I tried to make my device vibrating using the Windows.Devices.Haptics class.
Unfortunately it does not return any vibration device. The value is always null, although my device has a vibrator.
I tried it with:
Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationAccessStatus vibState = await Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationDevice.RequestAccessAsync();
if (vibState == Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationAccessStatus.Allowed)
Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationDevice vibrator = await Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationDevice.GetDefaultAsync();
The code enters the if sequence, as the access status is allowed, but vibrator is null.
I also tried with:
Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationAccessStatus vibState = await Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationDevice.RequestAccessAsync();
if (vibState == Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationAccessStatus.Allowed)
IReadOnlyList<Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationDevice> devs = await Windows.Devices.Haptics.VibrationDevice.FindAllAsync();
as I thougth, there is no default vibrator requesting by GetDefaultAsync, but the list is empty.
I thought, there is a permission rule to enable the vibrator, but I tried with some of them without success. I also read some post and all of them say, there should be no permission rule allowed in the manifest.
So I don't know what's the problem.
In my xamarin.forms app. I am using xamarin.Essentials to check and request permissions. I can check whether a permission is granted or not in android. The problem I am facing is when user clicks "Deny and Don't ask again" the status still shows Denied. How can we know whether user selected Deny and Dont ask so that I can show a warning message according to that. Any help is appreciated.
For check and request permission in Xamarin.Forms you could also use the plugin Permission.Plugin from nuget .
The option Deny and Don't ask again will only appear when you deny the request the second time . However , there is no such a specific status to tag it .
As a workaround , we could define a custom property to save the time that we deny .
int DenyCount = 0;
private async void FabOnClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
var status = await CrossPermissions.Current.CheckPermissionStatusAsync<LocationPermission>();
if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted)
if (await CrossPermissions.Current.ShouldShowRequestPermissionRationaleAsync(Permission.Location))
//await DisplayAlert("Need location", "Gunna need that location", "OK");
status = await CrossPermissions.Current.RequestPermissionAsync<LocationPermission>();
if (status == PermissionStatus.Granted)
//Query permission
DenyCount = 0; // reset the value of DenyCount
else if (status == PermissionStatus.Restricted)
//location denied
Xamarin.Essentials provides a method for detecting whether the user has clicked to "don't ask again". You can check if a dialog should be shown by calling ShouldShowRationale:
var canAskAgain = Xamarin.Essentials.Permissions.ShouldShowRationale<Permission_Type>();
var didCheckDontAskAgain = !canAskAgain;
If this is true, that means the user did not click "Deny and Don't Ask Again".
Also, note that on Android 12 (and maybe 11, not sure), if you click "Deny" mulitple times, Android assumes that you mean "Don't ask again". The user may never explicitly check that option, but it may be inferred by Android.
I am currently working on Flashlight On/OFF. I am getting this error java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service I don't know why this error is occurring. I referred to many solutions but my problem was still not solved. When flashlight is on, the error does not occur but when the flashlight is off then the error occurs.
My Code Main Code.
My Manifest permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus"/>
I had the same issue that none of the answers here solved, so after solving it I am adding my way of solving it. This applies to new android versions that support setting permissions per app (since Marshmallow, 6.0). The permission for camera could be disabled and should be enabled from the app settings.
Settings -> Apps -> [Your App] -> Permissions
More info about this here: http://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting.html
I also saw this error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
while experimenting with a flashlight app. Turns out that I was a bit sloppy with my permissions and copied them into the body of the application block in the manifest.xml file. So you REALLY need to obey the syntax as documented in:
Otherwise the app will fail with service connection failure on the Camera.open() call. It should look like this based on your permissions in the question:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus"/>
Make sure your permission and feature list is contained only in the manifest section, and not buried in the application section!
try this...
static Camera camera = null;
declare it on top.
if(clickOn == true) {
clickOn = false;
camera = Camera.open();
Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters();
remoteViews.setViewVisibility(R.id.button1, View.GONE);
remoteViews.setViewVisibility(R.id.button2, View.VISIBLE);
localAppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(componentName, remoteViews);
} else {
clickOn = true;
camera = null;
remoteViews.setViewVisibility(R.id.button1, View.VISIBLE);
remoteViews.setViewVisibility(R.id.button2, View.GONE);
localAppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(componentName, remoteViews);
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.e("Error", ""+e);
This problem may arise in android 6.0 if you didn't enable camera permission for your app. As from Android 6.0 you can handle the app permission weather you will give or not specific permission for an application.
So, you need to enable permission from settings->apps->your_app->enable camera permission if its not already enabled.
If your os version is 6.0 or later version try this, hope this will help.
public class RequestUserPermission {
private Activity activity;
// Storage Permissions
private static final int REQUEST_EXTERNAL_STORAGE = 1;
private static String[] PERMISSIONS_STORAGE = {
public RequestUserPermission(Activity activity) {
this.activity = activity;
public void verifyStoragePermissions() {
// Check if we have write permission
int permission = ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(activity, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
if (permission != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
// We don't have permission so prompt the user
RequestUserPermission requestUserPermission = new RequestUserPermission(this);
if you try to open the camera using a cameraID that does not exist, you will receive that same error (java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to Connect to camera service)
look at your code at this block
camera = null;
Call release() to release the camera for use by other applications. Applications should release the camera immediately in onPause() (and re-open() it in onResume().
In above code imediately after release you are putting null to camera
Hi i hope you are dealing with a torch kind of app or something related to flash and there were many discussions went on this before and here are some useful links and tutorials to achieve your need, please go through them hope they may help you
How to turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android?
You need to stopPreview() and release() once you came back from camera,
so that other application can able to access it. Make the "Camera" class as static and refer it as null in onPause(). This resolves my Issue.
Try it out:
public class CameraPhotoCapture extends Activity{
static Camera mcamera = null;
protected void onPause() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (mcamera != null) {
mcamera = null;
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "releaseCamera -- done");
protected void onResume() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (mcamera != null) {
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "openCamera -- done");
The simple answer I can find to this problem is I was not asking for camera permission to the user, and that's why by default camera permission was not available to my app on Marshmallow devices. I simply added permission check for the camera before starting the camera and everything works fine.
private boolean checkPermission() {
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(getApplicationContext(),
android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
return true;
return false;
Check the camera permission at runtime, and request the permission if it has not be granted. It works for me.
if (checkPermission()) {
} else {
new String[]{android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA}, REQUEST_CAMERA_PERMISSION);
Try to use this line, when you're exiting the app :
I just got a code of an Flashlight app from somewhere. It was using System.exit(0) to close the app. I removed it, knowing that this is not a good practice. Then I started to receive these errors. I tried the solution of the accepted answer, but then I started receiving some other errors. So, instead of solving them I just put this System.exit(0) line back. And, it started working fine. I know this is not a good way, but for a small flashlight app, you can try this quick solution.
Set the Required permission in Mainfest file.
Ask the Permission to accept the Camera.
It will work for me
If all your code is ok, you should check are there any other application using your camera. Then you should close other application that currently using your camera.
In my android peoject has the same issue. This is my Logcat error
03-29 19:26:04.194 224-608/? V/EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera:
getCameraInfo 03-29 19:26:04.196 224-224/? I/CameraService:
CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "com.proitzen.staffapp", camera ID
1) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1 03-29 19:26:04.196
224-224/? W/ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.CAMERA from uid=10067 pid=1776 03-29 19:26:04.196
224-224/? E/CameraService: Permission Denial: can't use the camera
pid=1776, uid=10067 03-29 19:26:04.196 1776-1776/com.proitzen.staffapp
W/CameraBase: An error occurred while connecting to camera 1: Service
not available 03-29 19:26:04.200 1776-1776/com.proitzen.staffapp
D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
No any above solutions worked for me. My android app worked in physical android devices and gave the above error only in Genymotion.
Solution : start your Genumotion emulator
Settings --> Apps ---> choose your App --> Permissions --> enable camera and Mic and storage.
I've created a sample app Share extension. Followed the Apple guides, which means my project consists of a main app and a "share extension" target.
I've setup my Facebook SDK inside the main app, since the app's settings has some FB login/status functionality. It works well according to expectation: users can login and do some shares.
But I also want the logged-in user to be available to the extension target itself. When my extension comes up (in any app), I check Facebook's login status in viewDidLoad:, and it outputs "not logged in":
if ([FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]) {
NSLog(#"logged in");
} else {
NSLog(#"not logged in");
The same code outputs "logged in" if called from within the main app. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the extension target has a different bundle ID that looks like this: .suffix and I guess FB SDK is trying to read the user ID off the keychain cache, but maybe it's reading it off the wrong keychain due to the different bundle IDs... But it could be other reasons as well I guess.
Any idea how to keep Facebook SDK "logged in" inside the extension after the login itself occurred in the containing main app?
I have the exact same problem, as I develop a Message Extension App with a Facebook Login.
To solve the problem, I put the Login Button in the App and use the shared UserDefaults (with a group name) to store a property :
* Get / sets if is FB connected (because we can't use FB SDK in Extension)
public var isFacebookConnected : Bool {
get {
// Getting Bool from Shared UserDefaults
let defaults : NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.init(suiteName: "MY_GROUP_NAME")!
let isFBConnected : Bool? = defaults.boolForKey("IsFacebookConnected")
if isFBConnected == nil {
return false
} else {
return isFBConnected!
set {
// Setting in UserDefaults
let defaults : NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.init(suiteName: "MY_GROUP_NAME")!
defaults.setBool(newValue, forKey: "IsFacebookConnected")
This property is accessed from the App or from the Extension.
Then, in my Login / Logout methods I add :
func loginButton(loginButton: FBSDKLoginButton!, didCompleteWithResult result: FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult!, error: NSError!) {
if let error = error {
if result.isCancelled
// Set in Shared UserDefaults if connected / not connected
ConfigManager.sharedInstance.isFacebookConnected = true
func loginButtonDidLogOut(loginButton: FBSDKLoginButton!) {
// OK, keeping track
ConfigManager.sharedInstance.isFacebookConnected = false
Then, I keep track of my flag when login / logout.
Warning : this method is not bullet proof as I can't know if Facebook has been uninstalled, but it is robust enough for me.
I believe you'll need to take advantage of Keychain sharing capability in the app and extension to solve this.
As far as I have understood, if you register a periodic task to deal with your WP7 live tiles, it will not update more than once every half hour. However, I would like to update the data the background agent works on every time the user exits the app.
My scenario is that I have a live tile displaying the first entry in a planner - and depending on what the user does within the app, that planner might get its entries deleted or have a new one up front. To have the live tile present outdated info is not very appealing.
Is this possible - and if so, how to?
I dont know if this is what you are looking for.
My app updates livetiles when the user exits the app. But then I have had problems such as, if the user does not open the app for few days then it does not get updated.
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
ShellTile PrimaryTile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
StandardTileData tile = new StandardTileData();
if (PrimaryTile != null)
tile.BackTitle = resMan.GetString("liveTileTitle");
tile.BackBackgroundImage = new Uri("/Background.png", UriKind.Relative);
if (pCycMan.GetStartDate() == pCycMan.GetDefaultDate())
tile.Title = resMan.GetString("liveTileNotTrackingStatus");
tile.Title = App.m_liveTileText;