Domain Shared Contacts API to create external contacts using python + service account (client library) - google-api

I want to use Domain Shared Contacts API as part of python client library.
The flow that I use in other cases:
Create credentials:
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(....)
'Create' a service object which I execute later
service =, api_version,credentials=credentials)
In the case of Domain Shared Contacts API I dont know what service_name or api_version to use Google API Discovery Service if any.
Is it possible to create/update/remove external contacts for a domain using the contact OR people APIs?
If not, the process of utilising this API is to create requests in your codebase Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications to REST endpoints like:

I managed to solve my problem only by using the Domain Shared Contacts API
I created a service account.
Prepared an authorized (HTTP/REST) API call using the example here. Special attention to Additional claims sub.
Since I am using Python, I installed pyjwt and used it to create and sign my JWT. As a secret, I used the service_account.private_key:
jwt.encode(jwt_claim_set, secret, algorithm="RS256")
Then depending on the use case (get contacts, create one..). I assigned the Google token (signed JWT) to my request.
endpoint = '{}/{}'.format(your_own_domain, projection_value)
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
gsuite_get_response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers)


How to get user details (email and name) using Azure AD auth token?

We have a web app that has authentication on the front-end (React JS) using Microsoft OAuth, but no authentication at the back end side (Spring Boot), meaning everybody can access the APIs. We want to secure the APIs using the "Access token" generated by the UI (front-end). The idea is that UI passes the token to the back-end in every API call. Since each API call would contain the token, the back-end will use this to validate which user this token belongs to. Is there a way to achieve this using MSAL?
Tl;dr: How to obtain user details (email and user name) from Microsoft OAuth generated token using MSAL?
I did try going through this: but to no help

Securing .NET Framework Web API with Azure AD (Client credentials flow)

I have a .NET 4.7 Web API project (not .NET CORE).
I am trying to setup authentication with an Azure AD directory, I setup an application in my AD, and I got the client id (application id)
I would like to use the Client Credentials grant type. So I went ahead and retrieved a token via the access token URL I am passing in the client id, and secret, for this I am using Postman
Now in my project I've implemented the following logic in my web api project:
var clientId = "AZURE APPLICATION ID";
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
AllowedAudiences = new List<string> { clientId },
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateAudience = false,
ValidAudience = clientId
On my controller, I applied the [Authorize] attribute
When calling the API controller endpoint (making sure I am passing in the Authorization header with the value "Bearer MYTOKEN") I get the error returned in Postman:
"Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."
Is there a way I can dive deeper to figure out what might be wrong?
I don't see anything in my output window in visual studio, are there some events I can hook into why it is failing?
EDIT: Adding more information per Carl:
The token seems to be valid, here are the results from, i even setup an "admin" role via the manifest:
Here is my code, I am not specifying the public signature (not sure how to do that yet), but I've even turned off IssueSignature validation.
This is what my controller looks like:
My fiddler request and response (does having an http endpoint instead of https for local development make a difference?) I don't believe it does:
Inspect your access token and ensure the aud claim value equals the clientId. Usually the aud claim will be something like api://clientId which is not what you have setup in your code. If that's the case set it as "api://" + clientId
You should get a 401 error, which means that the aud of your token is not your api. The cause of the error is usually that you set the wrong scope when requesting the token. I used the client credential flow Make a demo for you:
You need to create two applications in Azure ad, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, and then use the client application to call the Web api application.
First, you need to expose the api of the application representing the web api, you can configure it according to the following process:
Azure portal>App registrations>Expose an API>Add a scope>Add a client application
Next, you need to define the manifest of api applications and grant application permissions to your client applications (this is the role permissions you define yourself, you can find it in My APIs when you add permissions)
This is the process of defining the manifest.
This is to grant permissions for the client application (You can find your expose api permissions in My APIs.):
Request access token:
Parse the token:

Recommended way to communicate the user informations (id token) to resource servers in a OpenId Connect context

In a context with the following services:
API Gateway/OIDC client: connect to an external OpenId Connect Provider (to get access, refresh and id tokens) and act as proxy to forward requests to other services with the access token (Authorization code flow)
Several resource servers, incoming requests are handled by the API Gateway and include the access token (for validation, using the keys exposed by the OIDC provider)
I am using the Spring Security 5.2 Oauth2 client/resource server libraries.
What will be the recommended secure way to make all the resource servers services aware of the user information (included in the API Token).
I am evaluating several options:
Include the id_token in the request sent to the services. Each
service can then validate the token (in a filter).
Make the API Gateway act as a token issuer to make a new enhanced token based.
The resources servers will have to validate the token received with
a new key exposed by the API Gateway/Token issuer. With this
solution a custom AuthenticationManager has to be implemented.
I think option 2 is the more secure and future proof, is there any downsides I should consider? Also there are maybe other alternatives.
You should be able to achieve your goals without issuing a second level of token or sending id tokens to APIs. A common gateway solution is as follows:
Open Id Connect Provider (OICP) issues tokens to the client and does all the deep stuff like auditing of tokens issued + UIs for managing them
Client sends access token to resource server via API Gateway
API Gateway validates the access token, which can involve an introspection call to the OICP
API Gateway can send the access token to the user info endpoint of the OICP to get user info, then forward this to resource servers - perhaps via headers
API Gateway can be configured to cache claims (token + user info details) for subsequent calls with the same access token
Resource servers sometimes run in a locked down Virtual Private Cloud and don't need to revalidate the access token (if you are sure this is safe)
AWS API Gateway works like this when calling lambda functions. I actually like the pattern in terms of extensibility and it can also be used in standalone APIs.
My write up may give you some ideas, along with some sample authorizer code and a class that does the OAuth work.

Service to service workflow with AWS cognito and AWS Lambda

I'm rather new to AWS Cognito and AWS Lambda. So far I've played around with Serverless and deployed my REST API via AWS Lambda. However, I would like to make my API available for several external parties. As this is service to service, there is no end user directly calling my API. I make the API available for other businesses which use it in their applications. All functionalities exposed via the API are rather simple, meaning they are not invoking any other AWS services like a Dynamo DB etc.
I have several questions, some are rather high-level others are quite specific to the setup of AWS Cognito. I decided to put all in one post as it makes it much more self-contained and easier understandable.
1. Question, Cognito vs API key: What is the advantage of using AWS Cognito vs AWS Lambda in combination with restricting the access via an API key and IP-Whitelisting? Is one much more secure than other?
Let's assume I want to use AWS Cognito. As this is a service to service case, I've read that the standard is to use token endpoints where the grant_type is client_credential. I've found the following on medium. The first few steps consist of
Create a user pool in AWS Cognito.
Create an App client
Add Resource Servers
Enable the client credentials checkbox for Allower OAuth flows
2. Question, App client: Within the added App client I find the corresponding App client id and App client secret. If I expose my API to several different parties, do I need to add for each party another App client? Otherwise they use all the same credentials. Is this the right way to do it?
3. Question, Resource Server: Here I'm completely stuck. What exactly is the meaning for this? At then end, all I want is that my clients can do a post request against my API and access is granted through Cognito. Some clarification what this is for and how this applies in my case would be appreciated. More than happy to share more insights if needed.
The next part is to configure Cognito Authorizer for the API Gateway. This should be fine.
4. Question, client workflow Regarding my clients workflow. Am I correct that this consist of the following steps:
First, I provide to the client his client_id and client_secret.
then the client implements on his side the following workflow:
Whenever he wants to use my API exposed via API Gateway, he first uses his provided client_id and client_secret to retrieve his bearer token.
He uses this bearer token to make a request to API Gateway with the bearer token in the Authorization header.
If access granted, the client retrieves the output of my API.
Is this correct or am I missing anything?
1-Question, Cognito vs API key
Well as you can see here.
Amazon Cognito user pools let you create customizable authentication
and authorization solutions for your REST APIs.
Usage plans let you provide API keys to your customers — and then
track and limit usage of your API stages and methods for each API key
So the purpose is different, the API Key is used basically to count a customer usage while AWS Cognito is there to authenticate/authorize calls to your API.
Let us say, you have a requirement that a trail user can't call your API more than 100 times.
Then using AWS Cognito, you will allow a user to sign up, also you will provide the same user with an API Key, you will identify the source of the calls using Cognito and with each call API Gateway will decrease the limit assigned to user's API Key by 1.
And you will have the following cases:
When token (obtained through login using username and password), and
API Key are valid, then the call will be successful.
When token is wrong/missing, your caller will get 401 status code.
When API Key is wrong/missing, your caller will get 403 status code.
When API Key is correct but limit is exceeded, your caller will get
429 status code.
2. Question, App client:
Well, client id and client secrets are meant to identify a trusted client (app) rather than a user and each app should have its own client id, so if the caller is an application not a user so yes, create a client id for each separate app. Please be aware that client secrets must be kept confidential so if the caller app can't achieve that, such as single-page Javascript apps or native apps, then the secret shouldn't be issued.
3. Question, Resource Server:
It is your API server.
Check this page.
The resource server is the OAuth 2.0 term for your API server. The
resource server handles authenticated requests after the application
has obtained an access token.
Large scale deployments may have more than one resource server.
Google’s services, for example, have dozens of resource servers, such
as the Google Cloud platform, Google Maps, Google Drive, Youtube,
Google+, and many others. Each of these resource servers are
distinctly separate, but they all share the same authorization server.
4. Question, client workflow
Check Client credentials grant in here
The steps for the process are as follows:
An app makes a POST request to https://AUTH_DOMAIN/oauth2/token, and specifies the following parameters:
grant_type – Set to “client_credentials” for this grant type.
client_id – The ID for the desired user pool app client.
scope – A space-separated list of scopes to request for the generated access token.
In order to indicate that the app is authorized to make the request, the Authorization header for this request is set as “Basic
BASE64(CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET) is the base64 representation of the
app client ID and app client secret, concatenated with a colon.
The Amazon Cognito authorization server returns a JSON object with the following keys:
access_token – A valid user pool access token.
expires_in – The length of time (in seconds) that the provided access token is valid for.
token_type – Set to ” Bearer“.
Note that, for this grant type, an ID token and a refresh token aren’t returned.
The app uses the access token to make requests to an associated resource server.
The resource server validates the received token and, if everything checks out, executes the request from the app.

Creating email drafts using Gmail API on Ruby (google-api-ruby-client 0.9)

I am currently trying out Ruby and the Google API for Ruby and I am having difficulties accessing my Gmail account and creating drafts with it (via create_user_draft) using a Service Account. I have successfully authenticated my Service Account with the API (Access Tokens are being generated).
I can use it with the Google::Apis::DriveV2::DriveService::list_files but not on GmailV1 methods.
I use this code to authorise the service account and the scope
def authorise
#jsonKeyIo = self.loadCredentialsFile
gAuthDefaultCreds = ##gAuthDefaultCreds
serviceAccountCredentials = gAuthDefaultCreds.make_creds(
{json_key_io: #jsonKeyIo, scope: #scope})
#service.authorization = serviceAccountCredentials
It generates an access token with this format:
{"access_token"=>"ya29.access_token_codes_here", "token_type"=>"Bearer", "expires_in"=>3600}
Draft creator snippet
##gmail = Google::Apis::GmailV1
##service =
def createDraft(draftTitle, draftMessage)
draft =
draft.message = draftMessage
#service.create_user_draft('', draft)
It throws a failedPrecondition: Bad Request (Google::Apis::ClientError) with the above code but when I added options: {authorization: #accessToken } as a third parameter of create_user_draft, the exception becomes Unauthorized (Google::Apis::AuthorizationError).
Can you help me go to the right path? I find the API documentation, on the Google API sites and on the source code itself, lackluster.
I have read here that in order for Service Accounts to work on the Gmail API, a paid Google Apps account is required (normal accounts won't work) since on the Admin Console is where we should have to enable the scopes for our Service Accounts.
Currently trying out JWT Credentials login.
