Multi-threaded multi GPU computation using openMP and openACC - openmp

I'm trying to write a code that will port openmp thread to a single gpu. I found very less case studies /codes on this.Since I`m not from computer science background.
I have less skills in programming.
This is how the basic idea look's like
And this is the code so far developed.
!$omp parallel num_threads(acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_nvidia))
do while (
id = omp_get_thread_num()
call acc_set_device_num(id+1, acc_device_nvidia)
!!$acc kernels
!!$omp do
!$acc kernels
!!$omp do
do j=2,nj-1
!!$acc kernels
do i=2,ni-1
T(i,j)=0.25*(T_o(i+1,j)+T_o(i-1,j)+ T_o(i,j+1)+T_o(i,j-1) )
!!$acc end kernels
!!$omp end do
!$acc end kernels
!!$acc update host(T,T_o)
do j=2,nj-1
do i=2,ni-1
error = max( abs(T(i,j) - T_o(i,j)), error)
T_o(i,j) = T(i,j)
!!$acc end kernels
!!$acc update host(T,T_o,error)
iteration = iteration+1
print*,iteration , error
!$omp end parallel

There's a number of issues here.
First, you can't put an OpenMP (or OpenACC) parallel loop on a do while. Do while have indeterminant number to iterations therefor create a dependency in that exiting the loop depends on the previous iteration of the loop. You need to use a DO loop where the number of iterations is known upon entry into the loop.
Second, even if you convert this to a DO loop, you'd get a race condition if run in parallel. Each OpenMP thread would be assigning values to the same elements of the T and T_o arrays. Plus the results of T_o is used as input to the next iteration creating a dependency. In other words, you'd get wrong answers if you tried to parallelize the outer iteration loop.
For the OpenACC code, I'd suggest adding a data region around the iteration loop, i.e. "!$acc data copy(T,T_o) " before the iteration loop and then after the loop "!$acc end data", so that the data is created on the device only once. As you have it now, the data would be implicitly created and copied each time through the iteration loop causing unnecessary data movement. Also add a kernels region around the max error reduction loop so this is offloaded as well.
In general, I prefer using MPI+OpenCC for multi-GPU programming rather than OpenMP. With MPI, the domain decomposition is inherent and you then have a one-to-one mapping of MPI rank to a device. Not that OpenMP can't work, but you then often need to manually decompose the domain. Also trying to manage multiple device memories and keep them in sync can be tricky. Plus with MPI, your code can also go across nodes rather than be limited to a single node.


last warp loop unrolling in Nvidia's parallel reduction tutorial problem

I ran into a problem for understanding the logic behind "the last warp loop unrolling" technique in Nvidia's parallel reduction tutorial available here.
In case of thread31 (for which tid=31), before unrolling the loop:
this thread only executes these operations:
sdata[31] += sdata[31+64]
sdata[31] += sdata[31+32]
But after the loop unrolling (as shown below):
The condition if(tid < 32) becomes true for thread31 and the warpReduce function will be executed for it and therefore all these operations which wouldn't be executed in the unrolled loop version will be executed now:
sdata[31] += sdata[31+32] //for second time
sdata[31] += sdata[31+16]
sdata[31] += sdata[31+1]
What's the logic behind it?
sdata[31] += sdata[31+32] //for second time
No, that's not the case, it doesn't get executed a second time. The loop terminates when the s variable is shifted right from 64 to 32, and the body of the loop is not executed for s=32. Therefore the above statement is not executed during the body of the loop, because that would imply s=32, which is excluded by the loop termination condition.
Now, on to your question. It's true there is a behavioral difference between the two cases, however the only result that matters at the end is sdata[0] and this behavioral difference does not affect the results calculation for sdata[0]. So the only thing left would be "does it matter for performance?"
I don't have an answer for you, but I doubt it would make a significant difference. In the non-warp-reduce case, at each loop iteration there is a shift-right operation on a register variable, followed by a test, followed by a predicated set of shared memory instructions. In the warp-reduce case, there is some extra shared memory load/store activity and add arithmetic, but no shift arithmetic or testing per reduction step.
With respect to the extra load/store activity, the only portion of this that matters is the portion that will reach "above" the warp range (i.e. 0-31). There is extra shared loading activity going on here. The extra store activity and extra add arithmetic is irrelevant, because constraining these operations to less than a single warp is not any better performance-wise (this point is covered in the presentation itself, "We don’t need if (tid < s) because it doesn’t save any
work"). So the only consideration here is the once-per-step "extra" read of shared memory, one additional transaction, basically, per step. Against that we have the shifting, conditional test, and predication.
I don't know which is faster, but my guess as to the "logic" would be:
The difference would be small. Shared memory pressure is unlikely to be an issue at this point in this code.
The person who wrote it either didn't consider this at all, or considered it and decided it was probably so trivial as to be not worthy of cluttering a presentation that is really focused on other things, and will be read by many people.
EDIT: Based on comments, there appears to still be some question about my claim that the behavioral difference does not affect the results calculdation for sdata[0].
First, let's acknowledge that the only item we care about at the end is sdata[0]. sdata[1] or any other "result" is irrelevant for this discussion.
Let's make an observation about which thread calculations matter, at each step. We can observe that at a given step in the final-warp reduction, the only threads that matter (i.e. that can have an effect on the final value in sdata[0]) are those that are less then the offset value:
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + offset]; // where offset is 32, then 16, then 8, etc.
Why is this? In order to understand that, we need to understand 2 things. First, we must understand at this point that there is an expectation of warp-synchronous behavior. This is already identified in the presentation (slide 21) as a necessary precondition to convert the loop reduction to the unrolled final warp reduction. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on the definition of warp-synchronous, but it essentially means we are depending on the warp to execute in lockstep. A warp is 32 threads, and it means that when one thread is executing a particular instruction, every thread in the warp is executing that instruction, at that point in the instruction stream. Second, we need to carefully decompose the above line to understand the sequence of operations. The above line of C++ code will decompose into the following pseudo-machine-language code that the GPU is actually executing:
LD R0, sdata[tid]
LD R1, sdata[tid+offset]
ADD R3, R2, R1
ST sdata[tid], R3
In english, at each step in the final warp unrolled reduction, each thread will load its sdata[tid] value, then each thread will load its sdata[tid+offset] value, then each thread will add those 2 values together, then each thread will store the result. Because the warp is executing in lockstep at this point, when each thread loads its sdata[tid] value, it means that every thread is loading its respective value, at that instruction cycle/clock cycle, i.e. at that instant.
now, lets revisit the overall operation. At the point in the sequence where we have:
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + 16];
how can we justify the statement that the only threads here that matter are those whose tid value is less than the offset? The first thing each thread does is load sdata[tid]. Then each thread loads sdata[tid+16]. So at this point, threads 0-15 have loaded their own value, plus the values from locations 16-31. Threads 16-31 have loaded their own value, plus the values from locations 32-47. Then all 32 threads perform the addition, then all 32 threads perform the store operation. So thread 16, which also picked up the value from location 32, did not update the location 16 value until after the previous value at location 16 had been consumed (by thread 0 in this case). So the behavior of threads 16-31 at this point have no impact on the value computed for thread 0.
We can repeat the above process to show that for each offset, the threads whose indexes lie at or above the offset have no impact on the calculation for thread 0.

What is the best general purpose computing practice in OpenCL for iterative problems?

When we have a program that requires lots of operations over a large data sets and the operations on each of the data elements are independent, OpenCL can be one of the good choice to make it faster. I have a program like the following:
while( function(b,c)!=TRUE)
[X,Y] = function1(BigData);
M = functionA(X);
b = function2(M);
N = functionB(Y);
c = function3(N);
Here the function1 is applied on each of the elements on the BigData and produce another two big data sets (X,Y). function2 and function3 are then applied operation individually on each of the elements on these X,Y data, respectively.
Since the operations of all the functions are applied on each of the elements of the data sets independently, using GPU might make it faster. So I come up with the following:
while( function(b,c)!=TRUE)
//[X,Y] = function1(BigData);
1. load kernel1 and BigData on the GPU. each of the thread will work on one of the data
element and save the result on X and Y on GPU.
//M = functionA(X);
2a. load kernel2 on GPU. Each of the threads will work on one of the
data elements of X and save the result on M on GPU.
(workItems=n1, workgroup size=y1)
//b = function2(M);
2b. load kernel2 (Same kernel) on GPU. Each of the threads will work on
one of the data elements of M and save the result on B on GPU
(workItems=n2, workgroup size=y2)
3. read the data B on host variable b
//N = functionB(Y);
4a. load kernel3 on GPU. Each of the threads will work on one of the
data element of Y and save the result on N on GPU.
(workItems=n1, workgroup size=y1)
//c = function2(M);
4b. load kernel3 (Same kernel) on GPU. Each of the threads will work
on one of the data element of M and save the result on C on GPU
(workItems=n2, workgroup size=y2)
5. read the data C on host variable c
However, the overhead involved in this code seems significant to me (I have implemented a test program and run on a GPU). And if the kernels have some sort of synchronizations it might be ended up with more slowdown.
I also believe the workflow is kind of common. So what is the best practice to using OpenCL for speedup for a program like this.
I don't think there's a general problem with the way you've split up the problem into kernels, although it's hard to say as you haven't been very specific. How often do you expect your while loop to run?
If your kernels do negligible work but the outer loop is doing a lot of iterations, you may wish to combine the kernels into one, and do some number of iterations within the kernel itself, if that works for your problem.
If you're getting unexpectedly bad performance, you most likely need to be looking at the efficiency of each of your kernels, and possibly their data access patterns. Unless neighbouring work items are reading/writing neighbouring data (ideally: 16 work items read 4 bytes each from a 64-byte cache line at a time) you're probably wasting memory bandwidth. If your kernels contain lots of conditionals or non-constant loop iterations, that will cost you, etc.
You don't specify what kind of runtimes you're getting, on what kind Of job size, (Tens? Thousands? Millions of arithmetic ops? How big are your data sets?) or what hardware. (Compute card? Laptop IGPU?) "Significant overhead" can mean a lot of different things. 5ms? 1 second?
Intel, nVidia and AMD all publish optimisation guides - have you read these?

OpenMP Fortran Particle Method Speed Decrease

In trying to optimise some code I find that using OpenMP linearly increases the time it takes to run. The representative section of code that I am trying to speed up is as follow:
CALL system_clock(count_rate=cr)
CALL system_clock(count_max=cm)
rate = REAL(cr)
DO k=1,ntotal
DO k=1,niac
i = pair_i(k)
j = pair_j(k)
dvx(:,k) = vx(:,i)-vx(:,j)
CALL omp_set_lock(locks(i))
CALL DGER(dim,dim,-1.d0, (disp_nmh(:,j)-disp_nmh(:,i)),1, &
(dwdx_nor(dim+1:2*dim,k)*V_0(j)),1, particle_data(i)%def_grad,dim)
CALL DGER(dim,dim,-1.d0, (-dvx(:,k)),1, &
(dwdx_nor(dim+1:2*dim,k)*V_0(j)) ,1, particle_data(i)%vel_grad(1:dim,1:dim),dim)
CALL omp_unset_lock(locks(i))
CALL omp_set_lock(locks(j))
CALL DGER(dim,dim,-1.d0, (dvx(:,k)),1, &
(dwdx_nor(3*dim+1:4*dim,k)*V_0(i)) ,1, particle_data(j)%vel_grad(1:dim,1:dim),dim)
CALL DGER(dim,dim,-1.d0, (disp_nmh(:,i)-disp_nmh(:,j)),1, &
(dwdx_nor(3*dim+1:4*dim,k)*V_0(i)),1, particle_data(j)%def_grad,dim)
CALL omp_unset_lock(locks(j))
t_el = t_el + (c2-c1)/rate
WRITE(*,*) "Wall time elapsed: ", t_el
Note that for the simulation I am testing k=14000 which I thought was a reasonable candidate for running in parallel. So far as I know I have to use the locks to ensure that threads which are given the same value of "i" (but a different value of "j") cannot access the same index of the arrays which are being written to at the same time. I cannot figure out if the version of BLAS (sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev) which I use is thread safe. I ran a simulation with 8 cores and got the same result as without OpenMP so I am guessing that it could be. BLAS is used, in this case, to calculate and sum the outer product of many 3x3 matrices.
Is the implementation of OpenMP above the best way to speed up this code? I know very little about OpenMP but my guesses are that:
the memory being all over the place ("i" is sequential but "j" is not)
the overhead in starting and closing down all the threads
the constant locking and unlocking
and maybe the small loop size (although I thought 14000 would be sufficient)
are significantly outweighing the performance benefits. Is this correct? Or can the code above be modified to get some performance gain?
I should probably add that the code above is part of a time integration loop. Hopefully this explains why the elapsed time is summed.

Why loop is so faster?

The following loop in fortran almost takes no time
do i=1,1000000000000000000
end do
But I just don't understand, our cpu is about GHz, which means 10^9 cycle in a second, while the above loop cycle is way too much than 10^9, why it almost takes no time?
It seems that the values is not computed at compiled time. We can add outer loop, until
do m=1,1000000000
do i=1,1000000000000000000
end do
end do
Now it takes a second on my computer
I am using windows, intel parallel studio 15, with no extra compilation option: simply ifort test.f90. Timing method is simple, just wait after I press Enter in command line to execute the .exe
don't know fortran, but if this would be C, the compiler could optimize the above code removing the loop altogether as the value of j can be computed at compile time.
So the above code would be reduced to
print 1000000000000000000
Your logic about cycles and instructions is flawed. Modern CPUs parallelize code on hardware level, even if the code is serial:
a cpu has more a few ALU who can compute arithmetic instructions in parallel
instructions are executed in a pipeline, so at any one point, different stages of consecutive instructions are executed in parallel.
So "max of one instruction per cycle" doesn't hold.
Also increment by one is one of the fastest instruction in the CPU.

Parallelising only inner for loop

I have a for loop which takes around 16 ms to execute and it is executed conditionally under another for loop for 500 times.
Serial code format is like this:
//Outer for loop
//read some entity
//some conditions
// some function calls
// some nested function calls
// inner for loop
for (j=0;some condition;j++){
// work on the entity read in outer for loop
I want to parallelize the inner for loop. Is it possible by making use of OpenMP to reduce the time required to execute inner for loop by 40% and hence the total time required to run the serial code?
I want overall time reduction to execute the code. Paralleizing outer for loop is not possible in my case since the code is written to read only one entity at a time to work on
it in the inner for loop.
Please help.
Openmp can paralellize such small tasks. i have done this once to do a 5x5 kernel filter on 30 fps video.
You should test what the best granularity is. If you divide the task in two, you have the least overhead, but you limit the paralelism. If the granularity is too high, loop ovrhead gets bigger, and you could be writing to adjacent memory locations from different cores, which ruins cache performance.
In my example above, I divided the image in scanlines, each of which was computed sequentially. This worked fine.
