Unable to publish views or routes into my project directories - laravel

I just purchased a fresh Nova license and finished up with the installation. It's going all as expected besides some files/folders which I am unable to publish such as routes or views. There is a file(login.blade.php) stored inside the /nova directory which I want to modify the html/css but I am unable since the nova folder is stored inside the .gitignore. Also I want the routes as well to be published but no matter how much I searched there seems to be no answer. All help is appreciated


Change Laravel Web Tinker Public Files Directory - Prevent 403 Error on Saving

I love this little library - so helpful.
However, it places some of its css and js files in a vendor folder inside the public directory of Laravel. I've got a Vendor class and paths in several apps and so, when saving a new Vendor, it redirects 403 Forbidden due to the conflicted vendor folder in the public directory.
I can't go back and refactor just for this to work, much as I like it.
It comes with a publishable config file, but I don't see an option to change the path to these files to a location outside the vendor folder. I don't want to make changes to the Spatie files, as this would just be overwritten upon next update.
Am I missing something easy here? Any way to get around this?
There isn't currently a config setting that allows you to control this.
The line causing you grief is here - https://github.com/spatie/laravel-web-tinker/blob/master/src/WebTinkerServiceProvider.php#L29. It publishes the compiled assets, as you say, into the public/vendor folder.
If you do not want to refactor your existing work, you can:
PR/fork a change to add this as a config setting
Manually change it on your end (although this could easily break if you republsihed the assets ever

What is the better way to deploy laravel application in live server?

I am confused about the deployment of the laravel project in the live server.
I searched for this and found many solutions.
There are many processes to deploy laravel projects in a live server.
Someone suggesting to remove all files and folder from public folder
someone saying to change .htaccess etc.
What is the perfect way to deploy laravel projects in the live server?
If, I have to remove public folder then, why laravel included it?
If I have to copy .htaccess to root directory and need to change it.
Then why it is not used laravel as default. Would someone explain it to me, please?

Roxy fileman creates unknown_user directory

I'm working on a starter app and have a few users trialling it out.
I assembled it in Laravel 5.4, its a simple blogging and email tool for users that can write articles and email their subscribers.
I've had a few "fake users" but nothing majorly malicious mess with the site so far however, quite recently I'm noticing a folder appear in my uploads directory (where other users folders are stored with an id, ie usr123).
I keep seeing this folder appear called "unknown_user", I noticed it had malicious images with .php.jpg extension within it the first time so I deleted it. Now it just appears as an empty directory within my fileman uploads folder.
I keep deleting it, Its not relative to active existing users but it keeps coming back.
I've checked everywhere in the app and can't figure out how this is happening and can't find anything when searching online.
There are no frontend entry points either. any ideas?
I finally figured this out.
Fileman creates "unknown_user" directory when it can't find the user id from the
the users session.
Looking deeper fileman was publicly accessible via url so corrected my routes :)
Sorry if it seemed like an amateur question- I'm an amateur still learning.

laravel 5 showing directory structure in vps

I have installed Laravel 5 in my vps form the instruction given in the "http://laravel.com/docs/5.1" link. It installed successfully but when I go to http://myipaddress/laravel it showing me the directory structure. I had check my php.ini file also for the "mod_rewrite" and it is showing in the loaded package, so where I am going wrong.
Access the public folder. That's where all your output content goes. http://myipaddress/laraval/public/
One other thing. Don't name your project "laravel" as it may cause naming problems. Try to create a new project with a different name.

code igniter framework guidance for beginners

I am just a beginner in code igniter. I have just downloaded the code igniter framework. But i don't know that where should i keep my html, php files and stylesheets, images etc. Is there any procedure to do the things? Please guide me.
CodeIgniter has an awesome user guide that will come with the install you can read through (or read it online at - http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/ ), or you can watch some of the videos on their site - http://codeigniter.com/tutorials/
In comparison to most other frameworks you're going to find they have maybe the smallest learning curve and great documentation. I would also recommend learning basic PHP and getting familiar with your web environment maybe before beginning.
I used these tutorials to help get me started with the framework haven't look back since! http://net.tutsplus.com/sessions/codeigniter-from-scratch/
hi I am a weekend coder and picked up CI about a year ago.
It helped me a lot.
The best tutorial I found was on the IBM's developer site. It runs through putting together a simple application. Admittedly, there's nothing in it about directory and file placement but it helps cement ideas about how models, views and controllers (MVC), and why MVC is so helpful. Because the basic idea is quite simple, it's worth running through a simple CI tutorial again and again till you 'feel' or intuit the basic helpfulness of the setup.
Things like JS, CSS files can be kept in their own folders at the first level of your website folder e.g /js or /css or /images. You ask about PHP files as well. PHP files which you, the coder, write, are either 'views', 'models' or 'controllers'. These go in the folders with those names in the /application folder e.g /application/views/yourview.php or /application/controllers/yourcontroller.php. The CI install comes with a default view file and a default controller, which you are probably already aware of.
The files inside /application/config are important as well. Read the user-guide about tweaking these files. The most obvious tweaks are to database.php to connect to your db, autoload to give automatic use of CI helpers/libraries which you can choose, and to config.php to give CI the name of your website e.g the name you give to '/'.
The file 'index.php' comes with the CI installation (/index.php). You don't need to fiddle with it at all really except to determine the level of error reporting you want ('environment') and that's not a priority at all. But it's important to remember this about index.php - that CI uses it as the essential reference for defining paths to useful folders like CSS or images. So even if your view file is in /application/views, if it refers to an image like a logo.gif in /images for example, the path to it is just /images/logo.gif. It is not anything more complicated like ../../images/logo.gif.
I hope that helps.
Offline version of CodeIgniter user guide is available with CodeIgniter which already downloaded by you.
just extract your CodeIgniter zip file in your localhost server root directory,
Then http://localhost/www/CodeIgniter_2.1.2/user_guide/ open this url with browser ,here you can access offline version of CodeIgniter user guide.
Here I am using wamp server so I used this url, If you are using xampp server then please use http://localhost/CodeIgniter_2.1.2/user_guide/
Okay this is what I would usually do for code igniter
here is my directory structure.
CI App Path (e.g "c:\xampp\htdocs\ci_app_name" )
--css (new folder , where css files will be included)
--js (javascript and jquery libraries location)
Basic HTML and PHP files should be location
--views (this is where to put HTML and PHP files)
For other things such as Controller , Models and Views , you can't put any where but put in their related area.
That will be
CI app
