in my project I store pdf file as blob in the public/uploads folder via the move() function
$pdf->move(public_path('uploads/pdfs/'), $name)
but after I deploy the project on the host the project structure changed so all the public folders is inside the public_html and the whole rest project folder project name is in a folder inside the public_html too with the name of the project, so the uploads folder where I store the pdf files is beside the project folder, so when I try to store a pdf it creates whole new folder public/uploads/pdfs in the project folder but I need it to store the pdfs outside the project folder in the uploads folder, can anyone help me?
you could use a custom disk Documentation
Or you can try to use 'path' instead 'public_path'.
After successfully running npm run build I copied the contents of the /dist folder in my local wwwroot folder. Everything renders correctly and I an see my page.
The problem comes when I copy the same contents of the /dist folder to a sub-directory on a Shared Hosting site ( or
All I see is a blank page. Upon checking the Network tab in developer tools, I see all requests status come back with 200 Status Code.
At this point I have thrown the towel and would appreciate any help I can get.
I went around my problem and solved it in another fashion. Instead of making a subfolder in /public_html folder, I created a subdomain using the configuration menu. Therefore my site looked like:
While creating a subdomain, the shared-hosting site's configuration asks me what should be the folder for this newly requested subdomain.
So I created a folder in the root (same level as /public_html) called /mysubdomain and copied all my files from /dist folder over there.
It worked like a charm.
Please NOTE: In vue.config.js file I updated my publicPath variable to be '' instead of '/'
I've deployed my website using Heroku. I am also using Vueper Slides which needs a variable, which is an array, containing the path to the image. On the live website I noticed that it does not contain the images folder contained in my dist folder. What can I do to fix this?
Javascript array variable:
dist directory:
Heroku source files:
This is not a definite answer, but can help.
I noticed you are using the public folder where you keep your images.
you may want to double check that the path is correct because it should just load stuff within the public folder.
However, I don't understand why it doesn't load in the images folder from dist.
I am trying to build the help file for a macOS app.
I imported .help folder to resources
the content of title file index.html is
items in info.plist file related help file
built my app content resource folder
it looks like the builder only keeps the index.html and removes the folder .help
your comment welcome
You might try removing the .help folder and adding it again. It should appear as a single object (bundle), and not as folder (and definitely not as a project folder which are just containers for assets, like a loose index.html file).
What you want is the the entire .help folder as a single asset that gets copied to your finished application bundle. It should look like an opaque item in Xcode:
Then in your application's build phase setting, the entire .help folder should be copied, as a single entity, to the app's resources:
If you have individual .html or other help files included in any of the build phases, or selected as members of a target, remove them.
I imported .help folder to resources
Incorrectly. You imported it as a group. You should have imported it as a folder reference.
I am working on laravel 5.4. I have used laravel storage where I have uploded images. It works fine in local. But when I have created zip and uploaded it on server then the public/storage folder is damaged and converted into files. That's why images are not visible on website.
Then what I have do to resolve it. I have delete that files and created zip of storage folder and upload it on server. And unzip that folder then images are visible.
Now, I am facing the another issue. Images are not uploaded into the storage folder.
So how to prevent this issue?
I got solution for it. I have used putty to use terminal of server.
First I have deleted storage folder from the public directory. Secondly, I had open directory of project folder in terminal using putty. Then write command as below :
php artisan storage:link
Now, its working perfect. As well as it restore all the images.
Normally I only copy the dll files in the bin folder to update the website, when changing the codebehind.
I have made a change to a code file located in the app_code folder.
I have published the site and updated the bin folder with a lot of app_webxxx.dll files.
Now I get a parser error: Could not load the assembly 'App_Web_syn42ext
Is it possible to only update the dll files or do I need to update all aspx files everytime I make a change to get the website running ?
You need to do it as well, you need to update web pages as well, because if you will see when you publish the webpages in aspx page, on header tag, the reference of cs file upgrades itself.
So whenever you will publish there will be some random giud generated and will appended to file name, basically it reference to the name space.
So you will need to update web pages as well.