How to config laravel app subdomains in shopify? - laravel

I have an example domain named https:// in which I create a folder named ShopifyApp and in that folder create another laravel framework project named laravel1. If you want to run the laravel directory, you need to go to their public directory as
and when creating a new app we need to fill in the domain information as App Url: but the directory laravel can run is so my domain path information is
App Url:
and the path to validate Allowed redirection URL(s) :
after creating the app I see that in the frame just displayed is the path to and not the laravel directory. How can I properly point to the laravel path to create an app?
enter image description here
enter image description here
Best regards


redirect API requests to a different subfolder

I need help in creating a redirect.
Our Current Setup:
We have a mobile app that accesses the API via
We have moved to a new webserver and need the API path to stay the same.
On the new server, Wordpress lives at /var/www/html/ which resolves to and the Apache2 Document root
points to /var/www/html/
Laravel has been installed on the webserver at: /var/www/html/ which is one folder below the Document root
A symbolic link has been created in /var/www/ to point to /var/www/html/ so the Laravel App can be accessed by visiting:
Note: Another Symbolic link has been created for the laravel storage at /var/www/ which points to /var/www/html/
The new Laravel API endpoints are accessed at
The Question
We need to preserve one particular endpoint1, and have its route be:
Here is where I am confused. Since Laravel lives in and Wordpress lives at, how can we set up the .htaccess so that the laravel route in /var/www/
I am guessing I need some fanciful .htaccess in the Wordpress route at /var/www/html/

How to Change File Upload Path in Voyager

I have a application created using Laravel and Voyager Admin Panel when I run my application on localhost voyager uploaded image save in project/public/storage but when I deploye my Project to shared hosting voyager files uploading to project/storage/app/public so how can I fix this issue?
Then change your file system as below:
replace the first file ecosystem local to public
and then below down change your public disk URL location to storage/app/public or whatever you want.

How to make a url like

I am trying to make a URL like
but now there is an issue because Laravel contains an app folder in it so it is not becoming possible to make a url like this.
When I tried to make it I received this
you can change the folder name of app in laravel 5.
please see this thread for more information
How to Change App Folder Name in Laravel 5

Storing images in storage folder of laravel, and fetching it by a http request is not working

I have deployed laravel application in heroku. I am storing images in storage folder of laravel and trying to fetch it by defining a route. It was working well on local, but when i trying to do the same on server, then its not showing the images. I thought that storage folder is inside the laravel, so it should work fine, but its not working.
Can i store images in public folder by creating a named folder "gallery" inside that and put that gallery folder in gitignore. so will the gitignore folder be vanished when i will push the laravel project again?
Other options are using another file system. Most of them are paid, so i was thinking to save the images in database, is that the good idea or i should move to files only.
First of all, the storage directory should have right permission.
You should create a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public.
Create the symbolic link:
php artisan storage:link
You cannot save images in database, only their names or links etc. I implemented the same thing you did by naming the files to their path and storing that to the database and then using it to fetch the data from folder on sever

Laravel Spark prject links not working

How I create and run laravel spark project:
Create project using spark new myproject
set all required directory permissions
Since I am on live server I hit the public folder within the project.
The page display with two buttons 'Login' and 'Register'
When these buttons are clicked it jumps to the root directory, nothing works
Even if i hit the url like 'http://myip/myproject/register' the registration does not work.
What I am missing. please guide. I can't create virtual host.
You're using wrong web server configuration. You web server is pointed to a root directory where Laravel project lives.
You need to point it to a public directory which is inside Laravel project and restart web server.
After that use normal URLs without public in it.
Correct nginx and Apache settings for Laravel 5
