How to know when user unlinked google assistant actions? - google-home

I would like to handle unlinked user in backend. How can I know when user unlinked the actions in Assistant Directory?

Your answer can be solved through the action.devices.DISCONNECT intent. This intent is triggered to inform you when a user has unlinked their device account from Google Assistant, you can also check the official documentation from Google at in order to get a detailed clarification. If you need information about the request & response syntax in Node.js & Java as well (& not just JSON syntax) refer to the following link,


How to save values from GSuite card form

I'll lead into this saying: This is my first Stack Overflow post, and I am also new to G Suite Add-On development, so please bear with me. I am working on a G Suite AddOn to extend GMail to work with another application's API. I am adding a Settings card using the Universal Actions instructions as provided by Google in this URL:
My question is: I have the settings and about cards working, however: If I were using the settings card to collect a username/server URL for the 3rd party API Connection, how do I go about saving what is entered in the settings card to be used by the GMail Addon for connection properties?
Thank you in advance.
I found the answer. Thank you to anyone who took a look. Using the PropertiesService I am able to save User and Script properties.

Can't Enabled Classroom API to project

I'm trying to Enable Classroom API on my account (This was the email address I used when i signed up). When I click on the link in the directions
Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically enable the API.
I get the error message "The API you requested was not found. Dismiss"
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
A problem with my account. I can now add Classroom API to my apps and the example now works...

Google Genomics API

Trying to use Google Genomics, following instructions found here:
Trying to set up OAuth Client id (Section 4: Authenticate), from the GoogleCloud console, step c tells me: "On the APIs & auth tab, select APIs and make sure Genomics API is set to ON"
... but I can't find Genomics API in the list. How do I "add" Genomics API to the list? (I have been approved for the Google Genomics Preview).
I am a bit late to the party, but anyway.
The best way to communicate with Genomics API developers is the issue tracker
To stay on topic, I just received an invitation to join genomics-api-tt group, and once I accepted the invitation, Genomics API became visible on API & Auth / APIs page in my Google Cloud project.
You should also make sure that the email address that was added to the whitelist (the one that is in this group) is the same address that is logged into the Developer's Console when you try to turn the API on.
If you accidentally asked for access on a non-google account just request access again and that new email will be added.
(And if you have more than one google account, just double check your current login)

Google Apps Email Settings API - Signature Settings

I am somewhat new to code, and even more so to the Google Apps API. In the organization I work with, I have so far managed to write a couple of console apps that we run to apply signatures, and manage mailbox delegates as needed.
In regards to the Email Settings API, specifically the signatures portion, is there a way to check this box:
"Insert this signature before quoted text in replies and remove the "--" line that precedes it."
via the Email Settings API? I've looked through the API documentation, and even the .NET api reference docs, with no avail. Any advice will be helpful.
This feature was available while it was a lab (through the admin console, not API), but not anymore now that it has 'graduated'.
It has now been submitted as an official feature request. Hopefully more people request it.
I was told that setting the footer through the API does show up before quoted text, so if that is true, and all you need is a footer for everyone in organization, you might be in luck.

gData API - "This feed is read-only" error when adding to Google Calendar

I'm using Google Apps for my domain, and trying to enable access to the calendar on my website.
The problem is that I get This feed is read-only error every time I try to add an event to the calendar. Here's where I post to: Link (dead link)
You're using the basic feed, which according to the documentation is always read-only. Use a feed URL ending in private/full or private/full-noattendees instead.
(Disclaimer: I work for Google, and as part of implementing the calendar side of Google Sync I've had some experience of working with the GData APIs, but anything I write here must be taken to be the views of a private individual rather than as official Google policy etc :)
