Is onSend now support on Outlook desktop? - outlook

I am trying to create an Outlook add-in with the onSend function. I can see on the GitHub onSend Tutorial that onSend is only supported on Outlook web and 365. Has this been updated now (the readme is 2 years old)? I am trying to debug mine on Outlook desktop 2016 (using Visual Code + Edge extension) and the debugger never reaches the function I created and that is supposed to be reached during the onSend event.
If still not supported, can I still deploy this add-in via 365 (admin) and get it reflected on Outlook desktop 2016?
Thank you very much.

The On-Send feature is supported by the desktop editions of Outlook for Windows. Make sure you deal with the supported version of Windows, Exchange server, Outlook. Read more about that in the On-send feature for Outlook add-ins article.

OnSend is not supported in Outlook Desktop 2016.


Outlook addin not working on Office 2013 or Office 2016

I've submitted my outlook add-in 6 times now and every time the certification failed for a different reason. The last rejection reason I got was that my add-in didn't work on Office 2013 and Office 2016 (which they also refer to as O365 Perpetual).
I develop on a Mac and I have no idea how to go about debugging why my add-in is not working on those older Offices. Can't I just drop support for older Office suites? How could I test these environments?
I'm pretty close to quitting and just not publishing my outlook addin. I have never experienced a worse app review process.
If you want to be published on the Office Store, you need to support all the platforms for the minimum Outlook API Requirement Set in your manifest.
If you do not need to support Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016, you can set your minimum API requirement set to 1.5, which will drop support for those versions (1.4 was the last version supported by those versions of Outlook). When you submit to the Office Store, please make a note that your minimum API set means that the add-in will not run in those Office clients.

Is centralized deployment supported for outlook web-addins

Can we deploy outlook web-addins for O365 accounts using centralized deployment as described here ?
Three/Four months before, if I tried to install outlook add-in using this method, installation itself would fail. Now, I don't get any errors while installing, but the add-in does not appear in Outlook clients (Outlook 2016 in Windows and OWA in browsers).
Are centralized deployments supported for Outlook add-ins now? Also, are there any client side requirements? I found some related information here. But I am doubtful if it is up-to date.
Thanks for the query bala. Centralized deployment for Outlook add-ins is not supported as of now and will come very soon. There are no specific client requirements other than minimum requirements for add-ins.

Outlook for Windows not passing "et" parameter/license to Outlook Add-In

We developed an add-in for Outlook which is published in the store already. It has paid and trial versions. License checking in the add-in works fine if the add-in is used from a browser, Outlook for Mac. But if it is Outlook for Windows or (versions where "add-in commands" feature is enabled and add-in is opened in a side bar) then no license information is passed.
This correct URL is navigated from Outlook Web and Outlook Mac:
This is how the URL looks like for Outlook for Windows:
So, since Outlook for Windows does not supply license information we have to refuse add-in access for our clients on Outlook for Windows.
I found related questions for Excel and Word, but none of them was answered yet. The problem is that it is Outlook that needs to send the data, so we can do nothing in our code to troubleshoot.
Guys, any ideas where the problem is or what to check in the manifest?
Here is the link to the add-in listing in the Office store (TextMiner) if it may help to answer.

Side loading an Outlook javascript add-in

I am having a horrible time getting started at creating an add-in for Outlook. I want to use the new html/javascript/manifest approach. I have been able to create a manifest and application which works great with Where I am completely getting stuck is with desktop Outlook. How do I install/debug my add-in with desktop Outlook?
I cannot find anything in the UI which will let me add this style of add-in. Additionally the Microsoft documentation did not make things any clearer. Their docs seem to hint using this type of add-in is only possible if you are connecting to an Exchange server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes the add-in will load on Outlook desktop only if your mailbox is Exchange. I am not sure the add-ins work with a personal Microsoft account (e.g, and Office desktop. Keep in mind that the support of mail add-ins for personal account is relatively new (officially announced in march 2016).
To develop your add-in I suggest you to use a organizational account (i.e. Office365 account). Support for organizational account has been released in 2013 and is a much more mature solution for you to get started. You can have a free dev account at
Edit: October 2016 personal account are supported now by "Personal mailbox accounts" aka accounts
Let us keep in mind that a mail add-in is not installed on a mail client (desktop, OWA) but on the mail account. When you "install" an add-in you only set a xml file on your mailbox that basically says "there is a web add-in out there called X and that is served at this url...". Then, if you install add-in X on your mailbox, this add-in will load the add-in web iframes whether you are consulting your mailbox with Outlook Web Access (OWA) or Outlook Desktop.
To install the add-in for one user mailaccount, you have to use the Outlook Web Access. See this blog post. Note also that you can install the add-in for the whole organisation (Admin > Exchange Admin > Add-ins). Finally, Visual Studio is also able to push the manifest to your office 365 mailbox. To have this you need Office Development Tools.
For debugging in Outlook Desktop, I know two approaches.
Use the Office Developement Tools with visual studio
and select your sample add-in project as 'Starting project' and in properties select 'Office Desktop'.
Plain web development.
Personally, I do not use really much the Office Development Tools. I install manually my add-in with "https://localhost:XXXX" for url and I start the web project on IIS express to do the debugging. For stepping into the source code, I use the debugger of my browser (Chrome, Edge, IE etc.) when browsing in OWA. When I need to step into source code specifically on Desktop (For windows or for Mac) I use Vorlon.js see also this blog post.
My advice is also to test/debug frequently with IE 11 (still available in Win10!) and OWA. Indeed, the browser used internally by Office Desktop for the add-ins is IE.

All-in-one add-in for outlook

I want to develop all-in-one add-in for Outlook. This means that this add-in will be available for all Outlook clients (desktop, web).
I read here that i can do this. I already created add-in for Outlook Web Application and tried to deploy it to desktop client, but didn't figure how to make it. So how to make it set on desktop and Is that really possible? And if yes, how it can be done?
Technically you can't make an add-in that will work 100% on all clients. The web-based add-ins currently only work with Mailboxes hosted on Office 365 or Exchange 2013 or greater, and with Outlook 2013 or greater. integration is coming this spring. COM/desktop add-ins work with Outlook 2000-2016, but not in OWA.
To deploy an add-in you need to either publish it to the Office Store or an Exchange Server. See here for more info:
To install a self-published add-in that is not in the Office Store you just add the manifest file from the "Manage add-ins" page in OWA:
Note also that you must host your web add-in code in your own web server, and secured with an SSL certificate.
