Livewire data tables can't access public property - laravel

I'm working with Livewire Datatables (
In my component, I have:
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\Job;
use Mediconesystems\LivewireDatatables\Http\Livewire\LivewireDatatable;
use Mediconesystems\LivewireDatatables\Column;
use Mediconesystems\LivewireDatatables\NumberColumn;
use Mediconesystems\LivewireDatatables\DateColumn;
class JobsTable extends LivewireDatatable
public $model = Job::class;
public function columns()
return [
Column::name('Entry_id')->label('Entry ID')
public function render()
return view('');
public function store()
In my routing, I'm calling this as a full page component:
Route::get('/cl/jobs', JobsTable::class);
Everything is there, but the component doesn't actually render. It only renders the default content from app.blade.php.
If I add the {{slot}} variable to my jobs-table blade file, I get an saying it does not exist. I can see in the debug bar that component is loading, but not rendering to the page.
Based on feedback, I tried getting it to render to a custom slot:
''' return view('')->layout('')->slot('JobsTable');
Then in the blade file:
{{ $JobsTable }}
I still get an error, telling me that $JobsTable is not defined.
Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?

It sounds that you have a seperate löayout for this component. Take a look what layouts you have. and then try to assign the layout with ->layout('layouts.job-layout');in your render funktion.
public function render()
return view('')->layout('layouts.job-layout');


How to change layout for a full page render inline livewire component

I would like to use an inline livewire component for guest and app pages. By default, I understand that livewire reverts back to and I know you can update the default layout for all full page renders.
I am reading this docs and was able to get it working with regular approach of just having blade and .PHP file.
public function render()
return <<<'HTML'
example page view
Is it possible to do this thing from the docs in an inline component where we return the HTML directly?
public function render()
return view('')
public function render()
return <<<'HTML'
example page view
HTML; ->layout('layouts.guest'); // something along the lines of this
No it's not possible. You have to use view()->layout() arrow function
maybe you can use it this way:
public function render()
$datas = [
'data' => 'example page view'
return view('', $data)

render data from controller before view

I have a project that needs to render data from the controller before pass to view on every page
Ex. controller --data--> {do something} --> view.blade
I tried middleware, but it's not working, because it ??? before the controller.
Does anyone know how to achieve this?
You might want to use the render method from a Illuminate\View\View object:
class QuestionsController
public function show(Question $question)
$content = view('', compact('question'))->render();
// Do something with the $content string.

Larvel Livewire emitting to listener from component

In Laravel Livewire as you know we can emit any listener with clicking events or from a component, my issue is i can emit listener with clicking on any Html tags, but i can't do that from mount or render function
this code work fine:
now doesn't work in this functions:
class CategoriesComponent extends Component
#[NoReturn] public function mount()
$this->emit('changeMenuItems', -1, 1);
public function render(): Factory|View|Application
$this->emit('changeMenuItems', -1, 1);
return view('livewire.backend.pages.categories-component');
Emitting listener from mount and render doesn't worked and i'm not sure whats problem but creating a simple function as model into Livewire component resolved my problem:
public function manageSidebarMenuRoutes(int $parent_menu, int $sub_menu, string $route_name)
// $this->emit('changeMenuItems', -1, 1);
return redirect()->route($route_name, app()->getLocale());
and Html code:
<li wire:click="manageSidebarMenuRoutes(1,1)}},'administrator')" class="nav-item">

Rendering a partial view in Zend for adding html to routing action layout

I am rendering a page with a lot of frames (XHR contentpanes via dojo). This is done through a request to IndexController which sets up regions 'header,left,right,center,footer' with the exception, that center is not filled in with contents. This in turn is set by calling PaneController in menu.onclick. Caveat; search engines indexing service does not get center region contents.. I wish to bypass AJAX loading of center, if user enters via /index/index.
Relevant snippets from IndexController:
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction() {
$this->indexModel = $this->view->indexModel = new Application_Model_Index();
// Goal is to render "/pane/main/" action and capture the HTML
$this->view->mainPane = (string) $this->renderPaneMain();
return $this->render();
public function renderPaneMain() {
// ActionStack ?
// action() ?
return $HTML;
Relevant stuff in Pane
class PaneController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function preDispatch() {
// will only return a contentpane, dont render layout
if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$this->view->doLayout = true;
public function mainAction() {
public function init() {
$this->panesModel = new Application_Model_Panes();
$variant = $this->getRequest()->getParam('variant', '');
// routing variables need to be set, how?
if (empty($variant))
Basically, i need the PaneController to _not render the global layout but call its .phtml view file, once it has been setup with relevant model entries and such.
Any ideas as to how I can achieve this in its most efficient form?
Very well, ill attach the workaround im using here
The forms and the fork-logic i have moved to the model that is coexisting with PanesController. For the IndexController, which will present the default Pane as inline HTML without AJAX - there is a couple of duplicated initializations going on.
So, IndexModel extends the PanesModel - without initializing it. In my index.phtml view (for Index action) i have following code to render the inline html from a pane.
in index controller
$this->view->model = new IndexModel(); // extends PanesModel
$this->view->model->setDefaultProperties($variant, $pagination, ...);
in index view:
$this->partial("panes/main/main.phtml", array("model", $this->model);
and from pane view:
<?php if($this->model->goThisDirection()): ?>
Switch 1 HTML contents
<?php endif; ?>
Caveat: I also had to not render any form of layout within the pane (dojox contentpanes allows for <script> and <style> tags) - and this ofc ripples to any other pane action of mine.

How to display view without template?

I have view (frontend) in my own component (view.html.php):
class MevViewMev extends JView{
function display($tpl = null){
And template:
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); ?>
How to display it without joomla template (head section, styles, etc). I want to call this part of jquery onclick method in the window.
To display the component only add "tmpl=component" parameter to url.
If need to display something besides component's view it can be customized - create "component.php" file in template's root folder and include in it whatever you need.
More templates can be done in the same way - create "some_template.php" in template's root folder and add "tmpl=some_template" parameter to url.
Start Edit
OK so the below works, but I found a better way. In your controller do ...
if (JRequest::getVar('format') != 'raw') {
$url = JURI::current() . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&format=raw';
header('Location: ' . $url);
// or, if you want Content-type of text/html just use ...
// redirect($url);
End Edit
You can set 'tmpl' to 'component', as suggested by Babur Usenakunov, in which case scripts and css may be loaded, like ...
However if you want to create raw output you can add &format=raw or in your component make a view of type 'raw' ...
Unfortunately the only functional way I can find to make a viewType of raw render correctly is to call exit() after the view class calls parent::display() ...
In your controller.php ...
class com_whateverController() extends JController
function __construct()
// the following is not required if you call exit() in your view class (see below) ...
JFactory::$document = null;
// or
//JFactory::$document = JDocument::getInstance('raw');
function display()
$view = $this->getView('whatever', 'raw');
then in views/whatever/view.raw.php ...
class com_whateverViewWhatever extends JView
public function display($tpl = null)
exit; // <- if you dont have this then the output is captured in and output buffer and then lost in the rendering
I know this comes in very late, but for future readers, here's how I did it for my extension, without editing the template, or adding anything in the URL (since I have control over neither of those):
use \Joomla\CMS\Factory;
// Comp stands for the Component's name and NoTmpl stands for the View's name.
class CompViewNoTmpl extends \Joomla\CMS\MVC\View\HtmlView {
// Force this view to be component-only
public function __construct() {
$app = Factory::getApplication();
$app->input->set('tmpl', 'component');
