Stuck with rdoc: Any way to add indentation to call-seq? - ruby

I know I should use YARD. Not an option in this environment.
So I'm using rdoc and call-seq is generally been great, but I want to add indentation for a call-seq that is always used in a block/yield style, something like:
someFunc {
But call-seq: removes any indentation and it becomes:
someFunc {
Which is sad. I know I could use a separate code block as an example, but this is really part of the general API for how this should be called, and it would be nice if I could use call-seq (instead of the ugly inverted colors of a code block).
I am guessing this isn't possible with the limitations of rdoc, but I thought I'd ask. Any thoughts?

I think you are confused about what the purpose of the calling sequence is, but the name unfortunately is really confusing. Normally, I would assume that it was designed by a non-native speaker, but if I remember my history correctly, RDoc was designed by David Thomas and Andy Hunt for their book Programming Ruby in 2000.
Anyway, calling sequence is not for documenting a sequence of calls, as one might surmise, i.e. it is not for documenting multiple lines of code.
It is for documenting what we could all in other languages multiple overloads of the method. Note that the syntax that is used for each overload is not even legal Ruby syntax (because of the →), so treating it as executable code that is to be indented does not make much sense:
inject(initial, sym) → obj
inject(sym) → obj
inject(initial) { |memo, obj| block } → obj
inject { |memo, obj| block } → obj
What this tells us is that the Enumerable#inject method has four different "overloads", 2×2 combinations: with or without initial value and specifying the binary operation either as a block or as a Symbol.
Hence why it is not possible to format code inside the calling sequence.


chaining ruby enumerator functions in a clean way

I just finished a course on ruby where the instructor takes a list of movies, groups them, then calls map, sort, and reverse. It works fine, but I don't find the syntax to be very readable and I'm trying to figure out if what I have in mind is valid. I come from a c# background.
#we can reformat our code to make it shorter
#note that a lot of people don't like calling functions on the
#end of function blocks. (I don't like the look, either)
count_by_month = movies.group_by do |movie|
movie.release_date.strftime("%B") do |month, list|
[month, list.size]
What I am wondering is if I can do something like
#my question: can I do this?
count_by_month = movies.group_by(&:release_date.strftime("%B"))
.map(&:first, &:last.size)
#based on what I've seen online, I could maybe do something like
count_by_month = movies.groupBy({m -> m.release_date.strftime("%B")})
.map{|month, list| [month, list.size]}
As a number of people in the comments suggest, this is really a matter of style; that being said, I have to agree with the comments within the code and say that you want to avoid method chaining at the end of a do..end.
If you're going to split methods by line, use a do..end. {} and do...end are synonymous, as you know, but the braces are more often used (in my experience) for single-line pieces of code, and as 'mu is too short' pointed out, if you're set on using them, you may want to look into lambdas. But I'd stick to do..end in this case.
A general style rule I was taught that I follow is to split up chains if what is being worked with changes class in a way that might not be intuitive. ex: fizz = "buzz".split.reverse breaks up a string into an array, but it's clear what the code is doing.
In the example you provided, there's a lot going on that's a bit hard to follow; I like that you wrote out the group_by using hash notation in the last example because it's clear what the group_by is sorting by there and what the output is - I'd put it in a [well named] variable of its own.
grouped_by_month = movies.groupBy({m -> m.release_date.strftime("%B")})
count_by_month ={|month, list| [month, list.size]}.sort_by(&:last).reverse
This splits up the code into one line that sets up the grouping hash and another line that manipulates it.
Again, this is style, so everyone has their own quirks; this is simply how I'd edit this based off a quick glance. You seem to be getting into Ruby quite well overall! Sometimes I just like the look of a chain of methods on one line, even if its against best practices (and I'm doing Project Euler or some other project of my own). I'd suggest looking at large projects on Github (ex: rails) to get a feel for how those far more experienced than myself write clean code. Good luck!

Define custom Ruby operator

The question is: Can I define my own custom operator in Ruby, except for the ones found in
"Operator Expressions"?
For example: 1 %! 2
Yes, custom operators can be created, although there are some caveats. Ruby itself doesn't directly support it, but the superators gem does a clever trick where it chains operators together. This allows you to create your own operators, with a few limitations:
$ gem install superators19
require 'superators19'
class Array
superator "%~" do |operand|
"#{self} percent-tilde #{operand}"
puts [1] %~ [2]
# Outputs: [1] percent-tilde [2]
Due to the aforementioned limitations, I couldn't do your 1 %! 2 example. The Documentation has full details, but Fixnums can't be given a superator, and ! can't be in a superator.
No. You can only define operators already specified in ruby, +,-,!,/,%, etc. (you saw the list)
You can see for yourself this won't work
def HI
def %!
puts "wow"
This is largely due to the fact that the syntax parser would have to be extended to accept any code using your new operator.
As Darshan mentions this example alone may not be enough to realize the underlying problem. Instead let us take a closer look at how the parser could possibly handle some example code using this operator.
3 %! 0
While with my spacing it may seem obvious that this should be 3.%!(0) without spacing it becomes harder to see.
3%! can also be seen as 3.%(0.!) The parser has no idea which to chose. Currently, there is no way easy way to tell it. Instead, we could possibly hope to override the meaning of 3.%(0.!) but this isn't exactly defining a new operator, as we are still only limited to ruby's parsable symbols
You probably can't do this within Ruby, but only by modifying Ruby itself. I think modifying parse.y would be your best bet. parse.y famtour

Why doesn't ruby support method overloading?

Instead of supporting method overloading Ruby overwrites existing methods. Can anyone explain why the language was designed this way?
"Overloading" is a term that simply doesn't even make sense in Ruby. It is basically a synonym for "static argument-based dispatch", but Ruby doesn't have static dispatch at all. So, the reason why Ruby doesn't support static dispatch based on the arguments, is because it doesn't support static dispatch, period. It doesn't support static dispatch of any kind, whether argument-based or otherwise.
Now, if you are not actually specifically asking about overloading, but maybe about dynamic argument-based dispatch, then the answer is: because Matz didn't implement it. Because nobody else bothered to propose it. Because nobody else bothered to implement it.
In general, dynamic argument-based dispatch in a language with optional arguments and variable-length argument lists, is very hard to get right, and even harder to keep it understandable. Even in languages with static argument-based dispatch and without optional arguments (like Java, for example), it is sometimes almost impossible to tell for a mere mortal, which overload is going to be picked.
In C#, you can actually encode any 3-SAT problem into overload resolution, which means that overload resolution in C# is NP-hard.
Now try that with dynamic dispatch, where you have the additional time dimension to keep in your head.
There are languages which dynamically dispatch based on all arguments of a procedure, as opposed to object-oriented languages, which only dispatch on the "hidden" zeroth self argument. Common Lisp, for example, dispatches on the dynamic types and even the dynamic values of all arguments. Clojure dispatches on an arbitrary function of all arguments (which BTW is extremely cool and extremely powerful).
But I don't know of any OO language with dynamic argument-based dispatch. Martin Odersky said that he might consider adding argument-based dispatch to Scala, but only if he can remove overloading at the same time and be backwards-compatible both with existing Scala code that uses overloading and compatible with Java (he especially mentioned Swing and AWT which play some extremely complex tricks exercising pretty much every nasty dark corner case of Java's rather complex overloading rules). I've had some ideas myself about adding argument-based dispatch to Ruby, but I never could figure out how to do it in a backwards-compatible manner.
Method overloading can be achieved by declaring two methods with the same name and different signatures. These different signatures can be either,
Arguments with different data types, eg: method(int a, int b) vs method(String a, String b)
Variable number of arguments, eg: method(a) vs method(a, b)
We cannot achieve method overloading using the first way because there is no data type declaration in ruby(dynamic typed language). So the only way to define the above method is def(a,b)
With the second option, it might look like we can achieve method overloading, but we can't. Let say I have two methods with different number of arguments,
def method(a); end;
def method(a, b = true); end; # second argument has a default value
# Now the method call can match the first one as well as the second one,
# so here is the problem.
So ruby needs to maintain one method in the method look up chain with a unique name.
I presume you are looking for the ability to do this:
def my_method(arg1)
def my_method(arg1, arg2)
Ruby supports this in a different way:
def my_method(*args)
if args.length == 1
#method 1
#method 2
A common pattern is also to pass in options as a hash:
def my_method(options)
if options[:arg1] and options[:arg2]
#method 2
elsif options[:arg1]
#method 1
my_method arg1: 'hello', arg2: 'world'
Method overloading makes sense in a language with static typing, where you can distinguish between different types of arguments
as well as between different number of arguments
f(1, 'foo')
f(1, 'foo', true)
The first distinction does not exist in ruby. Ruby uses dynamic typing or "duck typing". The second distinction can be handled by default arguments or by working with arguments:
def f(n, s = 'foo', flux_compensator = true)
def f(*args)
case args.size
when 2
when 3
This doesn't answer the question of why ruby doesn't have method overloading, but third-party libraries can provide it.
The contracts.ruby library allows overloading. Example adapted from the tutorial:
class Factorial
include Contracts
Contract 1 => 1
def fact(x)
Contract Num => Num
def fact(x)
x * fact(x - 1)
# try it out # => 120
Note that this is actually more powerful than Java's overloading, because you can specify values to match (e.g. 1), not merely types.
You will see decreased performance using this though; you will have to run benchmarks to decide how much you can tolerate.
I often do the following structure :
def method(param)
case param
when String
when Type1
#default implementation
This allow the user of the object to use the clean and clear method_name : method
But if he want to optimise execution, he can directly call the correct method.
Also, it makes your test clearers and betters.
there are already great answers on why side of the question. however, if anyone looking for other solutions checkout functional-ruby gem which is inspired by Elixir pattern matching features.
class Foo
include Functional::PatternMatching
## Constructor Over loading
defn(:initialize) { #name = 'baz' }
defn(:initialize, _) {|name| #name = name.to_s }
## Method Overloading
defn(:greet, :male) {
puts "Hello, sir!"
defn(:greet, :female) {
puts "Hello, ma'am!"
foo = or'Bar')
foo.greet(:male) => "Hello, sir!"
foo.greet(:female) => "Hello, ma'am!"
I came across this nice interview with Yukihiro Matsumoto (aka. "Matz"), the creator of Ruby. Incidentally, he explains his reasoning and intention there. It is a good complement to #nkm's excellent exemplification of the problem. I have highlighted the parts that answer your question on why Ruby was designed that way:
Orthogonal versus Harmonious
Bill Venners: Dave Thomas also claimed that if I ask you to add a
feature that is orthogonal, you won't do it. What you want is
something that's harmonious. What does that mean?
Yukihiro Matsumoto: I believe consistency and orthogonality are tools
of design, not the primary goal in design.
Bill Venners: What does orthogonality mean in this context?
Yukihiro Matsumoto: An example of orthogonality is allowing any
combination of small features or syntax. For example, C++ supports
both default parameter values for functions and overloading of
function names based on parameters. Both are good features to have in
a language, but because they are orthogonal, you can apply both at the
same time. The compiler knows how to apply both at the same time. If
it's ambiguous, the compiler will flag an error. But if I look at the
code, I need to apply the rule with my brain too. I need to guess how
the compiler works. If I'm right, and I'm smart enough, it's no
problem. But if I'm not smart enough, and I'm really not, it causes
confusion. The result will be unexpected for an ordinary person. This
is an example of how orthogonality is bad.
Source: "The Philosophy of Ruby", A Conversation with Yukihiro Matsumoto, Part I
by Bill Venners, September 29, 2003 at:
Statically typed languages support method overloading, which involves their binding at compile time. Ruby, on the other hand, is a dynamically typed language and cannot support static binding at all. In languages with optional arguments and variable-length argument lists, it is also difficult to determine which method will be invoked during dynamic argument-based dispatch. Additionally, Ruby is implemented in C, which itself does not support method overloading.

Why were ruby loops designed that way?

As is stated in the title, I was curious to know why Ruby decided to go away from classical for loops and instead use the array.each do ...
I personally find it a little less readable, but that's just my personal opinion. No need to argue about that. On the other hand, I suppose they designed it that way on purpose, there should be a good reason behind.
So, what are the advantages of putting loops that way? What is the "raison d'etre" of this design decision?
This design decision is a perfect example of how Ruby combines the object oriented and functional programming paradigms. It is a very powerful feature that can produce simple readable code.
It helps to understand what is going on. When you run:
array.each do |el|
#some code
you are calling the each method of the array object, which, if you believe the variable name, is an instance of the Array class. You are passing in a block of code to this method (a block is equivalent to a function). The method can then evaluate this block and pass in arguments either by using or yield args. each simply iterates through the array and for each element it calls the block you passed in with that element as the argument.
If each was the only method to use blocks, this wouldn't be that useful but many other methods and you can even create your own. Arrays, for example have a few iterator methods including map, which does the same as each but returns a new array containing the return values of the block and select which returns a new array that only contains the elements of the old array for which the block returns a true value. These sorts of things would be tedious to do using traditional looping methods.
Here's an example of how you can create your own method with a block. Let's create an every method that acts a bit like map but only for every n items in the array.
class Array #extending the built in Array class
def every n, &block #&block causes the block that is passed in to be stored in the 'block' variable. If no block is passed in, block is set to nil
i = 0
arr = []
while i < self.length
arr << ( block.nil? ? self[i] :[i]) )#use the plain value if no block is given
i += n
This code would allow us to run the following:
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].every(2) #= [1,3,5,7] #called without a block
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].every(3) {|el| el + 1 } #= [2,5,8,11] #called with a block
Blocks allow for expressive syntax (often called internal DSLs), for example, the Sinatra web microframework.
Sinatra uses methods with blocks to succinctly define http interaction.
get '/account/:account' do |account|
#code to serve of a page for this account
This sort of simplicity would be hard to achieve without Ruby's blocks.
I hope this has allowed you to see how powerful this language feature is.
I think it was mostly because Matz was interested in exploring what a fully object oriented scripting language would look like when he built it; this feature is based heavily on the CLU programming language's iterators.
It has turned out to provide some interesting benefits; a class that provides an each method can 'mix in' the Enumerable module to provide a huge variety of pre-made iteration routines to clients, which reduces the amount of tedious boiler-plate array/list/hash/etc iteration code that must be written. (Ever see java 4 and earlier iterators?)
I think you are kind of biased when you ask that question. Another might ask "why were C for loops designed that way?". Think about it - why would I need to introduce counter variable if I only want to iterate through array's elements? Say, compare these two (both in pseudocode):
for (i = 0; i < len(array); i++) {
elem = array[i];
for (elem in array) {
Why would the first feel more natural than the second, except for historical (almost sociological) reasons?
And Ruby, highly object-oriented as is, takes this even further, making it an array method:
array.each do |elem|
puts elem
By making that decision, Matz just made the language lighter for superfluous syntax construct (foreach loop), delegating its use to ordinary methods and blocks (closures). I appreciate Ruby the most just for this very reason - being really rational and economical with language features, but retaining expressiveness.
I know, I know, we have for in Ruby, but most of the people consider it unneccessary.
The do ... end blocks (or { ... }) form a so-called block (almost a closure, IIRC). Think of a block as an anonymous method, that you can pass as argument to another method. Blocks are used a lot in Ruby, and thus this form of iteration is natural for it: the do ... end block is passed as an argument to the method each. Now you can write various variations to each, for example to iterate in reverse or whatnot.
There's also the syntactic sugar form:
for element in array
# Do stuff
Blocks are also used for example to filter an array:
array = (1..10).to_a
even = do |element|
element % 2 == 0
# "even" now contains [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
I think it's because it emphasizes the "everything is an object" philosophy behind Ruby: the each method is called on the object.
Then switching to another iterator is much smoother than changing the logic of, for example, a for loop.
Ruby was designed to be expressive, to read as if it was being spoken... Then I think it just evolved from there.
This comes from Smalltalk, that implements control structures as methods, thus reducing the number of keywords and simplifying the parser. Thus allowing controll strucures to serve as proff of concept for the language definition.
In ST, even if conditions are methods, in the fashion:
boolean.ifTrue ->{executeIfBody()}, :else=>-> {executeElseBody()}
In the end, If you ignore your cultural bias, what will be easier to parse for the machine will also be easier to parse by yourself.

When is `eval` in Ruby justified?

"Is 'eval' supposed to be nasty?" inspired this one:
Mostly everybody agrees that eval is bad, and in most cases there is more elegant/safer replacement.
So I wanted to ask: if eval is misused that often, is it really needed as a language feature? Is it doing more evil than good?
Personally, the only place I find it useful is to interpolate strings provided in config file.
Edit: The intention of this question is to get as many real-life cases as possible when eval is the only or the best solution. So please, don't go into "should a language limit a programmer's creativity" direction.
Edit2: And when I say eval, of course I refer to evaling string, not passing ruby block to instance_eval or class_eval.
The only case I know of (other than "I have this string and I want to execute it") is dynamically dealing with local and global variables. Ruby has methods to get the names of local and global variables, but it lacks methods to get or set their values based on these names. The only way to do AFAIK is with eval.
Any other use is almost certainly wrong. I'm no guru and can't state categorically that there are no others, but every other use case I've ever seen where somebody said "You need eval for this," I've found a solution that didn't.
Note that I'm talking about string eval here, by the way. Ruby also has instance_eval, which can take either a string or a block to execute in the context of the receiver. The block form of this method is fast, safe and very useful.
When is it justified? I'd say when there's no reasonable alternative. I was able to think of one use where I can't think of an alternative: irb, which, if you dig deep enough (to workspace.rb, around line 80 in my copy if you're interested) uses eval to execute your input:
def evaluate(context, statements, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__)
eval(statements, #binding, file, line)
That seems pretty reasonable to me - a situation where you specifically don't know what code you're going to have to execute until the very moment that you're asked to do so. Something dynamic and interactive seems to fit the bill.
The reason eval is there is because when you need it, when you really need it, there are no substitutes. There's only so much you can do with creative method dispatching, after all, and at some point you need to execute arbitrary code.
Just because a language has a feature that might be dangerous doesn't mean it's inherently a bad thing. When a language presumes to know more than its user, that's when there's trouble.
I'd argue that when you find a programming language devoid of danger, you've found one that's not very useful.
When is eval justified? In pragmatic terms, when you say it is. If it's your program and you're the programmer, you set the parameters.
There is one very important use-case for eval() which cannot (AFAIK) be achieved using anything else, and that is to find the corresponding object reference for a binding.
Say you have been passed a block but (for some reason) you need access to object context of the binding, you would do the following:
obj = eval('self', block.binding)
It is also useful to define the following:
class Proc
def __context__
eval('self', self.binding)
IMO mostly for Domain Specific Languages.
"Evaluation Options in Ruby" is an article by Jay Fields about it on InfoQ.
eval is a tool, it is neither inherently good nor evil. It is justified whenever you are certain it is the right tool for what you are trying to accomplish.
A tool like eval is about evaluating code at runtime vs. "compile" time. Do you know what the code is when you launch Ruby? Then you probably don't need eval. Is your code generating code during runtime? then you probably need to eval it.
For example, the methods/functions needed in a recursive decent parser depend on the language being parsed. If your application builds such a parser on-the-fly, then it might make sense to use eval. You could write a generalized parser, but it might not be as elegant a solution.
"Programatically filling in a letrec in Scheme. Macros or eval?" is a question I posted about eval in Scheme, where its use is mostly unavoidable.
In general eval is a useful language feature when you want to run arbitrary code. This should be a rare thing but maybe you are making your own REPL or you want to expose the ruby run-time to the end user for some reason. It could happen and that is why the feature exists. If you are using it to work around some part of the language (e.g. global variables) then either the language is flawed or your understanding of the language is flawed. The solution is typically not to use eval but to either better understand the language or pick a different language.
It's worth noting that in ruby particulary instance_eval and class_eval have other uses.
You very likely use eval on a regular basis without even realizing it; it's how rubygems loads the contents of a Gemspec. Via rubygems/lib/specification.rb:
# Note: I've removed some lines from that listing to illustrate the core concept
def self.load(file)
code =
_spec = eval code, binding, file # <-------- EVAL HAPPENS HERE
if Gem::Specification === _spec
return _spec
warn "[#{file}] isn't a Gem::Specification (#{_spec.class} instead)."
rescue SignalException, SystemExit
rescue SyntaxError, Exception => e
warn "Invalid gemspec in [#{file}]: #{e}"
Typically, a gem specification would look like this: do |s| = 'example'
s.version = '0.1.0'
s.licenses = ['MIT']
s.summary = "This is an example!"
s.description = "Much longer explanation of the example!"
s.authors = ["Ruby Coder"] = ''
s.files = ["lib/example.rb"]
s.homepage = ''
s.metadata = { "source_code_uri" => "" }
Note that the gemspec file simply creates a new object but does not assign it nor send it anywhere.
Trying to load or require this file (or even executing it with Ruby) will not return the Gem::Specification value. eval is the only way to extract the value defined by an external ruby file.
One use of eval is compiling another language to ruby:
ruby_code = "(def foo (f a b) (mapv f (cons a b)))".compile_to_ruby
# "foo_proc = ->(f a b) {, (, b)) }"
eval ruby_code
I use a 3D modeling software that implemented Ruby for writing custom text macros. In that software we are given access to model data in the form of name:value pairs accessed using the following format:
#=> value
So for a 36 inch tall cabinet, I could access the height and convert its value to feet like so:
owner.height.to_f / 12
The main problem is that objects in that software have no unique identifiers aside from something called their schedule_number. If I want to name a variable using the schedule_number in the variable name so that I can call and use that value elsewhere, the only possible way I know to do that is by using eval:
eval "#{owner.schedule_number} = owner.height"
