Quicksight Lookup Values in Another Table - reporting

Below is example of I have a table called account which is the user. The user is in an organization but we only store the org id.
What I'm currently doing is using an calculated field and the ifelse function but there are a number of other areas with a lot of entries so a lot of work to create all these calculated fields.
Is there a smarter way to do this?

The best way to do this is to add a join between the 2 tables.
Add both datasets (user and orgs)
In the user dataset, use the "add data"
Select the org dataset
Use a join and it will look something like this:
You are probably past this point by now but at least an answer is here now


Laravel models, database and pivot tables question

Hello I am working with Laravel,
I have to create two simple models, let's say Stores and Books.
Stores can have one or multiple Books and Books can belong to many Stores.
Of course I will use a many to many relationship, with a pivot table.
Books the can have different prices depending the store.
I think a separate table can only complicate things, in my mind the pivot table associating books and stores should have a price column, but pivot tables only contains store_id and book_id.
Should I create a book_prices and associate it with books and to stores? What is the best approach?
You are free and able to set other attributes on your pivot table. You can read more about it in the docs.
You have to define the relationship accordingly, the following should clarify how this works. In this example you use the many-to-many relationship and add the price column to every retrieved pivot model.
public function books()
return $this->belongsToMany(Book::class)
For example, you are able to access the pivot column in a loop like this
foreach ($shop->books as $book)
echo $book->pivot->price;
You can define additional columns for your pivot table in the migration for the pivot table, and then when defining the relationship use withPivot to define the additional columns so they come through in the model:
return $this->belongsToMany(Book::class)->withPivot('price');
(Adapted from the Laravel documentation, see https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/eloquent-relationships#retrieving-intermediate-table-columns)
Depends on the complexity of your case, but yes, you have two options for it. Let's say that the pivot table is called as book_store:
Directly adds price column to book_store. This is obviously the simpler option. The drawbacks are:
The history of the price changes isn't logged. You'll have to create another table for logging if you want to keep this history information.
Changes made to price will directly change the price of the related book_store record. Meaning that a price is being updated "live" e.g users cannot update the price now but "publish" it some time later just like this example in the doc.
Create a new, different table to store the price. This may seems relatively more complex, but it may also be more future-proof.
Basically, you get 2 things that you miss in the first option above.
Don't think too much about book_store being a pivot table. One way to see it is like this: book_store IS a pivot table from books and stores tables viewpoints, but it's also just a normal SQL table which could relate to any other tables using any kind of relationships.
If you want to implement this, make sure to create a primary-key in the book_store table.
Alast, it all depends on what you need. Feel free to ask if you need more insight about this. I hope this helps.

How to model an OLTP audit table in dimensional schema?

We have an audit table which we get from OLTP system, it records any activity done by the user including if he downloaded some attachment, or read some note or written some note , or any change for an incident etc.How do we include these audit table activity in our dimensional model for incident management system(IT service management)?
On a simple level, which is all I can provide based on the level of detail in the question, is to look at your audit table and decide which categories of audit you want to be a dimension. Perhaps there are audit_type, user_type, and audit_subtype fields or something like that? Also, typically you have another field called a "measure" or "quantity", which is typically used for stats on numerics, to support aggregate functions. For example, you might typically have store_id, product_cat as categorical dimensions, but roll up sales$ as min,max,avg,stdev grouped by different date types like month, quarter and other dimensions. If your data is purely categorical by date, then COUNT() is usually used as a calculated measure.
You really just need to decide how you want to be able to drill up and drill down though the data, which categories matter, and which quantities matter. Once you decide that, create a flat table with FKs to lookup tables. A star schema is simply a fat table with a bunch of lookup tables floating around it like a star.
Hope this helps

How to store different type and number of fields in one database table?

Hello everybody I'm making a "Bulletin board", like this: http://stena.kg/ad/post, I'm using Laravel 5.0, and don't know how to store different fields in database table, for example if I choose "Cars" category I should to fill Mark, Model, Fuel (etc fields for cars category), If I choose Flats category I should fill fields like Area, Number of rooms etc...How to organize all of this? I tried some ideas but nothing helped me(
Try to save data as json in table. Parse json format to string and save it in db, but it will cause many problems in future, so not recommend that solution. I recommend to store data in separate tabels, each one for category. For optimise process it is possible to create catregory table, and category_item table with fields like name, description and so on. Different category demands sp=ecific fields, so best solution is to create table per category.

How do I obfuscate a column in a Hive view?

I have created a view for a table as:
CREATE VIEW anonymous_table
AS SELECT id, value FROM sensitive_table
and would like the id field of sensitive table to be obfuscated somehow, like an MD5 hash or something similar so that people querying the view can't see the actual id. What is a good way to do this in Hive?
Some options:
Don't include ID in your view at all:
CREATE VIEW something AS SELECT "HIDDEN ID", value from sensitive_table;
If you still need there to be a distinct key available for each record, you could write a UDF to do whatever transformation you like:
ADD JAR mycode.jar;
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION hash as 'com.example.MyUDF';
CREATE VIEW something as SELECT hash(id), value from sensitive_table;
BONUS: Seeing as your users can just look at the sensitive table anyway, you could hash the IDs before they arrives in hive? This is probably the best option honestly.
Either way, if you're processing the ID's, having a stable hashing function would be what you need if people still need to rely on the ID's for joining / aggregation, etc.
Here is the link to how to create a UDF

Adding a custom member to a mapped type

I'm using Linq 2 Sql and I'd like to add a custom member on one of my data type. For example: I have tables Companies, Departments and Employees. Departments has a FK in Companies and Employess has a FK in Deparments. Very simple.
My goal is to add an EmployeeCount property on Company that will, of course, returns the number of employee in the company (by suming the number of employee in company's departments).
As you may know, it's really trivial to do: just add a member on the partial class and do the stuff. The problem is, I now want to sort on this custom member.
How can I write this custom member for Linq to be able to translate the logic into a valid SQL orderby? I tried with a SPROC but did not success.
Any help appreciated!
I guess your may need to add this column to your schema, in order for SQL server to recognize it and take in under consideration in his optimizations.
I would have add a trigger that will update this column automaticly upon changes on your data.
