golang package local does not find - go

I can not import a package of mine.
I have already used go mod init but it does not work. Content of go.mod:
module github.com/grafeno30/golang_redes/rat
go 1.13
My project has the following structure:
├── rat
│   ├── client
│   │   └── main.go
│   ├── server
│   │   ├── core
│   │   │   └── handleConnection
│   │   │   └── establishedConnection.go
│   │   ├── main.go
│   │   └── server
│   ├── go.mod
│   └── go.sum
└── README.md
When I execute go build . in the folder "github.com/grafeno30/golang_redes/rat/server" I get the following error:
# github.com/grafeno30/golang_redes/rat/server
./main.go:14:13: undefined: handleConnection
In summary, I use a function of the module rat/server/core/handleConnection in the main go file rat/server/main.go
Thanks in advance

I finally figured it out
I have had to use: go mod, go mod init, go mod edit -replace and go mod tidy.
Basically I have made a replacement "go mod edit -replace github.com/grafeno30/golang_redes/rat/server/core/handler=./core/handler"
Thank you all!!!


Correct directory structure for Puppet RSpec testing

I'm having some issues creating unit tests for my Puppet control repository.
I mostly work with roles and profiles with the following directory structure:
[root#puppet]# tree site
├── profile
│   ├── files
│   │   └── demo-website
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── manifests
│   ├── base.pp
│   ├── ci_runner.pp
│   ├── docker.pp
│   ├── gitlab.pp
│   ├── logrotate.pp
│   └── website.pp
├── role
│   └── manifests
│   ├── gitlab_server.pp
│   └── nginx_webserver.pp
Where do I need to place my spec files and what are the correct filenames?
I tried placing them here:
[root#puppet]# cat spec/classes/profile_ci_runner_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'profile::ci_runner' do
But I get an error:
Could not find class ::profile::ci_runner
The conventional place for a module's spec tests is in the module, with the spec/ directory in the module root. So site/profile/spec/classes/ci_runner_spec.rb, for example.
You could consider installing PDK, which can help you set up the structure and run tests, among other things.

Kubernetes client code generator: Can the code exist only locally and not on a repository for the core-generator to work?

I am trying to generate client code using k8s.io/code-generator.
These are the instructions that I am following: https://itnext.io/how-to-generate-client-codes-for-kubernetes-custom-resource-definitions-crd-b4b9907769ba
My question is, does my go module need to be present on a repository or can I simply run the generate-groups.sh script on a go module that is ONLY present on my local system and not on any repository?
I have already tried running it and from what I understand, there needs to be a repository having ALL the contents of my local go module. Is my understanding correct?
You CAN run kubernetes/code-generator's generate-groups.sh on a go module that is only present on your local system. Neither code-generator nor your module needs to be in your GOPATH.
Cloned kubernetes/code-generator into a new directory.
├── code-generator
Created a project called myrepo and mocked it with content to resemble sample-controller. Did this in the same directory to keep it simple.
├── code-generator
└── myorg.com
└── myrepo # mock of sample-controller
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── pkg
└── apis
└── myorg
├── register.go
└── v1alpha1
├── doc.go
├── register.go
└── types.go
My go.mod looked like
module myorg.com/myrepo
go 1.14
require k8s.io/apimachinery v0.17.4
Ran generate-group.sh. The -h flag specifies which header file to use. The -o flag specifies the output base which is necessary here because we're not in GOPATH.
$HOME/somedir/code-generator/generate-groups.sh all myorg.com/myrepo/pkg/client myorg.com/myrepo/pkg/apis "myorg:v1alpha1" \
-h $HOME/somedir/code-generator/hack/boilerplate.go.txt \
-o $HOME/somedir
Confirmed code generated in correct locations
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── pkg
├── apis
│   └── myorg
│   ├── register.go
│   └── v1alpha1
│   ├── doc.go
│   ├── register.go
│   ├── types.go
│   └── zz_generated.deepcopy.go
└── client
├── clientset
│   └── versioned
│   ├── clientset.go
│   ├── doc.go
│   ├── fake
│   ├── scheme
│   └── typed
├── informers
│   └── externalversions
│   ├── factory.go
│   ├── generic.go
│   ├── internalinterfaces
│   └── myorg
└── listers
└── myorg
└── v1alpha1
Go modules support https://github.com/kubernetes/code-generator/issues/57
Documentation or support for Go modules https://github.com/kubernetes/sample-controller/issues/47

Use drush-patchfile in DDEV environment

In Drupal 7 I use
to automatically implements patches when installing/updating module via drush. But in DDEV I don't know how to extend existing drush with drush-patchfile
As you can see on https://bitbucket.org/davereid/drush-patchfile section Installation, I need to clone the repository into
directory and that will append it to existing drush.
On another project without DDEV, I've already done that with creating new docker image file
FROM wodby/drupal-php:7.1
USER root
RUN mkdir -p /home/www-data/.drush && chown -R www-data:www-data /home/www-data/;
RUN cd /home/www-data/.drush && git clone https://bitbucket.org/davereid/drush-patchfile.git \
&& echo "<?php \$options['patch-file'] = '/home/www-data/patches/patches.make';" \
> /home/www-data/.drush/drushrc.php;
USER wodby
But I'm not sure how to do that in DDEV container.
Do I need to create a new service based on drud/ddev-webserver or something else?
I've read documentation but not sure in what direction to go.
Based on #rfay comment, here solution that works for me (and with little modification can works for other projects).
I've cloned repo outside of docker container; for example, I've cloned into
Create custom drushrc.php in the $PROJECT_ROOT/.esenca/patches folder (you can choose different folder)
# Location to the patch.make file. This should be location within docker container
$options['patch-file'] = '/var/www/html/.esenca/patches/patches.make';
Add following hooks into $PROJECT_ROOT/.ddev/config.yaml
# Copy drush-patchfile directory into /home/.drush
- exec: "ln -s -t /home/.drush/ /var/www/html/docker/drush-patchfile"
# Copy custom drushrc file.
- exec: "ln -s -t /home/.drush/ /var/www/html/.esenca/patches/drushrc.php"
Final project structure should looks like
├── .ddev
│   ├── config.yaml
│   ├── docker-compose.yaml
│   ├── .gitignore
│   └── import-db
├── docker
│   ├── drush-patchfile
│   │   ├── composer.json
│   │   ├── patchfile.drush.inc
│   │   ├── README.md
│   │   └── src
├── .esenca
│   └── patches
│   ├── drushrc.php
│   └── patches.make
├── public_html
│   ├── authorize.php
│   ├── CHANGELOG.txt
│   ├── COPYRIGHT.txt
│   ├── cron.php
│   ├── includes
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── index.php
│   ├── INSTALL.mysql.txt
│   ├── INSTALL.pgsql.txt
│   ├── install.php
│   ├── INSTALL.sqlite.txt
│   ├── INSTALL.txt
│   ├── LICENSE.txt
│   ├── MAINTAINERS.txt
│   ├── misc
│   ├── modules
│   ├── profiles
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── robots.txt
│   ├── scripts
│   ├── sites
│   │   ├── all
│   │   ├── default
│   │   ├── example.sites.php
│   │   └── README.txt
│   ├── themes
│   ├── Under-Construction.gif
│   ├── update.php
│   ├── UPGRADE.txt
│   ├── web.config
│   └── xmlrpc.php
└── README.md
At the end start ddev envronment
ddev start
and now you can use drush-patchfile commands within web docker container.
You can ddev ssh and then sudo chown -R $(id -u) ~/.drush/ and then do whwatever you want in that directory (~/.drush is /home/.drush).
When you get it going and you want to do it repetitively for every start, you can encode the instructions you need using post-start hooks: https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users/extending-commands/
Please follow up with the exact recipe you use, as it may help others. Thanks!

Configure Intellij Idea to import generated files

I'm having trouble to import a generated package with Intellij, however without any changes to the default settings it works on Eclipse.
Here is my architechture:
├── build.properties
├── pom.xml
├── README.md
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── java
│   │      └── mypackage
│   └── test
└── target
├── classes
│ └── mypackage
| └── generated
├── generated-sources
├── generated-test-sources
├── APP.jar
└── test-classes
I have most of my classes in com.mypackage however some of them are generated in
└── target
├── classes
└── mypackage
named as com.mypackage.generated and i have to use these classes in com.mypackage:
├── src
├── main
├── java
└── mypackage
However intellij cannot resolve symbol generated when I'm doing
import com.mypackage.generated
I tried to make it work by looking at the project structure/modules/dependencies menu but it seems to be for external modules. How can I do this ?
Actually it was very simple, I only was about marking classes as sources root. I don't know why marking generated as sources root did not work.

Gradle plugin packaging - Why is plugin unexpectedly applied?

So I have:
├── build.gradle
└── src
├── main
│   ├── groovy
│   │   └── build
│   │   ├── ExamplePlugin.groovy
│   │   └── ExampleTask.groovy
│   └── resources
│   └── META-INF
│   └── gradle-plugins
│   └── build.ExamplePlugin.properties
└── test
└── groovy
└── build
├── ExamplePluginTest.groovy
└── ExampleTaskTest.groovy
It seems like build.ExamplePlugin.properties maps directly to the build.ExamplePlugin.groovy. Is this the case? Seems terribly inefficient to have only one property in the file. Does it have to be fully qualified, i.e. does the name have to exactly match the full qualification of the class?
Now in the example, I see:
project.pluginManager.apply 'build.ExamplePlugin'
...however if I have that in my test, I get an error to the effect that the simple task the plugin defines, is already defined.
Why bother with test examples that require 'apply' when that is inappropriate for packaging?
