extend the duration/execution time of ansible command - ansible

- name: 'TASK 1: Debug'
- 'debug client <mac address>'
register: debug
i have this command and how can i keep this command running for about 5 minutes instead of ending it as soon as the command has been configured. Wanted to keep this command running so we can capture necessary logs in 5 minute duration

According the documentation of Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) Command Reference, there seems to be no sleep of wait there.
But according description of aireos_command you might be able to introduce additional parameters interval, match, and retries to achieve your goal.


ntpd -qg: Use with timeout

working on Pi3
Situation: only one server in /etc/ntp.conf is given and this given address is invalid (no NTP-Server running on that address).
Problem: running ntpd -qg does never end, since there is no timeout like in ntpdate -t 60.
Question: Can one specify a timeout for ntpd? If not, how can you assure the process ends after time x?
For now on startup the pi executes a bash-script that tries to get actual time from given NTP-Server in /etc/ntp.conf and then hangs in the process since there is no NTP-Server available on that address. So the process is running from start and i can't call another ntpd until the initial ntpd-process is killed.
Any work around?
PS: I would like not to use ntpdate since it is tagged as a retiring package
The RPi3 is located in an isolated network. Online NTP-servers are no option in my case.
There is a timeout command usually shipped with coreutils that allows you to set timeout on any command (even if it does not support it on its own). E.g.
timeout 60 ntpd -qg
To run run ntpd -qg and have it time out after 60s. If the command finished, you should get its return value, if the timeout intervened, you get 124.

Ansible ad-hoc command background not working

It is my understanding that running ansible with -B will put the process in the background and I will get the console back. I don't know if I am using it wrong, or it is not working as expected. What I expect is to have the sleep command initiate on all three computers and then the prompt will be available to me to run another command. What happens is that I do not get access to the console until the command completes (in this case 2 minutes).
Is something wrong, am I misunderstanding what the -B does or am I doing it wrong?
With polling:
Without polling:
There are two parameters to configure async tasks in Ansible: async and poll.
async in playbooks (-B in ad-hoc) – total number of seconds you allow the task to run.
poll in playbooks (-P in ad-hoc) – period in seconds how often you want check for result.
So if you just need fire and forget ad-hoc command, use -B 3600 -P 0: allow 1 min execution and don't care about result.
By default -P 15, so ansible doesn't exit but checks your job every 15 seconds.

running shell script with windows task scheduler

I currenty have a simple shell script that I created for a linux machine to be run using cron, but now I want to be able to run the file using windows task scheduler. I have tried to get it to work using cron for cygwin, but even after running cron-config successfully and ensuring that the shell script can be executed successfully, for some reason the cron task simply wasn't executing. So I decided to give in and use the windows task scheduler. In order to do this, I looked at the following posts about the issue:
Cgywin .sh file run as Windows Task Scheduler
in my case, the entry in the "actions" tab of the new task looks like this:
program/script: c:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe
arguments: -l -c "/cygdrive/c/users/paul/bitcoinbot/download_all_data.sh >> cygdrive/c/users/paul/bitcoinbot/logfile.log 2>&1"
start in: c:\cygwin64\bin
Notice that I redirected the output of the shell script to a log file, so that I should be able to see there whether the program run. Other than that, I simply edited the "trigger" tab to run the task daily, and set the time to a couple of minutes in the fture to see whether it ran successfully.
Alas, when I look at the detailed event history for the task, nothing changes when the trigger time passes. And when I manually "run" the task, the event history seems to add a few different events, but the task is completed within seconds, whereas this task should take over an hour (and it does when the shell script is executed directly from the terminal). And when I look for the log file that should have been created, there is nothing.
Does anyone have any idea what might be the issue here? How can I get my task to run properly at the trigger time, and how can I make sure it does so?
here are the pictures showing event history, as per Ken White's request.
Please ignore the fact that it says there are 24 events. These are from multiple separate runs of the task. The events shown here are a complete list of the events triggered by a single run.
Regarding my attempts to get cron to work, I have run into the following problem when I try to start the cron service using cygrunsrv. First of all, I tried to start cron by typing
cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron.exe -a -D
Now when I type
$cygrunsrv -Q cron
Service: cron
Current State: stopped
Command: /usr/bin/cron.exe
Now, I tried to start the cron service by typing
cygrunsrv -S cron
Cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus: Win32 error 1062:
The service has not been started.
Does anyone hae any idea what this error means? I tried googling it, but couldn't find any answers.

How to run a command that will reset the network interfaces in ansible?

I want to run a command on remote machine. The command will reset the network interfaces. How to run this in ansible playbook
- name: Execute config command
sudo: yes
shell: "mycommand"
async: 0
poll: 0
ignore_errors: true
The above task is not working consistently. Even I tried with async: 300, the same inconsistency is being observed.
You're likely running into a situation similar to the one I describe in this question. Depending on the command you are running (mycommand) the network connection is likely dropping very quickly, causing Ansible to think that the connection was dropped unexpectedly. When this happens it will cause Ansible to treat it as an error.
You likely want to modify mycommand to include a sleep for a few seconds before the reset occurs, and continue using async:0 and poll:0. This will give Ansible enough time to launch mycommand into the background and cleanly disconnect from the server without error before the server resets the network connection.
Depending on what your next task is you may also want to include a wait_for task that runs via local_action to ensure Ansible waits for this network reset to complete before attempting any other tasks.

Gammu: run on receive exit status 1

I'm trying to use gammu and gammu-smsd to send and receive sms with my raspberry pi using a Huawei intrnet key.
My problem is that when I send an sms from my phone to raspberry pi, it read the sms, it try to start the program linked at RunOnReceive = in /etc/gammu-smsdrcn file but then, it says: Process failed with exit status 1.
I tried any kind of solution but I'm not capable to solve this problem by my self; I've set each permission on the script.
Can someone help me?
Thank you a lot.
You no doubt have this sorted by now, but I have just been through the same trip, tore out a lot of hair and finally made it out the back .... :-)
I'm using a ZTE stick with wvdial for internet connection. The stick appears as modems on /dev/USBtty0, 1 and 2. wvdial uses USBtty2, so gammu (I think) has to use a different one.
So I installed gammu/gammu-smsd on USBtty1 in gammu-config and /etc/gammu-smsdrc. The receive daemon gammu-smsd fires up automatically on boot.
First trap for young players - if you want to send an SMS with
echo "whatever" | gammu sendsms TEXT xxxyyyzzzz (where the last is the phone no) - you need to kill the receive daemon for that to work ie
service gammu-smsd stop # kill receive daemon
echo etc etc gammu etc etc # send the SMS
service gammu-smsd start # revive the receive daemon
Now for the RunOnReceive thing ...
start with sudovi - gives some config file to edit. There's a line in there about pi BLAH-BLAH-BLAH as a sudoer. Duplicate it with gammu BLAH-BLAH-BLAH. Same BLAHs. Save it.
It's something to do with permissions - I'm not an expert here :-)
So my RunOnReceive line is { sudo /home/pi/procSMS.sh $SMS_1_TEXT }
The script didn't seem to know what $SMS_1_TEXT was, so I passed it through as a parameter - inside the script it's treated as $1. It works.
While testing I ran a process in another window - just tail -f /var/log/syslog which lets you watch it all in real time ...
I was getting the same error on Raspberry Pi in combination with Huawei E3131 (Process failed with exit status 1) but I solved it.
make sure you have file permissions set well. Gammu runs deamon under "gammu" user by default. So you can change it (/etc/init.d/gammu-smsd) to user who is already located in your system and has rights for executing the script. Or change script permissions by following: chmod 755 script.sh. It means you give execute rights to other users too.
In fact there is additional option. Run gammu deamon with parameter -U username. Unfortunatelly it did not work for me when I used root user.
PS: I would recommend to not to place the script inside /etc directory. Use /home directory instead.
turn on debuging in /etc/gammu-smsdrc. Use parameters: logformat and debuglevel in section smsd. Default log is located in /var/log/syslog. May be it helps you deeply localize the problem.
And the best at the end... I found that gammu returns the error even if it runs the script well! You have to write exit code inside you bash script. If you do not specify an exit code, gammu represents it as error 1. Add exit 0 in case of success in the end of the script and error message disappears.
