10 seconds is not possible, however you won't have the information like:
What was the number of users when errors start occurring
What is the correlation between number of concurrent users and response time and/or throughput
What is the saturation point (the maximum system performance)
So I would recommend re-running your test and increasing the load gradually from one virtual user to 10 000 and see when it breaks. The breaking point is called bottleneck and the cause can be determined like:
First of all make sure you're following JMeter Best Practices as default JMeter configuration is not suitable for high loads and if JMeter is not capable of sending requests fast enough you will not get accurate results. Most probably you will have to run JMeter in Distributed mode, it is highly unlikely you will be able to mimic 20k requests per second from a single machine (or it has to be a very powerful one)
Set up monitoring of the application under test in order to ensure that it has enough headroom in terms of CPU, RAM, Disk, etc. You can use JMeter PerfMon Plugin for this
Check your application infrastructure, like JMeter the majority of middleware components like web/application servers, load balancers, databases, etc. default configurations are suitable for development and debugging, they need to be tuned for high throughput.
Check your application code using profiler tools telemetry, the reason could be in i.e. slow DB query, inefficient algorithm, large object, heavy function, etc.

MaxConcurrentRequest in selfhost application

I have a selfhost signalr application, everything is ok but when users become more than 5000, users reconnected rapidly. I know that defalt value of appConcurrentRequestLimit is 5000. and i run this:
cd %windir%\system32\inetsrv
appcmd.exe set config /section:system.webserver/serverRuntime /appConcurrentRequestLimit:100000
but nothing changed. I increased maxConcurrentRequestsPerCPU and requestQueueLimit according to this
but i have got problem yet.
i'm using windows server 2012 and iis 8
You are shooting in the dark here, and you have no data about the actual performance and what's happening. The users could reconnect because of different reasons (server timeouts, regular interval reconnects, server errors). There are countless possibilities.
The correct way to know what's happening and measure performance is to run a Baseline performance load test using the default configuration, and collect the relevant performance counters like current requests, queued requests, current connections, max connections etc.
You should also collect any relevant Error logs on the server that could help you figure out what's happening.
You can find the full list of performance counters you need below:
.NET CLR Memory# bytes in all Heaps (for w3wp)
ASP.NET\Requests Current
Processor Information\Processor Time
TCPv6\Connections Established
TCPv4\Connections Established
Web Service
Web Service\Current Connections
Web Service\Maximum Connections
.NET CLR LocksAndThreads\ # of current logical Threads
.NET CLR LocksAndThreads\ # of current physical Threads
Once you have your baseline performance results on a graph, then you can modify configuration (e.g. modify the number of concurrent requests like you tried above) and then re-run your test, and collect again the same performance counters.
The performance counter results will speak for themselves, and they will lead you to a solution.
You can generate the load with a tool like Crank:
In addition you can also check the SignalR troubleshooting guide:

MSMQ - performance test / stress load on server with few workstations

I am trying to run some MSMQ performance test on a Win2008r2 server. Ideally, I would like to simulate several thousands of workstations sending (each of them) 5 msgs/sec.
One way to do so is to work with Amazon but I am wondering if this could be done in other ways.
I taught that using a custom tool which sends a large number of msgs on a single workstation could do the job but it seems that they are some internal mechanisms which affects a true real life representation of what I am trying to simulate. I can send 2000msgs/sec on a workstation but because of the OUTGOING queue and other mechanism, the server seems to swallow the whole things in large chunks of data (and I am noticing only, at best, 50msgs/sec peaks)
I believe there must be some kind of overhead operation from the workstation before sending data to server which I loose by simulating only a single workstation (or a few more).
Any ideas ?
P.S. I am using a private transactional queue. Win7 on workstation. MSMQ 5
Simulating throughput is easy but it is incredibly hard to simulate multiple MSMQ clients. Each client has a unique IP address and it's own client-queue-manager-to-server-queue-manager network connection. Using Amazon to generate a large number of instances of a Windows client would do the trick but I haven't seen any solution that works on standard PCs.
The overhead you can't simulate with just sending lots of messages is the kernel memory used by the network connection and the threads used to handle incoming messages. Network connections are very expensive and eventually the server will fail if you have too many simultaneously connected clients.
As you are continuously sending messages, each client will have a persistent connection to the server. This is good for speed but bad for memory/thread usage. 5,000 clients will require a powerful 64-bit server.
So, what's the limit on connections to an MSMQ server?
"What are MSMQ's limits?" If I had a farthing for every time...
Insufficient Resources? Run away, run away!
FIX: Kernel-pool memory may become exhausted when many clients connect to Message Queuing

Log file writing extremely delayed in WebSphere App Server

I am experiencing an issue with delayed writes to the application logs for a Java EE web application running in IBM WebSphere v. 7.x. Logging statements taking up to an hour to appear in the application logs.
The problem doesn't appear related to heavy loads; WAS is responding to page requests almost instantly, and I am testing against a box that isn't used for performance testing, and on a holiday no less -- there is very little activitiy on the server.
My guess would be that the thread associated with logging has been configured with very low priority, but I cant figure out where that would be configured via the admin console or the configuration files.
Has anyone else experienced this sort of issue with WebSphere?
it's possible you don't even enough available threads in the thread pool. Its consistant with the page requests being fast, as they are controlled by the WebContainer threads.
Try increasing it:
Servers > Application Servers > Thread pools > ...
Not sure exactly which one to increase its max value. In worst case, increase'em all. Increase it heavily, so to be sure.
Other options:
make sure you enough disk space / try to connect with jConsole to inquire.
